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Found 1,237 results

  1. Jessee3897

    3 weeks out

    In going on week five and can attest to the three week stall. I started upping my protein and added in walking and by the middle of week four I was losing again.
  2. it's the infamous "three-week stall". If you do a search on this site for it, you will literally find over 15,000 posts on it. Almost everyone has that. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks. Your weight loss WILL start up again. And just so you know, you're likely to go through several of these on your journey.
  3. InfiniteButterfly

    Stall @ week 3? Seems to soon for that?

    I just pushed past the dread "three week stall" (which actually hit around 2 weeks out for me, and lasted maybe 10 days?) I knew it was coming (having seen so many posting about it on here), but it's still frustrating to experience, especially when you're doing everything right. My stall broke when I managed to boost my calories slightly for the day. I went from around 400 to 550-600, and that seemed to kick my losing back into gear.
  4. Creekimp13

    One Month Post Op/Plateau?

    You were lied to. The three weeks stall is infamous. What can you do? Be patient. That's it.
  5. This is something with a two part answer. The first is that, on average, we will be slowing down continually as we lose, simply because it takes fewer calories to move ourselves around all day at 300 lb as it did at 400 lb, and even fewer at 200 lb, etc. We will likely see stair steps, and some weeks or months will be lower or higher than others, but the overall trend is declining. The second part is that we will usually experience a big drop the first couple of weeks or so (and then typically get the dreaded "three week stall") and the proceed lower at a somewhat reduced rate. This is because our initial loss it mostly water weight associated with burning off our short term energy reserves of glycogen (basically stored carbohydrate) which gives us the "easy ten" lb that we typically lose when we start seriously dieting. After the glycogen is used up, we start to draw from our fat reserves, though there is often a pause or stall as the body changes gears.
  6. nsquared


    The three week stall is so common. I am sure there are threads on this forum and others devoted to nothing else. I did not have it (and I was expecting to), but based on what I have seen, I might be in the minority. Folks say to simply stay on track with your program and it will break. You are so early post-op it is not anything anything you did or didn't do. It is your body adjusting.
  7. blizair09

    4wks post- gained 2?!?

    You are just in the "three week stall." Google it and you'll find lots of information. Your body is healing right now, and you won't likely get an accurate weight in the first month. You just need to keep meeting your protein and water goals each day, and stay off the scale if it is going to upset you. The weight will start to come off again soon, but it won't be linear, and will often be quite erratic. Good luck!
  8. catwoman7

    Loosing too fast?

    it'll slow down. I had a big drop the first month, then it's been like 2-3 lbs a week. Plus like many, you may hit the "three week stall" soon where you won't lose anything for a week or two....
  9. catwoman7

    Weight loss stall

    1) unless you're the size of someone on "My 600 lb Life", your weight loss so far is very normal. Most of us lose 15-25 lbs in the first month after surgery. Yes - you will find people who lose more or less than that, but they're the exception. You're in that range, so you're perfectly normal! 2) you're in the infamous "three-week stall". Almost all of us go through that. It's not ALWAYS the third week, but it is for most (hence the name) - but it can really happen any time within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale if you need to. It'll last 1-3 weeks, and then you'll be on your way again. If you want to read more about it, do a search on this site for the three week stall. You will find about 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding...). It literally does happen to almost everyone. No changes necessary - just stick to your program and wait it out. It WILL break. oh - just re-read your post. Thirty grams of protein is too low. Most surgeons recommend at least 60. So THAT is a change you should make. Otherwise, you're good. Just hang tight!
  10. you're in the three-week stall. Happens to almost everyone. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale if you have to. It usually lasts 1-3 weeks. as for the 2 lb bump up, if you've been following your plan, that's not a true weight gain. Could be water retention or constipation. Or maybe a hormone-related gain. Just give it a couple of days.
  11. band2bypass15

    Like clock work....

