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Found 17,501 results

  1. LAMamma

    April 2024 Surgery Buddies

    Hey everyone, just wondering how it's going. I'm 6 weeks since surgery and my weight has stalled. I'm down a total of 34 lbs, but almost 1/2 of that was pre-surgery. I was losing quite nicely for the first 5 weeks, but this week is just staying steady and even going up a bit 😥. Is this normal? This week is back to "regular foods" although I'm mostly still on soft foods because I'm not tolerating any thing else yet.
  2. I woke up with pain on my right side. Just felt tired today and uncomfortable. Anyone else experience this?!
  3. I've slowed down, finally. I averaged about 9-10lbs a month right from the start. I would stalled for 3 or 4 days, loose a pound a day for several days, then stall again. That was pretty much the whole 10.5 months and 126lbs. I did lose 15lbs during the pre-op diet that I'm including in this.
  4. So happy for you! Wohoo you will reach your 13 more lbs in no time! I am doing ok myself, finally not in my week 3 stall. I’m in the last day of week 4 and loss 15 lbs post op. From 250-235. 85 more lbs to go!
  5. FORGIVE THE LENGTHY MESSAGE. NEED TO GIVE CONTEXT I am wondering if any one experienced this my starting weight was 139kg before surgery on the 15th of January 2023 on day of surgery it was 131kg 2 weeks post-op i was stalled for 8weeks which was not a bother to me at the time i healed quite quickly with no complications and was moved to solids within 3 weeks by the dietitian too. between January and April i lost some weight down to 111kg Since april i have not lost anything. I have gained and lost 3-4 kg since April till date which is September 6th 2023 I do everything many people say on every platform which had never been a challenge namely Monitor what i eat: I eat between 88 - 1200 calories I have more protein than anything eggs, lean meat, chicken, fish, shrimps carbs are mostly bulgur wheat. which i have sparingly 2ce a month. Plantain i have daily to balance my protein intake but not as much as protein. I prob have more grams of protein a day and that includes protein water. I work out 4-5 days a week for up to 1:30 - 2:00 hours each day In April i worked out more 4 days a week 2ce a day 2day time cardio 1:30 hours night time strength training. no weights heavier than 25kg i take my vitamins biotin and all recommended as well as powdered collagen Recent bloods shows everything within normal range. I am going into my 5th month and i am still 111kg Since April. My dietitian is numb on what is going on, the nurse recommended liquid collagen ( which makes no sense) and have said hormones.... but hormones cannot affect this 5months straight. I did bloods to check my thyroids and it showed elevated parathyroid (no idea what that means)..... not gotten an explanation as my vitamin levels and calcium levels are normal my nails are very soft and brittle and my hair falls like the weather ( only blessed to have a full head of hair but cant say it is helpful soon) No ...... the clothes i wore in April are still the same September. measurements are the same..... the only win i am getting from this is that my knee and ankle dont hurt as much when i workout. i dont burn out as i used to and i work out more than i used to before which was walking up to 50k-70ksteps a day. I have never been one who drank alcohol and havent started post surgery. I have never been one who ate junk food like crisps, tacos, burgers. I have not been diagnosed diabetic nor with PCOS i noticed when i had no carbs in my diet i lost fast but when i introduced carbs as suggested by the dietitian everything came on hold I NEED SOME SIGN THAT I AM NOT IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE OR A LONG DREAM!!! Cos it feels pointless having done the surgery not to be an effective tool Anyone in a similar predicament before
  6. Just to let you guys know that my stall broke and I lost 1.2 Kgs (2.7 lbs) the past two weeks (not doing anything differently). I am stocked and thank you all for your valuable advise.
  7. Hi! I had vsg 8.15 and have lost 24 lbs. This am I seem to be up 3 lbs. Not off course. Still eating pureed. Cals are between 6 and 700. I meet protein daily but water is tough. I usually get 52 ounces vs 64. I eat 3 meals daily plus 1 snack of string cheese. I still have some muscle discomfort in tummy area but find I'm emotional a lot. Dr is happy w progress but I'm super upset with stall or gain when I'm not even eating or drinking off program. Any thoughts?
  8. I woke up with pain on my right side. Just felt tired today and uncomfortable. Anyone else experience this?!
  9. Spinoza


    You will get loads of sympathy here OP - for a woman (usually more than a man I think?) our hair is often tied into our identity more generally, for better or worse. Massive weight loss causes our non-essential body functions like hair growth to stall completely. Body thinks - no calories - what can I ditch? I know - hair! Once we get through the biggest rate of loss and our body is regrouping then the stalled follicles get pushed out by new growth. I lost masses of hair in I think 3 distinct phases, about 3 months apart. It's truly properly shocking, that first hair fall. (And for me the second and third - I hope you don't get those too!) Please please be reassured that most of it grows back for most of us. It just takes a while and it's so worth it.
  10. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Until a couple days ago, my weight stalled more than two weeks. It's not moving again, slowly. I was told by the dietician and surgeon that weigh stalls will happen several times. The main goal is to keep doing what they say.
  11. Congrats on the mega stall break! I don't know if you can get kale where you are ... I promise this is so much better than it sounds it's like crack health food. I was like a bit bleh when i heard about it ... But air fryer kale chips. A lot of Kale, salt, oil Wash kale, take out the big middle stalks, put in a big bowl with some salt and a tablespoon of oil and massage. Put in preheated airfryer at 400F for 3 minutes, shake, back in for 3 minutes. Delicious. Will catch up properly later!
  12. Hey everyone. Question for those greater than 8mos out. Is there a stall period with Gastric Bypass before your 12-18mos window of opportunity or was weight loss consistent with a slowing down period? I’m 8mos out and the weightloss has slowed down. I’m actually happy at this weight, 70lb loss and 5’11. But wondering if I should expect more weightloss through the 12mos period? My surgeon stated that he expected me to be around 205-220 as a good weight. I’m currently at 222. Any information is appreciated
  13. Just returned from a 2-week trip, and was amazed to be able to hike/walk/jog whenever and wherever I wanted to! I LOVE being able to move my body around so freely 😎

