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Found 3,099 results

  1. sundog

    Laziness, guilt, and dread

    Hi Cedybug I just had sleeve surgery on October 3. I told my husband to just come and visit me after the surgery. I got dropped off at the hospital by a friend. Personally.. I didn't feel like i wanted a lot of people around me. But a few hours of post surgery help were useful, especially for getting showered and dressed, and taking tiny walks. I was a bit short of breath and had a hard time talking to people. The pre-op diet was not as bad as I thought, although it was certainly the toughest part so far (except for pain meds for me). I got the "keto-flu" on the second day and it lasted for another two days, with headaches and a bit of grumpiness and miserableness. Just like the flu. Honestly, after two days I didn't feel hungry at all, although I seemed to think about food a lot and dream about food. But the dramatic drop in carbs does amazing things to the body! I haven't thrown up or felt nauseated once. I was bloated and did a big happy dance when I had my first post-op poo. Yay! I am not hungry at all and its an incredible feeling of freedom. I haven't had any social occasions to deal with yet, but I think I will just order some broth or skim milk. It will be enough. I know I will get some odd looks which is why I'm avoiding any socializing for as long as possible. I'm not sure if my story helps you.. but the takeaway is that the pre-op nerves and diet were worse for me that immediate post-op, and they weren't even really that bad. I'm really excited about the changes to come. If you have come this far, and taken all the right counselling steps, you are probably ready.
  2. Not sure about what your post op diet looks like. My surgeon was very clear and laid out a very simple eating plan. Specific meal sizes that were initially all chicken, steak, fish.....then at 6 months begin adding crunchy vegetables. So....by definition....it's a keto diet to begin with so there is no other strategy for me but to follow the normal post op diet. Stalls are what occur when I don't.
  3. FluffyChix

    Ketosis - getting desperate...

    Patience grasshoppah! I agree with Tea. Go back to do one thing at a time. Go back to your old way of eating LC or Keto or whatever you choose to call it. You are likely hungry with it cuz you're keeping fats pretty low. Maybe up your fats and see if it helps with satiety? But when I say "up" them, I'm not talking fat bombs or desserts, or lots of added dietary fat. I'm talking about: 1. Switch from boneless skinless breasts to breasts with the skin. Or switch to thighs. Or eat beef pot roast. Or eat pork shoulder. These cuts naturally have more fat in the meat and so have more calories and are more satiating. Also if you are only eating 2oz per meal (by weight) of protein, try eating 3oz. if you are eating 3oz per meal, try eating 4oz. until you hit your daily protein goal. If you hit your goal easily and go over on protein...then you may need to look at re-apportioning your protein/veggie serving size to fit your macros. I'd add a small salad with vinaigrette to each meal if that happened. I rarely eat more than 3oz per meal cuz I don't need the extra protein. 2. Eat 1-2oz by weight of al dente veggies. Add 1tsp of fat to them (avo oil, evoo, coconut oil, butter, ghee, animal fat) or add up to 1oz avocado, or 1/2oz by weight of nuts/seeds. 3. Eat 3 meals per day. Try not to snack. If you are hungry allow a snack composed of these (choose one): a. String Cheese b. Hard Boiled Egg c. 1oz dense dry protein. This will put you in ketosis big time by the end of about 4 days. You will lose 2-4lbs of water from it as your liver dumps glycogen and the attached molecules of water it holds. Then do that for a month and don't worry about it. That's your new diet. As your pouch matures, you will need to revise it to add more fat/calories to your day, or continue to choose more fat dense meats/dishes. If you are struggling with weight loss, I would stick to this and I would avoid calorie dense complex meals such as casseroles, stews, gooey, cheesy stuff. I'd stick to clean meats, healthy fats, al dente veggies. Hope that helps! Congrats on your losses!!!!! Don't stress, don't worry! For me eating in maintenance is longer than 2months with no loss on the scale or by the tape measure. For me a stall is 3 weeks without a change on the scale or by the tape measure. Other people have different definitions.
  4. I know I saw a thread that mentioned Keto somewhere but I would like to start a new one. I just found this amazing Keto food list and was wondering if anyone has had any success with this new lifestyle change after RNY. Please give me your experiences. Keto Food list
  5. momof3_angels

    pre packed meals snacks breads

    My doctor/nutritionist do not want me to ever eat any product that contains yeast. Not sure why yeast specifically, but I know they do not want me to have most breads and similar products. They also do not want me to have any rice and only limited portions of wheat pasta. I CAN however eat 6-10 whole wheat crackers, so I am using that as my "bread". I think I am going to just have to do my best to do a mostly keto"ish" diet. I also just ordered cheese crisps to substitute crackers and add a little protein in their place. Not sure how I will like those yet. Ordered a variety so maybe I can find something tasty. Pre-packaged food: I am going to do my best to avoid all processed pre-packaged food. It usually isn't very healthy for you. But, if I do need something quick and easy I am not opposed to using them occasionally. But instead of frozen meals, I will try to get some fresher versions from local delis. Haven't tried the bariatric site meals, but I did buy some bariatric soups for after surgery.
  6. Okay..confession! I brush my teeth twice a day and use mouthwash and i chew gum a lot...and yet my poor hubby has been complaining that my breath smells....GROSE! No matter what i do..ever since the second day of this pre op diet.. i have had the nastiest taste in my mouth and my breath smells like i was a dog in my past life... So how do you deal with this Keto breath? Any thoughts on what to try? Short of chewing gum till my jaw hurts.
  7. Arabesque

    Still feeling nauseous

    Two years out & yep I do. Probably more I want to lie down versus nausea now often coupled with my restriction kicking in. It can happen when I go out to eat & eat a little too quickly or if I’m not fully hydrated. Sometimes it’s when what I’m eating isn’t sitting well. Had lunch with a fellow sleever this week & after lunch we both groaned & said I need to lie down. Quite funny actually. We both had an all day keto breakfast. I had some bacon for the first time in ages & I think it set me off. She said the last bite did her in.
  8. I'm not really sure that is a pretty unique situation and honestly most people here don't strive to maintain ketosis or even know what it means. You could ask some of the keto groups on Facebook or try /r/keto on reddit. Also I would try a 3 day fat fast, Google it. Or an egg fast and see if that jump starts things.
  9. starladustangel

    regret not doing this sooner

    I totally understand wishing you'd had the surgery early. I've always been a painfully slow loser due to PCOS and it's so frustrating to see people losing 25+ pounds the first 2 weeks while I lost 15 and am hitting the 3 week stall early. If one more person says something about "well people with a higher starting weight lose more" to me I will scream. I was 282 on the day of surgery. That's a pretty damn high weight. I had someone tell me my weight loss on the pre op diet was "slower than keto" and I laughed because I've never had rapid weight loss on keto and my pre op weight loss was exactly the same to the amount I lost on keto in the same time. I wish I'd had surgery at a lower weight so my goal didn't seem so far away.
  10. kaynga

    Pre-op diet issues

    I think it was like keto flu. Good news is after 3 days it's stopped. Thank you for your advice everyone!! It helped a lot. Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Medowsweet

    Health expert panel ranks diets

    I have done a lot of research on diets (as most obese ppl have, I suspect) and what I find is, from Keto to Vegan to Paleo to Weight Watchers they all have something in common: 1) avoid sugar 2) avoid refined grains and other highly processed carbs 3) avoid processed food and fake food even if it has no carbs (hot dogs, diet soda, etc) 4) eat whole food as close to nature as possible 5) eat your veggies! Beyond that there is a ton of variations and different things work for different people
  12. I’ve been drinking lots of water. Also I’m hypothyroid so the nutritionist has me on lower carb but not keto. Do you think resistance would be better than cardio? Just worried about gaining weight due to muscle. Just wondering how to make sure I weight the lightest I can at my weigh ins. What did you do to lose the weight? Thanks so much for your help.
  13. Kooky1

    ketogenic/keto diet

    I was on a keto diet months before I had surgery. There are a few forums on reddit dedicated to keto and they are great sources of information. You may want to research cyclical keto which allows for periodic carb increases for those who do heavy lifting. This is something many body builders do.
  14. FluffyChix

    Am I a 'recovered' morbidly obese person?

