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  1. I eat things like tacos with the shells made from chicken, cauliflower crust pizza, etc... Absolutely LOVE it. I buy a brand called Real Good Foods. Designed for people on keto and low carb diets, but also perfect for bariatric diets. I've never been brave enough to try to make a homemade pizza, but I might just look into this one
  2. PennyinAL

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Not sure what you mean by gross ingredients? I mostly went with broths and some cream soups in the 3rd week of clear liquids, I'd mix one can broth to one can cream soup. My fourth week sent me into soft foods which was mostly eggs, ground sausage or beef and some fish. Week 5 I moved into chicken. Chicken being so very dry it seems harder to digest than anything else, ground beef was so much easier. I can't much do the protein shakes, the only way I've been able to choke them down is to literally put in a blender with some extra protein powder & yogurt and ice and make a smoothie/milkshake thing and top with keto whipped cream. I use it more as a dessert bc I can't drink all that sweet stuff in the early morning. Not much of a breakfast person but since this surgery I wake up famished but I guess 3-4 oz only takes so long to digest and if I eat at 7-9 pm by the time I get up at 9-10 am it has been a long time. I got the Walgreen's extra protein shakes, small town, limited choices around here.
  3. I've had good luck with electrolyte drops, Keto Chow brand, ordered online. Years ago, a doctor unofficially recommended 8 oz tonic water 30 minutes before bed for cramping legs (because of the quinine). Worked like a charm. Of course that's carbonated, but maybe you could shake it up and let it "flatten" first?
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bloodwork showed type 2 diabetes

    I actually had diabetes when I started the process. My A1c was around 7.6 or so and my glucose levels were usually around the 160-170 rang when I would test. I was on 3 diabetes meds, a cholesterol med, a blood pressure med, 2 anti-inflammatory meds. Not only did having diabetes not delay things, having comorbidities actually helped speed up the approval process for me. I know you wanted gradual changes to your eating, and to a certain extent you can still have that. But it's important to start getting your mindset and habits changed at least a little before surgery. Once you have it, you have to make drastic changes pretty fast. Better to start now. I would start by eliminating soda and anything carbonated. Get caffeine from coffee (the kind you can make at home) using sugar free sweeteners and low/no calorie creamers (or almond milk) and tea (personally, I prefer tea). Swap out regular chocolate, candy, popsicles, pudding, etc to the sugar free kinds. Start lowering your carb intake and try cutting down on pasta, bread, potatoes, etc... There's keto versions of bread that taste fantastic. Look at the way the bariatric diets require you to eat (protein first, then veggies, then carbs) and try to plan your meals around that (protein helps you feel full longer). Practice getting in at least 64oz of water now so you can be used to drinking it a lot. You can still eat yummy foods, just change the way you do it. It's less jarring if you start the process now.
  5. @BabySpoonsI track everything. I have a lot more protein than Carbs. Dietitians excuse is i am not having enough carbs to regulate my protein. But is when i introduced carbs into my meal that everything went belle up. I don't follow a very strict keto, as i tend to have carb substitutes or healthier carbs like shirataki and bulgur. I am doing everything right (and then some) Sadly, i cant get on Ozempic, cos it is not recommended for those who have parents or grandparents with medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) Food intake throughout the day as i measured is about 16- 18 oz on a very hungry day and it is spread across the day. predominantly protein cos those fill me up more and cos i work out quite often i am mostly always hungry but cant eat a lot as i get full easily when i have protein. I guess that is why i am also able to take a lot of water. Dietitan claim water can also be a culprit. At this point i am convinced no one knows anything and just grasping at thin air. So i am reverting back to just having full protein with a hint of carb sparingly. and see if that works. I should prob stick to what has worked for my body rather than..... It would be good to hear from someone who experience similar and know if they found the culprit
  6. pic 1 - 421 pounds (2 months before surgery) pic 2 - 360 pounds pic 3 - 330 pounds pic 4 - 300 pounds pic 5 - 275 pounds pic 6 (today) - 263 pounds 158 pounds lost in 17 months (15 months since original surgery plus 2 months keto before surgery)....another 63 to go!!!!!
  7. MasonMoonGirl

