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Found 17,501 results

  1. Being able to fit in the rollercoaster seats…they have that bar that clicks down….yea…not having to worry about the person sitting next to me flying out because it has to stick out so far to accommodate me 🙃
  2. I agree with @swimbikerun. Don't go off of us exceptions. It's actually not common to lose a lot with a revision. Go into it expecting about 50% less weight loss than what you had with your initial surgery. Then if you lose more, it's a pleasant surprise. But if you don't, you're already prepared for that.
  3. AmberFL

    When did your weightloss stop ?

    SO I am pretty early in my journey. I am about 5months post op and have about 11lbs to get to "goal" I may be okay where I am at. I did increase my calories by 100 to see if that would help things. I do weight lift and workout so I am starting to look on the side of "too thin" We will see what this week looks like I weigh in on Wednesday. Its the first week I increased them. I may go back down, but I have been consistently losing 3-6lbs a week so I was worried that I was withering away LOL
  4. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I’ve slowed wayyyy down weight loss wise. I’ve only lost about 6 LBs in the last month which doesn’t thrill me. Since I rarely eat 800-1000 cal a day on average I guess I’m going to have to start exercising (which I despise 😂) but i know it’s better for me.
  5. Ok I just checked your bmi. You're 5'1" (157cm) and 231 pounds. That puts your bmi at 43.6 which puts you in the obese category. So actually, the bypass will help with that, as well as your other health issues you have going on. So I'm not worried about the weight loss now, which was the biggest concern I had. I think, between the weight loss and the other health concerns you have and your inability to eat, you will do extremely well with the bypass.
  6. I am one week post op and an STRUGGLING to get water in. I’m not worried about food just yet, so just nibbles throughout the day, but I’m forcing water and still can not get my recommended 64. Help!!!
  7. catwoman7

    Daily calorie intake

    this early out, most of us don't get calorie guidelines. You're eating far too little to really worry about calories. Most of us just get protein and fluid goals (and some get carb goals, if their clinic's plan calls for ultra-low carbs - mine did not). I didn't start considering calories until I was a few months out and could eat enough that there was a risk of consuming too many calories.
  8. catwoman7


    I'd ask if you're worried, but it may just be the blood breaking up or moving around in there. The green/yellow parts are definitely blood breaking down.
  9. brandycsiz

    November 2023 buddies

    My sugery was 11/29.. as of this morning I am 32lbs down.. I started back into the gym on Monday, 8 weeks post op. I have not really had a weight stall yet, I am noticing that my hair loss has picked up so I am getting it cut on Tuesday. I am off all my food restrictions so I am excited about trying out all kinds of food. Going clothes shopping this weekend to pick up a few things as my clothes are falling off me.. This has been a fun, stressful and frustrating journey but I am here for it...
  10. I have my first doctors appointment in two weeks to start the weight loss surgery process. One thing I’m concerned about is I was hospitalized in December for a DVT and Pulmonary embolism and I’m now on blood thinner. Will I still be able to have weight loss surgery?
  11. I feel I am losing way too much weight very fast. I am quite worried now.
  12. I had something similar. One of the incisions had a large bump like an egg for a long time, I went in to get it checked. I had thought it was a hernia too. He pushed on IT real hard, felt the shape, and asked me if it hurt, He told me it's common and don't worry about it. The main thing that I was told was if it oozes something that looks like pus, has a strange smell or if I run a fever, then to come back in. It went away.
  13. BabySpoons

    Hair loss???

    Me too. My hair is wild and curly, so I use hair gel to try to keep them in line. When I was a kid we used to call them the frizzies. LOL I just had my hair cut today. Mine's in a long shag a bit below shoulder length and so the layers help to create fullness. Glad to hear yours is growing back. I feel bad for those who lost their hair in clumps. Yikes!
  14. I think this is the time when you stop worrying about what you weigh and you start focusing on how you are living and how your body feels. Are you still hungry even though you just ate a meal that would've been fine for you a month ago? Maybe you need to add more veggies to fill yourself up. Do you feel weak? This could be a sign your body needs more fuel. Are you getting the exercise you need? Are you eating the foods you know provide balanced nutrition? Fix these types of things if they need fixing and let your body do what it will. You still have many months to go before your weight loss journey comes to a stop, so to speak. Ride it out and don't try to steer things too much. It may feel weird to be the weight you are now because you've never been this weight before, but let your body figure it out. You'll get used to it. And if you don't like where you land in the future, you can start eating more to gain.
  15. jessicawilliams24

