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Found 17,501 results

  1. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Hope your insurance gets resolved soon. My Insurance wouldn't cover the original surgery the surgeon and I agreed on. Which was the SADI-DS or Duodenal switch. They would cover Gastric Bypass and Gastric sleeve but not SADI. Which seems dumb, they claimed it's still experimental. Again, hope it's resolved soon.
  2. lily06

    Deciding between bypass & sleeve

    It’s really interesting reading about how and why everyone chose their surgery My surgeon actually told me at the very earliest : he would not make the choice for me as if i wasn’t the one making the surgery type choice it opened up the possibility of regretting whichever i went with. I asked him what he recommended he told me there are no specific advantages of bypass over sleeve or vice versa. He did however explain that 30% of vsg patients end up with GERD (especially it already having reflux without surgery) and that dumping was way more frequent in bypass patients. He also told me that age factors in : younger women for example can use the sleeve then may need to convert to bypass later in life (after several pregnancies for example) to continue being able to face fluctuating weight from such events. In the end i went with the sleeve, hoping i wouldn’t be one of the 30% who develop GERD. 1 month post up tomorrow - So far so good no reflux but i am taking medication that could be masking it
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Schizophrenia and the sleeve operation

    I don't think there's any malabsorption issues with the sleeve, just the bypass and the switch. I would say talk to your mental health provider, do a lot of research on meds with a sleeve, and then take all of that to whoever you need to see to get you going on the safest surgery for you.
  4. My doctor said that after my gastric bypass (revision from gastric sleeve) , I should not have any acid related disorders or heartburn, but I definitely still have it ..also in the middle of the night I feel naseau that comes and goes (can go a way if I change positions) … is this true that bypass patients have zero heartburn?
  5. Hi, I’m new here. I had a gastric bypass (RNY) on Tuesday. I was back home Wednesday and doing ok. I’m living and working abroad in a country where I am not completely fluent in the local language so I wasn’t put into a support group with locals, but hoping I can find that here. ☺️ So far, it certainly hasn’t been a pleasant experience but it’s also nowhere near the nightmare I expected. (I know it’s still early days!)
  6. I would go with The Bypass or DS, several people with the sleeve usually end up getting revisions. Good luck to you! Get a few consults with surgeons.
  7. Glad you're doing better! My hysterectomy was by far way worse than my bypass (was in the hospital for two weeks) so I understand the issues one can have from removing lady plumbing! You're on the backside now and things are looking up for you! Take care of yourself, looking good!
  8. Mrs. Ross

    Strongly struggling

    Thank you so much for replying to my post. I had gastric bypass surgery on a 13th of this month. I am so sick of this liquid diet. I just need a very little substance. I was never a huge eater in the first place. I have health issues. My doctors recommended for me to have gastric bypass surgery with a hiatal hernia repair. Again, thank you for responding. I will try to eat something tomorrow something really light
  9. How did you decide? My doctor said I have no issues/conditions that would make him recommend one over the other and it’s completely up to me. I’m doing lots of research on both and am really unsure - thought I would ask here. Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts and experiences!
  10. alphacat68

    Any fellow Michiganders?

    Hiya, I'm Denise. I live in Royal Oak and had surgery August 3. I had the bypass at McLaren Macomb. How about you? Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. so you went from sleeve to bypass? That will usually cure it - or at minimum, greatly improve it. Hopefully something will show up on your (May) endoscopy so they'll know what's going on.
  12. Calli

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Day 2 post op gastric bypass. Staying hydrated and living on yogurt. Now i have diarrhea…so hydration is gonna be tough. On the plus side all the pressure i was feeling is gone. Nurse said i need more protein and it will help the diarrhea. Anyone else have this issue postop?
  13. NickelChip

    Is there a standard guideline?

