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Found 1,231 results

  1. Dairymary

    Weight gaining after sleeve?

    Pay very close attention to what and how you ate preop that led you to become obese. Not just the volume, but how often, what you ate and most importantly WHY you ate that way. Were you depressed? Happy? Bored? Stressed? Now do the same thing during the honeymoon period during which you are losing weight and most likely following all the "rules". Again, what, how much, when, and why you are eating. How are you coping with stress and emotions that don't involve food? 2-3 years from now (actually, for the rest of your life) you need to remain mindful of your eating habits. If you find yourself going back to many of your preop habits, you will likely find yourself regaining. After 6 years of group support meetings and now online forums, I See most regain stories coming from emotion based self sabotage.....stress, grief and boredom are big ones. Someone dies, you get divorced, you lose your job, your family is unsupportive, pressure from friends, your kids get sick, you are injured, etc. Now you turn to food for comfort because that's all you know how to do. Your sleeve is worthless when it comes to grazing, slider foods, snacking, etc. In the end it's the lifestyle changes and choices you make that dictate long term success, not your surgery or size of your sleeve. I always say, my surgeon helped me lose the weight, but my therapist helped me keep it off. Good luck.
  2. I agree with others thinking its jealousy. I too have a few friends who are very unsupportive. And everyone of them are heavy,,,sad to say but it's true!!! Sometimes with friends like that we don't need enemies!!
  3. Hey folks-- I finally will have a surgery date by the end of the week for sometime in April. Here is my honest to God, unbias opinion of the Doctors and Specialists I have seen. First up, Bariatric Surgeon #1.... Dr. Moran. http://www.alasurgery.com/ The Short: $250 "administrative fee." Unsupportive Staff. Reputable and experienced Surgeon. Bad Bed side manner. Very much to the point. The Long: His office staff was rude, unhelpful, and unsupportive to my needs. They gave me a hassle about faxing my documentating to another doctor when I decided to change. I was denied by insurance because my BMI was > 50. They knew this on the first visit/consultation. Dr. Moran told me all he would have to do is call the insurance company and the denial would be overturned. After I plunked down the cash, the copays, etc, I was told by his office staff that Dr. Moran was far too busy to call me or my insurance company. They referred me to a financing company to pay for my surgery, even though I am fully 100% insured. They offered no assistance in the way of the appeals. Pharrah (office manager), Iris(receptionist), and Ann(bariatric coordinator) are the office staff that I had the displeasure of dealing with. I had to call their office constantly to receive updates on my case. It seemed as if without me calling and asking constantly, nothing got done. Dr. Moran himself was alright, though a bit cold and curt. The office staff motivated me to move to a new Doctor and never look back. Tammi Moore-- Psychiatrist: She is a wonderful woman and knows all about the bariatric surgeries. I really enjoyed working with her and talking with her. I am considering seeing her again after my surgery. Dr. Earnhardt - Cardiologist: This man was probably my favorite of all the specialists I have seen. So kind, attentive, and informative. Loved this visit. Ashley Miles - Nutritionist at Rex Wellness SHe was a total sweetheart as well. It was a joy to see her. Highly recommended. Baratric Surgeon #2.... Dr. Enochs. http://www.surgerync.com/ Angelica at Dr. Enochs is my angel. She was VERY helpful over the phone far before I paid them a single dime. She is the bariatric coordinator over there. She talked me through my issues and got me in to see Dr. Enochs as soon as possible. Luckily, in between visits, I lost the weight I needed for the BMI factor, so that will no longer be an issue. Dr. Enochs himself is a sweetheart and took the time to answer all of my questions. However, there is a $500 administrative fee here. BUT, since I had already paid Dr. Moran $250 and was so frustrated by the process, Dr. Enochs only charged me $250. Yay! It was somewhat of a lengthy wait once I got to the office (30 minutes after my scheduled appointment) and his office in Cary is a bit of a haul from my home in NorthWest Raleigh, but I think it was well worth it. Dr. Enochs also has a FANTASTIC support staff who saw me and spent time with me. I met with 5 employees while there, all guiding me through their area of expertise. Highly recommended. Please PM or reply with any questions at all.
  4. I am sure that there are other protein powders besides Unjury that would be as good. I was able to buy it from the diet doctor's office, which is right next door to the surgeon's office. So, that was a no brainer. Does your surgeon know where you can get some? I am going to check out the Isopure the next time I need to buy protein. If you read the labels, you probably want to check how many calories you are getting with your protein. For example, the label might say 20g of protein, but does that mean two scoops of protein and up to 300 calories? Hope not! My Unjury strawberry sorbet is 20g protein and 100 calories. Muscle Milk chocolate is 16g protein and 150 calories. Unjury chicken is 21g protein and 90 calories. But, when I was at the gym today, I was checking out some of their supplements and some of them had 300 calories per serving! Those are for bodybuilders or someone else but me! Another day, I bought some protein supplement at Sam's club, and when I got it home, I realized that it had (if I recall) something like 150 calories and only 9g protein. It can really be dizzying to sort through the protein, just whatever you decide, maybe don't buy too much. You are so fortunate to have a caring husband who wants to make everything ready for you. Mine is like that too. It breaks my heart when I hear about unsupportive loved ones.
  5. Band_Groupie

