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Found 1,237 results

  1. happy1957

    Am I Considered A Slow Loser?

    I too am a slow loser, but so far I have lost consistently each week with the exception of the famous three week stall that lasted 3.5 weeks. My surgery was 12-28-11, I have lost 29 lbs since my surgery and that includes the pre- liquid diet. Most people think I've lost much more. So far the skin is pretty good considering I'm and old lady. I have always been a slow loser, have less than some to lose and have age against. It came on slow, so I will be patient. I see huge life changes already. At to months I was afraid my Dr would be upset, she was elated, also counted the weight I lost prior to surgery and thought percentage wise I was ahead of schedule. I had feared her reaction and she actually made me feel so successful. Keep up the good work!
  2. Having not lost weight for nearly two weeks after surgery, I was starting to stress even thought I had heard of the three week stall. I then read this article and discussed it with my husband who's a meat science who confirmed its accuracy. A breath of relief and kept doing what I was supposed to and weight started dropping quickly again. Thought I'd share if someone else was experience and wondering what was going on. Here's the link: The article I read
  3. Search three week stall. Tons of people have gone through the same thing. Also losing a lot of weight in a short amount of time kind of shocks the body. It does need time to adjust. Are you measuring? While weight might slow or stall from time to time, you could be losing inches.
  4. I'm so proud of you. This will be a great "before" to your amazing "after." After your surgery when you are having trouble getting down all your fluids and you're having buyer's remorse, or when you hit the three-week stall, you can look back and draw motivation from this. You are a very strong woman and YOU GOT THIS.
  5. I think you just hit the dreaded three-week stall early. It isn't pleasant. Try to be patient.
  6. Bufflehead

    Curious Questions

    1) I see a lot of people talk about not having an appetite for foods they previously enjoyed or not being able to swallow certain foods. Why is this? My naive thought process is that your stomach had a procedure but your taste buds didn't and why would something that happened to the stomach impact your ability to swallow certain foods? I don't think anyone really knows why our tastes change. My best guess would be it has to do with elimination of a source of hunger hormone, plus gut bacteria get re-set through surgery. It is real though! As for swallowing, I actually haven't heard about people not being able to swallow something. If the taste or texture feels off, many people will choose not to swallow food after surgery. If it isn't soft enough, well-chewed, etc., it may come right back up after you swallow it. That's about all I know that would shed any light on that. 2) I see people talk about not losing much weight or immediately having hunger again. Why is this? Is there a percentage of people that a smaller stomach doesn't work for? How can you not lose weight with a significantly smaller stomach {aside from poor food or liquid choices}. I know we all have different metabolism and our bodies process foods differently - I don't necessarily believe in the whole "calories in, calories out" thing but ... seriously, how can your body not lose if your stomach is like 80% smaller and you follow the food/liquid rules? There are different phenomena that are possible here, and I am not sure which you are talking about. Some people experience stalls in weight loss, even early on (the three week stall for example), even though they are doing everything right. I'm not sure anyone knows for sure why that stall or any other stall happens -- glycogen depletion and replacement, hormonal changes, lots of things could be at work. Then there are people who lose a lot of weight and then either stop losing, or start re-gaining. Typically that's because of poor food choices: grazing all day, eating high-calorie, low-density slider foods, refusing to weigh/measure their portions and track calories and Protein, things like that. What is the percentage of people this just doesn't work for? Depends on your definition of "work for," as well as on your own surgeon. You would want to discuss rates of maintained excess weight loss for your specific surgeon with him or her. That whole "inverted gastric sleeve" sounds like a fancy name for over-sewing the staple line, which I think a lot of surgeons do.
  7. cutiecake

    8 weeks out!

    Lots of people talk about the dreaded three week stall. Sounds like some of you maybe experiencing. I haven't got there yet, only 9 days out. But I've read about it on here, around 3 weeks post op lots of people reach a stall in the weight loss. I don't know why...
  8. wright616

    How do you break a stall?