    I just hot the three week stall. I'm down 29 lbs and couldn't wait to say I am down 30! Well, that may not happen right away. But I am so relieved to know that a "3 week stall" is actually a thing that others go through too. If I didn't know about this ahead of time I'm sure I would be really hard on myself...and I don't want that kind of negativity when I'm working so hard at this!
  12. RickM


    Yep, it's the dreaded three week stall, which commonly occurs 2-3 weeks after the start of most any serious weight loss effort. This article http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html provides a great explanation of what's happening and why. You will also probably notice that after you break this initial stall, that your weight loss will be somewhat slower as well - and this really is good news. The initial weight loss comes from your quick access energy reserves of glycogen (basically carbs,) which burn at a rate of around 2000 calories per pound, while your longer term energy reserves of fat that you will be drawing from after the glycogen stores are depleted, burn at a slower rate of around 3500 calories per pound - but it's the fat that we're trying to get rid of so that slowdown means that we're really doing what we are here to do! I never really stalled at this point, or any other for that matter, possibly because I never went seriously low carb on my diet as many do, so I never went as seriously into the glycogen deprevation mode as some (tho that is somewhat speculative,) but my loss certainly slowed down at that three week mark. Good luck and happy losing!
  13. I had a three week stall at week three that I just finally have come out of. I tried changing around everything, increasing Protein, walking, Water, decreasing carbs. Nothing helped. I have no clue what eventually knocked me off the stall, but I do know one thing - it sucked! I can't imagine how you're feeling six weeks into one. My clothes don't feel a whole lot different, but I was slowly losing an inch here and there, so if you're not measuring, maybe that'd help you keep going? I know you already acknowledged the low water, but that would be one thing to add. When you work out it can be really important to replace water. Hmmmm...Have you tried switching up the type of workout you do? I know other times I've reached plateaus in diets I was able to get over the plateau by exercising at a different time of day, for example, moving it to early morning to get my metabolism up. Or changing which workout I was doing so that I wasn't stuck in the same thing every day. On that same token, are you eating the same types of foods every day? That's another thing that will throw me into a plateau. My brother is a creature of habit and has the exact same lunch every day. If I do that, I will stay put at the exact same weight. My body likes it when things are consistent and will try its very best to keep them there. Are you getting in enough fiber? That might help keep your digestive system moving. I'm not sure if it will help the scale, but it would be a healthy thing to have in your diet. I'm not sure what else, but you will get through this! If you are doing the right things your body will eventually have to give up and let the scale move. For the mean time, maybe put the scale away (I know this is so ridiculously hard to do, maybe you'll be better at it than I was!), set some fitness goals instead of scale goals, and measure. You can still be successful even when the scale isn't moving.
  14. catwoman7

    1st month stall?

    it's the three week stall. Almost everyone goes through that. Although you're right, keeping up with your fluids is always important...
  15. catwoman7

    1st month stall?

    I just did a search on this site for you. There are literally 17,501 posts on this early stall. Pretty much everyone has it. I really think bariatric clinics ought to warn people about this because it happens to almost everyone, and people really freak out about it. Just stick to your plan and your weight loss will start up again. Stay off the scale if you have to. It usually lasts 1-2 weeks. Here are all the posts on it. Really - over 17,000 of them. https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three-week stall
  16. catwoman7

    3 weeks out and stalled

    go up to the search box and type in "three week stall". It happens to pretty much everybody! I think your body just need to recalibrate or something. Just stick to your plan and the stall will break. I stalled for two weeks, but then I dropped like 6 or 8 lbs within a couple of days after it broke
  17. RickM

    Ugh! Weight gain!