    1/16/09 The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly! (pics)

    The Good: I DID IT! Did you see?! There it is! I FINALLY created an avatar! And GET THIS…I also MADE MY OWN TICKER!!!!! Nope, not from a ticker site…from scratch!!! Go look below…yep, I did that! With pics even!!! Can you believe it??!! I happened upon a cool ticker on a WLS site which showed 10 pound bowling balls for weight loss…I thought that was such a cool analogy (and the creator of it already lost 11 bowling balls!). So I asked and she patiently helped me with the drawing program (Marella, you’re a saint!). Don’t ask me how to do it as I spent a day and a half (more about that later) and I still don’t know…trial and error, but with my art background it was a fun challenge. Now, I didn’t want to be a complete copy-cat so I tried to think of something else that was also about 10 pounds. It came to me…remember my family joke/blog ‘Never eat anything bigger than your head!’? Well, I googled it and apparently the average weight of a human head is 10 pounds…perfect, 10 pound heads and an atypical ticker, like me. I only wished I had more pics of me to chose from…apparently our scanner is out of sync, so all I could use were pics that were already on CD’s…so there’s my face on the ticker 1 1/2 years ago at my parent’s 50th, about 20 pounds lighter; and me on the avatar, outside, glass of wine in hand about 3 1/2 years and 30-40 pounds lighter…but I look about the same on my top half as it all went to my a$$; except Mr.SA (Skinny A$$) says a little weight in the face, and the 4 years of aging, and the temporary brunette hair that will soon be back to blonde (although I’m enjoying my extra brain cells), and some bangs now…but other than that, it’s me. I’m so proud!!! Read on if you want to know why this was an EXTRA challenge! The Bad: I officially HATE computers. Yes, my computer is STILL down, so I haven’t been on much. Remember? My daughter closed the power cord in the recliner cutting the cord, right after Christmas. Well, after ordering two Chinese replacements from different stores and waiting for each to arrive, neither one worked (“Unsupported” and lots of beeping, whatever that means). Mr.SA finally ordered me a Dell one…to arrive this weekend. I’m not holding out much hope. So I’d been using the kids/home one or Mr.SA’s work laptop at night. Then OMG his computer and our home one both ‘caught something’; yep even with the firewall system we have. Apparently they had to bring in an outside computer guy at DH work to fix it (their co. guys couldn’t…yikes) and the geek even he had to take the computer back to his co. to get help. In the process they lost everything on DH computer and it’s still not fixed. Our home computer is still ‘bugged’ and about every third screen you switch to it knocks you off and a new screen comes up that is a fake Microsoft or Google screen (it has three different ones) telling you to click on it because the website you’re on is a potential threat. The computer geek tells us this ‘bug’ is nothing you can avoid. Apparently Microsoft headquarters got the same one. You never had to click on anything to start it, it just comes in with websites or emails (wish I knew how) and the bug is just trying to sell you something, it’s not spyware…small condolence, as that’s also the reason they can’t prosecute these hackers…laws haven’t caught up with this yet (they all ought to be taken out back and shot). If I hadn’t been so motivated to get this ticker done since Marella had started the process of helping me, I would have gone nuts…it took me an hour to do what I could normally do in 15 min….VERY AGRIVATING! So who knows what will happen when we take the home computer in, and I’m sure even IF the new power cord comes and IF this third try works this weekend on my laptop if I should risk catching this bug? If you don’t hear from me for awhile, you’ll know I’m still in computer he!!. And The Ugly: Tuesday I had Mr.SA take my ‘before’ pics finally. Now that we replaced the broken digital camera at Christmas, I was just waiting for a good time. He was off Tues. for the surgeon’s consult so I did it. They’re horrific (or at least the ones I've seen)!!! NO, I’m not sharing them…maybe when I have some good ‘afters’…maybe…or maybe not. Remember I’m the one who’s been running from the camera all these years and could hardly find a pic of myself for an avatar, so to see the whole me in something tight…yeah, remember I was debating the range of those before pics…from the ‘underwear girl’ (no way) to the all dolled up in the camouflage-the-fat clothes. I decided to go with something near the underwear end of the range and a step up from ‘Biggest Loser’ clothes (my legs and belly are so pasty white and dimpled, so NO). But I want to really see the changes…tight spandex sweats and a tight tank top…shows enough. I remembered to get the flabby upper arm shots and just the face pics. Mr.SA kept saying as he looked at the pics after every pose… ‘Man, that doesn’t even look like you. If someone asked me if that was my wife I would have said no.’ Now I’m not sure if he was being honest and I’ve just been such a good fat-camoflager all these years (yes, even, or especially around him) that he was truly surprised, or if he was just trying to cheer me up as there was no denying these pics could star in a horror film. Oh well, the ‘before’ ones are supposed to look bad right? I still haven’t brought myself to look at the full body shot ones yet…I need to do that…I need the same dose of reality poor Mr.SA got. Yep, I still think I looked huge at 160# 8 years ago, and I still think I look exactly the same today, 80+# heavier…there’s something wrong with my self image…those ‘before’ and hopefully ‘afters’ may be just what I need to build my body image and acceptance as I go through the changes…here’s hoping!
  6. TLW