    Sugar Alcohols and Dumping Syndrome

    Have you tried monk fruit sweetener? I used that a lot on keto and it was great for sweetening (sweeter than sugar) and probably more natural than other alternatives. Lakanto is my favorite brand. For erithryol I would use Swerve. I liked the monkfruit sweetener better but that worked too!
  8. renae97006


    I had soft green beans and carrots, it was so good. Had anybody thought about the Lego buns, keto hot dogs or Leto street tacos? I’ve had the street tacos and it was so good. I’m in the beginning of my 5th week.
  9. Hi, I had a gastric sleeve done in 2013. I lost 110 lbs and was at goal. Then my mom passed unexpectedly in 2014. I gained 75 lbs back. I have struggled trying to lose it. I have tried Noom and Keto and low carb...failed all. I'm contemplating a revision or a lap band. Any insights out there?
  10. This week we have a lot of visitors from the head office (I work in a remote site) and I've not seen some of them for quite sometime. Some even before Covid hit. I was the star of this week with everyone talking about my weight loss and all kinds of praise and encouragement. Almost everyone asked me how did I lose the weight including the big bosses from the client and the contractors. I've only told my direct boss and the company managing director about my surgery. I took time-off to do it and told everyone else that I was going on vacation. It helped that we were still working from home while I was recovering so nobody noticed any change during that period. I chose not to tell my coworkers because I didn't want the unsolicited advice and opinions some might have about the WLS and also the follow-up questions. I learned that from when I was on KETO and made the mistake of telling a few coworkers about it. Suddenly I would have people come over to talk to me about it or advising against it etc. It was too much. One guy in particular would come in a for a weekly update on how much weight did I lose etc. Outside work, only my wife, my direct family and two of my closest friends know about my WLS. They have been very supportive and helped me throughout. I've been telling people that I was on KETO, then started a low-carb diet and exercising. I even have a photo of me on my maintain bike to prove it 😂. I would love to hear how did you respond to such questions / remarks?
  11. BabySpoons

    Pain after surgery?

    Wow, that will be quite the savings for you. What you going to do with all that extra money??? LOL I was doing OMAD (one meal a day) and Keto for the last couple years without much luck. So I wasn't getting takeout very often. Except on Chinese Fridays. I bought a side of beef from a local farmer and filled up my freezer pre-op, so I should be set now for a good long time, protein wise. Grilled steak is still a struggle to eat. But cooked in the Instapot with beef broth and veggies (Swiss steak for example) works well for me. Along with roasts and lean hamburger in various dishes. Soups are still my friend so looking forward to cooler Fall weather. I allow an occasional carb. Potatoes, corn on the cob, baked beans, low carb tortillas but for the most part, meat and veggies are my mantra. Oh and low fat dairy. So yeah, I spent my food savings ahead of time on the moo cow >
  12. PennyinAL


    Hi Arabesque ir is definitely very different from location to location because you’re from another country and the food references are for items that I have not even heard of :). As I mentioned in another post the difference from dr to dr can be HUGE as to the amount of care you receive, the amount of post surgery guidance and what is expected of patients. Some patients have very detailed instructions and menus while some of us get very little information. I have noticed that some people are convinced that carbs are no longer allowed, some are fine with them. My dr doesn’t seem to have a problem with them although they want you to get your protein in then veg and then if room allow carbs. I think that carbs, while not ideal, aren’t the devil. I also believe that if you’re eating a total of less than 4 oz per meal (my dr literally gives you a 4 oz measure cup and says this is what you do for all meals, the cup is imprinted with the words “measure for success”) that as long as you stick to food instead of junk you will probably be fine. Yes, make sure you get the protein but most foods aren’t that calorie dense. I found a TikTok person who is a bariatric patient who has videos specifically for snacks for low carb keto diet. I think we all have to do our research and find what works for our bodies and lifestyles.
  13. MasonMoonGirl

