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Found 17,501 results

  1. ChunkCat

    Help, ive been stuck for 3+ weeks

    If I'm calculating right, you are about 6 months out. You lost all that weight in 6 months?! Take some time to be fiercely proud of yourself and your body! At 6 months out you are probably not done losing, but you are in the realm of stalls for sure. Are you keeping track of your body measurements? Sometimes when the scale doesn't move the inches do. Your body has a lot of reorganizing to do as you drop weight, sometimes it needs a time out to make sure everything is going to continue working! Losing weight this fast is actually pretty hard on the body. I wouldn't stress it by changing up a bunch of things trying to force the scale to move, it'll just take your body that much longer to recalibrate. Honestly, this is probably just a stall and will take TIME. The body will not let go before it is ready to, no matter how much you punish it... Surgery is rough and I swear the majority of the struggle is with our head game. If your mind isn't right with these things, you will experience it all as a suffering and be angry at your body for not cooperating. I think most of us have spent chunks of our lives hating our bodies. This surgery and weight loss is an opportunity to heal that, but only if you take it. Let go of the diet mentality. Show yourself some kindness. Celebrate how far you have come in such a short period of time. And trust things will move when they are ready to move. I'm talking to myself as much as I'm talking to you, I have to remind myself of this EVERY DAY. ❤️
  2. AmberFL

    What do you eat 2 months post op

    awwww bummer, I had turkey meatloaf the other day, it was very soft and so tasty. I only ate 1oz of it and felt so satisfied, or cottage cheese and peaches. I also heard some make deviled eggs, I havent tried this yet but its on my meal plan for the week
  3. Starwarsandcupcakes

    Food Before and After Photos

    Life has been nuts the past couple months but I do periodically stalk the pages to get ideas. This was last night’s dinner- espresso bbq roasted chicken thighs, coleslaw, broccoli watermelon, and loaded mashed potatoes. (Chicken thighs marinated in buttermilk, KC bbq rub and espresso rub then topped with more of each and baked at 450F for 35ish minutes)- I’m not currently counting calories as I’m doing cardiac rehab 3 days a week and have lost 25lbs since I’ve had heart surgery that I had gained beforehand (stupid fatigue). Also, went to the museum with my youngest on a field trip today and we grabbed ice cream to share. This is the after from both of us eating it.
  4. lily06

    April 2024 Surgery Buddies

    I found it hard the first 3 -5 days but once the internal swelling calmed down i kind of focused on feeling drinks or food going down. I’d spend 30 minutes mentally following the mouthful and trying to identify what i felt. In the end i’ve notice a sort of tension in the stomach as the first sign of being full. Then there were other random signs : hiccupping is the strangest one, and for the first week i’d get a runny nose if i’d eaten too much It’s all so new but we’ll work it out - good luck 😊
  5. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Traveling cross country-5 weeks post op

    I agree! I never went through the not hungry phase and I hate hearing the its just " head hunger" statement as well. I know the difference between cravings and stomach growling hunger! I've been hungry from before surgery, weeks after and now 9 months ...I've just decided feeling hungry is better than being fat! I also don't understand dieticians and people here saying eat deli meats, most have nitrates, salt and water added to them - not exactly healthy! I guess in a pinch they're better than nothing...
  6. I surpassed my goal weight by 2pounds! in March is my 9 month follow up. I was just thinking back to two weeks after my surgery when I ended up in the hospital with dehydration and not hitting my protein goals. Here a I am kicking ass and taking names.
  7. A snapshot of the past 30 days' weight loss. February 7 was the first day of my pre-op diet and surgery was Feb 21. I didn't weigh myself from the 21st thru 24th but you can see the bounce on the 25th due to continued retention of fluids from the hospital. I lost 5.6 lbs last week, but so far only 1.2 lbs this week.