    Congrats! That is fantastic and inspiring. I don't know that I can help you explain why. But my philosophy is that once we're obese, we're always gonna be "recovering obese". Why? Cuz we've got all those hungry hungry fat cells and internal hormones and thoughts and even guts that want to get us back to obesity. I think maintenance is something unique to each of us according to the amount of brokeness?? But you're basically keto which is a great way to maintain. And you have a carb up day/meal. NBD. Keeps you healthy. Glad you can enjoy fats!!
  15. myfanwymoi

    5 years out

    I'm two and a half years out - went down to about 114 but was really too thin. Then went up to 140 and definitely wasn't happy. My problem is very definitely sugar and carbohydrates. I'm a sober alcoholic (8 years this time out, and before the four year break (divorce + stupidity = relapse) was 22 years. Bu the point is that for me sugar is a drug and the insulin response I get from any processed carb works in pretty much the same way. So I've been working on killing sugar and processed carbs, plus grains and simple starches like potatoes, along with most fruit apart from small amounts of low GI berries over the last six months or so, trying various things. What have I learned: I can't do anything in moderation that isn't real food (by which I mean protein and fat and small amounts of carb appearing in leafy veg etc. This, alongside intermittent fasting (Dr Jason Fung is great on this) has begun to make a real change. Because it's not really about the losing weight for me now, although I want to lose about 15lbs still and it's beginning, It's about the need to be healthy, not to be constantly sickened by food, not to be constantly obsessed with food and to find a long term sustainable solution that allows me to get on with my life. Still hoping to cross addict onto exercise but that hasn't happened yet! Funnily, the post op diet which led with protein and allowed the veg and carbs in if there was room is closest to where I am now. I fast 16/8 - it varies but the average seems to be about 17/7. This is comfortable and I have loads of energy. Only been doing it a week properly and the keto for about a month but I was struggling with the macros and counting. Keeping it simple now. Be interested to hear if anyone is doing similar. What I would say is that my level of trust for something that doesn't involve someone trying to sell me special foods, vits, supplements, meal plans, exercise regimes is naturally quite high! Everything I need to do IF successfully if available for free. I like free! Actually - and again I'd be interested in people's thoughts here, I wish I'd discovered this and worked it pre-op. But hey, can't turn back time! Thanks all - this was a bit lonnnggg - sorry!
  16. Hello. I’ve had some success on keto and Atkins type diets in the past and I am curious how they work post op and more than a little nervous to start it up again now since they are basically higher fat and my past probs there...plus I’m only two months + post op. Lil backstory- I had my gallbladder taken out 11/2016 and a year later my body still hasn’t made up its mind on how to process fats (mainly dairy, meat based fats are tolerable) Some days I can totally tolerate minimal dairy (like in my morning coffee or some meat wrapped cheese/pickle meals). Other days I take one sip of my AM coffee and I bolt straight to the bathroom & for the rest of the day- this is low fat, whole milk, half and half or even full on heavy cream. I literally can drink/eat FULL fat one day and get the intestinal freak outs the next! I don’t get it! I had VSG on 10/31/2017 (2.5 mos) and still struggle having dairy back into my diet since I’m pretty much experiencing the same thing. Now I make my one morning coffee with chocolate Premier Protein shake and do OK but still struggle with any other dairy...cheese, low fat sour cream, yogurt...but I WANT TO COOK WITH THIS STUFF! PLUS I NEED THE CALCIUM. Ricotta bake- HELLO! I want to be able to eat that without excusing myself from the table after one bite. Can I do a modified Keto and/or Atkins type eating program that allows me to eat lower fat (mostly dairy) type foods and still be satisfied and lose weight? Maybe less fat and more protein? Is there something like that- toss in some whole greens maybe? I’m earnestly trying and reaching out for help so please don’t give me arrogant attitude. I enjoy most of you but geez the power trips here are sometimes too much...kinda like the trots I get lately many thanks and so much love and appreciation to all of you that offer kind supportive suggestions...Tess
  17. OutsideMatchInside

    Recommended grams of carbs and sugars?