  14. I am 100% along with you all…3 weeks stall over here too. My surgery date was January 22. I’m trying to do some positive self-talk. As my husband always tells me…be kind to my wife.
  15. 1. F (with an asterisk, NB on low dose testosterone), 35 now, 34 on surgery date, 5'7" 2 . 27.2 lbs (I had lost 54 lbs in the 6 months prior to that, but stalled due to last supper eating, losing 20 pounds in my 2 week pre-op) 3. 276.0 4. 256.6 5. 228.0 6. 188.0 7. 147.0 8. Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass I'm a few days short of a year out, but I don't want to forget to post.
  16. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I was 236 lbs. 2 weeks ago. The last few days I've been bouncing around 225-227 lbs. I thought it was my scale not being very accurate. But, the scale at the gym (which is a better scale) was doing the same thing. Sorry to hear that you're dealing with a stall. I hope it breaks for you soon.
  17. What are safe foods at Mexican restaurants? 3 week post op
  18. Sounds like a stall (it's only been 3 weeks...my stalls have been known to last 2 months before). And also, the closer we get to our goal weight, the slower we lose. I've been fighting the last 20 pounds to my goal weight for every bit of 5 months now lol Now that I'm 11 pounds away, it's like I'm at war with my body to get it to be where I want. Eventually, we hit our new "set point" where our bodies are happy and comfortable at a certain size/weight, and it doesn't want to go any lower. Personally, I don't care if it's happy here, I'm not where I want to be yet, so I just have to keep at it, change things up periodically, and above all have patience. I'll get there in the end.
  19. Spinoza

    Not Enough Calories

    Stalls are stalls. There is absolutely no rhyme nor reason to them, they just happen. People try to break them by upping or lowering calories, changing exercise regime, whatever. And when the loss restarts they SWEAR that what they did caused the renewed loss. The fact is, stalls last a few days, or worse, a few weeks and then they end. If you stick to your programme you'll start losing again soon. You don't need to do anything drastic.
  20. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Sorry @BlueParis! Stalls suck balls! I hate them too. 😘
  21. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @RonHall908 Isn't the slow weight loss the worst? I had my second mini stall this past week. At least it was 4 days instead of 7 like I had at the three-week mark. I truly did think, based on how quickly I lost weight in the pre-op diet phase, that it would be super quick after surgery. I lost 15.4 lbs in 2 weeks compared to 16.8 pounds in 8 weeks post-op. What the heck?! It's demoralizing at times. I still have 3 weeks until my next appointment with the dietician and 5 weeks until I see the doctor again. I'm really hoping I'm on track. They say the first 3 months is the fastest weight loss, and if that's true for me...it really sucks. The one thing I can handle large quantities of is water, or even something very liquid like a smoothie. 16oz in under 30 minutes is no problem. And I can eat a full 1 cup serving of bean and veg soup. Any kind of meat fills me up fast, though, although tuna salad is probably the one I can eat the most of.
  22. JennyBeez

    weight stall

    100% with you! I mean technically, there's no "normal" weight loss in the sense that all our bodies are different to begin with, all of us have different health complications or diet restrictions, etc -- but I think you're doing really well if it helps! I'm 2 months post-op myself and have had two 'short' stalls of about a week each time. I think at the time, one of the members in the forums mentioned that the stalls are basically your body doing a bit of a reset/reboot to find a new equilibrium before moving forwards again. Don't get discouraged! Keep at it, or maybe juggle a few of your meals/proteins around to see if a small change can kick you out of the stall. (For example, I was really reliant on greek yogurt and lowfat cottage cheese well past my puree stage. I avoided them for a few days after I noticed a stall, and ate more plant based protein and fish in the meantime -- and I honestly feel like my body responded like "oh, some new puzzle to figure out!" and shocked me out of my stall. I'm not saying change everything up but if there's a meal or a protein that you're really leaning on right now, maybe switch it up a bit and see what happens.)
  23. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I'm in a stall as well the past few weeks. I dropped down to 227 lbs from 236 lbs. Since last week I'm at 230 lbs and holding. Though, I do feel like I may have lost a little in the inches department. It's slowing as well. As I was told by the exercise specialist. I'm still a baby being just 4 months out from surgery. Air fryers are nice, I cook my chicken. On it when.i don't throw it in the instapot.
  24. The Greater Fool

    Weight gain

    Since it's so early post-op it sounds like the extraordinarily common '3 week stall' which happens 1-6 weeks post-op. The one sure fire fix is to get off the scale for a while. Good luck, Tek
  25. ccast49

    weight stall

    I am actually not in a stall anymore but i did find out i a bit anemic so I am need to work on getting more iron and folic acid in me. That would explain why i been feeling so tired and no energy. Thanks for asking. Also yes I have lost 45lb already since my surgery and its been 3 months so i think i am on track.

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