    While the weight has been coming off slowly, I did have feedback from my massage therapist on Monday that my inflammation seems much improved. She immediately noticed the difference in my calves, which were always very tight and hard, to the point she would often comment on it as being unusual. This time she was able to get right into the muscle without a struggle, and it was a similar story in my arms, neck and back. Whether it's from the surgery itself or from the complete lack of grains, sugar, and processed foods in my diet for a month, something is working.


    Screenshot_20240308_154641_Renpho Health.jpg

    1. BeanitoDiego


      Those non-scale victories really mean a lot 💪

  8. Onwensdaywewearblk

    December Surgery Buddies!

    That’s sounds more understandable I went into the office today and to my surprise I was 228 he said I misunderstood the diet plan lol I was not to start soft foods til two week after the surgery not on week two which makes me feel so much better because it’s easy to drink but wasn’t as easy to eat those puréed foods. my incisions are fine the biggest one I’m assuming is where they took the stomach out is bumpy also lol 😂 I feel fine to get up and walk about but after a certain point it’s over doing it this week I’m sick of being home so I’m heading to the mall today to exchange shoes for my kids the walking should be okay. Doc says walking only til week 6 post op. Which is a bummer bc I have a workout bike I set up last night too excited to use lol
  9. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Just follow what the Medical professionals tell you. Don't deviate. Just be sure to get your water and protein in. I had a two week pre op liquid diet. So, water and protein shakes and zero sugar gatorade was my menu. But everyone's Doctor is different, just follow what they tell you.
  10. Two mos post op 4/29. I feel like the loss is slowing down. Since surgery Im down 33 lbs. I weigh weekly and in the beginning it was 5 lbs down,etc. Now its 1.5 down or sometimes just the same. Im taking in anywhere from 750-950 calories a day, usually toward the lower side, eating 100 grams sometimes more protein and being very careful, I always prioritize protein. Also Im walking 30 min 4/5x a week. Any advice? Just keep on and trust the process?
  11. SuziDavis

    Feeling defeated

    Exactly, you were losing 4-5 a month... you lost 16!!! That is great. And keep in mind that 90% of us stalled in the first 3-6 weeks. Your body needs to adjust.
  12. The Greater Fool

    Weight loss plateau so early?

    IMHO, you've made a good decision. Let me share a bit of my story to convince you to put the scale away... period. When I had surgery I was too large by far for a home scale. The only time I was weighed for about a year and a half after surgery was at my surgeon's office at monthly follow-ups. Because of this, I never saw a stall in my weight loss. At my follow-ups my weight loss was never the topic of discussion unless I brought it up. The discussion centered on how I was feeling, how my plan was going, life changes, how was I emotionally, any issues or concerns. I learned valuable lessons in these appointments. Eventually I was able to weigh on a home scale. I practically lived on the scale for a couple weeks until the novelty wore off, then I never used it again. I knew how I was doing by how I felt, my plan compliance, how my clothes felt, my health, happiness and a number of other considerations. These are still my measurements. We don't need a scale to follow our plans. The number on a scale does not tell you how well you are following your plan. In some cases, the number on the scale may tempt you to change your successful plan. It's great not being ruled by a number on a scale and simply paying attention to the important stuff. Good luck, Tek
  13. BadgeNC

    December Surgery Buddies!

    Figured I'd join in! Had DS surgery on 12/18. Pre-surgery weight (about 1-week before) was 415, currently down to 375. Had to spend 4 nights in the hospital due to some complications (had very LOW blood pressure for a couple days due to kidney's not working properly) but improved each day. Felt very little pain (unless coughing/sneezing). Glad to be a part of the community here. Currently in pureed food stage, looking forward to the soft food stage in another week!
  14. Mercury.Belle

    March 2024 Surgery Buddies!

    Surgery day buddies, mine is Tuesday too! 🙂 My surgeon only requires a pre-op diet for a “few days” prior, no specific number, so I’m starting now. I’m just supposed to eat light and keep hydrated… I feel like I’m doing something wrong, I’ve had myself mentally prepared for the 2 week liquid diet since I started this journey almost a year ago. 😂
  15. Wow, I weighed 185 pounds this morning, or 83.9 kilograms.