    @@Cassie111 I also have a book, with all kinds of nutritional information and outlines, but besides limits on the amount of sugar in Protein shakes that is allowed, there are no carb recommendations. I am below 25 net carbs most days, and always below 50. You have to find a way of eating that works for you. I eat low carb leaning towards keto. I eat this way because I enjoy it and it is sustainable for a lifetime for me.
  18. I just found this & I haven't get the chance to try any of them yet but I thought they might help someone. pumpkin Protein shake This is a wonderfully decadent way to get in your protein! Spicy, creamy and icy-thick.…milkshakes never had it so good! 1/4 cup pumpkin puree 1 cup skim milk or soymilk 1 scoop vanilla Protein powder (such as Matrix Simply Vanilla) 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice (or 1/4 t. cinnamon, 1/8 t. cloves, 1/8 t. ginger) 2 tablespoons Splenda Granular 1/4 cup Cool Whip or NSA Vanilla yogurt 1 cup ice cubes Place pumpkin, milk, protein powder, spices, Splenda, cool whip or yogurt, and ice cubes in blender container; process until slushy. Makes one Meal Replacement serving. Per Serving: 230 Cal; 28 g Protein; 5 g Tot Fat; 13 g Carb; 1 g Fiber; 2 g Sugar; 115 mg Sodium Mocha Shake 1/4 cup coffee flavored 1 scoop Matrix Simply Vanilla protein powder 4 cubes ice Maui 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder (20 grams protein) ice cubes 1 fresh pineapple spear banana PROTEIN NOG 1 scoop Matrix Simply Vanilla protein powder 1 cup skim milk A one inch chunk of banana 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg 1/2 teaspoon vanilla Place all ingredients in blender and process until smooth. Banana/Peanut Butter Shake (12 grams protein) 8 ounces fat-free milk 1 tablespoon creamy Peanut Butter 1/4 - 1/2 banana Blend until smooth in blender. Orange Dreamsicle (28 grams protein) 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder (20 grams protein) 1 scoop (individual serving) sugar-free Sunrise Orange Crystal Light powder 8 ounces skim milk Alternatives: substitute 4 ounces milk; substitute 4 ounces yogurt for 4 ounces milk; add 1/2 tsp. orange zest to shake. Sunrise Smoothy 1 scoop vanilla protein powder banana (peeled) 1 carton Low Carb Vanilla Yogurt 1 tablespoon Splenda 4-5 frozen strawberries Mix in blender until smooth Cherry Vanilla 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 4-5 cherries Mix in blender until smooth Peach 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1 cup Crystal Lite peach tea 4-6 frozen peach slices 4 ice cubes Mix in blender until smooth Strawberry-Lemonade 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 4-5 frozen strawberries 4-5 ice cubes Mix in blender until smooth Cherry Vanilla Coke Float 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 4-5 cherries Mix in blender until smooth Apple Pie Frosty 1 1/2 scoops vanilla protein powder 1 apple, peeled, cored, and sliced (or 1/2 C no-sugar-added applesauce) 2 packets Splenda 1/2 t cinnamon 1/4 t nutmeg 3/4 C Water 8-10 ice cubes Blend thoroughly and drink up Butterscotch Pecan liquid Pie 2 scoops ProScore 100 vanilla 8 oz cold water 2 T sugar free butterscotch pudding mix 4-5 ice cubes 1/4 C pecans Blend protein powder, water and pudding mix. (The pudding mix thickens the liquid considerably). Add ice cubes and blend till ice slivers. Add pecans and blend again for a few seconds. Pour into nice huge parfait glass and enjoy. (about 300 calories). Cherry Vanilla Protein Shake 1 scoop vanilla powder 1/2 cup SF cherry yogurt 4 ice cubes splash water vanilla extract (to taste) cherry extract (to taste) Put all of it in a blender and hit liquify! Enjoy Choco Mint Shake 1 1/2 scoops HDT 5+1 chocolate protein powder 1 packet sugar free hot chocolate mix 1 teaspoon mint flavoring 1/2 cup of soy milk 1/2 cup of water 6 large ice cubes Put all ingredients into blender And mix to desired consistency. Serve cold. Chocolate Almond Shake 2 scoops ProScore 100 chocolate 1 cup of soy milk 2 T Sweet N Low chocolate syrup 1 t almond flavoring 1/4 cup of almonds 6-8 ice cubes Blend all ingredients, Except almonds and ice cubes, Then add nuts and cubes and blend again Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter De-Lite 3/4 c. cold water 1/4 c. Toasted Marshmallow s/f syrup 2 scoops PS IOO Chocolate Protein Powder 4 packets. equal 1/2 small banana 1T. low sugar Peanut Butter 1T. s/f White Chocolate Instant Pudding Mix Put everything in blender And whirl till smooth. Scrape down sides if necessary And whirl some more. Chocolate Banana smoothie 1/2 cup banana Fat-Free NutraSweet Sweetened Yogurt 1/2 cup Non-fat Milk 1/2 cup ripe banana peeled and sliced Dash of Vanilla 1 Scoop Chocolate Protein Powder of Choice Put all ingredients except ice in blender, Blend until smooth. Add ice and blend To give it a frozen smoothie consistency. Chocolate Coconut Shake 2 oz Coconut Milk 6 oz Cold Water 2 scoops Chocolate protein powder 1 tsp Chocolate or Banana Sugar-Free pudding Hand Shake well. Chocolate Covered Banana 1 scoop Chocolate Isopure 1/2 c 1% milk splash of sugar-free chocolate syrup 1/2 banana 4 maraschino cherries 2 handfuls ice Blend Chocolate Covered Cherry Shake 1 1/2 scoops HDT 5+1 chocolate protein powder 1 cup soy milk 2T Sweet N Low chocolate syrup 10-12 cherries - (no pits please) 8-10 ice cubes Put all ingredients into blender And mix to desired consistency Chocolate Frosty Shake 1 rounded scoop Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex Chocolate Protein Powder 1 rounded tsp. fat free sugar free French Vanilla International Coffee 1 rounded tsp. fat free Creamora (non-dairy coffee creamer powder) 10 ice cubes Use a blender to get a shake-like consistency Chocolate Fudge Shake 2 scoops ProScore 100 chocolate 2 T chocolate fudge sugar free pudding mix 8 oz water 5 large ice cubes, tiny silver spoon (optional) Blend ProScore, pudding and water, add ice cubes, Blend till crushed with ice slivers still un-melted, Pour into insulated cup (makes about 16 oz) And eat it with a tiny silver spoon. Chocolate OrangeSicle 1 1/2 scoops ProScore 100 chocolate 1/2 Scoop OrangeSicle protein powder 8 oz water Shake very well Chocolate Peanut Butter Death 2 scoops PS100 Chocolate Protein Powder 8 oz Cold Water 2 tsp Chocolate SF Pudding Mix 1 packets Splenda 1 Generous splash (probably 1 1/2 ounces) of SF DaVinci Peanut Butter Syrup 1 Generous splash (probably 1 1/2 ounces) of SF DaVinci Cookie Dough Syrup 1 Heaping Tablespoon (Daloop) of Fat Free Cool Whip Light 1 Heaping Teaspoon of Reduced Fat Creamy Peanut Butter approx. 6 oz of crushed ice Mix until entirely smooth - pour - sit back and enjoy pure indulgence Chocolate Peanut Butter Shake 1 scoop chocolate protein powder 1 tbs. peanut butter 1 cup skim milk 2 handfuls ice Blend thoroughly Chocolate Raspberry Shake 2 scoops ProScore 100 chocolate 8 oz water (or skim, lactaid or soy milk) sugar free raspberry syrup Blend and enjoy Chocolate Vanilla Swirl 1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder splash Vitamite splash water ice Blend thoroughly Chocolate-Banana Shake 1 scoop chocolate protein powder 1/2 banana 1 cup skim milk 2 handfuls ice Blend thoroughly. Hint: if you can't use a banana, Try banana extract...tastes good! Coco Loco 1 1/2 scoops 100%Whey Vanilla Protein powder 4 oz Vitamite 6 packets Splenda splash Luzianne Peach Mango Ice Tea flavoring 2 drops Coconut extract 2 drops Pineapple extract 5 ice cubes Blend and chop ice thoroughly Cookies & Cream Splash of Cookies & Cream coffee Splash of Vitamite Splash of water 1 tsp. Sugar Free DaVinci Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Syrup (optional) 1/3 scoop ProBlend 55 Mocha/cappuccino 1/3 scoop Pro V60 Chocolate Thunder 1/3 scoop Pro V60 Vanilla ice Blend Creamy Peach Melba 6-8 frozen peach slices 4-6 oz water 1 tbsp peach mango Luzianne Tea Flavor 1 tsp DaVinci Raspberry flavor 2 packets splenda 1 tbsp heavy cream 2 scoops Keto Peaches & Cream Protein Powder Blend peaches, Water, flavorings, & splenda until liquid. Add protein powder. Drizzle in cream last. Blend well. Donna's Delicious Protein Smoothie 6 to 8 oz sunrise orange crystal light (premade) 3 ice cubes 3 frozen raspberries 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder Optional: tablespoon of light cool whip Mix crystal light with the ice cubes and frozen raspberries, Add the scoop of vanilla protein powder And mix only for a few seconds (mixing the protein too much causes it to foam) Double Chocolate Fudge ½ cup skim milk 1 packet, no sugar added hot cocoa mix 1 scoop Chocolate protein powder 4 ice cubes or 1 cup crushed ice Mix in blender. Vanilla 1 scoop of Vanilla HDT 5+1 vanilla 1 cup of soy milk 4-6 large ice cubes Put all ingredients into blender and mix to desired consistency. Serve