    Food Aversions After Surgery

    Oh yeah Isopure is a good brand i forgot about! I used it when I did Keto. Did your surgery team give you all this good advice or you learned on your own? I'm learning more from you guys and my book than them lol. So Mashed Potatoes is allowed in the pureed stage?? That will be a lifesaver. Glad to hear the shake worked out!
  14. MasonMoonGirl

    Things that have been helping me Pre-Op

    Yes during my carb withdrawl is when I posted that depressed before surgery post lolll. Now I feel much better my fiance ate a burger with Bun in front of me at lunch and before that would have pissed me off to the max and now it didn't bother me haha. We are actually staying on the beach so our cottage has a refrigerator and kitchen I'm very happy I don't have to eat out and ruin my diet. I just made a meal plan for the week of my semi liquid diet I am a huge sauce person so I'm doing a keto lettuce crunchwrap Supreme (keto taco bell) for dinner and a big Mac salad. Going to measure my sauce so I don't go crazy I know it would be better without it but until I go full liquid I'll allow it it's still low carb since made with Mayo!
  15. Both Aspartame and Sorbitol give me diarrhea and dumping. So I stopped taking those "zero sugar" drinks that are sweetened with these two and use regular white sugar in very small quantities instead. If I feel like having coke, I will get the regular coke and share it with my wife / son. The diet / lite coke will give me nausea / stomachache on the spot. Have you tried Stevia? I used that when I was on Keto before WLS and didn't have any issues with it.
  16. myfanwymoi

    Veterans with blood sugar issues HELP

    Nothing as severe as yours but I get horrible hypoglycaemia when I eat carbs/sugar. But it’s addictive and the world is full of it so October succumb - sometimes accidentally but often just through weariness! Anyhoo - for me low carb works. If I’m eating Keto I’m fine apart from cramps and palpitations. banana’s definitely spike my sugar and set off cravings - I try to stick to berries and yogurt. hope you get some help with this - hypo can be terrifying and feeling ill all the time is what we wanted to leave behind!!!
  17. renae97006


    I’m struggling to but I’m like forget it lol. I would prefer a list of what to eat but they said start adding things. I scan everything I buy to make sure it’s ok. The pork rinds are great for that chip craving but I only eat like 4. Great protein. For me I’m just trying things out and seeing if they work. Still pretty bland but I have had shrimp and ground beef tacos on those keto street tacos. This week flavored drinks are giving me problems so only water right now doesn’t make my stomach gurgling. It’s all new but we getting there.
  18. renae97006


    I’m struggling to but I’m like forget it lol. I would prefer a list of what to eat but they said start adding things. I scan everything I buy to make sure it’s ok. The pork rinds are great for that chip craving but I only eat like 4. Great protein. For me I’m just trying things out and seeing if they work. Still pretty bland but I have had shrimp and ground beef tacos on those keto street tacos. This week flavored drinks are giving me problems so only water right now doesn’t make my stomach gurgling. It’s all new but we getting there.
  19. Since you’ve started maybe just keep to one or two shakes a day & have a meal of portion & calorie controlled protein & vegetables/salads for the other meal/s. You’ve started to break some of your sugar & carb dependencies & it seems a waste to throw that away. A two week pre surgery diet is pretty common though some are only on a one or two diet. They can take the form of an all liquid (protein shakes) or two protein shakes & one meal of protein & vegetables or a specific diet of solid food (I was on keto). Just depends on your surgeon. Mine gives different patients different diets depending on several factors including starting weight, weight loss/gain history & medical status. All the best what ever you choose to do.
  20. renae97006


    I’m struggling to but I’m like forget it lol. I would prefer a list of what to eat but they said start adding things. I scan everything I buy to make sure it’s ok. The pork rinds are great for that chip craving but I only eat like 4. Great protein. For me I’m just trying things out and seeing if they work. Still pretty bland but I have had shrimp and ground beef tacos on those keto street tacos. This week flavored drinks are giving me problems so only water right now doesn’t make my stomach gurgling. It’s all new but we getting there.
  21. renae97006