    That means I've lost 91 pounds, or 41 kilograms.

    A third of my body weight.

    I knew I was over 100 pounds overweight, but I didn't know what that really meant. I definitely have a good idea of what that means, now!

    My goal is 150, so that means 35 more pounds. I'm three months out from surgery and I expect that the rate of loss will slow. And that is perfectly okay. My health journey is far from being over!


  16. I vape, and i got my gastric sleeve surgery next month on the 15th, i have been advised to quite 2 weeks previous to my surgery
  17. Does anyone else ever feel guilty if they take a rest day from working out? We HAVE to take rest days to let our bodies and heal and rest, so we don't do damage. I work out 5 days per week and rest for 2. I rest on Thursday and Sunday. And I have to be honest, as soon as I wake up on rest day, I start feeling like I'm doing something wrong by not working out. As the day goes on, it just gets worse, and I have to literally FORCE myself to keep my rest day. I do keep to my rest days, but I really struggle with them. Anyone else, or am I just weird?
  18. Courtnay

    December Surgery Buddies!

    It was 5 weeks on optifast 4x daily, nothing else besides water. That said I was honest about not being fully strict on it. I did slip up a few times.
  19. BlondePatriotInCDA


    I unfortunately only spent a few months following surgery without being overly hungry, but after about the three month mark it came back with a vengeance, so I decided to do some research. I now consume Non digestive or Resistant meladextrin. Its a corn fiber that your body can't digest so; no calories, good fiber and probiotics purported to help with the following: Resistant maltodextrin is believed to enhance gut health by [19, 29, 30]: Promoting the growth of good gut bacteria Improving stool weight, consistency, and bowel movements According to some researchers, resistant maltodextrin has potential against obesity, diabetes, and heart disease because, in various studies, it has [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]: Reduced belly fat and body weight Decreased food intake Increased satiety hormones (glucagon-like peptide-1 and peptide YY) Lowered the production of the “hunger” hormone (ghrelin) Reduced blood sugar levels and insulin resistance Blocking the growth of cancer cells and tumors ** hasn't been proven** Decreasing endotoxins, inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress markers (TNF-a, IFN gamma, MDA) Increasing protective antibodies and anti-inflammatory substances (IgA, butyrate, IL-10) In clinical studies of over 200 people, resistant maltodextrin enhanced the growth of good gut bacteria, including [19, 29, 44, 47, 48]: Bifidobacterium Ruminococcus Eubacterium Lactobacillus Lachnospiraceae Bacteroides Holdemania Faecalibacterium As a resistant starch, this type of maltodextrin will help keep your blood sugar level stable after meals. In a meta-analysis of over 900 people, resistant maltodextrin blocked the increase of blood sugar after meals (postprandial glycemia) [37]. resistant maltodextrin decreased blood glucose and insulin levels. It increased a weight-loss protein called adiponectin that blocks glucose production. 3) Obesity In several clinical studies of over 300 overweight people, resistant maltodextrin reduced body weight, body mass index (BMI), and body fat. In one 12-week clinical study of 30 people with metabolic syndrome, it decreased waist circumference and belly fat [31, 55, 35]. In clinical studies of over 160 overweight men, resistant maltodextrin decreased feelings of hunger, increased satiety, and reduced and food intake. In another study on 32 healthy people, it decreased levels of the “hunger” hormone (ghrelin), lowered feelings of hunger and improved satiety [31, 32, 33, 34]. In rats, resistant maltodextrin reduced body weight, belly fat, and suppressed excess food intake [56, 6, 50 I found numerous research studies that pretty much said the same things above..so I figured I'd give it a try. It has no flavor and desolved completely so I just add it to my water plus it has no calories and helps regulate Ghrelin (hunger hormone). It really seems to help! I just make sure its non GMO etc etc. Perhaps it can help you, I figured it couldn't hurt and I do feel less hungry...still by try but less.
  20. NickelChip

