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Found 1,237 results

  1. catwoman7

    Week 5 since op

    restriction eases over time. I'm several years out now. If this gives you any idea, at restaurants my usual order is an appetizer - or else I'll order an entree, eat half of it, and have them box up the other half. No different than a lot of my never-been-obese women friends, to be honest. that week 3 thing is the infamous "three week stall". It's not always the third week, but it usually is, hence the name. But the vast majority of us hit our first major stall sometime during the first month or so after surgery. Stalls typically last 1-3 weeks. When you hit one (and you'll likely hit several on your journey), just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that it'll eventually break and you'll be on your way again. If you want more info on the three week stall, do a search for it on this site. Last time I checked, there were over 17,000 posts on it. And no, I am NOT kidding...
  2. I admire your enthusiasm and your fitness level -- tremendously! But you are putting yourself under some very familiar-sounding pressure. And setting a goal to lose 11 pounds in a week (or less) is ... uh ... unreal, at least it's unreal to me. Any day now, you're likely going to experience what most of us already experienced -- the dreaded three-week stall. The hard truth about your weight loss is this: YOU don't get to determine how much weight you lose in a week. But you DO get to determine how much weight you lose in a year. Your body will lose at the pace it wishes to lose. Re the Water -- yes, we are pretty much in a state of near-dehydration post-op, since we're not eating the kinds of foods (high-carb foods with high sodium content) that we ate pre-op that tend to help us retain water. So we constantly pee out what we are drinking. I will admit that earlier on I hesitated to drink much water during the night because I wanted to see a lower number the next morning on the scale. Thank goodness, I'm now getting more water in overnight and feeling better. All this stuff takes time to get used to. You are probably sick of hearing this, but the longer post-op I go the more I understand this advice: This is not a sprint, it's a marathon. Pace yourself. Very best wishes to you.
  3. feedyoureye

    how long is the 3 week stall?

    Some never get this stall, but mine was 4 weeks long. How can you NOT lose weight eating only 300 calories a day? Thats the magic of the three week stall! It will start coming off again, I promise.. just keep up the good work. If you follow the docs rules.... you can search the three week stall here too for many stories.
  4. Sleeved November 11th. Starting weight 377. Weight today 330. I've hit that three week stall this week so I've picked up my exercise and liquids to kick it! Love this sleeve stuff!
  5. Bufflehead

    Week 4 and concerned

    This is so normal that I didn't even have to open your post to know what it said. Anything titled remotely close to "week 4 and concerned" is going to say something like "I lost a lot of weight in the first couple of weeks and haven't lost anything since. What am I doing wrong?" Seriously, do a search on this forum for "three week stall" or "week 3 stall" and you'll see multiple posts about it almost every single day. The best thing you can do is stay off the scale for a few weeks and keep following your plan. As the others have said, your weight loss will start up again and everything will be fine, but jumping on the scale frequently won't make it happen any faster! Rest easy in knowing that you are perfectly normal and doing everything right
  6. So I'm two weeks out officially today and I weighed myself this morning and I lost 1 lb Jesus Help! My last week weigh in I lost 14 lbs and I thought that was how every week was going to go. Is this the three week stall everyone talks about. ???????? frustrated!!
  7. ShoppGirl

    Weight loss stall

    Stall as definitely par for the course and the above mentioned three week stall is probably your culprit. If you are eating according to plan or as you say 7-800 calories there is no way you are not in calorie deficit so you will lose. Most people after stalls lose a few pounds real quick so it almost balances out. For now try to stay off the scale if it is messing with your head but just stick to your plan and the stall will lift.
  8. catwoman7

    Weight loss wall

    it's a stall. Almost all of us experience them - and the first one is usually within the first 4-6 weeks after surgery (it's usually the third week, but not always - sometimes it's the second week and sometimes it's the sixth week. But if you want more info about, search this site for the "three week stall" (it's so common to have it the third week that we call it the three week stall). There are over 17,000 posts on it here on BP (and no, I am NOT kidding..). best way to deal with it is to stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days. Stalls typically last 1-3 weeks before you're on your way again. And just so you know, this is likely the first of several stalls. It's a normal part of weight loss.
  9. My pounds loss isn't great either i was sleeved on 2-29-12 but i have lost a ton of inches. My doc says because i don't have as much weight to lose I'm not going to lose as fast. My NUT has me eating 1/4 cup of food 5 times per day. My protein should be at 80 but I haven't mastered that yet. I'm also required to do 60 minutes of exercise 6 days per week. I started off walking but have since joined the YMCA. Now I have much better variety and love water exercises. My doc says if I'm not drenched in sweat at the end of a workout i didn't work hard enough. So maybe, you just need to change some things. Good luck just got off a three week stall so i understand. i also love to compare pictures don't let the scale discourage you
  10. jencys