    I have only told a few select people because of that. I'm scheduled for surgery May 28 and I know when I return to work the end of Aug (I teach) people will notice, but I have decided I will respond with, " I have spent the summer working on making a healthier me." And leave it there. My mother was VERY unsupportive when I told her what I was going to do, so much so I got tired of hearing her negativity the next time she said something about it, which was in March I told her to just stop because there was no guarantee it would happen because I have to go through testing first. I will not tell her about my surgery, she will see me in July, but by then I Will have had the surgery and hopefully be adapted to my new way of eating.
  7. runaroundsue

    1 Year Anniversary

    Wow, you are amazing! I can't even imagine. You mentioned that you found out who were your real friends; could you please expand on that a little? Were people unsupportive? Jealous? I have a few friendships that seen to revolve around food and bingeing. I wonder what we will have in common after the sleeve. Also, you said that you are an emotional eater, I am too. What do you do now when you get the urge to binge?
  8. So I guess this works as double duty - an introduction and a (kinda) question. I am a Registered Nurse...a very fat nurse! And I've been that was (fat, not a nurse ) for almost 13 years. I've done diet after diet. Acupuncture, moxibustion, hypnosis. HCG to the point I got gallstones. And each year, my weight just keeps climbing. I'm ashamed to say that the only significant weight loss I had was after I had met the love of my life, and then lost him...(but later found him...and my lost weight, grrrr!). I have stereotypical PCOS and Metabolic Syndrome (hello, black hairs on chin - I grow an impressive beard!), so that has exacerbated my weight issues. I started seriously looking into bariatric surgery 6 years ago, but didn't like the available choices of RNY, DS and then LapBand. Over the intervening years, I decided to try to get a LapBand anyways. I had one of those insurance companies that required a 6 month supervised diet, consults, etc...I jumped through all the hoops, found a surgeon I liked...and then he quit! Left private practice to accept a teaching fellowship. I was very bummed. So I figured this was my clue to try dieting again. So I went back to more failed, frustrating dieting. About this time, I was diagnosed with diabetes, which complicated matters even more. After nearly a year, I decided to go the LapBand route (again!). All my previous tests had expired, so I had to do the 6 months supervised diet and consults again...then got turned down by insurance due to an exclusion...the appealed and won!...set a surgery date and then got very, very ill. The chest xray that was done the week before my surgery showed a shadow in my lungs, so I had to see pulmonary, etc. Turned out to be nothing, but by then my precious "vacation" days from work were wasted and I had to go back. I felt ashamed and defeated, and just gave up on trying to lose weight altogether. Here it is, 2012, and I can now add hypertension, high cholesterol and tryglycerides and hypothyroid to my medical litany. And finally in January, I said....enough is enough. I'm going to make this happen! I'm 5'8, 310lbs....what would I advise a patient to do in my situation? So I called my insurance and found out that they do not cover bariatric surgery for any reason. ANY. I'm trying to not make any rough comments here, but it's terrible that I am an RN, I devote my life to the health of others, and my company has specifically excluded dietician visits for weight loss, weight loss plans and bariatrics....wtf?? But I digress. After realizing that I would get no help from insurance, deciding to self-pay was the least difficult choice. My darling husband (the aforementioned lost love who was later found ) had a RNY over 2 years ago with wonderful results, and has been very supportive. I've spent the last month researching my options, and have decided that Dr Aceves is worth my time and money. His track record and reviews have convinced me that Dr Aceves is the best choice for my new sleeve and new life. And here is where I come to the crossroads. My family is totally unsupportive of bariatrics in general, and Mexico as a whole, so I will not be telling them. The can comment ad-nauseum. I'm still pondering what to tell work - I work in a very tight-knit facility with only a handful of nurses, and my role is such that my absence for even 10 days will be sorely missed (when I fractured my foot in December and I was gone for 2 days, it was mass chaos!). I really, really don't want to tell my boss