    May 2024 surgery

    I was so happy to have chicken soup flavored "shakes" to offset all the sweet stuff (until they started to taste like chemicals after surgery, lol). I was also able to put unflavored protein powder in tomato soup, and that was so nice! I would do a coffee flavored shake at breakfast, chicken soup shake for lunch, and tomato soup for dinner, plus sugar free jello. It wasn't too bad after the first several days. Mine lasted 2 weeks. Take it easier if you can, and get lots of fluid and sleep.
  21. Do you think just going back to that pre-surgery diet for a week would work well as a jump start? The 1 - 2 cups of broth, 4 oz of protein, 1 cup veg, 2.5 protein shakes? The surgar free water packet flavorings and even the gatorade / powerade zero still give me the prevomit saliva problem T_T
  22. Please don’t apologize! I’m so sorry to hear your insurance are being dicks. I hope it gets sorted soon. As a European I can’t imagine the stress that must cause. I personally find that the US health insurance system is evil incarnated and will pray that whoever is responsible for temporarily refusing your claim has ingrown toenails forever more. As a smoker I feel you. I haven’t given up because I don’t feel strong enough yet, I just avoided smoking 3 weeks prior to surgery. But hold strong, it’s worth it. Take care and be kind to yourself and keep on posting here! I’d read a novel!
  23. catwoman7

    Feeling defeated

    I lost the same amount (16 lbs) the first month and ended up losing 235 lbs (I've gained back a few since then). Most of us seem to lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range the first month post-op, so you're in the right range. If you're getting your expectations from "My 600 lb Life", remember that those people start at over 600 lbs - that's way above where the average WLS patient starts from, and starting BMI is one of the factors that determines what your rate of weight loss is (other factors are age, gender, how much of your body weight is muscle, whether or not you lost a lot of weight prior to surgery, metabolism rate, other genetic factors, etc). The only two factors that play into the rate of weight loss that you have much control over are how closely you're sticking to your clinic's food plan, and how active you are. If you're doing well with those, you'll lose the weight, whether fast or slow. the other thing you may be dealing with is the "three-week stall" that most of us experience. It's not always the third week post-op - sometimes it's the second or fourth or fifth week post-op, but it's most commonly during the third week, hence the name. It's basically the first major stall after WLS. Most of us go through this. It generally lasts 1-3 weeks. I had mine during weeks 2 and 3 (so two weeks). I lost virtually nothing during this time, but once week 4 started, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within just a couple of days. so anyway, long way of saying, there's no reason to feel defeated. Sounds like everything is pretty normal...
  24. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I was given the all clear to restart eating solid food at my 6 week appointment yesterday. Hooray! I'm not hungry but I did miss variety in flavor and texture. Tonight I'm making a 15 bean soup because the weather is terrible and it sounded soothing. The doctor did say I'm losing weight at the low end of normal. I need to increase my exercise, which I definitely struggle with. I need to figure out a good way to incorporate exercise every day.
  25. This is coming from a guy, so take it with a grain of salt. I had to go to an event requiring a jacket and tie last week, which was 6 weeks after the pre-op diet (4 weeks post op) weight loss began. When I put on my suit I wore previously in September, I looked like a little kid trying on his dad's clothes. I needed a shirt 3 sizes smaller than my previous, but only 1 size smaller pants. I would suggest waiting to shop until about 2 weeks prior to the event because its hard to predict where you'll be at that point. As far as the foods go, after having the sleeve done, I'm ok with some foods that I probably shouldn't be ready for yet (ground beef, salmon, high fiber/low carb bread which I have since cut back out since its not diet friendly), but others that I should be ok with are making me feel sick (leafy greens, broccoli, canned tuna). Again, I would just assess where you are a week or two out from the wedding, maybe ask them what is on the menu, but maybe plan to pack a diet-friendly snack in your bag just in case. Congrats again on your surgery!

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