cold. Elvis IS IN MY KITCHEN RIGHT NOW making a PB & J Milkshake 2 scoops ProScore Vanilla Protein Powder 1 Tbsp. vanilla sugar-free instant pudding 8 oz cold water 1 Tbsp or to taste berry, raspberry or peach (or other) sugar-free syrup 3-5 ice cubes 1 Tbsp. crunchy peanut butter Combine the protein powder, Pudding, and sugar-free syrup into blender And blend for 30 seconds. Add 3-5 ice cubes, blend until ice slivers, Add crunchy peanut butter, Blend for a few seconds. Pour into 16 oz glass. Eat with a small silver spoon, savoring each spoonful. Frappachino 1 tbs. instant coffee or a splash of cold coffee 1 scoop chocolate or vanilla protein powder 2 handfuls ice 1/2 cup skim milk blend thoroughly. Frappucchino On-the-Go 1/2 can Blue Luna light _mocha (or Starbuck's light Frappachino brand) 1 scoop chocolate protein powder Shake in Blue Luna can and pour over ice. Fruit Freeze cup skim milk (substitute water if you don't do milk) 1 scoop unflavored protein powder 5 strawberries, frozen, no added sugar 2 peaches, frozen, no added sugar cup pineapple, canned, (or Lite syrup) 4 ice cubes or 1 cup crushed ice) Mix in blender. Fruit Smoothie 4 fresh strawberries frozen and sliced 1/2 fresh banana frozen and sliced 1 scoop Vanilla or strawberry protein powder of choice Put all ingredients except ice in blender And blend until smooth. Add ice and blend until frozen smoothie consistency. Fudgesicle 1 1/2 scoops chocolate protein powder 12 oz cold water 10 packets splenda 1 sugar free fudgesicle 1/2 oz DaVinci sugar free vanilla syrup 6 ice cubes put all ingredients except protein into blender- blend on high until no more pings from ice on blades- turn down blender until top of mixture is moving but not splashing-add protein-replace cover and whirl- but not too high or it will puff up to about 40 oz! Good Morning Smoothie 1 small banana 3/4 cup skim milk 1/2 cup non-fat sugar free strawberry yogurt 1/4 cup fresh squeezed orange juice 1 scoop vanilla protein powder of choice Put all ingredients except ice in blender and blend until smooth. Add ice and blend until frozen fruit smoothie consistency. Iced Mocha Latte 2 scoops ProScore 100 chocolate, leftover cold coffee (decaf Hazelnut) 1 T fat free sugar free vanilla pudding mix a splash of sugar free hazelnut coffee syrup and a few ice cubes Blend Light and Dark Symphony 1 scoop ProBlend 55 Mocha Cappuccino splash coffee splash water ice Blend thoroughly for light symphony; for dark symphony add 1 tbs. white chocolate SF syrup and blend Luscious Pina Colada 2 scoops ProScore 100 vanilla 2 T vanilla sugar free pudding mix dash of coconut flavoring dash of pineapple flavoring ice Blend and enjoy Mango Morning Smoothie Juice of 1/2 of a fresh lime 2oz cold water meat of 1 mango small piece fresh ginger 1 tsp vanilla extract (or almond extract) 7-8 ice cubes 2 scoops ProScore Vanilla Blend lime juice, cold water, meat of mango, ginger and vanilla extract until smooth. When blended, add 7-8 ice cubes, one at a time until blended. Add ProScore Vanilla protein powder one scoop at a time while blender is still moving. You can substitute soy milk instead of water and soy ice cubes instead of plain ice, but you will need to watch calories with those substitutions. Ginger & Cinnamon 2 scoops ProScore 100 Chocolate a few good sprinkles of cinnamon small piece FRESH ginger 6-8 ice cubes Blend on low, then on high. Add about 6-8 ice cubes, one at a time chuck each one HARD into the blender while blending. Blend until creamy. Old Fashioned Vanilla Ice Cream Shake 1 1/2 scoop GNC 100% Whey Vanilla Protein Powder 4-5 packets of Splenda 1 capful DaVinci's Sugar-Free Vanilla Syrup 5 oz Vitamite lots of ice cubes Blend syrup, Splenda, and Vitamite together. Add protein powder; blend until mixed. Add Ice and blend until chopped well. Orange & Cream Shake 8 ounces (or less if you wish) Stewart's Diet Orange & Cream Soda splash Vitamite 1 scoop ProV60 Vanilla Cream protein ice blend extra thoroughly to get rid of all of the carbonation Orange Banana Smoothie 1/2 cup cold water 1/2 cup pulp free OJ 1/2 banana sliced 1 rounded scoop Keto Shake Orange Creme protein powder 1 rounded scoop Keto Shake Banana Creme protein powder 1 cup ice Blend all ingredients except ice until smooth. Add ice, blend until smoothie consistency. Orange Julius 8 oz non-fat plain yogurt 1 can (6 oz) Frozen Orange Juice Concentrate 2 1/2 cup skim milk 1 Tsp vanilla extract 2 scoops Protein Powder of your choice Put ingredients in blender, blend until smooth, fruit smoothie consistency. Orange Julius Got Nothing On Us Smoothie 2 Scoops ProScore 100 vanilla 6 oz water 1 T sugar free vanilla pudding mix 1/4 c real orange juice (preferably hand squeezed with pulp, or from store with pulp) 1 t good vanilla flavoring 3-4 ice cubes Blend all ingredients except ice cubes. Cold water will cause pudding mix to thicken. Add ice cubes and blend till ice slivers. Pour into tall glass and use straw to sip, dainty, a little at a time, really taste it. Don't guzzle (grin) Peach Creamsicle 6 oz Crystal Lite Peach Tea 2 tablespoon SF Instant Vanilla Pudding 1 scoop Vanilla Protein Powder 6 packets Splenda ice cubes Blend thoroughly Peach and Strawberry Yummy 3 slices frozen peaches (or 1/2 frozen banana) 3 good sized frozen strawberries 1/4 - 1/2 cup water 1 packets Splenda 1 rounded Vanilla protein powder Blend Pina Colada Smoothie 8oz can refrigerated crushed pineapple in natural unsweetened juices 1 Tsp coconut flavoring 1/2 cup crushed ice 1 packet artificial sweetener 1 scoop vanilla protein powder of choice Combine in blender and blend for 2 minutes on high Pineapple Vanilla Ginger Shake 1/2 SMALL COLD pineapple enough cold water to blend small piece of fresh ginger 5-6 ice cubes 2 scoops ProScore 100 Vanilla Protein Powder cinnamon and fresh mint In a blender pineapple, enough COLD water to blend, and ginger. Blend until smooth. Add 5-6 ice cubes, 1 piece at a time and blend until creamy. Add 2 scoops of ProScore 100 Vanilla while blender is in motion (OK to substitute different brand). Pour into a brandy glass, sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on top and add a piece of fresh mint. Snicker splash Snicker doodle coffee splash Vitamite splash water 1 scoop chocolate protein powder ice Blend thoroughly. Don't have Snicker doodle coffee? Substitute regular coffee, SF hazelnut syrup and the SF cinnamon sugar. This one is excellent!!!! Snickers Candy Bar splash chocolate caramel coffee splash Vitamite splash water 1 tsp peanut butter or SF peanut butter syrup chocolate protein powder ice Blend thoroughly. Don't have chocolate caramel coffee? SF caramel syrup, SF chocolate syrup (optional) if you want even more of a chocolaty taste. Strawberry Berry Berry 1 scoop of Strawberry Pro Blend 55 4 strawberries (frozen or fresh) 1/4 cup of blueberries 1 cup of cranberry juice 1 cup ice or crushed ice Put all ingredients into blender and mix to desired consistency. Serve cold. Strawberry Chocolate Milk 2 Scoops Strawberry Carb Solutions Carnation Fat Free Hot Cocoa 14 ounces water Mix in blender with ice for a "shake" or shake inshaker for a more milky consistency Strawberry for Protein Dummies 10 frozen strawberrys 1/2 small banana 1 scoop (23g) Biochem's Ultimate LO Carb Whey (Natural Flavor) 8 oz Water 1/3 cup Carnation Nonfat Dry Milk Splenda to taste *Note: I found the protein by going to a local health food store and asking for a whey protein with the LEAST taste and that mixed easily into water* Tropical Breakfast Smoothie 1 cup fresh cut-up strawberries 8 oz pineapple chunks in natural juice 1 fresh banana sliced 1/2 cup cholesterol free egg product 1 scoop vanilla protein powder of choice Put all ingredients except ice in blender, blend until smooth, add ice and blend to frozen smoothie consistency. This recipe yields more than one serving Two Berry Delight 1 cup frozen or fresh strawberries 1/2 cup raspberries 1/2 cup water 1 cup ice 1 packet of sweetener 1/2 cup milk 1 cup orange juice Vitamins or protein powder Put all ingredients except ice in blender and blend until smooth. Add ice and blend to give it a frozen smoothie consistency Vanilla Butterscotch 8 oz cold water 2 scoops vanilla ProScore 1T butterscotch sugar-free pudding 4 ice cubes 1 T vanilla sugar free pudding 4-5 ice cubes blend it all, and let it set up a little, and it tastes all custardy. Vanilla Chai Vanilla protein powder 8 oz iced Chai tea (made from tea bag and refrigerated) dash of cinnamon little Splenda splash of soy milk Blend and enjoy Vanilla Frosty 1 1/2 scoops HDT 5+1 vanilla protein powder 1/2 to 1 container Dannon Fit and Light yogurt (any flavor) 3/4 c water or soy milk 10-12 ice cubes Blend in blender until the consistency of a Wendy's frosty Vanilla PB Fruity 2 scoops ProScore 100 vanilla 1 T sugar free vanilla pudding mix 8 oz water, 1T or to taste berry or raspberry or peach or other sugar-free syrup (0 calories) 3-5 ice cubes 2 t peanut butter-crunchy kind Blend before adding peanut butter, add peanut butter and blend again till ice slivers. Note: (if you put in too many ice cubes, it will dilute the peanutty taste)... Vanilla Spice Freeze 2 scoops ProScore 100 vanilla 2 T vanilla Sugar Free pudding mix pinch of cinnamon Blend, store in freezer until it gets thick. Yummmmm Vanilla vanilla citrus 2 oz of refrigerated water 1/4 lime, (including rind) cut up in about 4-6 pieces Piece of fresh ginger to taste About 1/2 t. vanilla Blend. 