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Found 3,259 results

  1. When i bought my car in 07, i was embarrassed that i couldnt fasten the driver seat belt ( i didnt think to try it when i was checking out the car) so i had to buy an extender so i could wear the seat belt...uggh! well about 2 months ago, i tried to use the seatbelt without it, and i could fasten it, i was very excited but..it was very tight and i struggled to get the buckle to snap. This morning as i got in the car to drive my son to school...he asked me to try again..so i did...and it was easy breezy..and comfortable! NO MORE EXTENDER FOR ME!!!!!!!
  2. This is my first time back to work and ordering with everyone. I felt really good being able to join in and not feel like I am so restricted. I just chose healthy and ate a small portion. We can get back to normal. This was a huge salad. I will be 7 weeks tomorrow. This is what I ordered Grilled Chick Salad w/ff feta This is what I ate from that. It took 35 min to eat.
  3. We were eating at Hard Rock Cafe this last week in Seattle before a concert at the showbox ( imagining dragons- truly awesome). We wanted to eat on the roof and enjoy the beautiful weather as the sun set over Puget Sound. Without thinking, i took the 3 flights of stairs 2 at a time without stopping, going fast and felt nothing at the top except awesomeness. I was like, wow, I could not have done that before!
  4. Hi All, I just wanted to share that I am 4 months out and am definately noticing the change in my body. Yesterday I pulled out of my closet 2 shirts that I wore around the winter time, they were so big I had to give them away. My home scale shows another 7 pound lost, BUT I want to wait till it's official on my doctors scale. My doctor's office sees me every 7-8 weeks so my next visit is the middle of August, I will record my weight loss then. I'm currently at 1.85cc after my second fill and I don't think I need another adjustment, but we will see what he says.
  5. My clothes that Ive been taking in to make last longer are getting too big!!
  6. All I have to say is.........Goodbye Lane Bryant!!! :faint: WOW!!! I actually bought clothes this weekend at PacSun, Gap and Hot Topic!!!! I was so excited! I bought a size 13 at Hot Topic and a size 14 at the Gap...I could have died and gone to Heaven! :clap2: But the best surprise was going to a store like PacSun and trying on their clothes and they actually fit! I am so excited...just had to share! Now if I could just get more pounds to drop...I have been stuck at this same weight since 2nd week of April...:think . AAAGGGHHH! :help: OOPS! For some reason I had an error and it posted twice...sorry!
  7. It's been an awesome past two months. Major life changes that never would have happened 50 pounds ago. I had my surgery last August, and the weight loss has been SLOW. But I'm hanging in there and the rewards have started rolling in. I decided to try online dating in March, after I was able to get some pictures of myself that I felt ok with. Two weeks later, I met an awesome guy and we're so happy together. Right about the same time, some networking paid off and I landed a job interview. The company was pretty slow with the interview process, but last week I was offered the job! The company is really dynamic and high-energy, and I know I wouldn't have been an ideal candidate if I had been at the weight and energy level that I was before the surgery. I'm not saying they wouldn't have hired me, but I KNOW that the weight loss has helped, if nothing else its helped my self esteem and the way I project myself. So, while the scale is slow, and I'll probably never be one of those people who gets to a size 4, it has given me a new outlook on life, and it looks like 35 is finally MY YEAR!!
  8. I'VE LOST 15 INCHES!!!!!:w00t:
  9. Here's the background data. I took an early retirement package from my employer at the end of December of 2011. They were having some tough times financially and wanted to reduce costs - so when they offered the package, I accepted it. I took a gamble on myself and my skills being marketable in the bad economy. Not a fun time to be in the job market. For those of you who haven't looked for a job recently - it is completely different than it was even two years ago. If you don't know how to use social media, have a great "content-rich" resume, and are willing to network almost continuously, you are going to have a difficult finding a new job. I am 55 years old, and am competing with "kids" half my age and willing to take less money than me for the very same job. Here's the NSV - I received four job offers! The first was about 3 weeks ago, for a contract position - which I accepted. That seemed to bring all sorts of other good things my way. I received three additional job offers in the last ten days. All three of them were good offers for permanent positions (if any jobs these days are really "permanent"). I had the amazing task of deciding which one was the one I wanted - because I would have accepted any one of the three. I did a little negotiating with the companies - to maximize the offers - and picked the winner. I resigned from my contract job, accepted the job I decided on, and told the other two companies, "no thanks". I think the fact that I had successfully lost 100+ pounds and am a "normal" weight both really helped me have a successfull job search. I believe the confidence boost I got from having beat my personal demon carried over into my interviews. I know people looked at me differently during the interview process at a size 12 petite than they would have at a size 26W. I didn't have to worry about hiring managers or human resource people worrying about the costs of insuring an obese person. I think I look younger than I did 100+ pounds ago - and younger is definately better in today's job market. It is going to be nice at the new company to just be known as "Sharon - the new woman" rather than "Sharon - the fat woman who is new". I look forward to planning what I will be wearing the first week of work! Sharon
  10. Ok so I was banded just a little while ago and have lost 17lbs so far. Well my kids and I were playing football and I was throwing the ball. When the ball flew through the air, My ring did also. I guess my hands are getting thinner because My rings won't stay on my hands. I guess its time to put them up till I can resize them... Its a pain but very exciting to me HEHE....
  11. So I was at a realtor luncheon today and another realtor came up to me and said wow you look good like you had plastic surgery on your face. I thought to myself d@# I must have been really messed up but nevertheless I'll take it and thanks I think. The things people say when they don't know what to say is unbelievable lol.
  12. BenisaMartim4

