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Found 554 results

  1. trutay

    Lap-Band Buddies!

    Hello I would like to join the April band buddies.. My surgery is April 24th and I am getting the Slimband in Toronto.. I am nervous and excited.. I have to do a 10 day low cal diet.. No carbs, no fat, no fruit.. I guess its not too bad but will be hard to find stuff I can eat...I would love to chat with you all and compare our progresses and different things we do as the time goes along.. Please keep this thread going as I need something to keep me going.. My best friend was going to get it done too but she had hiatis hernia operation a few years back and they were wanting to do her banding in the hospital and costing her an extra 2900 so she opted out.. Now I need a partner or even better a few partners to chat with.. It was nice meeting you all and hope we can chat..
  2. Hi Anna: Are we cut off or do they want us to pay for fills and defills? My understanding is that we no longer receive free lifetime support which sucks but I do believe they will see you provided you pay them. I have an appointment with Dr Yau this month and I will address this issue with him to see what we can do (not holding my breath on this one). I know thre are a couple of threads on this issue and some members were looking at a legal solution. Search TLBC on this website and they will pop up. As for me, I had the gall to challenge Slimband on this on their website and now I'm completely cut off and can't even post. No loss for me because I think their website sucks but....
  3. I have discovered that those banded by TLBC (pre - Fall of 2008) are no longer receiving treatment from Slimband who took over the TLBC patients. I signed up for a lifetime program of fills, defills & corrections if necessary but now I have been completely cut off of any and all support. I am looking for any former staff (I spoke to one nurse) who were "let go/fired" by Slimband but can atest to the fact that TLBC did agree to a lifelong support system & that patients such as myself were not informed of any changes to our agreement when Slimband took over. I hope to hear from someone soon. Anna
  4. conanband00@gmail.com

    Were you banded at TLBC? (Toronto Lap-Band Centre) - pre 2008

    Hi Kat, I'm not sure how to email you...I am interested in taking action against Slimband. Please let me know how to reach you. Thanks.
  5. conanband00@gmail.com

    Were you banded at TLBC? (Toronto Lap-Band Centre) - pre 2008

    I have recently learned about Slimband's absolute abandonment of the previous TLBC patients. I did reach out to Dr.Yau and he spoke to me personally on the phone. He requested a doctor's referral letter so I could have an appointment with him. I recently have experienced a sudden loss of restriction with my band, (which previously has worked fantastically for almost 7 years). I have no pain, no vomitting but very little restriction...I can eat almost as much as I used to eat. The fact is, I need the band to provide that STOP! If I could do this on my own, I would have and saved myself surgery, lots of money, and effort. I am confident Dr.Yau will be able to get to the bottom of it. He was quite helpful and did not at any point suggest that he would not treat me. He was very professional and reasonable. My appointment is next week and I will provide an update of what happens. In the meantime, I'm waiting to see how my appointment goes before I contact the college of physicians or join the others in investigating legal options. At the end of the day, Slimband took over the TLBC patients and should be held accountable, I am not sure how Dr. Yau fits into all of this because my contract is with TLBC. We shall see, fingers crossed!
  6. Hi All, Im new to this forum and used to maintain band-support contact via a dear banded friend who passed away in 2014. I am now taking legal action against Slimband and wondering if anyone is still seeking action against the clinic. I understand that regardless of the Feb 2014 articles, Dr Yau never left the clinic. He was there performing surgery the entire time. My surgery was performed in 2011 by Dr Kundal and 3 Upper GI's over 2.5 years showed it was never in place and the clinic has ignored me this entire time. Im now finding I have to sleep sitting up and spend most of every night choking. If anyone has had any success or is in the process of taking action against Slimband I would be very interested to hear from you.
  7. MarieMarie

    When And Where And Who Did Your Surgey

    Slimband, Toronto Aug 2014
  8. MarieMarie

    Slim band false advertising

    Strange how people join support groups to put us down. I paid Slimband I am enjoying my 40 lb loss and looking forward to 40 more. It is important to follow your doctors rules for all wls. I support my friends choices for their WLS and wish them well in their journey
  9. Bandre

    Slim band false advertising

    @@freshair, I'm a Slimband patient and I love them! The staff are so nice and helpful. I've lost over 70 lbs and I do eat whatever I want. Ive made lifestyle changes and try to eat healthy, but I want to be a healthy person, not just a thin person. I'm young and single and I don't cook, I eat almost all my meals through take-out or prepared at the grocery store and I've still lost that much weight. I think it's still a business and all companies are a little creative with their advertising. Even Weightwatchers commercials say you can eat what you want and we all know that isn't true. You can eat what you want as long as it's less than the 30 points you get for the day or whatever it is. You can't eat big macs and milkshakes all day and expect to lose weight. Slimband has changed my life!
  10. samcat681