    @Carla Ogwin it’s weird everything was fine with the sugar free packets until this week so idk what happened. I’ve had ground beef but it was low fat and I just had alittle in a bean meat and cheese keto street taco. Today I had 2 spoon fulls of refried beans, 2 cut up grilled chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-A with alittle cheese and it was so good. I thought I was drinking too soon, or eating too fast as well but I think it’s just the sugar free drinks. I might try them again in a few weeks. There was about 5 days were my weight didn’t change and I was so sad but then it went down but it’s definitely going down closer now than it did which idk if I like that.
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Please Help! Burning Stomach Pain

    I had this. Turns out, after my sleeve, I developed polyps all through my entire stomach. The GERD (which I had never had pre sleeve) became so bad it turned into gastritis and esophagitis. I had to take 80mg of Nexium daily and Pepcid for breakthrough GERD (and sometimes that didn't even help). The pain and burning were excruciating. Sent me to the ER more than once. 4 endoscopies and 1 revision to bypass later, and I'm doing great. Stay on top of this. Cut out anything tomato based, avoid any kind of fruit juice, spices (even the ones that aren't hot). Hummus helped a lot, keto bread also helped, and drinking protein shakes literally saved me on days when I couldn't keep anything down at all. The bariatric diet went out the window until this was under control. I had to stop working out because it would set things off. In the ER the first time, I had a barium swallow to confirm there were no leaks. Then I was referred to a GI specialist, who did an endoscopy and found I had A TON of polyps in various sizes. Once they were all removed, I had my revision to bypass and have had to stay on Nexium. But it was lowered to 40mg for 5 weeks, then 20mg for weeks 6-8, then I'll go off them completely. Definitely stay on top of this. It won't resolve on it's own, and if left untreated, it will absolutely get worse.
  23. Arabesque

    Pre-Op Diet, Two weeks out!

    Welcome to the wide & varied pre & post surgical plans. 🙂 I was put on a keto plan before surgery. My surgeon puts different patients on different pre surgical diets. A friend was on the all shake diet & her friend was on the two shakes & one meal version yet we had the same surgeon. I think he does it based on a number of factors: starting weight, pre existing health status, weight loss/gain history, etc. Maybe your surgeon is the same. I wouldn’t be concerned, just enjoy still having a variety of food choices available to you. All the best with your surgery. PS - Best to avoid fruit juice too as it has a high sugar content. Natural sugars but still sugar & calories. It takes several pieces of fruit to make a glass of juice but you would sit down & eat the sane number of pieces of fruit in one go. Plus it lacks a lot of the essential nutrients a whole piece of fruit does. When you can introduce fruit into your diet again go for whole fruit not juice.
  24. lindsxlurid

    Bad taste in mouth/disgusted with good?

    I had the worst time with food aversion. It took me about four months to get over it. I couldn't eat chicken, eggs, pork… I was thankfully okay with greek yogurt so that was my main source of protein. It does go away, it just takes time. You could also have what they call "keto breath". I had that and it was NASTY.
  25. Starr2015

    July 2023 buddies?

    Ugh so at work on Day 2 of pre-op diet. I had some shredded red cabbage with lemon juice and a small packet of salt, a diet peach snapple, and 2 shakes so far. Also a decaf iced coffee with almond milk and fake sweetener. I feel like.... I have a flu. But it is day 1.5. I should not have the "keto flu" already and wonder if it is just my anxiety poking me and making little things turn into stressful things which trigger my migraines and pain. When I did my OG sleeve in 2018, I was off from work during this 2 week preop. Going to work while doing this is so much extra. Thankfully I am now in an office vs field job but still. My SADI-S is the 26th and all I can think about is I want food, soup, hearty. Choking down cabbage and lemon (which I do actually like!) makes me gag.

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