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Found 1,237 results

  1. a majority of people experience their first stall about three weeks after surgery (search for "the three week stall" (it even has a name!)). The first month or so is also when you'll typically see your biggest losses, after that, your 2.2 lbs a week thing is pretty common. Just stick to your plan and the weight will come off. After the first month, I lost about 10-12 lbs a month for awhile (and once I was about six or seven months out, it came off even slower). But I've lost over 200 lbs in total, so it does work as long as you stick to your program.
  2. I was 3 weeks out a couple of days ago. Lost 18lbs up to two week weigh in, then nothing when weighed on Thursday this week. But my body shape is changing and yesterday I bought a dress 2 sizes smaller than before! As VSGKirk says, our bodies have had a bit of a trauma and are coming to terms with all sorts of new stuff. All we can do is not to panic, stick to what we should be doing and only stand on the scales once a week Oh and read all the posts on this site about the three week stall, then relax. Others who have been trhough this say it will pass.... Good luck!
  3. Don't want to scare you, but my three week stall lasted a month and a half. One day I got on the scale and was down 4 pounds over night. I did nothing but keeps to my diet (protein, protein, and more protein.) I still cant figure out how someone who is 250 pounds, works two jobs, and eats less than 100 calories a day didn't lose weight. As I said, haven't changed anything, my body just finally caught on.
  4. OK, this is weird. I'm on week 3... it's next Monday I can start purees. (And FWIW, I'm at the three-week stall, so I'm not weighing myself this week at all.) I am not craving food at all during my waking hours. I've been out for pizza with friends (I had milk), to coffeeshops (milk and herbal tea), watched my family eat Chinese... honestly, cream of chicken Soup tastes about my speed. I wasn't tempted by the pizza or the muffins or whatever. I wasn't hungry for them at all. But I'm dreaming about solid food! I keep dreaming that even though I'm in the liquid phase even in my dream, I eat something and then have to decide what to do about it. Did this happen to anyone else?
  5. educationrulz

    3 Week Stall

    Well, I just made it through the dreaded three week stall. I knew it was happening when I was going through it (even before I weighed) because I could tell that my body hadn't changed and that my clothes were fitting the same. Against my better judgement, I weighed myself at Walmart, since I don't plan to buy a scale until close to goal, and sure enough it hadn't budged since my last weigh in a week earlier. Man was I pissed off! :tongue_smilie: Despite the fact that I had read countless stories about the 3 week stall, I was still mad for a couple of days. But, I got over it and didn't weigh again until I felt some changes in my body and saw changes with my clothes. By the end of my 4th week, I had lost an additional 2 pounds. Geesh! Couldn't it have been more than 2 lousy pounds?:closedeyes: Oh well, at least we're back on track now. Another member on VST suggested weighing once a month. I've always advocated no more than once a week, so even for me that's a little radical. But, I think I'm going to give it a try. I'm much more interested in feeling better and seeing changes in my clothing and sizes than I am with how much I weigh. So, why stress myself out with scale numbers that don't move as fast as I want them to? I'm going to shoot for the beginning of the month for my weigh-ins and hopefully whatever loss I see then will be motivating enough. We'll see how it goes...:thumbup1:
  6. My pounds loss isn't great either i was sleeved on 2-29-12 but i have lost a ton of inches. My doc says because i don't have as much weight to lose I'm not going to lose as fast. My NUT has me eating 1/4 cup of food 5 times per day. My protein should be at 80 but I haven't mastered that yet. I'm also required to do 60 minutes of exercise 6 days per week. I started off walking but have since joined the YMCA. Now I have much better variety and love water exercises. My doc says if I'm not drenched in sweat at the end of a workout i didn't work hard enough. So maybe, you just need to change some things. Good luck just got off a three week stall so i understand. i also love to compare pictures don't let the scale discourage you
  7. vikingbeast

