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Found 1,869 results

  1. Hi guys! I'm 19 weeks post op and my hair is starting to fall put. I take 5000 mg of biotin...but does anyone have any tips? I knew my hair would thin but now I'm seeing my hair line receding and I'm worried. Any tips would be so helpful. Thanks!! Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Hello everyone! I'm new to this forum. I just recently started my WLS journey and find myself having more and more questions each day. My name is Kiley. I'm 29 (soon to be 30 in August), and hail from Ohio. This coming week I attend my first support group but would like to get a head start on speaking with those who've already had the surgery or like myself, are in the pre-op period. You know, it's a funny thing. I'm feeling pretty confident about the surgery itself, but the aftermath is what I'm concerned about. For instance, loose skin, saggy breasts and hair loss. Has anyone ever experienced any of these and if so, how did you deal with it? Is there anyway at all to prevent these things from happening? I really don't want to spend the rest of my life going under the knife. Any help is appreciated! I hate to sound vain by asking these questions but alas, I can't help it, lol. :/
  3. SweetWarrior

    Hair Loss

    Hi everyone...prior to my wls my Dr warned me that I will have hair loss during the first six months after surgery. Well...I didn't think it would be as bad as it's been. [emoji15][emoji24] I had my wls in January and March was the 1st time I began seeing major hair loss...to this date it's still pretty bad! I take my regular daily vitamins but in addition to save my hair... I have been taking collagen, flax seed, and extra protein in my morning shakes...plus I take hair & nails vitamins. Nothing seems to be helping...at least from the looks of it. My question is...have any of you had this issue? What have you done to help the hair loss? Any suggestions on shampoo and conditioner to help with hair regrowth or to prevent losing so much? Thank you in advance for your kindness and helpfulness! Have a wonderful day! Sent from my SM-G960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. bariutiful

    Hair losssssssss

    My hair loss has officially started I’m 3 months post op.. what’s your hair loss story? Has it got better? (I know everyone story is different) Just curious.
  5. So I have PCOS and within the past two years my symptoms have ramped up. I could probably grow a decent chin beard [emoji83] lol if I didn't wax/pluck constantly. Its so embarrassing. I hate PCOS not only is it making me gain weight it's leaving me hairy too. It was causing bad acne too, but I feel that is getting decently better now that I don't have so many stressors in my life. I am 260 with a BMI of 40 and other then just weight loss I was wondering if having the surgery help either get rid of the facial hair or substantially slow down the growth of it? Sent from my SM-G965U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. I started losing my hair 3 weeks out and it hasn't slowed a bit. I've lost about 50% of my hair and have some noticeable bald spots now. I want to dye my hair dark - will the hair dye affect anything? I figure it's totally unrelated since the hair loss is hormonal and my hair isn't actually DAMAGED and shouldn't break. My hair looks thin and stringy. I am kind of thinking about shaving it totally off even though I would look ridiculous. I don't know what to do. Every day there are clumps in my shower drain I have to remove. Yes, I've tried all the supplements and special shampoos and blahblahblah. I've come to accept it's just going to happen and EVENTUALLY it will stop and everything will regrow... but it's been almost 6 months of this! Prior to surgery, I'd been trying to grow my hair out from a staggered forward bob and it's taken almost two years, so I'd rather not cut it... but when the new hair grows in, will it looks all patchy and uneven in length? Maybe this belongs in rants and raves. lol. Any thoughts on the hair dye?
  7. bariutiful

    Hair loss

    What’s everyone’s story with hair loss? When post op did it happen?
  8. I learned from someone who had surgery before me that Biotin helps with hair loss. I am currently on the post-op liquid phase (second week) and I am taking 2 chewable Jamison multi vitamins, a B12 strip every other day, and a French caramel calcium chew 3X a day. So my question is, when can I start taking this vitamin, and also is it hard to digest?
  9. Hello all I had my surgery on 12-5-18. I started this journey at 363 last March I am now 280 as of this last week. I am losing my hair, honestly it’s causing me a lot of anxiety and depression. I am taking my vitamins and drinking plenty of water. I push protein. I guess over the course of the last few weeks I am having a really hard time coping with the hair loss. I also am finding myself picking at food I’m not allowed to have, I also get sick from doing it. I know, just stopping picking. It’s not that I’m even hungry I don’t have an appetite at all. Does anyone else experience this? I truly never realized how food is a drug until now.
  10. angee2552

    Hair loss

    Anyone have suggestions on a good vitamin brand for hair loss. I am new and want to prepare. I'm still getting all of my pre-op done but want to be ahead of the game. Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Hi all I am on Tier 4 of my Gastric Bypass journey and now waiting for the op, however I have heard some really disturbing stories about losing your hair after surgery. Can any one tell me if they have suffered from this? And if so is there anything that I can do to stop this from happening? I am 50 and work in a job where I am staff and client facing so would like to know if these stories that I have heard are true and also whether it happens with the sleeve/bypass etc. Many thanks
  12. LaNueva_Janie

    Hair Loss

    I am now 6 months post op. Have been on Biotin for 3 close to 4 months now. If you can see in the picture it did help. My hair loss decreased but guess what?..im getting alot of unwanted facial hair. [emoji31] NOT happy with my new 5 o' clock shadow coming out[emoji15] [emoji26]Im a LADY![emoji16] [emoji13] I am thinking of stoping Biotin. Any one else taking anything different to help out the hair loss? Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. chrisy1968

    Hair loss!