45 Chuck in about 6 cubes, one at a time, till dissolved, add 2 scoops of ProScore 100 Vanilla, swirl in a little cinnamon, while still blending. Add all except ice, ProScore and cinnamon. Blend. Add remaining ingredients and blend again. White Chocolate Mouse Mocha Frappachino splash Vitamite splash water 1 scoop PB55 Mocha Frappachino 1/2 tsp. SF Jell-O White Chocolate Mouse Pudding handful of ice Blend thoroughly Peanut Brittle Protein Shake 2 scoops vanilla protein powder 2 tbsp sugar-free instant butterscotch pudding mix (dry) 1 tbsp natural peanut butter (smooth or chunky) 8 oz. water (or low-fat milk) 3-6 ice cubes Add all ingredients to blender, whip, and serve. I like to use chunky peanut peanut butter and add it last so that it it stays chunky (like peanut brittle) but it tastes just as good with a smoother consistency. Cinnamon Roll Protein Shake 2 scoops vanilla protein powder 1 tbsp sugar-free instant vanilla pudding 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp imitation vanilla (or 1/4 tsp extract) 8 oz. water (or low-fat milk) 3 ice cubes Add all ingredients to blender, whip, and serve. The Hulk Protein Shake 2 scoops vanilla protein 1 tbsp sugar-free pistachio pudding mix 1 mint leaf or a few drops peppermint extract (optional) 8 oz. cold water (or low-fat milk) 3-5 ice cubes Add all ingredients to blender, blend, and pour into cup. This tastes great without the mint so don't worry if you don't have it around. Instant Breakfast 1/2 cup milk skim 1 package of carnation instant breakfast 1 scoop of protein 4 ice cubes Blend Strawberry Instant Breakfast 1cup skim milk 1 packet of instant breakfast 1 scoop protein 1/2 cup frozen strawberries blend 45 seconds Mocha Instant Breakfast SF Carnation Instant Breakfast 2c. NF low carb milk 1 tsp decaf coffee 1/8 tsp cinnamon 1/2 scoop protein powder Mix until smooth This gives you 38g of protein! Chocolate Fudge Shake 2 scoops ProScore 100 chocolate 2 T chocolate fudge sugar free pudding mix 8 oz water 5 large ice cubes, tiny silver spoon (optional) Blend ProScore, pudding and water, add ice cubes, Blend till crushed with ice slivers still un-melted, Pour into insulated cup (makes about 16 oz) And eat it with a tiny silver spoon. Berry Berry Smoothy 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1 cup skim milk (or 1% milk) 1 cup frozen fruit medley Mix in blender until smooth Banana Mocca 8 oz milk (carb countdown, 2%, or whatever you use) 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1/2 banana 1 tbsp. instant coffee Ice Blend Chocolate-Banana-Coffee Shake 1/2 tsp coffee (I dont like coffee) 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup water 1 scoop chocolate protein 1/2 banana then I hit blend... Lemon Strawberry Yogurt Smoothie 1 cup nonfat vanilla yogurt 1 scoop unflavored protein powder 1 1/2 cup strawberries 1/2 cup crushed ice 1/2 tsp. lemon zest Combine all in blender until smooth. Colossal Cranberry Smoothie Serves: 2 1 1/2 cups lite Cran-Raspberry Juice 2 cups frozen mixed berries 1 1/2 cups nonfat vanilla frozen yogurt 2 scoops unflavored protein powder Put all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie 8 oz skim milk 1/3 small banana 1 tbsp natural peanut butter 2 packets of splenda 5 ice cubes 1 scoop unflavored protein powder (Could use chocolate if you wanted a choco banana PB smoothie) In blender combine milk, banana, peanut butter and sweet n' low. Add ice cubes and pulse. Double Berry Smoothie 1 cup vanilla or plain low-fat yogurt 1 ripe banana, peeled and broken into pieces 1/4 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen 1/4 cup blackberries, fresh or frozen 1 scoop unflavored or vanilla protein powder Chocolate Peanut Butter Supreme: (Lean Mass Gain) 12 oz. water 4 ice cubes 1 tablespoon heavy whipping cream 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter 2 scoops chocolate protein powder Mocha Shake: (Lean Mass Gain) 6 oz. water 4 ice cubes 2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream 6 oz.. coffee* 2 scoops chocolate protein powder Frozen Chocolate Banana (Lean Mass Gain) 12 oz. Water 4 to 5 ice cubes 1 banana 1 tablespoon heavy cream 2 scoops chocolate protein powder German Chocolate (Lean Mass Gain) 12 oz. water 4 ice cubes 1 tablespoon cream of coconut 2 scoops chocolate protein powder Pineapple Blast: (Lean Mass Gain Fat Burning and off Season) 4 ice cubes 12 oz. water 2 scoops vanilla protein powder 1/2 cup pineapple chunks Pina Colada Passion (Lean Mass Gain Fat Burning and Off Season) 12 oz. water 4 ice cubes 3 scoops vanilla protein powder 1/3 cup Pineapple chunks 2 tsp. Coconut extract Ultra Oatmeal: (mix ingredients after cooking) (Lean Mass Gain Fat Burning and Off Season) 1 serving cooked plain oatmeal (1/2 cup precooked) 1 scoops vanilla protein powder Chocolate strawberries shake 1 to 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder 6 to 8 ounces of water 4 to 6 ice cubes 8 strawberries Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Enjoy! Chocolate Banana Shake 1 to 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder 6 to 8 ounces of water 4 to 6 ice cubes 1 banana Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Enjoy! Chocolate Strawberry Blast 1 to 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder 6 to 8 ounces of water 4 to 6 ice cubes 8 strawberries Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Enjoy! Vanilla Banana Creamy 1 to 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder 6 to 8 ounces of water or whole (or 2%) milk 6 ice cubes 1 banana Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Enjoy! Rasberry Chocolate Thick 1 to 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder 6 to 8 ounces of whole (or 2%) milk 6 ice cubes 8 rasberries Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Drink or eat with a spoon! Banana Cheerio Quickfast Great for a super fast morning meal 1 to 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder 6 to 8 ounces of water 4 to 6 ice cubes 1 banana 3/4 cup cup or original cheerios Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Enjoy! Orange Creamsicle 1 to 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder 6 to 8 ounces of water 4 to 6 ice cubes 1 to 2 peeled oranges Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Enjoy! Blueberry Blaster 1 to 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder 6 to 8 ounces of water 4 to 6 ice cubes 20-30 blueberries Mix in a blender on medium for 1 minute. Pour into a tall glass. Enjoy! Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease a custard cup and break the egg into it, leaving the yolk intact. Pour half & half over the egg until just the top of the yolk is peeking through. Dot with butter and sprinkle shredded cheese and bacon on top. Season with salt and pepper. Place custard cup on a cookie sheet and bake for 12-18 minutes, depending on how you like your eggs. Zucchini Boats Anyone with a summer garden has a few small tender zucchini to spare. This is a great looking dish; and a healthy and delicious meal when served with a tossed salad of baby greens, olives, artichoke hearts, grape tomatoes, and red onion, dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. This dish also works with small thin japanese eggplant. WLS serving, 1 zucchini boat: Calories 154, fat 6 gr, carbs 4 gr, protein 18 gr Makes 8 boats, 2 per regular serving 4 small zucchini, about 5-7 inches each 2 teaspoon olive oil Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 16 ounces Italian turkey sausage, casings removed 1 cup ricotta cheese 1 cup marinara sauce (I use Barilla Marinara or Rustica Sweet Peppers and Garlic) Parmesan cheese Assemble boats by spreading some of the ricotta in the hollow of each prepared zucchini, fill with 1/8th of the cooked meat and top with a little sauce. Sprinkle generously with Parmesan cheese. Broil 5-7 minutes, until boats are heated through and cheese is lightly browned. Chocolate Monkey 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop chocolate protein 1/2 a banana Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Strawberry Banana Smoothie 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop vanilla