    My story

    Sounds like the three-week stall got caught in traffic. Just stay with your program! It WILL come off. And if you have doubts, call your NUT!
  8. Good on you for managing expectations. We littlies tend not to lose 6-10lbs a week like some of our fellow travellers. I was “low bmi” but a bit higher than you - 5 foot 7, 230lbs. I had open (not laparoscopic) bypass surgery, and had to have a messy gastric band removal. Off work for 4 weeks (over Christmas - New Zealand summer holidays) and was a size down in trousers and 20lbs lighter when I went back. Averaged 4 lbs a week for the first 8 weeks, 3lbs a week for the next 10, 1.5lbs a week for the next 10. Odd three-week stalls here and there (when I tended to drop a trouser or bra size, so I don’t mind stalls). It felt like it was slow at the time, especially early on - no-one other than my partner really noticed for 4-5 months, but actually people’s reactions now show how fast this 7 months/80lb loss, has been...
  9. del112

    No food..

    Hey guys. Cheer up! Have you heard of the three week stall?? Don't know much about it but have been reading that from time to time you will stall and that's it's a normal part of weight loss. Hang in there and do some reading, you will see you are not alone in any and all of your experiences I thank God for this forum, there is something here to address any question you could ever ask. Hang in there man. I too am 4 weeks out and having some challenges, in that, I have stalled at 18lbs but I remain hopeful . My father like to say " keep hope alive , my daughter. Keep hope alive." I say to you today my friends, Keep hope alive. It will be just fine !
  10. Bypassjourney

    Week 7! Very Slow Loser

    I think us slow losers are actually the norm rather than the exception. I was getting very discouraged at first also and especially during that three week stall. But what I have started realizing is the .2's have added up over these past several weeks and all of a sudden I am down 40.5 lbs. How funny that yall say people notice it in your face more so than saying they see it in other places because I have had the same thing. But considering I can't hide my chins with turtlenecks year round in Texas, I have decided I am very happy with that compliment. What I am amazed at is the amount of inches I have lost and fitting into clothes I hadn't fit into in years!
  11. shriner37

    3 weeks post op

    Yes, it is completely normal. Your stomach tissue was extremely swollen right after surgery which caused the problem with Protein drinks the first few days. As your stomach heals the tissue swelling and inflammation starts to decrease and you can handle liquids and food better. I even told my doctor's PA at my two week checkup that I wasn't sure they actually did the sleeve! He laughed and said they hear that a lot. And the first stall at around 3 weeks is also completely normal. If you search "three week stall" you'll find hundreds of posts about it. If you stick to your surgeon and nutritionist's recommendations you should be fine.
  12. vincereautmori

    Gained 2lbs 3wks postop

    I'm kind of surprised no-one has mentioned the three week stall, don't be surprised if it takes a week or two to get the dial moving again. Sounds like you're doing OK, don't sweat it yet, in my experience I hit a stall about every 5-6 weeks.
  13. catwoman7


    My "three-week stall" lasted two weeks. There's a woman on another forum I'm on who had one last 3.5 weeks - so yes, it can happen. As long as you're following your program, the stall will break soon...
  14. Ok so I had the infamous three week stall... But I got over it. And when I get my period I dont lose as much But I have been stalled for like 2 weeks now and I don't have my period. I think my problem is not enough exercise and not being able to resist temptation as well I am almost five months out and down 110 pounds... But I still weigh 262!! Far from goal Any suggestions? Anyone wanna give me a swift kick in the behind? I feel like I should know the answer but can not enough Protein slow your weight loss? I prob get about 30 grams a day... I know... Bad
  15. I lost 18 pounds in my first two weeks after surgery. Then came the infamous "three-week stall." When your body begins to understand it isn't getting as much food as you used to give it and it goes into a bit of starvation mode...leftover from our caveman days when the next meal might be far away. Don't fret when a stall occurs. They'll happen more than once before you hit your goal. Had surgery August 27, now down 53 pounds. Am in another stall now, sitting at the same weight 3 weeks, but I'm working out, I keep going down in clothes sizes, I'm feeling good, I've changed my eating choices and eating habits for the better...I'm happy.
  16. No game

    Why Am I Not Losing?