    Slim band false advertising

    Hey freshair, I have recently been banded and I too live in Canada. Yes I made the investment and paid out of pocket. I chose to go with Dr Cobourn in Mississauga Ontario. I looked into slimband but found they were too commercialized. The clinic that I deal with has been nothing but upfront and factual with how the band works. If you have done some research then you should know the general basics of how the band works. Dr Cobourn stated straight to my face that the band is a tool that will help with satiety. You have to follow the diet recommendations and exercise daily. They tell you that the band doesn't stop what you put in your mouth. If you make poor decisions you WILL NOT get the results you want. I have seen the slimband commercials and yes they could be miss leading but I think if you are going to invest $16,000 out of pocket you better be educated about your investment. I have been doing well with the band. I follow the recommendations made by my Dr and I feel amazing. I am down 30 lbs and 2 dress sizes. There is nothing better in the world than feeling good about yourself and knowing that this is a life changing procedure.
  11. In Canada they use lap-band or Slimband the most. They are similar but do have differences. I have a slimband and I know there is some great information and studies about the band they use here: http://slimband.com/knowledge
  12. Greetings All I think this is my first post in many years. I was curious about "slimband", emailed and then got the calls, but it feels like I'm getting a hard sell over the phone so I'm not impressed. So I approached my Dr. and she was on top of things immediately, she has already sent in the paper work and she said I'll hear from the clinic soon. If you could see Her face, it was like she was relieved for me, that i had made this decision. I live in Alberta Canada and the clinic would be in Edmonton. If I've waited this long I don't mind waiting a bit longer. I'm in no rush, over the years I've made a few bad decisions so I'm ok with taking it slow. In the meantime, I was wondering, how many different kinds of lapband devices are out there? Brand name or otherwise. and how does one find the one that seems to have the least amount of issues connected with it's life span?
  13. Don't be fooled

    Lapband removal

    Hello, I had my SLIMBAND removed in December 2014. In November of 2014 I was informed by an independent surgeon there has not been even a gastric pouch since November of 2013. How many of SLIMBAND patients are there that think they have a gastric pouch for weight loss and don't, and are still paying??
  14. I too will be making a complaint to the College of Physicians about Dr. Yau's practices. I also am talking with a lawyer who is interested in pursuing a class action but needs to hear from more people in the same situation - from the TLBC/Dr. Yau and no longer treating his patients now that it is slimband. If you are interested please respond.
  15. MarieMarie

    Yau is back at Slimband

    I cannot say anything negative about Slimband as I feel they saved my life and started me on this journey. most companies go bankrupt and reopen under a different name. Mostly because of a law suit.
  16. I was banded back in 2004 by Yau & Dr Joffe. I just found out that Slimband no longer provides care, and Yau is no returning my calls. I want in on any class action law suit that may be in the works. I've developed major complications with the band and simply don't want to pay any more for fixing it! Any recommendations? thanks!
  17. I was banded Mar/07. As you all know we can no longer recive care from Slimband. I have been advised to make a report to The College of Physicians. That they take these complaints very seriously & will take action far quicker then a class action suit against TLBC, Slimband or Dr. Yau'. Anyone wanting to take this route can do so online.
  18. Don't be fooled

    Yau is back at Slimband

  19. Hello, I was banded in November of 2011 and had complications for years. Slimband kept telling me my band was in the correct spot after they reviewed my upper GI. Turns out my upper GI, showed the band was placed to high and I had NO gastric pouch. So I was living in pain all the time, and they were lying to me the entire time. They are still making me pay for this band, even though it has been removed!! Don't go to SLIMBAND, they don't care about people, they only care about money.
  20. Is there anyone interested in organizing a class action lawsuit against TLBC or Dr. Yau? They are not honouring the agreements any longer since they are now Slimband. I have read multiple posts about this but cant reach anyone to see how to co ordinate a group. Anyone interested???
  21. Hi, I had my lapband removed on September 22, 2014 in Toronto and it was all covered by OHIP. Had an excellent surgeon and was an easy surgery and my recovery time was only a few days. I am a former TLBC patient also who is very upset with the poor treatment that was given to us by Slimband. If you would like any additional information, please let me know and I will give you my email. Thx Tasia
  22. MarieMarie

    Lets Get To Know Eachother :)

    Banded in Toronto with Slimband, live in Ottawa. Starting at 309, 4 months later down 40 !
  23. Hi folks, I am very new to this site and to the world of the "Lapband!" Seen commercials for "Slimband," so I checked it out. With the package they sent me, I now have an understanding of how it all works. HOWEVER, I am apprehensive to do this procedure because of all the negative comments I have found on the web. I get that there is going to be people that have struggled with their weightless and others that have had success. I am hoping to connect with people that can share a little of their experience. What are some do's and dont's that you have discovered that were not mentioned to you? I'm sure many people have made the same forum before, but I thought I would try to see if any one is willing to share their experience! Thanks for your time!!! GQChick
  24. TheProfessor

    Deleting or Modifying a Post - How?

    Many thanks, LilMsDiva! The whole thread can be deleted. Its under "My LapBand Surgery Journey" and the thread is titled "The Date is Set - SLIMBAND Dec. 19, Toronto. I appreciate your time on this - sorry for the inconvenience. "The Professor"

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