protein 1/2 banana 3 whole frozen strawberries Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Banana Split 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder 1/2 banana 1/4 cup chopped pineapple 2 frozen strawberries Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Blueberry Bonanza Smoothie 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder 1/2 cup frozen or fresh blueberries Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Chocolate Covered Cherry 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop chocolate protein 10-12 frozen or fresh cherries optional: 1 tsp. of SF Cherry Torani Syrup or a drop of cherry extract Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Silky Latte 4 oz. Silk brand Mocha soy milk 4 oz. water 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Silky Mocha 4 oz. Silk brand Mocha soy milk 4 oz. water 1 scoop chocolate protein powder 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Mint Chocolate Chip Protein Smoothie 4 oz. Vitasoy Peppermint Chocolate soy milk 4 oz. water 1 scoop chocolate protein powder 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Pumpkin Spice Smoothie 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder 1/4 cup canned pumpkin (chilled) Dash of pumpkin pie spice Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Berry Berry Good Smoothie 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder 1/2 cup frozen or fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Mochachinno 8 oz. cold coffee 1 scoop chocolate protein 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Egg Nog Protein Shake 4 oz. Silk Nog soy milk 4 oz. water 1 scoop vanilla protein Dash of nutmeg Place liquid in the blender first, then powder. Blend on low then high till well blended. Dash of nutmeg on top. Pina Colada 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder 1/4 cup pineapple 1 Tbs. SF Coconut Torani Syrup (I've also used 2 T. of unsweetened coconut from the health food store or Baker's catalog) Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Peanut Butter Cup 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop chocolate protein powder 1 Tbs. peanut butter (smooth or chunky) 2-3 ice cubes Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Cherry Vanilla Smoothie 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop vanilla protein 5-6 maraschino cherries 1 Tbs. SF French Vanilla Torani Syrup Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Chocolate Caramel Protein Shake 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop chocolate protein powder 1 Tbs. SF Caramel Torani Syrup 3 Ice Cubes Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Blueberry Banana Protein Smoothie 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop vanilla protein 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1/2 banana Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Strawberry Smoothie 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop vanilla protein 3-4 Frozen Whole Strawberries Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Lemon Meringue Smoothie 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder 1 T. SF Jello Lemon Pudding Powder 2 Ice Cubes Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Green Giant 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder 1 T. SF Jello Pistachio Pudding Powder 2 Ice Cubes Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Butterscotch Shake 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder 1 T. SF Jello Butterscotch Pudding Powder 2 Ice Cubes Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Strawberry Cheesecake Shake 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder 1 T. SF Jello Cheesecake Pudding Powder 3-4 Frozen or Fresh Strawberries Place water in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Vanilla Spice Protein Shake 4 oz. Silk Spice soy milk 4 oz. water 1 scoop vanilla protein powder Dash Cinnamon Dash Nutmeg 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Chocolate Almond Protein Smoothie 4 oz. vanilla soy milk 4 oz. water 1 scoop chocolate protein powder 1 T. Almond Butter 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Mango Madness Protein Smoothie 4 oz. water 4 oz. vanilla soy milk 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1/2 cup fresh or frozen mango chunks 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Banana Joe Protein Shake 4 oz. water 4 oz. vanilla soy milk 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1/2 banana 1/2 shot of espresso or 1/4 cup fresh coffee or 1 tsp instant coffee 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Carrot Cake Protein Shake 4 oz. water 4 oz. Silk Spice soy milk (if you use Vanilla or Plain Milk add more cinnamon and nutmeg) 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1/2 cup frozen sliced carrots 1 Tablespoon Cream Cheese Dash Cinnamon Dash Nutmeg Place liquids in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Mango Banana Protein Lassi 4 oz. vanilla soy milk 4 oz. water 1/4 cup Greek yogurt 1 Tbs. SF Vanilla Torani Syrup 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1/2 Banana (fresh or frozen) 1/2 cup fresh or frozen mango chunks 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Banana Protein Smoothie 4 oz. water 4 oz. vanilla soy milk 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1/2 Banana (fresh or frozen) Dash Cinnamon Dash Nutmeg 2-3 Ice Cubes 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Mocha Banana Joe Protein Shake 4 oz. water 4 oz. vanilla soy milk 1 scoop Chocolate protein powder 1/2 banana 1 tsp [ame="instant espresso powder[/ame] 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Mocha Joe Protein Shake 4 oz. water 4 oz. vanilla soy milk 1 scoop Chocolate protein powder 1 tsp instant espresso powder 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Peach Cobbler Protein Shake 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder 1/4 cup frozen sliced peaches dash cinnamon dash nutmeg 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended Mango Banana Protein Smoothie 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder 1/4 cup frozen mango chunks 1/2 a banana 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Gingersnap Protein Smoothie 8 oz. water or 4 oz. soy milk/4 oz. water 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder 1/2-3/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1 Tablespoon Starbuck's SF Cinnamon Dolce Syrup dash of cinnamon 2-3 ice cubes Place liquid in the blender first, then powder, then additions. Blend on low then high till well blended. Basic Instructions: 1 scoop of protein powder, 4-6 ounces of water, natural low sugar juice or skim milk. These drinks are excellent by themselves or when blended at low speed for 1 to 3 minutes with 4-8 ice cubes or the equivalent amount of crushed ice. Vanilla Blush 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 8 oz. water 1/2 TBL Carob Powder Pinch Ground Cinnamon 4 - 8 ice cubes Iced Expresso 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 8 oz. water 1 1/2 TBL instant Expresso Coffee 4 - 8 ice cubes Apple Pie 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 4 oz. Apple Juice & 4 oz. water 1 graham cracker (4 sm squares) 4 - 8 ice cubes Double Apple 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 4 oz. Apple Juice & 4 oz. water 1/2 Apple, chopped or sliced 4 - 8 ice cubes Orange Creamsicle 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 8 oz. Orange Juice 4 - 8 ice cubes Orange Monkey 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 8 oz. Orange Juice 1/2 banana 4 - 8 ice cubes Lemon Squeeze 4 scoops Vanilla Protein powder 3 oz. Lemon Juice & 5 oz. water 1 TBL Honey 4 - 8 ice cubes Pink Possibility 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 8 oz. Pink Grapefruit Juice 4 - 8 ice cubes Tangy Tangerine 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 1/2 cup Tangerine Non-Fat Yogurt Fresh or canned Tangerines 4 - 8 ice cubes Strawberry Supreme 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 8 oz. water 1 cup frozen Strawberries 4 - 8 ice cubes Rapsi Rumble 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 4 oz. Orange/Pineapple Juice 4 oz. water 1/4 cup frozen Raspberries 1/2 Kiwi 4 - 8 ice cubes Creamy Cranberry 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 8 oz. Cranberry Juice 1/2 cup Vanilla Non-Fat Yogurt 4 - 8 ice cubes Cran-Strawberry 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 4 oz. Cranberry Juice 4 oz. water 1/4 cup frozen Raspberries 1/4 cup frozen Strawberries 4 - 8 ice cubes Berry-Berry 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 8 oz. water 1 cup fresh or frozen Mixed Berries 4 - 8 ice cubes Peach Paradise 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 8 oz. water 1 Peach, chopped