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Found 3,903 results

  1. Huntingnurse

    Stall at week 3?

    Did you stall after three weeks of losing or at the start of your third week?
  2. Inner Surfer Girl

    2 week stall-sleeved 6/7/16

    Everyone who is further than a couple of months out has survived one or two stalls. You will, too. Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the process of losing weight. We all experience stalls and just about everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Track your food. Make sure you get at least 64 oz of Fluid. Make sure you reach your Protein target every day. For me, that is 100 grams a day. Avoid added sugars (especially high fructose corn syrup), starches, and fried foods. Take your Vitamins and supplements as directed. Exercise when cleared. Stay off the scale. Early out I only weighed at doctors appointments. And, Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  3. flowers


    I was banded July 9th, about one month ago as I said above. I lost the easy weight right away the first couple of weeks, then the last 2 weeks, is when I stalled out. Im just going to be more careful of sugar and carbs and keep on eating well. I actually cancelled my lapband surgery and posted two threads saying I was really having a hard time deciding if I should get the lapband if I wasnt not overeating. Three folks attacked me saying I needed to journal and that I was in denial and so many said I must be overeating and just didnt know it that I rescheduled the lapband, but I was never convinced that I was overeating before I got the lapband, so how is it going to help me?? Well, I get my first fill Aug 16th, maybe that will help and the fills will surprise me. On another board, we had a turtle thread for slow losers. Maybe we can start a thread like that. I see some who lose huge amounts and I look and their surgery was 5 months ago, and Im like wow. And hoping for a miracle for all of us. The skeptic part of me wonders. lol. I wish I was as postive about the band as everyone else here seems to be. Im sure willing to be converted to a happy bandster.
  4. Thanks. It's surreal sometimes to realize that I have lost over 200 pounds. Two hundred pounds! And yet I still feel like the same old Big Sue a lot of the time. TBH, I've been struggling a lot in many aspects of my life, so I'm not in a great place to be offering encouraging words to other WLS patients right now. I do still look at new posts, though, and I have to admire you for sticking around after all these years to educate newbies on things like the three week stall.
  5. Inner Surfer Girl

    2 month stall?

    Stalls are a normal, natural, and necessary part of the weight loss process. Other than a stall at about three weeks post-op, I am not aware of a particular pattern that applies to everyone. Embrace the Stall! http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  6. Well, there are two kinds of stalls: 1. Stalls that happen because your body's responding with WTF? I'm standing pat until I can get this straight! 2. People eating not enough protein, eating too many calories, not moving their asses through exercise, not drinking enough water, not taking their vitamins correctly, and generally just being uncompliant with their surgeons' instructions. My doctor told me that over the next year I should expect to lose an average of 1-2 pounds a week. So at 1.5 pounds/week, I can expect to lose (pow!) 78 pounds. However, you're a guy so you'll lose much faster than me (I'm a 68 year old woman). It sounds like most of your anxiety is caused by this event in your life that's happening three months out. That's a lot of pressure to put on yourself. Any chance you could dial back that pressure?
  7. The New Kel

    Help me understand

    Stay the course- following the diet as directed by your dietician or surgeon, and the scale will move on its own. The three week stall is just your body's way of adjusting. Too early to require changes in diet. The cool thing is that even though the scale gets stubborn at 3 or 4 weeks, your body is still transforming, for the better. If you take your waist measurements at the beginning and end of the dreaded stall, you will see a change. Your pants are going to be a little looser, despite the same wight. hang in there! We've all been there and came out great!! (I understand the frustration. My stall at 3 weeks was about a week or so).
  8. ThickChocolate

    6 Month Surgiversary :)

    congrats...im down 23lbs since surgery date June 26th..i havent lost any weight this week...im in stall mode.....i hope i will lose some more weight..any suggestions on how to overcome the stall so early in my weight loss journey?? I'm drinking my Protein shakes etc...i don't eat alot at all no appetite for the most part..three bites of food and I'm full.. thanks:)
  9. dropdeadweightdiva

    HELP! Sleeved 8/27/14.....scale not moving!