    Major Nsv

    I chose to have VSG as a last ditch effort to save my life. Not because I was a compulsive over eater, because I was not, but because even eating like an average person caused me to be excessively large. I was a befudlement to my doctors. I had multiple health problems, extreme pain, used a cane to walk (when I could walk) or used a wheelchair. I was on 15 Rx meds and 6 supplements. I was dying. Today I am almost three weeks out of surgery and I am happy to report; I do not use the cane or wheelchair any more. I don't even walk with a limp. I wore high heel shoes to church this morning for the first time in years, walking completely normal and with no pain. I have also quit ALL of my meds- cold turkey. My doc was amazed and to tell the truth, so am I. They never gave me any hope of being able to quit my meds. I only take a ppi and a Vitamin now. It is so great not to be held slave to that pharmacy bag any more. I have not been able to go more than a day without them in years. I feel more like myself than I have in forever. I am not saying I will never have to take meds again, because I dont know. I can't see the future. I am saying that my future seems a whole lot brighter to me now though. I believe that God is still in the healing business, but sometimes it's not in the way we were asking. I think VSG was the miracle of healing God sent me. I feel like I have a new lease on life. Thank you Jesus, I'm LML Sent from my iPhone using VST
  13. Hubby came home with one of my gifts in a Victoria's Secret bag. Ok. It made me nervous. What if it doesn't fit??? Anxiety. Well. It did!! Woo hoo. Size large. Awesome!
  14. I feel amazing today! I am 3 weeks postop today and am down 35 lbs. from my highest weight (287), 21 since surgery day (273). I had a stall of sorts for almost a week but the scale is moving again now (252). My incisions are completely healed and really feel like I never had surgery, except for the lack of hunger and the tiny amounts I can eat I am still on purees for another week and am doing great - everything has really gone down quite well, I just get full really fast. I am getting in liquids just fine and still struggling to get enough calories and Protein, but working on it every day. I've been hitting the gym since last week and doing just cardio for now - elliptical and treadmill. I am still able to wear most of the same clothes I started in (mostly size 20) but they are getting really baggy and feel way different and TODAY I put on a top (size 14/16!!) I bought quite a while back to "shrink into" and it fits! It is just a stretchy knit top and isn't super loose but with my shapewear (ha!) I feel comfortable and confident in it and that hasn't happened to me for AGES! I am by no means in a 14/16 in pants (I think I am solidly in an 18 now) but I will take what I can get, considering I am only a fraction of the way to my goal weight I think this is just one of many wonderful days to come and I just cannot say how happy I am that I took this huge step for myself and my family - I would recommend the sleeve to anyone contemplating WLS!
  15. Finally, after loosing 94lbs got up the courage to do Team Penning for the first time!! This is chasing numbered cows into a pen in numerical order .. It was a blast and I'm so happy I can finally do theses things.. Maybe next month I will join my friends barrel racing!!!
  16. greensleeve

    lots of NSVs

    Today I went to a small water park. I didn't feel tired the entire time. I actually fit in the inner tube. I was able to walk up and down stairs and didn't feel tired at all. The suit I had last summer was super loose. I need a new one. I could really tell my chest has shrunk. When I got out of the water that part of the suit looked like a deflated balloon.
  17. Jesusislove

