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Found 17,501 results

  1. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Am i overeating?

    Your meal looks perfect for your dietary needs. Well balanced, proportions look great! I completely understand your worry about stretching your new stomach though, afterall its how most of us became overweight (they do stretch out if you push the limits each time). Its why bariatric surgeons tell us to weigh and count calories to get us used to the visual of portion control so we don't risk stretching it out and being back to where we started. Stomachs are fairly elastic, we've probably all seen the videos of Bariatric surgeries where they remove huge stomach specimens - they didn't start out that large and our new stomachs still consist of the same Mucosal cells and muscles as it always has just reduced but with the same abilities to accommodate larger meals. Even before surgery its normally the size of a fist, but stretches out as much as 4-5 liters for food. So yes, it can still stretch out after Bariatric surgery! Keep up the great work and lucky you for having healthy options offered at work!
  2. Bypass2Freedom


    @shawn524 Hello Shawn. I haven't heard anything like this in all the research I have done, but I'd suggest consulting your surgeon/Dr about it just to get their opinion! I am sure you are aware, but addiction transference can happen with a lot of bariatric patients - just something to be mindful of! I am really glad that you have come so far in your journey! Congratulations
  3. FifiLux

    Vitamin patches vs. Pills

    I thought the same and my doctor told me that for the first few months he would be happier for me to take the pills to be sure until I was through the food phases etc. that I was getting enough vitamins. At times he sounds like a sales rep for the bariatric branded vitamins, which I don't get through him so makes no difference to him, but of course they are about three times the price here of non-bariatric ones. My blood tests so far have all show high vitamin levels (other than K) so now I am just down to one multi vit a day plus calcium & D2, then I add in a cod liver one as I can't eat fish. It's exhausting remembering to take them all on top of a daily reflux pill plus HRT!
  4. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What does "full" feel like to you?

    Same. I also get the hic ups sometimes. They don't tell you its not a "normal" pre surgery full feeling, they should so we know what to expect. Then again most haven't gone through it who are dieticians/doctors. I just switched doctors (my old doctor decided to be inpatient only) and my new GP had bariatric surgery in 2019 (said she normally doesn't share personal info but figured it would be helpful) and she agreed, most of the bariatric journey isn't with practitioners who understand.
  5. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Detox after gastric bypass

    Agreed. "Detox diets" are pretty pointless since the body has its own mechanisms for detoxing itself. I personally would go back to when you first started full solids after your surgery if you're concerned about weight gain and fell into not eating as healthy. After bariatric surgery you should never give up protein. Just my two cents! Good luck!
  6. I have to be honest about my experience so far with dietitians, and with post-bariatric advice and counseling in general. If you ask 100 dietitians what we are supposed to be doing, you will get 101 different responses. And if you ask them a second time, you will probably get even more. Too much protein, not enough protein, carbs are the devil, carbs are fine, low fat, don't worry about fat, count calories, only count macros, work out more, don't exercise too much... You've lost over 100 pounds. You are 12.8 pounds from your goal at only 5 months post-op, work out 6 days a week, and look and feel great. You seem really happy. I fail to see why you should change anything if you are happy with your results, unless you think the advice will benefit you. You know your body and what works for you, and unless your dietitian is a bariatric patient, she's never been through what you are doing first hand. Take what she says with a grain of salt, except salt is bad, unless it isn't because electrolytes are good...who knows?
  7. NickelChip

    Pain relief

    There is a Scandinavian study on NSAID use in both sleeve and bypass patients. It was a longitudinal study that looked at records for patients who had been prescribed NSAIDs after these surgeries and compared subsequent ulcer formation to that of the general non-bariatric population with a history of NSAID use. For sleeve patients, there was no greater risk of ulcers than for non-bariatric patients, even when prescribed for regular use of 30+ days. For bypass patients, there was no greater incidence of ulcers if NSAIDs were taken for less than 30 days, but there was a measurable increased risk when prescribed for 30+ days. You might ask your doctor what they think about this study (which they may or may not have read). There seems to be an extreme amount of caution in the recommendations compared to the actual risk established in this study. And while the risk increased in bypass patients with chronic NSAID use, it's worth noting only a small percentage of those patients actually developed ulcers. Do with this information what you will.
  8. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What's to slow?? Is this to slow?

    I spoke to my dietician today and 800 calories is normal for 9 months PO until I hit goal for my bariatric clinic. I was told this; if I'm hungry all the time I can go up to 1000 per day but no more than that until I hit my goal and go into maintenance. I agree 800 is restrictive, but apparently its normal for everyone at my clinic. I figured I'd let everyone know with an update. 🤷🏼‍
  9. Zingor

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    Ok, it did not take 4 hours. The anesthesiologist said she likes bariatric patients because they make us jump through so many hoops, everything is done by the time we get to her. The 4 hours is for people who need bloodwork, ekg, pulmonary tests, etc. I had everything done and all my clearances in place, so I was in and out in less than an hour.
  10. Not sure how new this is but I just stumbled upon a multi vitamin that is specifically for DS/SADI that includes 60mg of iron, ADEK and some other stuff that is specific to the switch surgeries. Just thought I’d share in case someone else didn’t know about this. It’s made by procare health. They actually sell it in the bariatric pal store but currently it’s cheaper on the manufacturers site if you do multiple months and/or subscribe for auto ship.
  11. I feel your pain - literally. I get sharp pains below my rib cage and slightly above that under my rib cage on the right side as well. I've already had both my gallbladder and appendix removed several years back so it's not either. I also have had a full hysterectomy..so not an ovary. Although, like you I thought perhaps they missed a gallstone in my biliary duct...because it feels just like when I had gallbladder pain. I was told "its not possible" yet I have the pain. I should say I have had this pain before my bariatric surgery. I still have no idea what causes it! I hope it goes away with your revision, most likely because of the bariatric surgeons/GI doctor and your documented ongoing pain it will be covered by insurance.. So that's something. Let me know if that takes care of the pain for you...good luck!
  12. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    The bariatric hospital I go to has an online support group. I've attended a few of them. One thing that always comes up Is chicken breast, everyone has problems with it. I've had issues with it lately. I'm not going to mess with it anymore, I can't eat as much of it as I can ground meat. Which allows me to get the protein in that I need.
  13. BlondePatriotInCDA

    50 and over crowd?

