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Found 3,099 results

  1. Starwarsandcupcakes

    Food Before and After Photos

    Let me introduce you all to the many ways I’ve eaten eggs this past week. 😂 I was feeling a little heavy so wanted switch up my diet back to keto (which has worked for me in the past) and decided on a slightly modified egg fast to get back into things. Lost 7lbs of water weight in 4 days. Eggs with avocado (my modified one a day veggie choice) and feta, hard boiled eggs with mayo and hot sauce (not pictured), snickerdoodle cream cheese egg crepes, scrambled eggs with cheese, hard boiled eggs and chipotle mayo, a pizza chaffle moth marinara (my modified one a day veggie choice), garlic bread? ( this recipe needs work but the flavor was good), the recipe called it a crustless quiche (with mayo added), mini lemon cheesecakes (these were SO good!), and then cloud eggs with homemade hollandaise (these were just ok). Annnd what I ate for breakfast this morning was these reverse scotch eggs.
  2. Jeanniebug


    I was put on metformin, when I was diagnosed with diabetes, several years ago. It worked well. It improved my blood sugars. In addition to taking metformin, I started the keto diet. I lost 62 pounds in about 3 months. Of note, I started having hair loss. I don't know if it was the metformin, the diet, or the weight loss, but that's when I started losing my hair. I stayed on the metformin until the day of my surgery. The hair loss continued, even though I had stopped the keto diet and regained a bunch of weight.
  3. MasonMoonGirl

    Depressed before surgery

    Same here my original surgery was supposed to be on April 26th. I've lost 22 pounds since my heaviest from following the preop diet before. About 2 weeks before I freaked out and cancelled. Too many people were telling me not to do it, horror stories and I barely had any support. This time I have not told anyone I'm doing it yet except for my sister and best friend. My pre op isn't as restrictive, they didn't give me a set calorie count and liquid starts 2 days before surgery. I did keto diet on my own before this from 2019-2020 and lost 90 pounds naturally, but I gained it back when I met my significant other and went off that diet. I feel like i dont like to exercise so that worries me and haven't found the motivation to start. I keep telling myself it's not important for weight loss and I'll do that x amount of weeks before or after the surgery. It doesn't help that my significant other isn't really supportive. They are worried for me and is the type that if I say I'm depressed and start crying about the surgery, instead of talking me thru it and saying it will pass, they will start crying too 🤣🤣, blame themself for not stopping me, say they dont want to see me suffer and convince me I'm not ready to do it and they won't be able to stand seeing me suffer after. Although I know it's good intentioned again, I need someone who's not as soft. I should be able to say I'm feeling depressed about it without them being the one that gets sad and emotional, I'm the one that should be sad lol. Last time was the second time I cancelled the surgery after going thru all of the motions. Now I'm telling myself third time is the charm and the office is going to think I'm nuts if I keep freaking out and canceling then saying just kidding the next week 🤣🤣
  4. Carb Smart fudge bars & KETO cherry chocolate chip
  5. Lipman

    Any CrossFit peeps?

    By the way, I just googled working out on the keto diet (essentially what we are doing) and found this: https://www.everydayhealth.com/fitness/what-keto-diet-will-your-workout/ Talks about how high intensity stuff is very much affected, as burning fat for energy isn't as quick as burning carbs.
  6. Arabesque

    Bad taste in mouth/disgusted with good?

    It’s not uncommon for our tastebuds &/or sense of smell to temporarily change making foods we used to like taste disgusting. It can also make foods we used to dislike yummy. Also ketosis (fat burning) can cause a foul taste in our mouths. Also causes bad breath, and other bodily secretions to smell unpleasant, and flu like symptoms (keto flu). It will pass. No timeline as to when though just when your body is ready. Congrats on your weight loss so far.
  7. doubleJointed