WHY I need a week and a half off, so I'm trying to figure out how to be creative. The problem I was NOT anticipating, was needing to find a new primary care physician. When I told my MD what my plans were, she began to tell me how I just needed some willpower, and that she could not support me going to some "back alley hack" in Mexico. She then implied that she would refuse to assist with my follow through care, and that if I did indeed go to Dr Aceves for a sleeve, I would need to find a new PCP. So I'm stuck on these two things - work and finding a PCP who will be ok with my having weight loss surgery out of country. Argh. I have not set a date for surgery yet...I keep thinking I need to try to get time off first and then try to make a date, but what if one's not open....? I can't afford to lose my job, too many bills! But I need to regain my health. Getting through every day at work is like running the gauntlet, in more ways than one. Anyways, sorry to ramble. I just want to add what an inspiration it has been to follow along with everyone's progress with their sleeves - I've been reading this forum for quite a while! Thank you so much for your help on my own journey -Asche, The Crazy Cat Lady
  9. So sorry that you are having a tough time right now. Your families determination to de-rail you is especially upsetting! Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to "make" them be supportive. You decided that this was the best choice for you. You have your husband's support and that is what matters the most. Move forward with confidence and grace throughout the rest of the process...let your unsupportive family members think what they want. In the end, they will either be proud or jealous of you. You can't control their feelings, only yours! I use these forums for support and advice as I have only told my husband and my sister. I'm not talking "daily" about this surgery to anyone. Reading the postings helps me to contemplate all the situations that I may be faced with by choosing this path. I would recommend only using your own scale and weigh yourself naked in the am...then, that's it! No more stepping on! And please - stay off other's scales...yikes...nothing good has ever come from that Best of luck to you!!!
  10. Marie from Michigan

    Telling people at work about my surgery

    I told the people I work closely with as soon as I received a surgery date. I was out of work for 3 1/2 weeks and they needed to pick up the slack in my absense. I am an open person and it would have been very difficult to just tell them I was going out on medical leave. They would have assumed the absolute worst and I didn't want to cause them any concern. When I first came back after surgery I looked pretty haggard. I am sure that some people who didn't know I had WLS assumed the worst. I think the word spread and now everyone knows. I get a lot of comments and words of support. Some people ask questions because they are interested in the surgery either for themselves or for a family member. No one has said anything negative or unsupportive at all, at least not to my face! One interesting thing is that I did not tell my extended family I was having surgery (aunts, cousins, etc.). After surgery many of my work "friends" wrote messages of support to my Facebook page. It was pretty apparent that I had had surgery and was home recovering. My relatives all came out of the woodwork asking what was wrong and did I need help. I felt kinda bad that I hadn't told them before but I really had no opportunity to do so. I think the decision whether to tell your co-workers or not is an individual one. I work in an environment where we are generally pretty open with what is happening in our personal lives and it would have been more difficult not to tell than to tell.
  11. I'm sorry your husband does not support you but you have to be healthy for you as well as your family, I would take him to the se,one and all doctors appointment if possible then he would see. By no means is this the easy way out, this is a life style changed that is so well worth it because it changes the quality of your life . I am 8 months out and I am loving life you are so worth living for, I explained to my family when they were unsupportive at first how would they feel if I was no longer here oppose to me being here happy and healthy needless to say they got educated and they have become my biggest support system besides my husband and kids, and with the pounds falling off they see the results and how happy I am good luck. Please remember this is a choice that you need to make for yourself to be healthy first then your family good luck .
  12. Why was your dad unsupportive?
  13. Done