    My Nsv

    I am eating healthier and I only desire good carbs and high protein foods. This is a great improvement for me, because protein was not my thing prior to surgery. Also, I had family visit yesterday, and they questioned me about my age, they wanted to be sure, I said 42. They said you look really good, I looking even younger since surgery. Loving my sleeve, can eat but just enough, feels good.
  18. Hello all..... slow loser here, but! Something kinda significant happened today...... I was upstairs, just out of the shower, in bra and panties--heard someone knocking at the door. Two able bodied people downstairs DO NOT MOVE to answer the door. So I am scrambling around for something to put on....and scurry down the stairs (what I wanted to wear was in the dryer). So I throw the shirt/jeans on as I zipped down the stairs, yanked open the door and there stood my bro-in-law. I haven't seen him in a few months and my DH has 6 brothers and lets just say, he is the least gross of the whole bunch (except my husband who I think was adopted since he is so different from the whole lot of 'em). We have a nice friendly relationship. He totally checked me out! And I watched him do it! And it was fun! I went back upstairs and finished what I was doing after I said hi and my husband finally figured out someone was at the door (duh....). I haven't been checked out in a loooooong time! (even if it was the bro in law--has to start somewhere, right?!) As a side note, DH tells me almost everyday that I look great, etc.. which is so nice, but it's nice when others notice, toooooooo.........
  19. alley-gator

    Pre Op Nsv

    Yesterday I packed up my shorts for the year, and put them into storage. I get a sleeve date on Monday, but its so nice to know that I won't fit on those shorts next year, and that I will be buying all new shorts instead. I'll give those to some of my larger friends. Let me tell you, it felt great to know next season those shorts won't be a part of me.
  20. Today was the first time since I was 11 years old that I actually went into a store and bought clothes a size smaller (one was actually 2 sizes smaller). I mean, I've lost weight before but I honestly can't remember purposely buying smaller sizes because my clothes are not fitting me good now - with plans that I will get smaller. Its weird! I guess because I haven't lost almost 50 pounds in a long long long while. I always just dealt with my clothes I had because I always knew I'd gain weight back. Now I KNOW I will just get smaller. I am due to have surgery in late May but I am proud of what I've done so far. I know with the sleeve, I will be able to do wonders! So that's my NSV and I am relishing it big time! Can't wait until there are more to come. Of course, a couple of scale victories would be awesome too!
  21. Today I went to my doctor for my monthly follow up. He walked in and said "Hey skinny!' Then he said i have lost 9 pounds since my last appt. last month and my % of body fat has gone from 52% to 36%. He asked me how many pant sizes I have gone down and I said from an 18 to an 8, and he said well don't by anymore 8's because you will be in a 6 soon! He said that I only have 11 more pounds to go until I am at his goal for me. Then he told me that I have lost more weight each month than any other of his sleeve patients monthly follow ups! Boy did I feel good when I left there, so I stopped on the way home and went clothes shopping! (But no pants just tops). LOL!
  22. I am so excited about Halloween this year. I have not dressed up or attended a costume party since I was 20 years old. I have not been able to buy a costume because of my size, which none of the costume stores carried. However, thanks to my sleeve, I am down from a 34 to a size 10 and was able to go to our local Halloween store and buy a costume off the rack, in a medium! I was so excited. And last night, I went to my first Halloween party in 24 years. I had a blast and it was so much fun to participate in the costume contests, etc. I love my sleeve and consider this a major NSV. I am living and enjoying life again. And for those of you just starting this wonderful journey, you will too! And we are all here to support you. Have a safe and happy Halloween everyone!
  23. AZDesertRose76

    Gym-related NSV

    So I haven't weight trained since my VSG on January 8, because I didn't want to do it until I'd gotten clearance at my three-month post-op checkup, which was last week. (I've been swimming and walking for exercise since surgery, but no weight training.) I got clearance from my surgeon to resume weight training last week, so I went to the YMCA (where I work out) today. The YMCA has a computer system called ActivTrax that will generate weight-training workouts for you so you don't work the same muscles all the time or get bored, and I wanted to have a trainer re-evaluate my ActivTrax weight stats before I just went back at it willy-nilly. I did the re-evaluation today, and I am right where I was before surgery. The last time I weight trained must have been December sometime, but I guess the swimming helped keep my muscles strong, because the trainer didn't have to adjust any of my weight levels. I can pick right back up where I left off. I am so happy I haven't lost any strength. I love weight training (cardio bores me but I do it anyway), and I am just tickled pink that I can still do what I was doing pre-op. YAY!
  24. RJ'S/beginning


    I was told tonight at my favorite store that I can't shop there anymore...the woman behind the counter told me they don't carry my size at all.... What is strange is that a little over a year ago I was in the biggest size in the store and just barely fitting into it it was so tight.... Wow eh!!!!!!!!
  25. jpg1110


    I am 16 days out from surgery and down 31 pounds from pre op until today. I took my younger son to the playground today and was able to keep up with him the whole time! Climbed up, down, around everything and even slid down all the slides (I would not have fit before) and never once was out of breath. It was an amazing day. I never thought something that little could make me feel this good. My sons are a big reason for my surgery, I want to always be there for them. Today made me realize that I can do just that!!

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