    3 Days Post Op - Just Documenting My Journey

    Just responding to my own post to have everything in one place. General Down almost 60lbs after surgery on May 18th. No complications. I followed the rules exactly on the diet, but continued to push the exercise because that's my personality. In fact, I would say I've become a little obsessive with the exercise, walking/running/biking everyday. I have also experienced a lot of ups and downs since the surgery. Food The first week after surgery I was fine with the limited clear liquids, however, near the end of the first week I was sick and tired of the clear liquids. The second week was the same. First part of the week was good because of new liquids, but near the end of the second week I was sick of the limitations. Basically I was excited every time I got new foods, and was sick of it by the end. This was not so much because I was having cravings for fatty or sugary foods, I just needed variety. Now I'm opened up to try whatever I want, except carbonation. I'm still not trying bread, but have had really small tastes of pasta (really small) or eaten really small keto tortillas without issue. I'm still keeping a daily log of all food eaten and hitting my macros on most days. I'm really focusing on my protein (100+ grams a day; I've really been aiming for 130+ grams, but it's tough) intake as I don't want to lose any more muscle. I do notice that I get the hiccups when I'm full. Sometimes my nose runs when I'm full as well. I did get the "slimes" once. I was trying to eat a breakfast taco on the keto tortilla and I guess it was too dry. I only got half down (the tortillas are only about 3.5 inches across; really small) and it felt like it was stuck. So what do you do when food is stuck, DRINK! That was a mistake. Got the slimes and eventually threw up. That's the only time that has happened. Fortunately, it was like 5 weeks after surgery, but I was worried I had done something to my stomach. Went out to eat with the family a week ago and tried ghost pepper wings (which I'm normally fine with). I also put ghost pepper hot sauce on my refried beans, without issue. The spicy wings did not go well. It was much spicier than normal and I ended up drinking water and almost threw up. Prior, I had eaten 3 wingstop wings with blue cheese and was fine (mango habanero). We went out to dinner again last night and I had a few bites of salad, about 2 ounces of chicken breast with BBQ sauce and a few bites of sweet potato and was stuffed. I used to get a 16 ounce ribeye with mushrooms and onions, mashed potatoes, veggies and a couple of tall beers. I did not feel like I was missing out, which feels kind of weird. My kids got a dessert and I wasn't interested in it. Sugar free popsicles taste really good and are almost too sweet now. I was really worried about eating out (what I was going to eat; how it was going to go, etc). I feel more comfortable now for when we go out with friends. Bonus, I have saved a TON of money on food and alcohol. Like a crazy amount. I did have a glass of bourbon on the rocks last week. Drank it slow and it went down just fine. Zero issues. I'm not going to start drinking though, and will just stick to an occasional drink. Exercise I started walking very soon after surgery, 10K steps a day, and pushed it too far too early. I dialed it back for the first two weeks, but then picked it back up. Now I either walk for 15K+ steps a day or ride the bike for an hour. Every day. I get a more intense workout on the bike plus it's better on my joints. Walking seems to hurt my hips and back, but I'm powering through. I'm going to a physical therapist on Thursday to try to figure that out. As I said above, I'm definitely obsessive about my exercise. Sometimes to the point where I wear myself out and am exhausted for the rest of the day. Some of that is a mix of the intense exercise and limited calorie intake. I've also told myself that I was not going to obsess about the scale and I was only going to weigh once a week, because the weekly/monthly trend is the only thing that matters (my weight fluctuates up and down daily, but trends down weekly/monthly). However, I find it really difficult to avoid weighing myself multiple times a day. I'm obsessed with the scale as well. Mood Overall, I'm OK. Weight loss is really good. Hit a couple of short stalls. No complications, but my mood is really up and down, which is not normal for me. So much so, that I have scheduled an appt with a therapist next week (first time in my life). The doldrums are real, especially after VSG, so take care of yourselves, physically and mentally. Meds I'm completely off my BP meds and it's currently averaging 120/80. I have GERD with a history of Barrett's Esophagus, and I'm currently taking 40mg omeprazole daily. I was really worried about it getting worse after surgery, but I have had zero issues. I have a follow up appt with my VSG doc next week and I'm going to see if I can test 20mg. I would love to get off all meds. I tried the barimelts at the suggestion of my doctor, and they were OK the first couple of days. Then they totally grossed me out. I mean, like I was about to vomit and dreaded taking them every day. I only made it about a week before I gave up. I'm back on regular vitamins for now and tolerating them just fine. I'm going to ask the doc about that next week as well. Misc Because of the connective tissue disorder, my shoulders are really messed up. My right one especially. I'm glad it's not affecting my exercising. I just saw an orthopedic and she described my shoulder as "gnarly". Reverse shoulder replacement is in my future, but in the meantime, I'll have it scoped for labrum and rotator cuff repair, plus Bankart repair with the remplissage procedure. I am looking forward to relief from the chronic pain, but not the recovery. I hear it is brutal. TLDR Wished I would've had the surgery sooner. Plan for some ups and downs. Follow the plan. Take care of yourself. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sweeteners after gastric sleeve