    I just got done with a three week stall so I understand your frustration. Keep eating right and exercising and the weight will come off. I also increased my calories by a hundred and that seemed to help
  9. Search the "three week stall" Almost everyone gets it... it is normal and you are not doing anything wrong. Mine lasted for 4 weeks!
  10. catwoman7

    Is this normal?

    you're going through the three-week stall a little early. Almost everyone goes through that early stall. If you do a search for it on this site, you'll fine 17,501 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding - there literally are 17,501 posts on it). Just stick to your plan and your weight loss will start up again - I promise! My stall lasted for two weeks (weeks 2 and 3 post-surgery), and my weight loss started up again during week 4. I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days that week. So just hang tight and stay off the scale if you have to...
  11. I hit the three weeks stall...and had been stuck for almost two weeks. Was making me crazy. Totally empathize with those hitting one. Man, it's frustrating! Got my period yesterday and lost two pounds...and woke up this morning another two and a half pounds down! Not an ounce for two weeks....then, BOOM!...four and a half pounds. The legends are true! Be consistent, be patient. Your hard work IS counting...I promise. scale just needs a minute to catch up:)
  12. gwbicster

    Wtf man lol

    Google "three week stall".
  13. It's normal to stall around that time. Your body is just playing catch up. It's so normal actually, I'm kind of surprised nobody warned you about it. Either search here or Google "The Dreaded Three Week Stall" and you will see it happens to 98% of us. You're doing just fine. As a matter of fact, you're even a little ahead of the game with what you've lost so far. Keep doing what you're doing and the stall will pass.
  14. TheWigster

    Week 3 Post-Op No weight loss...

    I understand about the stalls. I was in a three week stall 4 weeks post op and I am happy to report that over the last two days the scale is finally moving down again! I had been off my blood pressure meds since the surgery and it had been normal. Then all of a sudden my blood pressure went up again. I took my BP meds two days in a row and that seemed to have kick started the weight loss. I am sure I was retaining fluids of some sort. My BP is back to normal again and the scale is moving. I also upped my Protein and exercise; that probably had a lot to do with it too. Hang in there. I understand about the frustration. I had convinced myself that I was doing something wrong and that I was going to fail at this too. It's all a head game. Your body is adjusting and will move when it's time. Good luck and stay positive.
  15. blizair09

    No Weight Loss

    Google "three week stall." Right now, your body is desperately trying to heal. Stick to your plan, meet your protein and water goals, walk when you can, and stay off of the scale. The weight will eventually start coming off. And get used to the stalls. I have learned that nothing about post-op weight loss is linear. It is frustrating, I know, but if you just trust in the process and do exactly what you are supposed to do all of the time, you will be successful. Good luck!
  16. SmilingBeauty


    I was sleeved on May 26th and weighed 300 lbs. I am 5 weeks out and weigh 271 lbs. Fotunately I did not hit the dreaded three week stall or maybe I did and just didn't realize it. My relationship with the scale has definitely changed. I still weigh myself almost daily but I have found that the number no longer sends me into a frenzy. I think reading so much here I finally realized that the scale does not make or break success. I am on soft foods and dabbling with some regular foods. Had chicken and some pulled pork. No beef. I really want a salad and some fresh fruit. Waiting to here back from NUT. I truly have found that this forum prepared me for surgery and post-op.
  17. laylasmojo

    One month out & I've gained?

    I would not worry about it to much your body is in a state of shok and yes your weight will fluctuate up and day every day all day long so maybe you should be one of the people who only weigh once a week. as for the three week stall that is perfectally normal and I promise you as long as you are following your dr's guidelines you will begin to loose again.
  18. Almost everyone hits a stall at the third week. It doesn't matter what you eat (unless you are eating milkshakes and french fries or something awful and need to fix it). That said, my doctor prescribed a maximum of 60 g carbs and a minimum of 75 g protein while on purees. I also ate a lot of eggs, protein shakes, and refried beans. Other things I ate: Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and various white meats pureed with different sauces, such as: sweet & spicy tuna (the kind that comes in a pouch) pureed with sriracha sauce hickory smoked tuna pureed with low cal bbq sauce lemon dill salmon pureed with olive oil mayo chicken pureed with marinara sauce, then heated up with melted mozzarella cheese turkey pureed with peanut satay sauce I was limited to 3 tablespoons of food per meal, 3 meals per day, no snacks (other than liquids/protein shakes). All of that said . . . the three week stall is completely normal and it doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong with your eating! I promise!
  19. newmetwenty15

    Two weeks, two days!