    OMG, my heart bleeds for her and her children. For those who don't know, last night she was taken to a hospital for a psych evaluation. It was reported earlier it was time for her ex to take custody of her kids and she wouldn't let them go. (TMZ.com) I never liked her before but after she had kids, and had problems with depression, I really empathized with her. I had gone through some of the same things after I had my children - depression, lack of self worth, unsupportive husband, etc.. The torment she goes through on a daily basis with those leeches following her around is astonishing. I know we could go into her being rich and famous, for her deserving it, loving the attention, etc. etc. but really, none of us really know what has gone on in her relationships, her health, etc. Being followed around is probably the only thing that makes her feel worthy and beautiful nowadays. I reeeally hope she can get some help, some relaxation, some time to reflect, and to get her shit together and go after #1, her kids. I hope she doesn't die like Marilyn or Diana ... :cry
  14. I thought it might happen. I've been going to my pcp for 6 years now went in with headaches and diagnosed with HTN and I was 318lbs @ the time. 2 years aago after telling me again that I needed to control my weight and changing me to stronger meds she said "and don't think you going to do it the "cheating way" with a bypass". ok no problem by that time I was 322. I'm doing my research and I'm hoping the lap band is the thing for me, I'm certainly ready to give it my all and I just did 1 year of nutrisystem losing 30 lbs and gaining 35lbs. I go in yesterday (my birthday) for my annual. I mention that my knee is killing me I aviod stairs, and lo and behold 1 weigh 328 (lovely). She proceeds to tell me that "all i have to do is lose weight" - Ya think? -Didn't I feel better when I lost the 30 lbs. -My hormone levels are fine so there's no medical reason that I can't lose weight. -Maybe I should do like her (maybe 5 lbs over her ideal weight mind you) and get on the scale everyday and if i find I'm a pound or two over cut back on my intake. I mean shes a cardiologist/internist does she really think it's that easy, has she lost her mind? If I could lose weight and keep it off - DONT YOU THINK I WOULD!!! Jesus Mary and Joseph give me a break. Needless to say she doesn't "approve" of WLS. so i'll be looking for a new pcp to do the supervised weight loss and referral for me. What a day - Happy Birthday to me- sorry really needed to vent
  15. smithhome

    Unsupportive partner

    Hi there...I too have an unsupportive husband. He tried for a year or more to belittle the idea because he feels it's not worth a major surgery, when some are able to lose lbs w/o surgery. Then came the, "what if you die?" argument. Finally he admitted that he knows that he feels comfortable with my being overweight. That his opinion on this is more about HIM than me. So, now we're saving for the surgery and he's "ready"... he will take care of me no matter what, but his emotions will be more erratic than mine. It's SO hard to deal with men like this. I feel your pain. Let's pray for one another and maybe we can support one another in some small way! Contact me if you need to talk it out. God bless!!
  16. NaomiAus

    Unsupportive partner

    It's hard when your going through such a drastic change in your life and when you need support the person who should be your biggest supporter isn't. It's not just that he is unsupportive, he sounds cruel, with those comments. You need a support system to give you the very best chance at success. Maybe asking him why he is unsupportive of you. It's a time where you need to make tough choices and ultimately, your the only one who can make them.
  17. Well, DH is telling NO ONE...the only people that know he's having it are the people that I have told, because we're both doing it. I haven't told too many people. The ones I have told have been fairly supportive. My mother on the other hand...feels I just lack discipline and that if I just really "surrendered this problem to God" (NO religious debate here please) I could do it "naturally". I finally just had to tell her to trust me to make the right decision for me and she has since backed off. One person that surprised me, was my medifast health advisor. When I told her I was opting for lap band because I couldn't live on Meal Replacements for years on end, she was quite indignant (sp?) and pulled a superiority complex out on me! I have known this woman for YEARS and never dreamed she would be so unsupportive! But hey...I'm not doing this for "them" I am doing this for my health. I am doing this so I can be the best me, the best wife, mom and future grandma I can possibly be.
  18. mrs w

