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Found 17,501 results

  1. Gastric bypass revision from sleeve. I am doing liquid IV and trying the best I can to drink shakes and eat mush food. Not working out well. I am drinking. Still nausea. Is this the usual for a lot or am I in a bit of trouble. I was at er for urinary issue and they did scan said all looked good. Still going every ten minutes and just a little comes out. I guess it’s time to call doc. It’s a bit overwhelming. Praying for best outcome
  2. I'm curious what they told you to expect in terms of weight loss, as I've heard revisions for that purpose don't necessarily produce large weight loss (but do help with issues like GERD). I'm afraid I don't know much about gastric bypass and IBS. That's quite a bit of fruit and veg they have you eating preop. I wish you luck, though, and hope you can get answers to the questions you have!
  3. Surgery was successful. Pain I could definitely do without. But 🎶 I’m still alive 🎶
  4. I'm not sure...surgeon just said that tightening that opening alone would not cause major weight loss. Unsure if during a full blown revision if they also reduce the size of the 'pouch' and tighten that opening. I would think 'pouch size' is a possible element as well but this doctor did not elaborate, I'm assuming since the goal of my revision if not to lose more weight maybe? If I ever get time with him outside of the investigation in the OR, I will ask.
  5. Hello I had my revision to gastric bypass March 20th, 2024. The pain is minimal when moving or sitting. I’ve been able to stop pain meds. What I do feel has me so worried even though I’m pretty sure it’s not anything terrible. Whenever I drink fluids I get a pain in my lower abdomen. Not terrible but I feel it and when I do I get nervous. I have my post op appt next Friday. Should I wait to see if it subsides or do I call the surgeon Monday? TIA for your answers.
  6. I had the sleeve done in August 2023 and have lost 75% of the excess weight. Approximately 2 weeks after surgery, I developed reflux. I did not have reflux prior to the surgery. I do not feel burning in the chest, but I do have a sore throat and saliva in the back of my throat most of the time. I have been on various combinations and dosages (taking them once a day and twice a day) of Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix, and Pepcid, but nothing seems to help. I have had two endoscopies: November 2023 - which was performed by a GI doctor that found gastritis and a small hiatal hernia. February 2024 - which was performed by my sleeve surgeon that found gastritis and esophagitis. I was told that the hiatal hernia was fixed during the sleeve surgery in August 2023, so I am not sure why it came back or why it was seen in November 2023, but not in February 2024. I was also told by my sleeve surgeon following the February 2024 endoscopy that I have a non-obstruction rotation. My sleeve surgeon advised that I could have another endoscopy where they blow air in the sleeve and that it "may" help with the reflux or I will need to do the gastric bypass revision. I have been living with this sore throat for 8 months now and I feel I have tried everything. I don't want to have a sore throat for the rest of my life, but I am reluctant to do the revision. Questions: Has anyone heard of this "blow air in the sleeve"? If so, does it help? Is the revision a guaranteed cure? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  7. Got my approval for revision from sleeve to bypass! Aetna
  8. Jalapeño

    MGB vs. RNY

    The mini gastric bypass is definitely more malabsorptive than the RYGB. I would advise against the mini gastric bypass from my own personal experience.
  9. Tomo

    50 and over crowd?

    I had a revision to rny in my sixties in 2021, It went so smooth and still going smooth. Really was the best thing that I've ever done for my health.
  10. I am having a T.O.R.e procedure on the 6th. I was wondering if anyone here has had one or even heard of it (lol). Any advice would be helpful!! I had my bypass 11 years ago and made some bad choices which led me here.
  11. I am 7 weeks post op revision to bypass and loss 20 lbs. I am currently in a stall for a week already. In April which is only a few weeks away, we have a family trip taking my young children to Disney World. It’s a 9 days trip where I will be away from home. I would like advises and Suggestions from all of you who went on trips post op. I feel like it might be hard for me to find something healthy when I am on this trip. Help
  12. Hello. I am considering revising my sleeve to Sadi and I’m curious to know how you guys are doing now.
  13. I'm being offered both options but my surgeon is recommending sadi over gastric bypass because my BMI is 60 I'm so confused any help? Thanks
  14. So when I had my revision, it was for complications. I was told to expect no more than 45-60 additional pounds of weight loss, because you only lose about 50% of your excess weight with a revision. Well, if you look at my signature, you can see I've lost more than that lol It wasn't easy, and the weight comes off slower and can be a bit harder to lose, but it's possible if you do the work.
  15. NickelChip