or sliced 1/2 Banana 4 - 8 ice cubes Hawaiian Holiday 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 8 oz. Pineapple Juice 4 or 5 frozen Strawberries 1/2 Banana 4 drops Coconut Extract 4 - 8 ice cubes Papaya Pizzazz 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 8 oz. Papaya Juice 1/2 Peach, chopped or sliced 1/2 Banana 4 - 8 ice cubes Mango Mambo 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 4 oz. Pineapple Juice 4 oz. water 1/2 cup Passionfruit Mango 1/2 Peach, chopped or sliced 4 - 8 ice cubes Delight 1 scoop Vanilla Protein powder 1/2 Banana 4 - 8 ice cubes Chocolate Banana 1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder 4 - 8 oz. Skim Milk 1/2 Banana 4 - 8 ice cubes Chocolate Truffle 1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder 8 oz. Cranberry Juice 4 - 8 ice cubes Chocolate Almond Oasis 1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder 8 oz. water 1/2 Banana 4 drops Almond Extract 4 - 8 ice cubes Ice Blended Mocha 1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder 8 oz. water 1 1/2 TBL instant Coffee 4 - 8 ice cubes Blended Mint Mocha 1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder 8 oz. water 3 drops Mint Extract 1 1/2 TBL instant Coffee 4 - 8 ice cubes Black Forest 1 scoop Chocolate Protein powder 8 oz. water 5 - 10 frozen Strawberries 4 - 8 ice cubes Protein Balls Recipe 1 cup Peanut Butter (I use no-sugar-added Peter Pan) 1 cup rolled oatmeal -- not the instant stuff 1 cup protein powder (I use Matrix Chocolate, but you can use other flavors) 5 packets Splenda Warm the peanut butter in microwave about 30-40 seconds -- it melts it and makes mixing in the other ingredients much easier. Add the oatmeal, protein powder, and Splenda and mix well. (If needed, you can add a little bit of water to make it easier to mix) Roll into walnut sized balls, refrigerate. Store in fridge in zip-lock baggies. This recipe makes 20-24 balls. CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER SMOOTHIE (All stages except clear liquids) 12 ounces of water 12 ice cubes 1 scoop of chocolate coconut protein delite and 1 teaspoon of peanutbutter JIF Blended well in blender. ~~~~ BANANA NOG (All stages except clear liquids) 1 scoop vanilla protien powder 1 cup skim milk A one inch chunk of banana 1/8 tsp nutmeg 1/2 tsp vanilla Whiz up in a blender until smooth. ~~~~ nectar PROTEIN COCKTAIL (All stages) Makes 64 ounces of drink mix Serving Size 12 ounces, calories 120, protein 18g, carbs 0, fat 0 1 tub Crystal Light 4 scoops Nectar, fruit juice flavored whey isolate Prepare the Crystal Light in a plastic pitcher using 64 ounces of water, or to your taste. Using a silicon whisk or large spoon, blend in 3-4 scoops of Nectar. Keep chilled and consume within 24 hours of preparation to ensure freshness. Stir before pouring as some settling occurs. Great flavor combinations include: Crystal Light Fruit Punch and Nectar Twisted Cherry Crystal Light Sunrise Orange and Nectar Fuzzy Navel Crystal Light Pineapple Orange and Nectar Fuzzy Navel or Caribbean Cooler Crystal Light Peach Tea and Nectar Lemon Tea Crystal Light Raspberry Lemonade and Nectar Roadside Lemonade, Strawberry Kiwi or Twisted Cherry Crystal Light Pineapple Orange and IsoFruit Delite Pineapple Lipton SF Green Tea Honey Lemon and IsoFruit Delite Apple Pumpkin Protein Shake (All stages except clear liquids) 1/4 c. pumpkin puree, unsweetened 2 T. Splenda Granular pinch of salt 1/8 t. cinnamon 1/8 t. ginger scant 1/8 t. cloves OR 1/2 t. pumpkin pie spice instead of other seperate spices 1 cup milk or soymilk 1 scoop Matrix Vanilla pro powder 1/4 cup frozen Cool Whip or NSA Vanilla Ice Cream 1 - 1 1/2 cups ice Throw all ingredients into blender and whiz up. Pour into a tall glass and drizzle with Caramel Sauce, if desired. (Cinnamon Bliss is fab!!) HOT COCOA (All stages except clear liquids) 1 tablespoon Splenda 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa 2 tablespoons dried milk powder 8 ounces non-fat milk Dash salt Few drops good quality vanilla Blend Splenda, unsweetened cocoa, dried milk powder and salt in large mug. Blend in milk, stirring until dissolved. Microwave 1 minute on high or until hot. Can also heat in saucepan on stove. (13 grams of protein) BUTTERCREME TOFFEE ICED VANILLA LATTE (All stages except clear liquids) 2-3oz crushed ice 4oz Mice Milk Vanilla - 9g 2-3oz water 1/2 packet Big Train Vanilla Latte mix - 1g 1/2 scoop Elite Buttercreme Toffee flavor- 11g Dump it all in a Magic Bullet or blender and blend away! Add a blob of SF Cool Whip or RediWhip if desired. This is really good! It's sweet, but not super-sweet PINA COLADA SHAKE (All stages except clear liquids) 1 container FAGE 2% yogurt 8 oz skim milk (could be done with water, I suppose) 1 scoop Isofruit Pineapple 1 oz s/f Coconut syrup 6 ice cubes Process in blender or bullet. Makes a 16 oz shake with 46g of protein CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE (All stages except clear liquids) Frozen Vanilla Yogurt Scoop of Chocolate Coconut Protein Powder 1" brownie (BE Low Carb Brownies, i freeze in 1" squares) Put in Blender with just enough vanilla soymilk to blend. CARAMEL HAZELNUT SHAKE (All stages except clear liquids) 2 scoops vanilla Zero-Carb Isopure 1 c. ff Lactaid Milk 3 T. Coffee Mate sf Hazelnut non-dairy creamer 1 oz. sf Torani Caramel syrup Ice (I use an entire tray) Add everything in blender but ice and blend together to combine. Add ice cubes one by one to create consistency you desire. Calories: 335 Protein: 59 Carbs: 16 Fat: 3 Notes: I like using the sugar-free and fat-free Coffee Mate creamers, but I often have a problem in which the amount needed to solicit the flavor I want is too rich for my tummy. CHOCOLATE CARAMEL BROWNIE SHAKE (All stages except clear liquids) 2 scoops PD Alpine Chocolate 1 cup ff Lactaid milk 1 shot Torani sf caramel syrup 4 Joseph's sf brownie bites Ice cubes PROTEIN CHAI TEA (All stages except clear liquids) Mixed 1 scoop Elite Vanilla 1 dash cinnamon 2 teaspoons Chai tea mix 8oz water STRAWBERRY VANILLA SHAKE (All stages except clear liquids) 1 scoop Elite vanilla powder 1 cup low-carb milk 1 cup ice 3 strawberries CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER BANANA (All stages except clear liquids) 2 scoops Whey Gourmet Choc peanut butter powder 1 cup water 4-6 ice cubes 1/2 banana GINGERBREAD (All stages except clear liquids) Vanilla Mice Milk DaVinci Gingerbread syrup Nutmeg Poured over ice. RASPBERRY BANANA SMOOTHIE (All stages except clear liquids) 5 oz mice milk 8 oz cold water 1/2 small banana 1 1/2 scoop Whey Gourmet Raspberry Equal or splenda to taste 4 or 5 ice cubes Mix this all up. If you can stand to wait, then put it in the freezer for a bit and let it get even colder and slushier BANANA CREAM PIE (All stages except clear liquids) 2 scoops Isopure Zero Carb powder 1 tbs Banana syrup - Divinci 1 tbs Coconut - Divinci CARAMEL PEANUT BUTTER (All stages except clear liquids) 2 scoops vanilia powder 1 tbs Peanut Butter syrup - Divinci 1 tbs Carmel syrup - Divinci. PEACH MELBA SMOOTHIE (All stages except clear liquids) 1 scoop Raspberry Whey Gourmet Protein Powder 6 ounces Kroger Carbmaster Yogurt 4-5 slices frozen, unsweetened peaches water and ice Blend all ingredients until thick and creamy. Stats: Calories 243, Protein 36grams, Fat 5grams, Carbs 16grams SNICKERS Protein Drink 1/2 carton Vanilla Micellar Milk* 1 tablespoons sf chocolate sauce 1 tablespoons sf caramel sauce 2 pumps sf hazelnut syrup 1-3 shots (3-4 ounces) espresso Heat Milk until very hot, but not boiling. Add flavorings to taste (my measurements are just a guideline and I always add the espresso shots. You may not need as much flavoring if not using coffee Cinnamon Protein Shake 2 scoops whey gourmet Vanilla protein powder 1 tbsp sugar-free instant vanilla pudding 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp imitation vanilla (or 1/4 tsp extract) 1 packet artificial sweetener a few dashes butter-flavor extract 8 oz. water (or low-fat milk) 3 ice cubes
  19. I am just in the initial stages for pre op my surgeon appointment is on Tuesday but as I go grocery shopping I want to fill my fridge with the pre op diet foods, and have read most doctors diet pre surgery is keto. I have been doing the whole30 and have lost 30 pounds in the past 3 months and can transition to keto if that's what I'm going to be put on, in my research I'm seeing that keto is listed as the worst diet of 2017 and whole 30 was right with it. My bariatric may require 3 months dietician, exercise and weight loss. My insurance doesn't, Just failed attempts and need. I'm curious about keto diet recommendations, how much weight are you suppose to lose before surgery? How many carbs do you eat to be in ketosis, how do deal with the side effects? Thank you
  20. Mrs. Hayes