    I use monk fruit sweetener. Tastes sweeter than sugar but is recommended for those who are diabetic, on keto and low carb diets, and have had bariatric surgery. I love it, and I use it very sparingly, so it lasts a loooong time.
  9. Arabesque

    Daily headaches

    Yep, could be withdrawal symptoms from carbs. Could be because of ketosis too. Lots of strange side effects when that starts occurring including unpleasant body odours, keto flu, etc. If the headaches persist or you can’t manage them with over the counter meds, speak with your medical team
  10. Starting my pre-op keto diet early.  Trying to do 50 carbs a day!

  11. So I have come to the conclusion that I have a racer back gym shirt problem. I keep buying more shirts and they are soo cute and they make me feel cute. I am still kicking butt on my workouts and I have decided to end Keto for now. I have been stressing a lot about food and unfortunately, I hold on to weight that way. It is time to go back to just being mindful of what I eat and how much. 

    Although I look great in clothing, I wanted to show what my body looks like outside of it. My stomach is sagging lower than before I lost weight. My arms are sagging and my breast have deflated. 

    With that being said, I would not go back and change anything. I would not give up being able to jump, bike, go shopping easily and feel comfortable in clothes for anything. I would not trade this confidence or happiness. I am soo a peace with myself and my body. The aches that I feel are from soreness of pushing my body, than from being too heavy that my body cannot handle the weight. 

    This journey has saved my life in more ways than I could ever imagine. I do not hide from the world anymore. I do not hide from people. I go out and want to explore. I meet new people. I have been freed from the burdens my weight had placed on me mentally and physically. 

    With being said, "I LOVE MY IMPERFECTLY PERFECT BODY!!" 





    1. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @Newme17 You are right. When it came to Keto, I was stressing out a lot about carbs. That was the hardest part and I noticed that I started feeling anxiety when shopping for foods. Especially, since I stay away from cakes and cookies. I need my fruits and I was limited there as well. Even though I stopped Keto, I will keep some great aspects from it. I have completely cut out bread and flour tortillas. Rice is only a 1/4 cup once every 2 weeks.

      I am with you. If for some reason, I cannot pay to have the skin removed when I am ready to cross that bridge, then so be it. My skin is my journey. Each tiger strip or roll is my badge of honor.

      Yes. It is now time for me to enjoy my life. Just enjoy brining able to move easily and effectively.

    2. Newme17


      I'm happy to hear. I love the tiger stripes!!! Lol. Cute!!!

    3. Strivingforbetter


      @Thejeweledsleeve I just tried to hit the reply button, or what I thought was the reply button, and hit the report button instead. Geez. Anyway, I was laughing at your needing to pull your leg up using your pant leg to tie your shoes. I can so relate to that situation. I also relate to struggling with the keto diet. I miss having fruit. I think as long as I keep my calories under 1000, I should be able to add a peach here and there.

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  12. My doggy is now back home in his cute little splint and cone. He is soo adorable and annoyingly smart. He figured out how to push the cone back so he can bite at the splint. He also is running on 3 legs but walks on all 4 (Except in the dirt lol). 

    My stall is finally over. I moved 1 lb on the scale on Sunday. I finally moved. I have been bouncing between 203 - 205 lbs for the longest. I am finally 202 lbs. I think its over. I have been sticking to my Keto and meal prepping. I cannot believe that I look like this. I feel amazing. I look amazing and although I have a long way to go, I am soo proud of the progress that I have made. I am almost to my second goal of being under 200 lbs. I have made the decision that I want to bring in the New Year at 155 lbs. That is an average of 9 lbs over the next 5 months. I can handle that. I have already prepared my Keto weeks and the grocery lists. I just want to reach that third goal by the end of the year and I believe that I can. 

    My ex-bf has been texting me and calling me a lot. Honestly, I really do miss the fool. I just do not want his insecurities destroying my progress. I am highly conflicted. I know he is a great person and I truly love him a lot. I just do not understand why he has any insecurities. The man workouts and is built. He is very handsome and extremely intelligent. As of now, he is being supportive. Sending me work out routines to try, new recipes and even went as far as to get me a class doing Aerial Silks (Something I have showed extreme interest in). I really need to have a one on one with myself regarding our relationship.

    1. Newme17


      Yay for broken stalls! 😊 I wouldn't know but I will celebrate with you.