    Sleeve to bypass question

    They will create a small stomach pouch, same as in a regular bypass. But be aware that even with bypass, the ability to eat more returns over time. If it helps for comparison, though, I can tell you that at 3 months out with gastric bypass, I can eat about 3/4 c yogurt with a little bit of fruit, or 2-3 oz chicken with maybe 1/4 cup cooked veg in one sitting. In both cases, this would take me about 15 minutes to eat.
  16. You didn't explain your reasoning for choosing the gastric bypass.
  17. Jim1967

    January 2024 surgery buddies

    Hello all, long-time member who has been away for a while. January 8th I am scheduled for a revision lapband to bypass. The band was successful for years and no doubt saved my life but it has run its course and the weight is going back on and the band is maxed out.
  18. Ashley_vsg_2021

    Damn Tik-Tok

    Yup. I scared myself! I was on tik-tok and boom! Came across a lady who had sleeve revised to bypass (like me) and had a horrible complication a few months out. Hernia Bowel I believe. Then she needed a vaccum on her stomach. It freaked me out and now I’m spiraling! I’m 5 days post op, thinking wth did I do! Someone give me some relief! That bypass will be ok! It only sounds scary. Ugh I hate when I do this! I had sleeve 2 years ago - also had fears early on. But I was good! But then I had a baby, wls stopped (although no regrets! I lost 130 in 1 year! ) and acid reflux.  Anyone else get revision? 
  19. Oh this is what I dreaded when choosing between sleeve and bypass OP. I had reflux for years but it always resolved when I lost significant amounts of weight. And returned when I regained. I gambled on my reflux being pressure related, had the sleeve, and I won the gamble. Other than spicy foods or too great a volume of food I don't experience reflux now. I totally accept (and did at the time) that it could have gone the other way. I haven't heard of the procedure you describe as fixing reflux or a hiatus hernia. Maybe the more experienced members here will have? I suspect that you're heading towards a revision. Your symptoms sound awful and very persistent, and you seem to have been prescribed everything to control them. Bad bad luck.
  20. Do people think they've lost more weight than they hoped to, or are you happy with end weight? Any others who feel they didn't lose enough and what did you do, revision etc for example.
  21. Hi! I am 51 and having a revision from lap band to RNY on April 3. I’d like to hear from someone my age or older… how did your surgery go? Do you think age makes a difference?
  22. catwoman7

    I need answers, please help!

    wow - this is awful. I haven't heard anything this bad before, but the mini-bypass isn't very common in the US (and.I think most of us on this forum are from the US). Although even among people on here who've had mini-bypass, I haven't heard of a case this bad before. I'm so sorry you're going through this.
  23. RNY patient here. Actually, my clinic said it's also OK to take NSAIDs with bypass on rare occasions (although I haven't done that in the nine years since I had my RNY). Although ShoppGirl is correct in that NSAIDs can cause more issues with bypass patients than with sleeve patients (which is why they told us only on rare occasions). That said, if you need to take NSAIDs more often that very rarely, then that would be something to consider. And Arabesque's comment about GERD is also true - bypass is usually recommended for people who have GERD as sleeve can make that worse.
  24. WarrenInEC, I saw the bariatric revision surgeon. He doesn't think it is dumping and said that the upper and lower GI done would not have taken an image of the inside of my pouch so there could potentially be an internal hernia. He suggested possible laparoscopic investigatory surgery in a couple of weeks. He said a revision to tighten the opening wouldn't necessarily force me to lose more weight, which is perplexing to me but I'm not looking at it as a solution to lose weight, I just thought that would come with the "package". I'm assuming the reason I still feel restriction when I eat is simply because of the 'pouch' then. I thought I understood all of this 5 years ago when I had the surgery, but I obviously did not comprehend everything. Well, we'll see what the next few weeks brings... I assume you had a revision then as that is a big difference in the opening size..lol. If so, what was it like?
  25. teedsg

    Total regret

    I think you might need to talk with your surgeon and be really detailed about when you can’t hold down food. All the time? Only in morning? Before bile movement after BM, certain food triggers, etc. I got the Revision from the sleeve to the SASI bypass. I had the sleeve in 2017. There was a balloon at the top of my sleeve stomach and for the past 2years I was wondering why after I took a BM, I felt bloated and I always had gerd with a little regurgitation. It took my new surgeon to tell me that I had a balloon/bubble. So, basically I didn’t know I had that until my 1 day post surgery follow up on my SASI procedure on January 10, 2024. Long story short, I think you can do a revision surgery. I haven’t heard of a reversal. There’s the SASI and the SADI bypass.

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