    I think I dumped

    I'm 7 months out and have been doing well I've lost 100lbs. The other dau I went to blaze pizza and got a keto crust pizza with no sugar sauce and smoked ham with a few veggies. Ate 1 slice (I've done this several times before) the next day yesterday at lunch i ate 1 slice then some watermelon of which I've had before. 2 hours later AT WORK my hands started to shake and my heart rate went to over 100 I felt so weak almost faint I was able to get home and I fell into the bed TERRIFIED. I never had pain, nausea, or loose stool. I laid there in a stupor for about 2or3 hours and it went away. Okay family. WTF was that? Was it the watermelon juice pushing the food thru to fast? What? Please put your thinking caps on because now I have ALL food anxiety!
  21. Crisscat

    Keto Diet

    Ditto! I did keto as well. I didnt lose as much as sleevediva2022 but I did gain it all back as soon as I stopped tracking everything I ate and I got back up to my highest weight again. I believe I had lost 40 lbs and gained 45 lbs back.
  22. fourmonthspreop

    Keto Diet

    Not imo. It works for some people but I think you need a certain psychology around food I just don't have...not to mention guts of steel haha I did keto like 2 years ago in one of my many pursuits to lose weight. I had diarrhea every single day all the time. I did lose 10 lbs in 3 weeks but when I stopped, I gained it all back plus more! Not my proudest moment. Sent from my SM-G975U using BariatricPal mobile app
  23. blizair09

    Eating the same in small portions

    I am 17 months post-op, and still follow a keto way of eating. I have target macros and I keep everything in that range every day (less than 2000 calories, less than 25g of carbs, around 150g of protein). I don't eat sugar, pasta, bread, or rice and I don't drink soda (or really anything carbonated). I have eaten like this throughout my journey, and it is just what I do now. I have made food fuel, and I eat to live only. It has made my life a lot better. I can eat a little bit more at a time now (but I still don't exceed 3oz of dense protein at one sitting), but since I control what I consume so carefully, it hasn't made a difference.
  24. Creekimp13

    Diet Changes After Nutritionist

    I was very lucky to have a nutritionist who was used to serving a diverse populations of people with very different nutritional preferences and cultural diets. (Kosher, Halal, Vegan, Vegetarian, Etc.) She asked me what my favorite diet was....I said Mayo Clinic/Mediterranean....and we looked at some key factors of the diet and made a few adjustments to prepare for bariatric surgery, but mostly I was able to stick to my preferred plan....and even praised for it. (I do hit a higher protein goal than I was used to, but I do half of it in plant protein) I also reduced my carb side dishes to 1/4 cup instead of 1/2 cup. If it's a Vegan main dish, that's different....but a side of rice or potatoes with a protien is a much smaller portion now....and often omitted. I'm discouraged when I hear about dietitians who only offer one approach and doctors who believe Keto is the only way to go. It works very well...but it doesn't work for everyone. I think patients are more compliant with plans they are comfortable with, and can maintain for a lifetime. Glad to be working with a group that offers more than one way up that mountain! Jersey, I'm a big fan of apples with natural peanut butter, too Had some for a snack tonight. LOL...I understand chicken fatigue! Maybe try to switch things up with fish or turkey? Congrats on your 14 pound loss!
  25. The holiday season always comes up faster than expected. That is even true this year when so many other things have been different. It is time to start thinking about gifts for the people you love. If they include bariatric surgery patients who are pre or post-op, we have the perfect gifts for you. First up are something your loved one is sure to love: favorite desserts. If they are missing creamy, starchy, sugary foods, you can be the one to give them their faves without guilt. Here are just a few favorite desserts you can gift this year! Gingerbread Cake Mix Nothing says, “Happy Holidays!” like gingerbread, but can your bariatric surgery friend really afford to be eating gingerbread this year? Yes, she certainly can if you give her a high-protein, low-carb version such as BariatricPal Gingerbread Mug Cake Mix. It has 130 calories, 12 grams of protein, and 1 gram of sugar. Even better than giving ready-made gingerbread cake or cookies, giving Gingerbread Cake Mix lets the recipient make it herself, which means the delicious smell of cinnamon and ginger can waft through the house. It is easy to make just by mixing a packet with water and microwaving it. Each box contains 7 packets. Creamy Cheesecake Cheesecake is not the standard choice for a smart dieter, but BariatricPal High Protein Creamy Cheesecake is no standard cheesecake. It has about half the calories, saturated fat, and sugar as the same size serving of regular cheesecake, along with 12 grams of protein to make it more filling. If cheesecake isn’t cheesecake without the graham cracker crust, you can easily make your own without adding the 20 grams of carbs per serving that a traditional one has. Just crush sugar-free Catalina Crunch Keto Cereal - Honey Graham instead of graham crackers to use in the crust. Each serving has 10 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber. You can make an entire cheesecake using 7 servings of Creamy Cheesecake mix, or make your cheesecake in muffin cups for single servings. Each box has 7 servings. Pumpkin Spice Blondie A bariatric surgery patient could feel a little down after an entire autumn of passing up pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin lattes, and pumpkin muffins. How about giving a gift of a pumpkin dessert that comes without guilt? Eat Me Guilt Free Pumpkin Spice Blondie knocks the socks off the competition in taste and nutrition. The entire blondie has only 170 calories and 4 grams of sugar, or 90% less sugar than a slice of pumpkin bread from a bakery-cafe. With 22 grams of protein, it has as much protein as chicken and can be eaten for a meal, snack, or dessert. They come in single and 3, 6, and 12-packs. There is no shortage of desserts that are suitable gifts for bariatric patients and anyone else who is on a weight loss journey. By the way, remember that your favorite bariatric surgery patient can be...yourself! Go right ahead and give yourself the gift of weight loss and pleasure all in one with your favorite low-carb desserts!

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