      I do think you need to have a serious one on one with yourself. Also, have you talked to him about his behavior and insecurities? Maybe he needs to hear it and so he'll reflect on hisself and change. You don't strike me as the kind to not say anything, but maybe you didn't??? I actually broke up with my hubby as we were dating. I was ready to get out of the club, partying scenes and he wasn't. Told him he has to change for hisself and not me. So I told him to leave. Not long afterwards we're back together. lol. But he did change (slowly) and he did listen to me. Now I've got a great man, a husband who will move mountains for me, regardless of what I look like. He's secured in himself enough to not project what little he may have, if any, on me. I usually puff him up with compliments though, so that helps. Lol. So anyway, I hope it works out for the way you get blessed, whether it's with him or not. But until you know which way, enjoy taking care of YOU and your cute adorable little doggy.

  13. 7/8 - Extremely healthy keto day. 

    7/9 - Halo Top 1/2 Cup Chocolate Mocha Chip (I am in heaven!!). Healthy keto day. Weighed in at 208.4 lbs. Gained 1.4 lbs :rolleyes: 

    7/10 - Hung out at Coney Island with my Mom, little Brother and my dog Buddy aka Rasta Scoobs. At Nathans Philly Chicken with no bun. The guy gave me the nasty look when I ordered it. (It was like really, you are going to come here and want to eat healthy at Nathans?). With a nasty tone, he says, "It's going to be the same price and the same amount of meat." So in an even nastier tone, I said, "Did I ask about the amount of meat or the price? No. I asked for a Philly Chicken with No Bun. Thank you." He just placed my order and my brother says, "Don't be surprise if you find some special sauce or a hair floating around in it lol."

    7/11 - Keto Day. Decided to step on the scale and weighed 205.4 lbs. I was like WTF!!! What is going on? At this point my weight is fluctuating up and down. I think I maybe starting stall soon and my body is warning me. It could also be water weight. 

    7/12 - Another Keto Day. Went out to eat with my mom and brother and I was upset because I could have the Tacos of Bell. My mom keeps saying, "Oh you have your meal prep and you have been doing so good on your diet. Taco Bell is not good for you." I was like then why are you eating it. She says, "I'm grown and your mama. Do as I say and not as I do."  She is right but sooo annoying sometimes. 

    7/13 - My day was healthy. Received two new Hidrate Spark bottles. Gave one to my mom and brother. They are in love and I set them up on their phones. 

    Breakfast: 2 egg whites boiled with salt. 

    Snack: 2 pickle slices

    Lunch 1 - 2 : 2.1 oz of turkey with a tomatoes, a little cheese, romaine lettuce and my special dressing. (Broken up into 2 meals)

    Snack: 21 olives. 

    Dinner 1 - 2: 4 oz of ground beef, a little cheese, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream and salsa. (Broken up into 2 meals)






    1. Apple1


      lol... Do as I say!! My mom used to say that all the time.

      Sounds like you are running on auto pilot.

    2. Sweet as peaches

      Sweet as peaches

      Sorry about the stall. Good for you for standing for yourself and you were polite. I love that part. Your brother cracked me up.

    3. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @Newme17That is her favorite saying. Other than, "I am not your friend. We will become friends when you pay a bill in this household." Oh that one makes me laugh because I will look at her like...really....I pay bills....yeah....we friends now...lol. I bring my bottle everywhere but I have been slacking in getting about 40 oz lately.

      @Meryline I have an insulated bottle that I use for the gym. I will take those ounces and it to the Hidrate manually. However, I used the Hidrate for when I am at work. During that time I will not drink much of anything because I am busy working.

      @Apple1 I really am running on autopilot at this point. I think every mom has said that line lol.

      @Sweet as Peaches It is okay. The stalls will happen. I am not stressing it. I have come so far and I will continue to move forward. There is always bumps in the road and we have to jump over them. I just wanted him to understand that just because I am heavy does not mean that I do not want to watch what I am eating. Like do not judge a book by its cover. My little brother is just like my mother.

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  14. I haven't been on in quite a while, so I thought I would check in.  My weight is down to 173, 7 pounds below goal.  I held at 175 for almost 2 months and randomly dropped 2 pounds a couple of weeks ago.  I had my year follow-up appointment, and my labs were perfect.  Once again, I know that this journey was one of the best decisions of my life, and that I never would have been successful had I not committed myself 100% to changing my relationship with food.  I still follow a keto way of eating and keep my carbs below 25g per day.  I wish everyone the best.  Happy holidays!

