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Found 1,238 results

  1. Amanda131

    Sleeved August 8th

    Hi Wondering1- I was also able to eat a larger amount of calories than others post-op. I remember being really concerned that the surgery had failed, that I was overdoing it, etc. On my doctors plan I was on a liquid diet the first two weeks and then could incorporate soft meats and foods starting week 3. On my plan, a grilled leg and mashed potatoes would have been allowed at day 15 as well. What I learned is that some us don't deal with as much swelling as others and therefore can eat more and some of us have longer stomachs which equal longer sleeves and the ability to eat slightly more (especially if you are tall). Of course, the bougie size can vary as well. I feel I have had great success and I have eaten from 800-1200 calories a day since the third week post-op.Of course those are generally "quality" calories and Protein dense foods. I would encourage you to follow all of your doctor's orders and when eating take your time, eat small quanities and really try to find that sense of "satisfied" rather than full. But, also know that there isn't anything wrong with you or your sleeve just because you appear able to consume more calories. I think you will also find that it is more difficult to consume a lot when you eat more dense foods like meats. You're doing great! Amanda PS I lost 14 the first three days and then didn't lose another pound until day 25. It's probably the dreaded three week stall that we all had to deal with. Just keep doing what you are supposed to and it will all work out. Promise.
  2. catwoman7

    Experiencing My First Stall

    it's the three week stall. Almost everyone goes through that.
  3. MisforMimi

    Plateau already?!

    Three week stall? Search the forum it's all around here. Body is in shock and trying regroup. Did not loose a pound on 3rd week postop. Staying off the scale helps if you can. Easier said than done. I'm exactly where you are. I'm 14 down. You will break through! :-)
  4. Babbs

    3 weeks post op

    It's so common it even has a name! "The Dreaded Three Week Stall" Most everyone goes through it, and everyone gets through it! There is a sub forum called "Don't Sweat the Stall Stuff" you might want to check out. No fear! Keep doing what your doing and you'll get through it in a week or two...
  5. catwoman7


    the dreaded three week stall - happens to almost all of us. Search this site for it - there are literally over 15,000 posts on it just stick to your plan and stay off the scale if you have to. It usually lasts 1-2 weeks, and then you'll be on your way again P.S. it's USUALLY the third week, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. My weight loss started up again during week four, and I dropped like 6-8 lbs in a couple of days.
  6. My 'three week stall' hit at 2.5 weeks and didn't lose an ounce- the scale actually went up twice- for 2 weeks. Then I dropped 5lbs over night. Just try and keep your protein high and keep your fluid intake up and the scale will go. BTW- I had lost 26lbs when mine hit and I'm currently in another stall and have been since Christmas. It sucks- but it's all part of the process
  7. catwoman7

    BIG DEAL!🥴

    it's the infamous three week stall. Almost all of us go through it. It's not always the third week (but it is for most of us) - but at some point within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery, almost all of us go through our first major stall. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. Didn't lose a lb. Then during week 4, the stall finally broke and I lost like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. Just continue to follow your program and stay off the scale for a few days if you need to - and know that it WILL break! And also know that you'll likely hit these several times during your journey. It's all part of the game...
  8. I'm 5'3" and started at 263.8, so I wasn't far off from you. I was a snug size 20 pants and a 2x top with 44DDD boobs. I am still 5'3" and down to 184.2 as of this morming. I am now a tight 12 or a loose 14 with a loose L top and 38DD boobs (the reason why I can't wear M tops). I am almost 5 months out and only 24 pounds away from my original goal before I decided to push myself to 150. That makes me 34 pounds away which feels oh so obtainable. I went through the three week "stall" which lasted almost two weeks and then the three month stall that lasted a month and I am now losing again. When I get to 150, I will see what I look like and reevaluate. I am an hourglass shape and I've not been that small since my sophomore year in college so who knows, twenty two years and two kids later. I teach kickboxing now, I can log in 20 miles over a weekend and feel great on Monday, I WANT to exercise every day and get frustrated when I can't. I never forget my pedometer when I used to on "accident". I do martial arts and when I do a jumping kick, I can actually get off the ground and my balance is so much better. Best of all? I FEEL GREAT ABOUT ME!! I've always had a healthy sense of self and I've always been very confident (in my opinion), but I am just now realizing how much of myself I actually lost now that I am getting ME back. If I didn't lose another pound, I'd be OK. I've gained so much more already. Best journey of my life so far and it's only going to get better.
  9. lizonaplane