    Slow Weight Loss

    Be patient with your body and yourself. Everyone that I have talked to had a three week stall for 1-2 weeks. You are losing inches but not pounds during this time. So stay off the scale and just pay attention to how your clothes are fitting looser. Also make sure you are drinking water, your body tends to hold onto everything it can right now because its in starvation mode. It will keep coming off just hang in there
  11. Dogmom68

    Day 20 Post-Op & New to the group

    I had VSG 2/09/21 so I’m only two weeks out from surgery. My doctor has me on Protonix to prevent gastric reflux and so far it’s helped tremendously. No problems with stomach acids really. My problem is I seem to have hit the dreaded “three week stall” early! No matter how closely I track and watch what I’m eating (I’m on puréed foods now), I’m stuck at the same weight! It’s incredibly frustrating. I’m 52 and guess things are a little different for us older gals... I’ve only lost 12 lbs since my surgery. I sure could use some words of encouragement.
  12. I sometimes take tiny sips with meals because my mouth gets dry very easily (even when I'm past my Fluid goal!), and I drink with a straw because it's easier to take in less air for me. I'm following everything else (calories, Protein, etc). Eating for twenty minutes and then sitting an hour after a meal with no liquid at all makes my throat too dry and gives me a hacking cough that turns into heaving, so it was a choice I had to make. I decided I had to do what I needed to do in order to prevent myself from getting to that down point. I'm losing weight, not as fast as I'd like (also hitting that three week stall), but I'm doing good, I think. Meeting goals, dropping weight, and losing inches with ease.
  13. Today is day 15 for me. I'm struggling with my energy level and I also feel like I either pulled a muscle in my ab or I have an incisional hernia. I get major pain when I engage that muscle. I'm praying it's just a strain. I'm on soft solids and doing well. Trying to get in my protein. To date I've lost 24 lbs but the scale hasn't moved in a few days. Hoping it's the three week stall everyone talks about.
  14. April 23rd sleeved... Starting weight: 270 SW: 250 CW: 213 I just got into size 16!! Woot!! Had one huge three week stall that was horrible but I got through it! I downloaded my fitness pal to help me make my Protein goals! I have between 600 and 800 calories a day! Sometimes I don't make the goal but I get darn close! How is everyone doing? I'm so happy to feel normal again! Went out and had prime rib!! It was yummy!! Of course my son has to eat the majority of it! Hahah
  15. Deactivatedfatgal

    Best decision I've ever made

    I'm one month post op tommorow and I am so happy I did this! I went through stage of regret but it passed, I've experienced my three week stall but looking at myself in the mirror and seeing my scars heal, seeing my stomach shrink tremendously, I know this was my destiny. The amount of confidence I feel at only 27 pds down, is AMAZING. Not eating the way I did prior, is a blessing. No diets would help me stop the binge eating and slow death I was headed for. This surgery has given me my strength and confidence that I had lost for 6 years. Thank god for Dr. Clark!
  16. pieganjane

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Hi everyone..yes we passed our onw month mark. I have been enjoying following this thread because we are all in the same place time-wise. I have lost weight and inches about 32 lbs since surgery, had a three week stall but finally got things moving again. I have had two awful experiences with slimeing and nausea and then vomiting, I vomited for 6 hours and was terrified. Of course it was the weekend and there was no blood so I tried to ride it out and keep calm. The cause was cooked cauliflower, I boiled it forever but ate a full cup of it and ate it fast and it stuck and I stayed up until 3am pacing and freaking out. Today is a new day and the cauliflower has gone away. The problem is that I want t be eating real flood and all I can do is puree shakes and soup. Oh well. I have to realize that this is all such a change for me. I am 66 years old and am a food critic. Obviously I had to take a break from work for 6 months. I go from loving the sleeve to hating it...an emotional roller coaster. I have opted out of Thanksgiving this year, too stressful.
  17. FrankyG

