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Found 1,238 results

  1. vikingbeast

    My story

    Sounds like the three-week stall got caught in traffic. Just stay with your program! It WILL come off. And if you have doubts, call your NUT!
  2. NovaLuna

    First month weight loss

    I lost 23 pounds the first month... but I was also over 300 pounds. Also, there something called the 'three week stall' that many people get in the beginning of their journey. That skipped me. There are thousands of posts about the three week stall so you can look it up if you want. You may be going through that yourself. It usually happens within the first month after surgery and can last up to 3 weeks.
  3. catwoman7

    How fast is too fast?

    people lose at all different rates depending on a bunch of different factors - age, gender, metabolic rate, whether or not you lost a bunch of weight before surgery, body composition (% of muscle), genetics, activity level, etc. As long as you're following your clinic's plan, you're fine. you're also about to hit the infamous "three-week stall" that a vast majority of us experience (it's not always the third week, but sometime within the first 4-6 weeks post surgery). Your weight loss will likely stall for 1-2 weeks (and for a few, three weeks) before it takes off again. it seems like most people lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range the first month (but of course you'll always find a few outliers who lose more or less than that), but i'm guessing you'll end up at the higher end of that range - and maybe even a little over, which is fine. You're normal!
  4. vikingbeast


    This sounds like the infamous "three week stall"—there are thousands and thousands and thousands of posts here about it. Just stay the course and the weight loss will resume!
  5. Officially Not Fatty Matty


    Also the famous three week stall (not always right at three weeks), glycogen storage (needs lots of Water for the body to store it)… if the scale fluctuations bother you there are a few options… one, just weigh once a week. Do it after your morning bathroom routine so it’s consistent with your daily pattern.. two: if you want to weigh each day take today’s weight and subtract it from your weight seven days prior. This will give you a rolling average of your weekly loss, it’s handy for spotting true stalls / slow downs etc.
  6. catwoman7

    stopped weight loss

    it's the infamous "three week stall" - happens to almost all of us (it's not always the third week - it happens within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery - but it's most often the third week, thus, the name). If you do a search of this site on the three week stall, you will find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that it'll break and you'll be on your way again. It usually lasts 1-2 weeks - but I've heard of it lasting up to three for some people. (oh - and you'll likely hit more of these stalls later on your journey - perfectly normal "feature" of weight loss...)
  7. catwoman7

    1 Month Post Op Weight Loss

    almost everyone experiences the infamous "three week stall" (the first major stall you hit, was is usually sometime during the first month or so after surgery. It's USUALLY the third week, hence the name). If you do a search of this site of the "three week stall", you will find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding)). You will likely hit several of these stalls along your journey. When you hit one, just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that the stall WILL break, and you'll be on your way again. and yes - weight loss rate falls off a lot after the first few weeks because most of that initial drop is water. So much depends on things like your starting BMI, gender, age, metabolic rate, etc - but most people seem to lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range the first month, and then about 10 lbs month after that. As you get closer to goal, the rate of weight loss decreases even more. I think a lot of people's expectations are shaped by shows like "My 600 lb Life" and are therefore very disappointed when they lose 15 or 20 lbs the first month - and then 10 lbs a month after that - but you have to keep in mind that the people on those shows start at MUCH higher BMI's than the average WLS patient. You are doing absolutely fine - so stop worrying about it and just enjoy the ride! I lost 16 lbs the first month, and about 10 lbs a month after that (again, dropping off a few months later), and I lost 100% of my excess weight. And I started off at over 300 lbs.
  8. catwoman7


    it's the infamous "three week stall". Almost all of us experience that. In fact, if you do a search on this site of the three week stall, you will find about 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding!). Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days. It'll break and you'll be on your way again. It usually last a week or two - but for a few people (a minority) it last for three. And just so you're prepared, you're likely to hit a few of these on your journey. It's a common part of weight loss...
  9. laurenantics

    Please Help, Advice Needed!

    I had my surgery three days before you and I just got out of my infamous three week stall a few days ago. And in three days I dropped almost six pounds. I was expecting the stall, but it still SUCKED. Don't second guess yourself, you're probably doing AMAZINGLY. It will break soon and you'll be back to losing.
  10. FutureSkyDiver

    Please Help, Advice Needed!