    When will my hair stop falling out? I am 4 months post op. Sent from my SM-N960U using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Cyntfromabove74

    Hair loss

    Hi everyone Any suggestions to help minimize hair loss. I would really appreciate your suggestions.
  15. So I've never been Becky with the good hair. I've even tried Rogaine for women a few years ago. I know after surgery my fine thin hair is going to get thinner. I did some research on hair toppers then off to the salon I went yesterday. I tried on a topper and it looked AMAZING! My hair looked so full and healthy and it blended in with my own hair perfectly. I wish I would have done this years ago! Sadly I had to order it and it won't come for a week or two. But for anyone who is stressing over hair loss I highly recommend looking into one.
  16. So for a long time I had a goal of if/when I returned to my lowest ever adult weight, I would get a pixie cut again (which I had and loved the last time I was at that weight). A few weeks ago I hit that goal (217) - woo hoo!! However, as I was going to book my appointment to cut off all my hair, I started worrying that with my hair being so much thinner a pixie cut would emphasize the places it’s thinned. When I comb my hair in certain ways, I feel like I can see the bald spots a bit. Otherwise it’s not noticeable to others - just less volume and thinner hair which I am aware of but no one else is. Do we think a pixie might highlight the thinner spots, and I should just leave well enough alone since it looks okay now? Or should I go for it? Thoughts???
  17. Ladies how are you dealing with hair loss?
  18. Kris77

    Hair loss

    Hello everyone. I am new to this forum. I had Gastric Sleeve surgery July 23, 2018. Starting weight 238....current weight 171.6. Surgery recovery was very easy for me. Hardest part I think is changing the way I think about food and bad eating habits. Everyday I have to work on that mentally to change the way I think about food Only negative from the surgery I would say is the hair loss. Still with that I have no regrets and am very happy with the results this far and the direction I'm headed. Does anyone have a lot of hair loss after surgery?
  19. I will be 5 months and started my hair loss at 3 1/2 to 4 month out but holly hairloss. I have already cut my hair shorter,but still tons and tons gone everyday thinning out big time. I take my vitamins, i can't take biotin since I have typhoid issue. Just would like to know how loss did you experience the hair loss? I do you know something that really works? Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  20. It’s gonna happen and I just want to be prepared. I already have fine, thin hair. So bad when I pull it back you see my scalp. I’m wondering will I need a wig, a topper, cut it real short? I’d like to hear from you gals who’ve had pretty heavy loss and what you did to deal with it- thanks!
  21. Putting the Telogen Effluvium hair loss research I used in a thread for the interested. Started researching this after a visit to my dermatologist confirmed, biotin and minoxidil would not help much. I believe I started taking LLysine as soon as I was allowed to swallow pills post op. I experienced very very minimal hair loss (slight thinning of edges) My hair is back to normal now 1yr post op (Noteworthy info: I practiced low manipulation of my hair for months (ballerina bun), my iron ferritin and other vitamins and minerals were perfect during this time because I received iv infusions and oral supplementation, protein was around 45g daily when I started and worked up to 60g daily) I would suggest consulting your teams, doing your own research, spending the least, understanding that genetics and environmental factors will also play a role despite best efforts, and getting an amazing silk/satin scarf or pillow case to protect what you have. Safe Journey! https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1365-2230.2002.01076.x Lysine and Iron (you may have to purchase access, mine has lapsed) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1381/096089296765557295 zinc study http://www.hpbiotin.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/beslenme-ve-sac.pdf LLysine and Iron study http://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/medical/issues/sag-11-41-5/sag-41-5-10-1005-853.pdf vit D study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3819075/#b14-tlsr-21-2-91 Tocotrienol (Vit E family) study
  22. Dthomas4505

    Hair Loss

    I’m doing really great, 60 lbs down! But I’m taking vitamins and calcium and still losing more hair than I’d like. My hair is already fine/thin. Anybody have any recommendations on a vitamin to take to strengthen my hair and cut down on the hair loss? I’ve read about Biotin but also the side effects. Any ideas? Thanks so much !!
  23. I am having the vertical sleeve surgery in less than a month, and one of the things that I am really concerned about is the hair loss. Does anyone have any recommendations for products or supplements that really worked for them? I would like to start taking something now so that I am getting ahead of the problem.
  24. Hi! I posted this is the gal's room but didn't get many responses so I'm hoping it gets more attention here! So, I'm afraid that my hair is thinning (probably all in my mind) and want to take Biotin to try to counteract that. However, I'm afraid that taking biotin will cause my facial hair and other unwanted body hair to grow more also. Had anyone experienced this or have knowledge about it? Thank you in advance!
  25. I will be 4 month next week and omg hair loss. If it keeps up this way I will have non left. I get all my vitamins, protein etc.. doing castor oil mask once a week. I can't take biotin since i take synthroid. What can else can I do. Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