    No weight-loss

    You're in the very well known and discussed three week stall. It happens all the time, and there are literally hundreds of threads just on this forum alone about how a person is panicking since their weight loss has stopped. Stalls will happen ALL THE TIME over the next year for everyone that is losing weight. No way to tell how long they will last, or how often they will happen, but as long as you are sticking to your doctor's guidelines for food, Protein, and Water intake and doing some gentle activity (ramping up to real exercise as soon as you are cleared to do so), the stalls eventually break and you'll be just fine. Stalls are the body's way of taking a breather and ramping up for the next round of weight loss. No one loses weight steady; it's always going to be lose some... stall for a week. Lose some more; stall for three weeks... rinse and repeat. http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/351046-embrace-the-stall/ And no, you can't stretch your pouch or sleeve out from eating and drinking foods you're supposed to be eating/drinking. Even if you overate, you'd likely just throw up. The stretchy part of your stomach is gone if you had the sleeve surgery. Your stomach will eventually relax once the swelling has gone down and by a year out, it might hold slightly more volume than at 3 months, but it won't grow back or otherwise stretch.
  18. I was sleeved on the. 10th and down 14 pounds. I am approaching the three week stall :/
  19. first, do a search on the the "three-week stall". Almost everyone has their first stall within the first month of surgery. Mine lasted through week 2 and week 3. During week 4, the scale finally started moving again - and I dropped 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. Just stick to your program and the weight loss will start again. secondly, I only lost 16 lbs the entire first month post-surgery. I know you read about people losing 30 lbs the first month, but they're the extreme. I've been on these boards a long time, and I'd say 15-25 lbs the first month is average. You've already lost 10, so you'll get there by the end of the first month.
  20. mistysj

    May sleevers! How much have you lost so far?

    Nearly everyone has a stall at the 3-4 week mark. just search this forum for "three week stall" and you will see. It is totally normal. Just keep following your doctor's plan and you will start losing again.
  21. catwoman7


    almost everyone has their first major stall sometime during the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. It's usually the third week (hence we call it "the three week stall"), but not always. i just did a search of this site for you on the "three week stall" - there are 17,500 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). here they are: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall your calories are fine. Just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you stick to your program, the stall will break. Usually takes 1-3 weeks.
  22. Kasparkles

    August Sleevers-How are you doing??

    Hi. Sleeved on 8/3. Down 23 lbs since surgery. Have definitely hit the three week stall! I'm getting better everyday with getting in enough water, but struggling a bit with liquid protein--just kind of over it, but trying to work on it because I have struggled with feeling weak and tired. It's not been easy for me to take it slow, so I have to remind myself I just had surgery three weeks ago, and need to take better care of myself. I am also battling constipation, even taking benefited everyday and hitting 60oz fluids. Good luck to you!
  23. eclecticavatar

    calling all December 2016 sleevers!

    Hi surgery buddies! Love that there are a few of us for December 19th. Merry Christmas/happy Hanukkah to us, huh? Things are going well I think. The glue is coming off of my incisions and that's kind of gross, but I am pretty much past the pain. I am getting my Protein but not doing as well with fluids as I could be. I go back to work on Monday and I'm wondering if that's going to be a struggle. I hit a weight-loss stall and the scale hadn't budged in the past seven days but this morning I was back down the extra pound I had gained since the stall started. I think this is the "three week stall," it just happened a little early for me? I think it was a combination of not getting enough Water, and also eating a little too much on my stage 4/vaguely solid foods diet that I was allowed to start. No clue. Just frustrating. I was 250 when I started and 226 day of surgery, down to 216 now.
  24. BuriedBombshell

    Where is my March Sleeves?

    Sleeved 3/29, down 13 since surgery, 28 total. I hope I'm not in the three week stall. This is the first day my weight stayed the same in a while. If so, I'll just stop weighing for a while.
  25. Read up here on the Three Week Stall. Almost everyone gets it and what you are doing is not wrong. Chill out and hang on tight, when people say this surgery is a roller coaster, they were not kidding. And think a minute here.. how could you stay the same forever n less than 700 calories a day? Worry will not make you lose faster.

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