    I found this article an interesting explanation of the three week stall. https://www.sagebariatric.com/what-you-can-do-about-weight-loss-stalls/
  11. catwoman7

    Please Help, Advice Needed!

    three-week stall. Almost all of us go through our first major stall with the first 4-6 weeks after surgery (we call it the three week stall because it's USUALLY the third week, although not always). If you do a search on this site of the three week stall, you will find about 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding!). Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that it'll break and you'll be on your way again. btw - that uptick in weight is almost certainly due to water retention or you have more in your bowels than you did the last time you weighed. There's no way you could gain true weight eating 600 calories. As others have said, fluctations of a couple of pounds are normal. If they play with your head too much, then just start weighing once a week instead of daily.
  12. Officially Not Fatty Matty

    Please Help, Advice Needed!

    Oh and to add… you’re likely in the infamous three week stall. It’s very typical, doesn’t always happen at exactly three weeks but most people experience it to one degree or another. You’re probably losing fat but your body is adjusting to the new food intake and is storing water again as your glycogen levels rise. Here is a great read on that topic: https://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-plateau/
  13. catwoman7


    happens to the vast majority of us. If you do a search on "the three week stall" on this site, you'll find something like 17,000 posts on it And no, I am NOT kidding. just stick to your program and stay off your scale for a few days. It'll eventually break and you'll be on your way again...
  14. We call it the three week stall but it can happen before or after that point. It’s just your body taking a breath & playing catch up. It’s been going through a lot - surgery, change of diet, reduced caloric intake, etc. You’ll likely experience other stalls too as you progress. Stick to your plan & you’ll start to lose again. It may take a week or 2 or 3 or so. But you will happen. I like Dr Weiner’s videos. Hope this one helps you. (The question is a little long but the answer is great.) Good luck.
  15. Maribelle76

    July Surgeries??

    Hi! I had surgery on the 13th and a few days ago I made a post called "I hate the scale" lol. I have sort of been all over the place, too. Actually in the past few days since I upped my calories, I am having a more consistent downward weight trend. I think mine was a mixture of body fluids and constipation for the first 10 days after surgery. Today I had my two week appointment and I was down a total of 9 lbs, which doesn't seem like a lot especially compared to those people who lose like 22 or 25 lb in 2 weeks, but I'm following the plan, so there's not much else I can do. I was happy to find out that that loss finally put me under a 35 BMI, so little losses are adding up. I know that people usually talk about the three-week stall on here, but the second week was really chaotic for me weight-wise. Hopefully we will both be slow but steady to meet our goals. Ps I just realized this is the bypass forum, and I had sleeve, but I don't think it makes that much difference in the first few weeks.
  16. catwoman7

    weight loss stall

    almost everyone has their first major stall sometime during the first month after surgery. It's most common during week 3, so we call it "the three-week stall". If you do a search on this site for the three week stall, you will find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). just stick to your program, stay off the scale for a few days, and know that the stall will eventually break and you'll be on your way again. and I echo all of what Arabesque said above.
  17. catwoman7

    Weight loss

    three-week stall. If you search this site, you'll find something like 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). It happens to almost everyone. Just stick to your plan, stay off the scale for a few days, and it'll eventually break (lasts 1-3 weeks, usually) and you'll be on your way again.
  18. Arabesque

    Eating too much?

    You would have to be very large portions very frequently over a prolonged period of time to stretch your tummy. And certainly if you had stretched your tummy this close to your surgery you would have had issues with torn stitches/staples & you’d know about it. How much have you lost since your surgery? How much were you expecting to lose at four weeks? A lot of people have very unreal expectations of how much weight they should be losing based upon programs like My 600lb Life. They lose large amounts of weight because they had large amounts to lose to begin. In my first 4 weeks I’d lost about 8kg (about 17lbs). This was a pretty reasonable amount for my height, weight, age & gender. Have you experienced the three weeks stall (though it can happen at week 2, 3, or 4)? With a stall, which is extremely common, you may not lose for anywhere from a week to 3 weeks. It’s just your body coming to terms with all the changes. You will start to lose again & you will likely experience stalls again as you lose. Ask your medical team for portion size recommendations. Most recommend 1/4 to 1/3 cup to begin but there are variations. Some are given caloric goals. Personally, it would take me three days to eat 2 scrambled eggs so three meals but some can eat more. I still think you should be eating a wider variety of foods to get a broader range of nutrients. Sweet potatoes are very low in protein. Are you meeting your daily protein goals? Are you tracking the caloric & nutritional content or your food?
  19. catwoman7