  15. catwoman7


    if you're still seeing your bariatric team, I'd start there. Or if not, is it possible to see them again? Otherwise, if you're not still tracking your food intake, start there. Track for a couple of weeks to figure out what your average calorie intake is now. Then try cutting back by 100 calories or so for another couple of weeks. If that doesn't do the trick, cut back by another 100 calories. Rinse and repeat. Eventually you'll find the level where you'll start losing weight. also, start doing some of things we did that first year after surgery (NOT all the way back to shakes and purees - I mean how we ate after the first couple of months - focusing mostly on protein and non-starchy vegetables. Then if you have room, maybe a small serving of fruit or whole-grain carb). if you're having trouble with hunger while cutting back, add in more vegetables - I try to eat vegetables with every meal when I'm trying to lose (I don't always with breakfast, but I DO blend a cup of fresh spinach or kale in with my morning protein shake to make up for it). I also always keep raw veggies (with a dip made from plain Greek yogurt and ranch dressing mix), sugar free popsicles, and sugar free Jello around, too. Healthy fats like avocado and peanut butter or a handful of nuts can also help with the hunger - but just have a small portion of those since they're pretty high in calories. good luck with this. I know it's tough - I'm battling a 10-lb COVID gain right now and I know it isn't easy, but people do it... At least you're catching it at 40 lbs while it's still do-able oh btw - I know a lot of people who've regained who've had success with Weight Watchers, Keto, and/or intermittent fasting - so those might be options for you, too...
  16. Greetings Gastric Sleevers! My name is Jay. I am 45 years old and I have been Morbidly Obese my entire Life. Here is my story. I had a Work Physical in December 2006. When I stepped on the scale I weighed 326lbs. That was the most Obese I had ever been, and enough was enough. I had had it. I needed to do something drastic to stop the weight gain. I decided to have a Lab Band. At the time I didnt want to have any physical changes to my body, and people were having very good weight loss success on the Band. In February of 2007, I had my surgery. From February 2007 to September 2007 the band worked great!!! I weighed in at 207lbs. I was extremely happy!!! But sometime in September the tubing to the band developed a kink and then the tubing cracked and the band was worthless. March of 2008 I underwent my second surgery, this time it was a port and tubing replacement. Everything seemed fine until I went in for my first fill. When they tried to fill the band they werent able to. The tubing was kinked again!!! Are you F'ing kidding me? I had enough and was just going to do my best on what the surgeon had put in the band ( I think it was 9cc's). It wasnt enough, I started to gradually put on weight. In 2012 I had enough again. I went in to have the band filled under X-Ray Fluroscopy. For whatever reason the band took in 15 cc's The band I had was only supposed to hold 12. Needless to say the band was closed off, and I couldnt eat or drink anything. Two days later I had emergency surgery to release the band. The surgery went well, but the Surgeon didnt replace the band. When I went in for a fill they put in the Max CC's of 12. Guess what? No restriction. Yup in was stretched out so much it was ineffective again! I had had enough with the Lap Band, it was nothing but a big giant headache for me. I decided to have a Gastric Sleeve in 2015. I had my surgery on June 24th 2015. The day of the surgery I weighed in at 275lbs. Today is September 11th and I am down to 240lbs. I am very happy with my Sleeve, but the adjustment to the new diet was very hard for me. I am doing 3 Protein shakes a day and I added 1 KETO OS drink a day to my diet. It has made a huge difference. My energy levels are through the roof and I feel absolutely Fantastic!!! The weight is coming off twice as fast for me ( from 2 pounds a week to 4) I took the time to research this product and it is the best decision I have made in a long time. Check it out for yourself: http://C7W6R4.pruvitnow.com
  17. I am a type 1 diabetic so I am not sure if this can happen type2's or not. Anyway, alot of type 1's that have had gastric bypass surgery(DS & RNY) have experienced this and it could happen w/ lapband as well I would guess. If you are still taking all your meds but are not getting any carbs or very little carbs you could actually be having DKA(diabetic keto acidosis). What happens is the liver thinks you are starving to death and as a way of keeping the body alive it will release stored glucose from the liver. This causes 2 problems. 1. that your blood sugar will skyrocket and 2. that when your liver does this it also produces a byproduct called keatones which can be harmful to your body,kind of like a posion. I would check your carb intake and if it is deed very low that maybe you can get some carbs. in liquid form(if you are still on liquids). Please call your doctor (not to scare you, just to keep you informed) because this can be a very serious condition which can result in hospital time(even ICU if not taken care of). Again I am not sure if this is what is going on. Please call your doctor and make it a issue! God luck and take care. God bless, Donna(Punkin')
  18. OutsideMatchInside