    Telling people

    I told my parents and husband. My parents were completely against it but my dad has since told me that although he doesn't agree with it he's proud of me. I originally heard about the surgery and Mexico option from a lady at work. We had even discussed going together. She went in September but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Needed more time to research and really wanted to give regular diet and exercise one last sincere try. Since September she has done amazing and is down 85. In November I told her I was planning to go and she was so unsupportive and told me it would be the biggest mistake of my life... Although I'm not quite a month out, so far I have no regrets. Needless to say I lied and told her I decided against it. Wait I'm not sure I understand... The friend who told you about the surgery and lost 85lbs is the same friend who was unsupportive of your decision? How so? Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk Haha, exactly my point. She was all encouraging when she thought we were going to go together. Now that she's lost tons and is feeling super confident all of a sudden doesn't want others to be as successful it seems. I just mention it because I thought of all people she would be understanding and supportive. Funny how some of the people you expect to be there for you are the ones that are the opposite.
  19. Hey Everyone! Didnt know where else better I can b***h and complain than here! So, Im 29 years old with a gorgeous 18 month old girl and a supportive husband. My older sister (who was always a size 6 ) and my mom are so not supportive and its driving me NUTS! Ever since I started my research for the sleeve my family have been so unsupportive of me. I dont care that they dont approve, but I have told them they dont have to like it,but they will respect my decision. I told my mom exactly what the surgery entailed and what my eating pattern would be post op. She even did her own research and commented that she didnt know part of my stomach was going to be removed. Fast forward a few weeks and I am now 2 weeks post op and she keeps bringing up that she didnt know part of the stomach was removed and if she knew that, she wouldve jumped in front of the stretcher at the hospital!! And now on top of all this...she keeps saying that my daughter will be my only child because I wont be able to have another child with the new stomach! I have given her so much research information and packets from my surgeon. I just wish my family would be supportive like they said they would!! Sorry for the venting!!
  20. nikisa

    Before and after

    You look absolutely fantastic! Congratulations on your weight loss and best of luck with the rest of your journey. An unsupportive partner is not an easy thing to have to deal with but you are persevering nonetheless.
  21. Toddy

    Feeling a bit low

    I think men that are that unsupportive are just really insecure. They think you're going to get skinny and run off with someone else. Maybe if you try to reinforce that he's the one you want to be with whether you're skinny or fat,, maybe he'll feel more secure. But right now, this is about you and you getting healthy... if he can't understand that, well, maybe he's the one with the problem! Here's to your future good health!!!
  22. I am so sorry that you are going through this with your family. I too have an unsupportive husband and mother when it comes to this. I just had to decide who I was having this done for. I am doing this for MY health. My entire family (excluding dh) is overweight. They all have type II diabeties (including my mother who is in denial about it), high blood pressure, and sleep apnea, etc. I am pre-diabetic and now have high blood pressure. I don't want this unhealthy life! Just keep in mind that you are doing this because of you. I hope that everything works out with your insurance. Good luck on your journey!
  23. Certainly. In fact I am hoping to keep my WLS a secret from some family members who are unsupportive and judgemental. I feel it is your business and your business alone. You should not have to feel olbligated to share any information you don't want to. Also for work it is completely none of their business and against the law to ask you about what type of surgery you are having. I am a teacher and I work in a team of all women and talk about catty and conniving. I have made the decision that I am not going to share my surgery with anyone. To protect against this or set the stage I guess you can say. I have been working on my weightloss with eating healthy and being active for some time now but I made sure to just add the little whisper about me working out at the gym, meeting with my doctor and nutritionist to make healthy eating plans so that way when I get cornered aboout my WL and believe me it always happens. I can say "Thank you for noticing I have been working out really hard and are meeting with a nutritionist" Case closed.... Because the one thing I can't stand to hear is someone saying about someone who has had WLS "Oh you took the easy way huh" There is nothing easy about it. You have to work just that hard or harder to make sure you keep yourself healthy and balanced... Chin Up Take Care, Jessica
  24. potahto

    Did you tell people?

    That's pretty much why I don't want to tell my Mom. Her reaction will either be unsupportive and judgmental or she will obsess about my weight loss and comment things like I don't seem to be losing weight or that I look the same, or maybe my saggy skin from weightloss lol
  25. So my husband is being very unsupportive all of sudden....and tomorrow is my surgery. Last night he suggested we all go out to dinner at American Steak house. Then he told me that we will be driving to North Carolina on Saturday to pick up his twins. I am still going to be recovering. Then he told me that because I will be home for the next few weeks he will be leaving my toddler home to save on daycare. I'm already stressed because I know he thinks that this is a minor surgery and he is going to be looking for me to cook, clean, and take care of all that I normally do. I just pray that he realizes that I need his support in this time.

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