    Do a search on "three week stall" You will be amazed....
  17. Follow your surgical team's plan. Do a search in these forums for "three week stall" and realize that the first month is not about weight loss but about your body healing. If you look at two months out nobody is still stalled and everyone loses significant weight. This is not the time to start changing your diet. This is time to follow the instructions and stop weighing yourself more than once a week.
  18. catwoman7

    12 days post op and stopped losing weight

    yes. Happens to almost all of us. It's called the three week stall, even though it's not always the third week. Mine was weeks 2 & 3. During week 4, I dropped like 6-8 lbs within a couple of days. if you want to see how common it is, do a search on the "three week stall" on this site. There are 15,701 posts on it, the last time I checked (and no, I am NOT kidding). just stick with your plan and stay off the scale for a few days if you have to. And know that it WILL end and you'll be on your way again edited to add that I thought I'd do the search for you. Here you go: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall
  19. That would be great...then I could just stay out of that sub forum and never have to read another post about a three week stall ever again!
  20. I had my gastric sleeve surgery 10/1 and went from 296 to 282 by the one week doctor's visit on 10/9. Now I'm stuck there. I'll be three weeks post op on tuesday and the scale is not budging... no matter what. I've been on full liquids, and will start soft foods this weekend. I'm getting pretty frustrated because I've heard of the three week stall, but never the one week stall. Am i doing something wrong? How am i not losing weight only eating a small amount and liquids at that.
  21. kaitlynm

    Stand still

    I'm just ending a three week stall. I think part of it was because I stopped measuring some of my foods, like nuts and fruits, and I think I was getting more calories than I was recording. I'm learning that just because it is healthy doesn't mean you can eat as much as you want. Peanut butter is another really good example of healthy but too calorie dense.
  22. The three week stall like others have said is very real and very common don’t beat yourself up just continue to stick with the nutrition guidelines and exercise and the weight loss will pick back up again. Wishing you all the best!
  23. As stated above, the three week stall is so common! Also, were you on a two week liquid "liver shrinking" diet? If so, you could have dropped a significant amount of weight pre-surgery, which can lower your "weight" loss in the first couple of weeks. Focus on staying hydrated and getting your protein in...it will come off! Good luck!
  24. silverthreads

    2 week stall-sleeved 6/7/16

    I'll add my two cents here. Inner Surfer Girl is right -- we all hit this. I've read this a lot before I had my VSG and then I lived it... I'm about 2 months out now -- I too did really well in the first few weeks -- lost about 25-30 pounds in the first month, then stalled for almost a month. Now I'm back to losing consistently again. Everyone's journey is a little different, and they call it the "three week stall" because on average that's about when it hits. From what you wrote you've done extremely well losing 40 pounds in 2.5 weeks. Your body fights this though and needs some time to adjust -- it's going to hold on for a while. Nothing's wrong, you might stall for a week or a month. In my experience I completely stalled for about 10 days, then I'd lose a pound -- and stall for a week, then maybe another pound, stall for a week. It's frustrating after losing weight so fast at first but you'll be back to losing in due course. Oddly, I found (since I weigh every morning consistently) that I'd usually spike up unexpectedly the day before I'd lose. I swear one morning I was up 3.5 pounds and I hadn't done anything differently! That 3.5 pounds (and more) was gone the next day. There isn't much you can do but follow your surgeon's recommended program. So don't fret, it's part of the journey. I like to think of it as a long hike down the side of a mountain -- much of the path leads down, but some parts are level (or even uphill) and you still have to walk them to get to the lowlands below. Good luck on your journey.
  25. BiggiSmalls

    Lovely UTI 3 Weeks In

    That's rough, I'm sorry you're going through that. Have you tried those throat numbing lozenges? I've been really cautious with anything that goes into my stomach. I'm also at the three week stall. I'll be glad to get through this amd exercise again.

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