    Stalling right now

    I eat Keto so I might fat fast for a 1-3 days but mainly, if you keep doing the same thing, you will lose eventually. Your body has to take breaks, you can't really make it lose if it doesn't want to unless you have been eating off plan.
  19. weight gain during year 3 is very common - with or without PCOS. Some people have had luck with Weight Watchers, intermittent fasting, or Keto. Some just go back to what they were doing in year 1 - not all the way back to protein shakes and purees, but the whole protein first, then non-starchy vegetables, and maybe an occasional serving of fruit or whole-grain carb. If you do the latter, start tracking (if you're not doing it anymore) to see where you're averaging calorie-wise, and then start cutting back from that. I find that easier to do if I cut 100 calories at a time rather some drastic cut. different methods work for different people - so just find one that works for you. You CAN lose regain - although it's much slower and harder than it was when you were in weight loss mode.
  20. I should add that I am not allowed fruits, nuts/seeds, or carbs that don't come from vegetables or dairy. It really limits my options. It's basically a ketogenic diet (from what I know of the keto diet). I do like fish, which I can eat more of than I am currently. But even the examples you show are outside my allowance, with the 400 calorie max right now. I could cut a few things out, of course, but then I'm back to struggling to get that 60g protein minimum!
  21. Very odd. A few different thoughts on this. With the smaller volumes of food you are eating now, I am wondering if it could be related to the proportion of sugar vs. other nutrients. Conversely, I did keto a few years ago and my A1C went up. My NUT said very low carb diets can increase insulin resistance and cause increases in blood sugar. It is probably a good idea to discuss with your surgeon and NUT. Please keep us posted on what they say. 💕 I was diabetic pre-WLS with a 6.5 A1C. I have only had one set of labs since surgery, at about 2.5 months and my A1C was down to 5.6. I stopped my metformin when I started my pre-op diet. I am super happy to no longer be diabetic and will be interested to see what my numbers are now.
  22. After being on this pre-op a week and a half, as well as weight dropping daily, I was curious and pulled out my keto sticks (from previous diets) and wow, i was off the charts. It was darker than the darkest sample. I guess that's a good thing. So once we start eating a healthy normal, do we remain in ketosis until we introduce the dreaded carbs back in?
  23. A friend of mine wrote this but I thought it might shed light on why some people stall when they eat things with artificial sweeteners, particularly the 'low carb' diet bars (e.g. Atkins & south Beach). You can also add Maltodextrin (found in powdered splenda - packet or bulk) to this. From what I read so far, glycerin is metabolised only when your liver glycogen is depleted, or in other words you are in keto. At what rate and at what GI I am unsure. Now in regards to maltitol. It is a scam. Maltitol is metabolised at 75% and provides 3 calories per gram as compared to sucrose which is metabolised at 100% and provides 4 calories per gram. Sure Maltitol metabolises "slower" than sugar, so it dosn't spike you insulin as much as sugar does at the same time but there are 2 aspects to consider: LC in terms of Ketosis: Brain needs 100g of glucose a day (25g after adaptation) regardless of insulin responses. If your brain gets that glucose from the 75% metabolisation of maltitol, then your ketone production can be halted, as well as all lypolisis that generally is caused by ketosis. LC in terms of Insulin Management: Regardless of whether you are in keto or not, insulin triggers are what store dietary fat, and keep it locked away in your fat cells. Even if Maltitol has lower GI value of 36 - 53 (depending on form) it is still not that much different that table sugar (sucrose) with a GI value of 60 - 65. .
  24. hatters

    I am stuck.

    http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com/ This website has helped me lose weight. Check it out.
  25. Since you are still healing you shouldn't "give up" on Protein. Adding a scoop on unflavored protein powder to 8 oz of 1% milk will give you 28 grams of protein. You can favor it with an almost endless choice sugar free syrups. I like to add a handful of ice and blend it. On the keto diet you can even add some heavy cream. You need just drink this just three times a day to get 90 grams of protein in around 600 calories.

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