    "Otherwise my skin will waft in the breeze! 🤣" I am forever going to think of my post bariatric body as having sails...wafting in the breeze. I'll have to be careful in a strong wind storm unless I lower my rigging and trim my boom! 😂😋
  14. BlondePatriotInCDA

    ~ 4 Years Out - Struggle Bus is REAL

    Exactly this. A lot of Baritastic patients go into this thinking its a "diet" its not! Its a new LIFETIME way of eating. It is nothing more than nourishment to keep your body healthy. "Diets" are meant to be a temporary way to lose weight, bariatric surgery is a permanent way to eat. I'll try and heed your words of warning!
  15. I’d be careful and talk to the provider you see for your mental health meds as well. When you have gastric sleeve and or bypass medication absorption is impaired. It’s a huge adjustment and one you should really research thoroughly and with your provider input, not just the bariatric team. It’s a life long commitment and all things should be considered for success. I know I had to be evaluated by a mental health provider and cleared by him for surgery. I hope it goes well for you!
  16. simplysmile


    Hey all, I got VSG in August 2022. I've lost over 150lbs and just found out I'm 5 weeks pregnant (first time!). I've spoken to my surgeon, nutritionist and obgyn, but no one had a solid recommendation for prenatal. My surgeon said to take 2 prenatal vitamins which will give me what I need, while my obgyn said to compare my bariatric multivitamin to prenatal and if possible, stick with what I've been using. I do have a prescription for folic acid that I take daily which is why I assume the obgyn is not entirely worried about the prenatal itself. They also discussed making sure there's not too much iron which could lead to constipation. Anyways, could you guys share what you did or what was recommended to you? I currently take bariatric choice once daily multivitamin. Would also love to know what your daily regiment was (ex: prenatal, calcium chew, etc). Thanks so much!
  17. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Wow, great job on walking. Sounds like you have the right attitude and drive to be very successful with the bariatric surgery. I would like to swim, but there's not very many places near me with indoor pools. Which would be ideal with my knee. Keep up the great work.
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    BIGGEST nsv of my life!!!!!

    Thank you It's amazing what weight loss, better health, and renewed belief in yourself can do!!!
  19. ms.sss

    Gerd with weight loss Plateau

    if u ask me, i would suggest speaking to a couple other bariatric surgeons for thier opinions...? the idea of "testing out" the sleeve first to see if it would work on a KNOWN Gerd sufferer is bonkers to me...but then, im not a bariatric surgeon.... in any case, i hope you find the answers u are looking for. Good Luck! ❤️
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    Detox after gastric bypass

    Detox is a fad. Our bodies have kidneys and a liver. They do all the detoxing we need. Now that we've had these surgeries, we have to be more mindful about what we do and don't eat. I would stay away from these fads, increase your fluids, stick to your bariatric diet, move your body and exercise (sweat is a good way to flush out your system, too) and leave the detox stuff alone. They don't provide a real benefit and they can actually do harm.
  21. tbduarte1


    I contacted the insurance company and the packages offered to my school have zero bariatric coverage. Thanks for the resource suggestions.
  22. Roselyn.327795

    Vegetarian protein

    Hi everyone, does anyone here know what good bariatric pal Vegetarian foods or snacks are great with high protein and fiber ? Would like to know some of your favorites or goods you have found or tried
  23. ShoppGirl

    Vsg 2017 and PREGNANT!

    I have seen others on here who have become pregnant, some within the first year, who were just fine. I suggest that you make appointments with your surgeon and nutritionist asap (along with OB of course). The surgeon will run labs to see if you are low on anything from not taking your bariatric vitamins and the nutritionist can tell you what you should be eating that’s best for you and baby.
  24. NovelTee

    Is there a standard guideline?

    Thanks for this! I fully intend to follow the guidance, it was just a curiosity as to how they determine their guidance. I just think it's really interesting to basically still be on full liquid to week three post-surgery. Maybe yours is tailored and mine is just sort of a set rubric? The food guidance I have isn't tailored to me––it's a PDF that's given to every bariatric patient in our medical group. My assigned nutritionist shared with me that her department always receives random updates to the diet directly from the bariatric department when the issue the new PDFs (we went through two updates while I was waiting for my surgery to be scheduled. When I have update calls with my nutritionist, she just asks me if I'm getting in my fluids and proteins and following the PDF for guidance on what I'm allowed to have. Either way, really interesting! Hope your surgery goes smoothly!!
  25. Congrats on the loss, Warren! Tomorrow is my scheduled 'peek'. Luckily the doctor doing this is a bariatric surgeon that specializes in revisions. Things at work and home are so stressful that I'm ALMOST looking forward to anesthesia simply for the temporary 'rest'...lol.... If there is nothing wrong 'there', then I'm going to have a long talk with my new 'GI' doctor. I hope this doesn't sound bad but after chasing this pain for almost 2 years, I really want them to find 'something' and hopefully minor, but I'm running out of options and I'm still completely salty on my primary doctor's response.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