    2 weeks post op

    Also, for the constipation: it's totally normal. Try taking Miralax (doesn't work right away, needs to be taken basically every day) or if you haven't gone in a long time, use a laxative suppository (not to be taken too often). Talk to your surgery center to make sure these are okay. I find the miralax works way better than stool softeners or senna. You will not normally go every day after surgery because you are taking in less food and fiber. My surgery center said to make sure I'm getting enough liquid and moving around enough. However, I'm doing both of these things and I'm still only having a BM twice a week. And, as @catwoman7 mentioned, the three week stall is infamous. I am basically there right now. This too shall pass!
  10. I am 16 days post op and haven't lost anything in about 5 days, today I gained about .5 pound. I know this isn't a true stall but I was wondering if anyone has hit this wall so soon. So far I've done awesome and I am happy with it but I feel like I am failing already. I am busting my butt to get fluids and protein in, but find it almost impossible to hit them daily. I am also cleared for food and can eat about an oz at a meal. Most of the time it's a meat or a cheese stick ( for the protein). But I am really focusing on fluids over real food. I've also had a bad allergic reaction to the adhesive they used, so I am not sure if that is playing a role. I plan to keep up with increasing fluids/ protein as well as increase my walking. ( currently a mile 4-5 days a week) Is this normal? Did I hit the dreaded three week stall early? Thanks in advance
  11. catwoman7

    1st month stall?

    it's the three week stall. Almost everyone goes through that. Although you're right, keeping up with your fluids is always important...
  12. catwoman7

    1st month stall?

    I just did a search on this site for you. There are literally 17,501 posts on this early stall. Pretty much everyone has it. I really think bariatric clinics ought to warn people about this because it happens to almost everyone, and people really freak out about it. Just stick to your plan and your weight loss will start up again. Stay off the scale if you have to. It usually lasts 1-2 weeks. Here are all the posts on it. Really - over 17,000 of them. https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three-week stall
  13. Three week stall is normal. Search on the forum under stall and you will find a zillion posts on it. Your body is readjusting to the weight loss and to your new calorie intake, it's spent three weeks being just constantly confused and now it's rearranging stuff. It probably is retaining water. It probably is pulling inches off your body - have you measured? Just because you do not see scale movement doesn't mean your body is not still losing or on track. Stick with it, the stall will end, even if it takes a few weeks. Just make sure you're still keeping yourself hydrated and keeping your protein up. Stalls do not last forever =) Hang in there.
  14. Almost everyone hits a stall at the third week. It doesn't matter what you eat (unless you are eating milkshakes and french fries or something awful and need to fix it). That said, my doctor prescribed a maximum of 60 g carbs and a minimum of 75 g protein while on purees. I also ate a lot of eggs, protein shakes, and refried beans. Other things I ate: Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and various white meats pureed with different sauces, such as: sweet & spicy tuna (the kind that comes in a pouch) pureed with sriracha sauce hickory smoked tuna pureed with low cal bbq sauce lemon dill salmon pureed with olive oil mayo chicken pureed with marinara sauce, then heated up with melted mozzarella cheese turkey pureed with peanut satay sauce I was limited to 3 tablespoons of food per meal, 3 meals per day, no snacks (other than liquids/protein shakes). All of that said . . . the three week stall is completely normal and it doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong with your eating! I promise!
  15. catwoman7

    Weight loss stall

    it's the infamous three-week stall. You just got it a little early. Almost everyone experiences that - if you do a search for it on this site, you'll find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding...). Mine was weeks 2 and 3. During week 4, it broke and I dropped something like 6-8 lbs in about two days. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days if you need to. It WILL break - they always do - and then you'll be on your way again.
  16. rosepose

    Week 3 discouragement

    Oh I was really frustrated my first week!!! It felt like I didn't lose anything for days at a time and then only a pound and then nothing again! I think my system was in shock and went into lock down. I'm only 11 days out now but things have started moving. I think I have to put the scale away - the three week stall sounds crazy making.
  17. catwoman7