    I use the term 'three week stall' because that tends to be when that first stall happens but for some it does so earlier or later.. as long as you follow your program it will drop pretty dramatically when it ends.
  10. look up "three week stall". Almost everyone gets it, and it's not *always* at exactly the three-week mark. Sometimes it's the second week, sometimes fourth or fifth. But always shortly after surgery. Mine lasted two weeks - weeks 2 and 3. Then I dropped like 6 or 8 lbs the fourth week.
  11. miss_smiles

    Stalled :(

    I had the surgery on March 28th... I stalled not once, not twice but three times so far. I'm down 35 pounds so far, and am currently in my 4th stall. My body is in a routine of staying the same 1.5-2 weeks and then randomly dropping 5 pounds in one day, just to do it all over again. Its normal, just keep doing what your doing, stay positive, and the scale WILL move, I promise!!!!
  12. catwoman7

    Stalled and stuck

    I can't speak to the vomiting - that's a question for your surgeon. But as for the others - yes, it's likely the infamous three-week stall, and yes - constipation is a chronic problem for many of us. Just try to keep on top of it. Some of us take Miralax every day, some take magnesium, some use stool softeners, some drink Smooth Move tea, some use some combination of things. Just figure out what works for you and keep on it.
  13. I lost 18 lbs. in the first three weeks after surgery, then nothing. It has been 17 days now since I have lost anything. I am starting to get discouraged as you might imagine. I was wondering how long other people have gone in their stalls.
  14. JerseyGirl68

    Please Help!

    Congratulations on your surgery. it is not uncommon for people to hit stalls around week three (and several times throughout your losing stages). Your body is adjusting and still healing. Stick to the plan your doctor laid out for you and the numbers should start to move again. When is your next followup? Borrowed this link from Butterthebean's signature http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html#.UpUK1tKth8E Good read about stalls.
  15. What great perspective! I am still preop, but have made lifestyle and diet changes to really get myself in best position for surgery. But now I've been stalled for about three weeks and have been really frustrated. Your message reminded me that even though the scale sticks, I am feeling changes in my clothes and that it's a marathon, not a sprint. THANKS for that!
  16. And here I was self-flagellating because I thought I must be either eating too much or too little or just generally have a body that doesn't want to lose weight. I'd never heard of the three week stall, but I'm in the midst of it. I'm 4wks post op tomorrow and I've fluctuated between losing and gaining a kilo in the last fortnight. That said, I do notice tiny changes in my body ie my sports crop top that was once nearly cutting me in two is now comfortable bordering on being too loose. I'm glad I kept scrolling through this and thank you to the original poster for posting this!!! I just hope my body gets a grip on itself and starts to pull the finger out. I've ramped up my cardio and plan to start weights this weekend (baby weights, not Arnie weights!!!). You all have given me hope that I'm not going to stay this weight. Yay! Cheers RozzieJ
  17. Well I'm three weeks from RNY surgery and have hit a stall. Down 18 pounds and the scale sits for a week at the same exact weight no matter what I do. I walked 3 miles yesterday rode the bike 3 miles and did strengthening exercises I am drinking what I'm supposed to, getting in my protein and the scale still doesn't move. I'm so depressed I don't know what to do
  18. I always bounce up around TOM - usually about three pounds or so. In fact, I have this weird pattern every month, no matter what I do (provided I'm not eating total crap and not logging my food!) where I lose a bunch of weight the first two weeks of the month, bounce up two or three pounds around TOM, stall out for about ten days, then I do a fast drop back down almost to where I was before TOM, just in time to start the cycle again the next month. I'm incredibly sensitive to hormones, even the ones my body just naturally produces each month. So calm down! I'm sure it will fall off shortly. Do log your food if you aren't, and include a sodium count if you don't already. If I bounce up a pound or so and it's not my TOM it's nearly always tied to sodium intake. Sometimes I'm amazed at how easy it is to have sky high amounts of sodium in your diet! Drink lots of Water, get through the week and enjoy the swift drop once your TOM is over. ~Cheri
  19. I was down about 32lb the first month, starting at 292 & BMI around 42. I'm now down about 100 at seven months and just about at goal (we'll see how the body comp settles out - that's the actual goal.) Whether you stall or not at the typical three week mark, your loss will slow markedly at that point. Initially you are burning mostly glycogen (some stored carb and protein) which burns at a rate of around 2000cal per pound. Once those stores are consumed, you actually start burning the fat that we are trying to lose, but it comes off slower, at around 3600cal per pound. I never had the dreaded three week stall, but the loss curve sure flattened out some right at that time.
  20. I'm 5'3" and started at 263.8, so I wasn't far off from you. I was a snug size 20 pants and a 2x top with 44DDD boobs. I am still 5'3" and down to 184.2 as of this morming. I am now a tight 12 or a loose 14 with a loose L top and 38DD boobs (the reason why I can't wear M tops). I am almost 5 months out and only 24 pounds away from my original goal before I decided to push myself to 150. That makes me 34 pounds away which feels oh so obtainable. I went through the three week "stall" which lasted almost two weeks and then the three month stall that lasted a month and I am now losing again. When I get to 150, I will see what I look like and reevaluate. I am an hourglass shape and I've not been that small since my sophomore year in college so who knows, twenty two years and two kids later. I teach kickboxing now, I can log in 20 miles over a weekend and feel great on Monday, I WANT to exercise every day and get frustrated when I can't. I never forget my pedometer when I used to on "accident". I do martial arts and when I do a jumping kick, I can actually get off the ground and my balance is so much better. Best of all? I FEEL GREAT ABOUT ME!! I've always had a healthy sense of self and I've always been very confident (in my opinion), but I am just now realizing how much of myself I actually lost now that I am getting ME back. If I didn't lose another pound, I'd be OK. I've gained so much more already. Best journey of my life so far and it's only going to get better.
  21. laylasmojo