    Yes, it is the dreaded three week stall (or third week, since it doesn't necessarily last for three weeks!) Here is a good article explaining the physiology of what's happening now - http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html As noted in the article, there is around ten pounds of Water and glycogen in play here, so it is not unusual for there to be some small amount of gain happening while you restore your glycogen reserves and switch into fat burning mode, so don't beat yourself up over any perceived dietary sins - it's just nature at work and can happens to most when they go thru this phase.
  18. XYZXYZXYZ1955

    I am bumming out

    It sounds as though you hit the normal three-week stall, so no worries there. I'm a little confused--when you say you eat "4 ounces of protein at least" do you mean at one time? That seems like a lot at once for as relatively early as you are in the process. Are you meeting the water goals? I would not stress over meeting an arbitrary weight loss goal; focus more on the big four goals (per my surgeon): water, protein, vitamins, and exercise. Is there a reason you are not taking vitamins? They really are essential for WLS recipients--we can't get enough of what we need through our very limited diets at this point. Good luck!
  19. you're in a stall. Almost everyone has their first stall during the first month or so after surgery. I had mine during weeks 2 and 3. It finally broke during week 4, and I dropped like 6-8 lbs practically overnight. Do a search on "three week stall" - it happens to almost everyone! You are fine - stop worrying! I started out where you are weight-wise, and I lost 16 lbs the first month. I thought I was never going to lose weight, but I lost over 200 lbs! Stick to your program and the weight WILL come off! Your surgeon is going to be delighted with your loss so far!
  20. Donna Thorne

    Three week stall

    I lost 30 lbs the first three weeks after surgery, coming down from near 300 lbs. Now I have gained a pound in my 4th week. I heard this may be normal, but I feel maybe I need to buckle down even tighter on my eating, not sure. If this is true, how long did it last for you? When did you start to lose weight again?
  21. Alex Brecher

    3 weeks out

    @@lilijo, Congratulations on your surgery! Yep, the three-week stall is definitely a thing, especially when your first few weeks after surgery have seen such fast weight loss, like you! Your body is just catching up from the stress of surgery and the quick weight loss. You’ll lose again when you’re ready as long as you follow the program! In the meantime, what should you do? Stay positive, because there is no point in getting down about something you cannot control. Stick to your diet, since that is what will let your body lose more weight when it is time. Bump up your liquids, since that can never hurt. Focus on non-scale victories, since there will be TONS of progress during this time, like feeling better and losing inches if not pounds. Congratulations again, and good luck!
  22. lizonaplane

    2 weeks post op

    Also, for the constipation: it's totally normal. Try taking Miralax (doesn't work right away, needs to be taken basically every day) or if you haven't gone in a long time, use a laxative suppository (not to be taken too often). Talk to your surgery center to make sure these are okay. I find the miralax works way better than stool softeners or senna. You will not normally go every day after surgery because you are taking in less food and fiber. My surgery center said to make sure I'm getting enough liquid and moving around enough. However, I'm doing both of these things and I'm still only having a BM twice a week. And, as @catwoman7 mentioned, the three week stall is infamous. I am basically there right now. This too shall pass!
  23. susnl

    Valentine's Day Challenge!

    Ok - I have failed this challagne - miserably - with a three week stall including a two lb gain. But the stall finally broke last week with an almost 6lb lose. I am not too disappointed. Ready for the next challange. Bring it on!! SW...194 CW...185.4 GW...180
  24. I saw a quote in my daughter's school this weekend: "The kindest word in all the world is the unkind word, unsaid". That being said, I am tired too, PMSing, and in another damned three week stall so I may be slightly iritable. Honesty and kindness are not always mutually exclusive; they just don't always fit together neatly. I totally agree with you Laura (as I often do). To each their own. And certainly, anyone trying to profit by lying or omission is just plain wrong. I have no desire to argue with anyone - just to inform people that may not intend to be offensive that it is. If the intent is to offend or people don't care - they should feel free to offend away. If the intent is not to offend or they do care - perhaps they may want to rethink the language used. I have no idea why this thing is underlining everything I say but I can't make it stop!!!
  25. Search the "three week stall" Almost everyone gets it... it is normal and you are not doing anything wrong. Mine lasted for 4 weeks!

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