    I am feeling great! I know it's still early in the post-op phase, but I still haven't found a reason to be anything but grateful for my VSG. I am healing well and wearing jeans again. I have been a little crazy with the scale hoping for a huge weight loss number. I think 22.5 pounds is a pretty good start! I am thinking I am about to hit the dreadful three week stall and not looking forward to it, but I think I have made my mind up to stay away from the scale and maybe do a little measuring. I don't have to be ONE with the scale all the time!!! RIGHT? Actually, I am now down 23.4 pounds since my surgery date and that is working with me! I have started my work out schedule and actually have enjoyed getting up and working out (mildly). I am still a little slow on the walking, no brisk, fast paced, hard core walking yet, but I know that will come in time! I think I am most happiest about finally being able to eat again (chew, chew, chew) and not having to sip my meals! That sure was hard, but looking back, it seemed time went so fast! I wish anyone thinking about one of the surgeries, doing one of the surgeries, or has already done one of the surgeries the best of luck in every aspect of this great life! twenty15
  20. catwoman7

    Weight Loss Stall

    it's the infamous three-week stall (this early stall happens to probably 90% of us. It's usually the third week after surgery (hence the name), but not always. It can happen any time within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery). If you do a search on it on this site, you will find over 17,000 posts on it (and not, I am NOT kidding). Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days. It usually takes 1-3 weeks to break, but it WILL break and you'll be on your way again.
  21. ice75002

    Day 28

    Hi all, For me these posts help keep me in check on a few things. Everything is going well and my nutritionist has released me to more foods. On Monday I added baked and grilled fish, soft veggies, fruit etc. He still doesn’t want me to set my macros until next month but once me to get 100-120 gr of protein, and up my carbs a bit. So, I’ve added berries and banana. My weight loss has slowed down, but with adding foods and so much water loss I’m not surprised. Plus of course, you hear about the three week stall. With the added food, I certainly have more energy. Now, I need to add cardio. The weights have been going well and I’m getting stronger Pre Surgery Weight: 336 Surgery Weight: 330 4 week Weight: 305.6. Goal weight: 275 Note: I was having some light headed issues, especially when getting up. It was my blood pressure dropping. I’m now down to 1/2 a pill per day. I am hoping with more weight loss I’ll be off completely. Good luck everyone.
  22. catwoman7

    stopped weight loss

    it's the infamous "three week stall" - happens to almost all of us (it's not always the third week - it happens within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery - but it's most often the third week, thus, the name). If you do a search of this site on the three week stall, you will find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that it'll break and you'll be on your way again. It usually lasts 1-2 weeks - but I've heard of it lasting up to three for some people. (oh - and you'll likely hit more of these stalls later on your journey - perfectly normal "feature" of weight loss...)
  23. VSGAnn2014

    stall at 2 weeks out?! help!

    Guys, guys, guys .... Search here and google for "three week stall." It's common. Happens to almost everyone. And no, don't change anything. Just do what you're supposed to be doing now.
  24. MariaC6

    Finally in Onederland!! 🎉

    Finally broke my three week stall and had a 3 lb weight loss. 187 on the scale today. Woot woot! And I had two Christmas cookies yesterday- what a mind game. I’d did make a conscious effort to get my 64 ounces of water this week. I’m 15 weeks out and I am at about 900-1200 calories a day and I get at least 45 minutes of exercise 6 days a week (I use a Peloton bike). For those on a stall, listen to what everyone else has said and stay the course.
  25. RickM

    Ugh! Weight gain!

    Yes, it is the dreaded three week stall (or third week, since it doesn't necessarily last for three weeks!) Here is a good article explaining the physiology of what's happening now - http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html As noted in the article, there is around ten pounds of Water and glycogen in play here, so it is not unusual for there to be some small amount of gain happening while you restore your glycogen reserves and switch into fat burning mode, so don't beat yourself up over any perceived dietary sins - it's just nature at work and can happens to most when they go thru this phase.

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