    One month out & I've gained?

    I would not worry about it to much your body is in a state of shok and yes your weight will fluctuate up and day every day all day long so maybe you should be one of the people who only weigh once a week. as for the three week stall that is perfectally normal and I promise you as long as you are following your dr's guidelines you will begin to loose again.
  22. Welcome to the site! Hang in there...i just came off an almost three week stall. They happen then they are gone and the weight begins to fall off again!!! Keep track of what you are eating to help stay the course and good luck!
  23. Fat still has calories. Two ounces of turkey breast (100 calories) will carry you a lot farther than one tablespoon of Peanut Butter or an ounce of cheese. I find that that nuts are a major slider for me and it is easy to eat 1/2 cup of nuts without realizing I have consumed hundreds of calories. I still scramble my eggs with a teensy bit of real butter, but can't really afford the calories in coconut oil. Although my doctor would prefer that I eat more chicken and fish, I do cook one three-ounce steak a week. I have stalled out about fourteen pounds from goal, so I think I will hold off with peanut butter and cheese until I hit a maintenance weight that I am comfortable with.
  24. Hello, my name is Annie, but I love the Beatles so I named myself Abbey I am 25 years old and I had weight loss surgery on 8/23/2010. My highest weight was 330 lbs and by that point I became really scared of reaching the 400lbs. I have always been overweight but I usually remained just 50lbs above my ideal weight (which for my hight it should range from 140 to 150). I began dieting one year before my surgery in hopes that I could lose the weight on my own, and I did lose about 20lbs. After a year of not being able to lose more I decided to have the vsg. My starting weight was 311lbs, on the day of my surgery I was 295 and currently I am 224. I used to be a size 28 and I am now size 18. I am currently at a stall and for the last three weeks I have not lost a pound. I am a big meat eater so my diet consists mostly of chicken or beef, I try to stick to the no carb diet. Usually I was eating three meals a day, but at the start of this month I began to snack still sticking to the no carbs. I believe that my snaking is the reason for me not losing this month. I exercise for about 2 hrs two or three days a week, I do cardio for 45 mins and the rest is weight lifting. I had my surgery in Laredo, TX at a hospital name LMC and it ran for about 8,500. I hope this is enough information but if you have any questiosn go ahead and ask I'd love to help. I also hope to have some of my questions answered I think it is an awsome idea that we have a forum to share info
  25. BlessedBeyondMeasure2012


    Laura-ven took the words right out of my mouth. When I started researching WLS I was locked in on the lap band but the more research I did the more I started questioning my choice. I talked with my doc and watched some videos that he had prepared about the lap band, sleeve, and bypass. He does all three surgeries but I decided that the sleeve was the best for me. The lap band is also really high maintenance and with the hours I work I don't have time to make a follow up appointment every six weeks for adjustments/fills. Also my insurance covers one WLS per lifetime, after the research I did and finding all the people that had revisions from band to sleeve, I decided to go with the one lots of people end up with and just bypass the band all together. Good luck with your decision. I am only three weeks out, I'm in a stall right now and have been for two week so I'm a little bummed BUT I still feel like this is one of the best decisions I've ever made for myself. I have not had any problems and would do it again tomorrow if I needed to.

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