    At my surgeon's office, they have one set of guidelines for bypass and another for sleeve. Interestingly, bypass moves out of the liquid phase faster, perhaps because we don't have that long line of staples to worry about? But as far as I can tell, the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery sets certain guidelines for programs to be considered Centers of Excellence, which many insurance programs require in order to cover the procedure. But these do not include a lot of specific dietary guidelines. A lot is left open to personal preference by the doctor or practice, although they are required to stay up to date on medical research.
  14. lattelady98577

    Pre-gastric bypass

    From the album: Janelle

    I was sleeved in 2016, and due to circumstances, I could not control, death in my family of three people, I started gaining weight. I lost my husband in 2021 to a heart attack. I have decided to go with gastric bypass to take care of my GERD.

    © Michael Miller

  15. Jalapeño

    Mini Bypass reversal

    I have. Reversal from mini gastric bypass to RNY. It's early days for me, but I'm glad I had the reversal. I was suffering from steatorrhea and excessive malabsorption. The steatorrhea has been cured as well as the toxic off the scales smell following a visit to the toilet. I'm now just hoping for some weight gain.
  16. Hello All! I had Surgery on 10/18/23 😊 I am usually in Facebook support groups, but lately they are too busy being negative and quick to tear others down. So, I am here for new scenery. I also noted most the talk and experiences are VSG, and less RNY Gastric Bypass. They are always talking bad about Bypasses until they need a revision to Bypass from VSG. So far I am doing really great! there's some hard moments, such as post op pain, gas, and one episode of dumping. (I think i ate too fast. Eating and talking). I am down -22 lbs. I will be one month post op on November 18th!
  17. I just had the sleeve revision to gastric bypass on 6/13/23 and I am a little nervous now after reading a lot of these posts regarding the lack of weight loss.
  18. lattelady98577

    Pre-gastric bypass

    From the album: Janelle

    I was sleeved in 2016, and due to circumstances, I could not control, death in my family of three people, I started gaining weight. I lost my husband in 2021 to a heart attack. I have decided to go with gastric bypass to take care of my GERD.

    © Michael Miller

  19. ShoppGirl

    Pain relief

    This is a problem that I ran into also. Basically there isn’t anything. Well there is an herb that’s supposed to help with inflammation called Tumeric but I never tied it. Some people say injections and topical NSAIDs are okay but others say no. I was lucky I had sleeve when I needed them and was told that because I was so far out that I could take them on very rare occasions. I talked to my surgeon today about revision and asked about NSAIDs with SADI vs Bypass. He said it’s a definite no with Bypass but didn’t say what you can take instead. Probably just pain medication and ice like you said and maybe try the Tumeric. Google says it can interact with some drugs so be sure to talk to Dr or pharmacist
  20. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I'm losing inches. Which means it's going in the right direction. Also since I'm still 5 weeks out everything is still healing and getting used to the bypass.
  21. SaraSara4

    Water intake issue?

    Since my bypass 11 days ago I can not tolerate plain water. Its weird as hell but according to my nutritionist its common. Flavored water is ok. Grape powerade ok. Iffy on the protein shake sometimes I am ok sometimes it makes me feel a little queasy
  22. Hey, I have had a rxy bypass 2 weeks ago and I was on liquids for one week and puree now. I have felt no restriction even with water I am gulping a glass down easily and having puree very easy with no pain or restriction. I have tried eggs and a few other little things because I freaked out with no restriction. Can I have people please help with their own story about this… does the restriction comeback?? Has anyone spoken to their surgeon as to why they lost it??? Any information and support would be appreciated I have been really low and upset about this worrying I’ll never feel full again
  23. I am pending revision to my sleeve and my dr said he does not do resleeves because of the high risk and occurrence of leaks and low weight loss. I am pending testing to see if I will be getting bypass or SADI. Not sure if that helps or if your doctor feels the same way but it may be a good thing to ask about.
  24. NurseDi54

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I had my gastric bypass surgery on 5/20. I have so much water retention! I'm up 20lbs from my pre-op weight, thighs and hips have gained several inches. I almost took one of my old diuretic pills until I read a thread on here. Anyone else having tons of edema?
  25. Paula Hushy

    Alcohol?? 🤔

    Hi I am 5 months into my journey after a bypass. I'm having a few issues but doing ok. I was wondering why alcohol isn't allowed for 12 months? Does it damage your new pouch or is it normal health advice? Can anyone shed any light on this please? Thanks 👍

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