    Gastric bypass surgery

    23 lbs in two weeks is actually phenomenal. You are ahead of the curve. It was probably six weeks before I'd lost that much. you're probably in a stall right now. Most of us have our first major stall during the first month or so after surgery. It's called the "three week stall" because it's usually the third week, but not always. Typically lasts 1-3 weeks. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you follow your plan the stall the break and you'll be on your way again. if you want to read more about this, search this site for "three week stall". Last time I checked, there were over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding. It happens to almost all of us.
  18. catwoman7

    Weight loss

    do a search on the "three week stall". Happens to almost everyone. Stick to your plan and the stall will eventually break. I promise.
  19. And here I was self-flagellating because I thought I must be either eating too much or too little or just generally have a body that doesn't want to lose weight. I'd never heard of the three week stall, but I'm in the midst of it. I'm 4wks post op tomorrow and I've fluctuated between losing and gaining a kilo in the last fortnight. That said, I do notice tiny changes in my body ie my sports crop top that was once nearly cutting me in two is now comfortable bordering on being too loose. I'm glad I kept scrolling through this and thank you to the original poster for posting this!!! I just hope my body gets a grip on itself and starts to pull the finger out. I've ramped up my cardio and plan to start weights this weekend (baby weights, not Arnie weights!!!). You all have given me hope that I'm not going to stay this weight. Yay! Cheers RozzieJ
  20. do a search on this site for the "three week stall". I can pretty much guarantee you'll find hundreds of postings on it
  21. VSGAnn2014

    Please answer one more time

    My (on-time) three-week stall just broke this morning (I dropped 1.4 pounds). After consulting my daily weight chart (yeah, I'm obsessive like that), I see that it lasted 6 days. No biggie. I was ready for it. And knowing it was a common phenomenon, I was so unbothered by it. BTW, I'm very sure Cowgirljane's comment above is the important one to heed.
  22. Hello there! Thank you and Congratulations on your surgery date! You are going to be sooo happy!! I remember pre-op, I was on the liquid diet for 7 days, and it was hard at first, but by day 5 I was getting excited that my surgery was almost here and wasn't hungry any more. I am doing really well post-op - thank goodness. I am a little sore now and then, or if I move too quick in an odd position then I feel a little pinch, but other then that I am good. I am waiting to see if I experience the dreaded three week stall, but the truth I am not really dreading it if I do. I already feel so much better, and have lost 32 lbs in the last 26 days, that if I have to wait a minute for my body to catch up, then it's worth it. Are you excited? Are you nervous? Temecula is really nice - Wine Country!!
  23. I have read tons of posts about stalls and thought I was mentally prepared for the infamous "three week stall". Despite all that, when it happened to me, I got a little down. It's so frustrating to be eating so little and not lose any. ***just venting***. :-)
  24. 4ALongerLife

    Stall - Day 12

    You are in the most common stall that there is... the "three week stall" that happens to almost all of us. Go up to the top of the vst page, in the search bar and look up three week stall. Also, you will go through a "surge" of hormones. I don't remember when nor how long it lasts, just that omg I am so f'n hormonal, I felt like I was crazy. Just know this - it too shall pass. Change your perspective. Concentrate on your "levels" .. by that I mean protein, how many oz of water you get in, etc. You will have many ups and downs in this journey and through out each trial, you will learn how to best equip yourself for the next hurdle. You CAN do it! And the weight's going to start zooming off... watch. If I could, I'd bet money on that. And I'm not a betting woman... Hang in there sweetie! OH and I (for a while) only allowed myself to weigh every Monday morning. Otherwise, it drove me nuts. Now, I don't care what the scale says as much. It varies (for me) up to 5 lbs a day depending on the time of the day. Limit scale time to once a week if you can!
  25. cutiecake

    8 weeks out!

    Lots of people talk about the dreaded three week stall. Sounds like some of you maybe experiencing. I haven't got there yet, only 9 days out. But I've read about it on here, around 3 weeks post op lots of people reach a stall in the weight loss. I don't know why...

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