    Not losing after surgery 6 weeks out

    three week stall. If you do a search on that on this site, you'll find something like 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). It happens to almost all of us (and it's not always the third week for everyone - but sometime during the first month or so after surgery). your rate of weight loss is fine. I think some people's expectations come from watching shows like "My 600 lb Life", but keep in mind that those people start off at MUCH higher BMI's than the average WLS patient. Your rate is fine. I lost 16 lbs the first month, and I ended up losing 100% of my excess weight (over 200 lbs). As long as you stick to your program and your general weight trend is downward, you're good.
  20. Arabesque

    Not losing after surgery 6 weeks out

    Even though we talk about the three week stall it can happen before or after that time. It could be what you’re experiencing. It’s just your body playing catch up with all the changes. You will start to lose again. Does the nausea happen more at certain times or with certain foods? Multivitamin made me sick & I’d often be nauseous, get the foamies or vomit a little most mornings. Your tummy can be pretty sensitive & fussy to begin. I avoided any foods that didn’t sit well with me. But I found that if I waited a couple of weeks, I wouldn’t have a problem with it.
  21. britknee_kay

    Three week stall?

    Just curious about everyone’s experience. I’ve heard there’s a week 3 stall that nearly everyone experiences. I’m just finishing our week 3 and my loss has stalled. Even gained a pound. I assume it’s because of soft foods being introduced.
  22. Arabesque

    5weeks post op

    Every one loses at their own rate. There is no right or wrong amount of weight to lose each week. Yes, there may be average amounts of loss people who are similar height, weight, age, gender, etc. may have in common. As long as you see the trend of your weight loss going down you’re succeeding. The amount you lose each week will also slow as you progress. It is possible you are experiencing a stall as has been suggested. These are extremely common. We talk about the three week stall but that first one can happen at week 2, 3, 4, 5 …. It’s just your body taking a breath & trying to catch up with the changes (surgery, weight loss, reduced calories, dietary changes,…). You will likely have other stalls as you’re losing. We’ve all been on that gain, lose, gain roller coaster. Personally I know the reason I always regained after losing was because the diets I was on weren’t sustainable or I just went back to the same old way of eating. I’d start regaining a couple of weeks after the diet ended. The difference this time is that I work at sticking to the changes I made to how I eat, what I eat, why I eat every day. I have many years ahead of me but I’m going to work my butt off to try to stay my course cause that desire to go down my old path is always there. I just understand it & manage it better now. Your success starts & ends in your head. It’s not just what you put in your mouth. You have to do the head work. Many do this with the help of a therapist, others do it themselves. There are lots of people here who are happy to share experiences & offer support. Follow your plan, meet your protein goals, get your fluids in, be more active and your weight loss will continue. You’ll get there.
  23. GummyBearQueen

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Three week stall, look it up!
  24. ShoppGirl

    Scared to stop losing going into puréed stage??

    Even on the purée phase if you stick to the portions on your plan you will only be consuming VERY low amount of calories. Your body can’t help but to lose weight. You may coincidentally have the three week stall but it will pass and you will continue to lose. Trust the process.
  25. Hop_Scotch

    Scared to stop losing going into puréed stage??

    I hate to be the bearer of what you may consider to be bad news, but a large percentage of those who have weight loss surgery experience a stall or stalls. The first stall can typically happen within the first few weeks, google 'three week stall weight loss surgery' and you will find a lot of info about it. A couple of things to remember you won't be alone in experiencing a stall, most of us have been through it and it not an out of the ordinary event even when eating low calories. If you adhere to your post op guidelines you will get through the stall, it may be a week or two (or even longer) but eventually scale weight will catch up with your body changes. Remember you want to lose fat not just weight. Scale weight doesn't always reflect fat loss. Get out the tape measure, start capturing body measurements. Also look to non scale goals and measures to capture your success in fat loss, health and fitness improvements. How far you can walk or swim, improvements in blood tests for cholesterol, fatty liver etc. Improvements in blood pressure etc etc, clothing sizes reducing and so forth.

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