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Applesauce? Are you not on a liquid diet for 2 weeks? Did it hurt? That is a little low but honestly mine is usually about that low normally so I wouldn’t be super worried about it being that low. Are y’all having to do the Blood thinner shot? That thing is a *itch!! It burns….does it for y’all?
  16. Had my surgery April 1st and I feel like I have not lost as much weight as I had anticipated. I started out with 297 and I am now 280. However, my nutritionist told me not to worry so much about the pounds, that I may feel like I'm not losing weight but that I may be losing inches. I do not feel the difference, are any of you experiencing this. If so any tips?
  17. summerseeker

    Am i overeating?

    You have done really well with your weight loss and I understand your worry of messing up. I do too, which is why I calorie and protein count every little morsel that passes my lips. I still struggle to eat enough protein Your meal looks fine portion wise but it looks to me like you have lots of oily dressing on the salad, but I am a million miles away and wear very thick varifocals. If you are in maintenance , this seems fine to me.
  18. ShoppGirl

    No weight loss

    Of course. I am by no means an expert. I never spoke with a dietician except about the post surgery diet so I could be wrong but I’m thinking 1400 may be a little high for weight loss if your not very active. The dietician should be able to give you an exact goal.
  19. Thanks @RonHall908 I’ll try and keep that in mind if I start working out! I’ve done a few 5k runs and have been walking as much as I can since operation (27km (16.7 miles)Saturday on a hilly Greek Island ) but a part from my physio appointements in Paris I haven’t worked out. Following the fantastic advice I got here I opted out of hotels for my travels after Cairo and have been opting for airbnbs since - this means kitchen but no gyms! But hey strangers things have happened, one day I might work out …. Who knows! I did climb up and down this sort of cliff thing to a beach yesterday. I had a bit of a panic, ripped my dress ( not a special dress so not sad about that) and got some extra bruises… but it was worth it and I was proud of myself because 3 months ago I never would even had considered it! Climb back up was a bit scary too … but I made it! My hair had dried on the beach after my swim but by the time I was back up at the top of the cliff my hair was drenched from “stress sweat” again #notsexy! The beach, the cliff to get there and my savouring my “victory
  20. catwoman7

    Hair length and loss

    I would wait, too. Not everyone loses hair. Plus some (like me) lose so little that it's not noticeable.
  21. BabySpoons

    Hair loss???

    That's a lot of hair loss. Just goes to show how differently our bodies react to major surgery. {{hugs}}
  22. I'm almost four weeks post gastric sleeve. I've lost 28 pounds, which I'm thrilled with. I've felt so good that I pulled some weeds in the front of my house yesterday. Today I have some abdominal pain. It's not horrible, but I'm worried I may have hurt my healing stomach. Should I be worried? No vomiting and I'm eating 1/2 cup of soft food as normal with no issues. Thanks for your help! 💕💕💕
  23. catwoman7

    Pre-op diet & period

    it's very common in the weeks or months AFTER surgery have unusual periods. Haven't heard about before - but the reason for having weird cycles after is due to estrogen being released from fat cells during rapid weight loss (estrogen is stored in fat cells) - so that might be what's going on with you now...
  24. I am pending revision to my sleeve and my dr said he does not do resleeves because of the high risk and occurrence of leaks and low weight loss. I am pending testing to see if I will be getting bypass or SADI. Not sure if that helps or if your doctor feels the same way but it may be a good thing to ask about.
  25. Both Ozempic and weight loss surgery have their merits, and the right choice depends on individual circumstances, including how much weight you aim to lose. Ozempic typically leads to 10-15% total body weight loss, while weight loss surgery can result in losing up to 70% of excess weight. While some individuals on GLP-1 agonists may experience weight loss greater than 15%, this is not the standard expectation for these treatments.

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