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Found 1,237 results

  1. traceyinflorida

    Losing Slow?

    You are losing on average 5 lbs a week. It may seem excrutiatingly slow, but my surgeon would tell you that it is an excellent pace. (I know, because he told me the same thing when I complained that I thought I was losing too slowly after a three week stall. I lost an average of 3 lbs a week in six weeks) Remember, it is a marathon and not a sprint. Hang in there, before you know it, months will pass and you will be posting great before and after photos!
  2. I was having the same dilemma and asked the same question. Do a search for three week stall and you'll find that it's perfectly normal. Your body is readjusting itself and in a little while you'll be losing weight again. Be strong
  3. gustavo52974

    Stalled? Or Are All Bets Off?

    Thank you for all your replies! I knew there was a three week stall, but I stalled after about one week. I'm only 16 days out and I stalled at day 10. It just seems a little strange.
  4. It's all new

    Huge Stall!

    My "three week stall" started at two weeks and lasted almost 5 weeks even though I was exercising, getting protein, water, etc. And then I lost 15 lbs very quickly and the scale is still moving, just not quite as fast. Just give it time, it WILL happen if you follow the guidelines.
  5. ZoobDude

    Dr. Alejandro Lopez

    You all will enjoy your experience, I'm sure. I brought my wife with me but didn't have a surgery pal in terms of someone else going through it with me. I had no friends or aquaintances that had done this. But it was a blessing to bring my wife. Your spouses will have a wonderful time. The food in the hotel is delicious from what I understand and really inexpensive. I was not interested in eating, obviously, so I couldn't tell you first hand out it tastes. They brought us over in a group for the surgery the day that I had it. I made quick friends with the other folks going through it and have kept in touch since. We text each other to see if anyone else is having issues and it has been very nice and comforting when I have bad weeks (which I'm going on 3 weeks of stalling...bleh) to hear that others are doing the same thing. For those of you worrying about pain, I had virtually none. My wounds dehis'd as well - but the other people I had surgery with did not experience that. They closed up nicely on their own, but did have a little bacterial infection. I blame myself and not the surgeon for them opening because I was so nervous to change them that I left them alone for too long at times. I work in healthcare, so I know better which is why I'm a terrible patient. Feel free to inbox me if you have any questions. I try to get on here every few days and see what everyone is up to. I currently have another post going in a different forum looking for help with my three week stall. Good luck all, you won't regret doing the surgery. You'll just miss eating and that's something we can learn to live with.
  6. Not loving the three week stall..., but I'm okay. Met with my dietician this week and she suggested that I put the scale away till Monday, then weigh once weekly. I can probably make it to Monday, but I don't know about the once a week. Maybe I can compromise w twice weekly? IDK.... I return to work next week and am waiting until then to try on my work clothes. Hoping I'll "feel" my weight loss. I figured feeling it will be better than just a number. Although I admit I do love seeing the numbers when it's descending!!!
  7. I did have the traditional three week stall that many people on here talk about. I went a whole week without losing a pound, and then bam...it picked right back up! No worries carriecat, you will start up again!
  8. The three week stall is normal and expected. Normal stalls are at 3 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and so on. The thing to do to help break them is to UP your calories and exercise. When we eat so small a number of calories, our bodies go into starvation mode and slow our metabolism as much as possible. Exercise helps combat that. And you need to eat a little more (especially protein) when you are going to be exercising. Realize that you didn't gain this weight at a rate of 30 pounds a month, so it's not going to come off at that rate either. Also realize that the weight is coming off. And this time, it is gone forever! So even if it's not as fast as you like (believe me, I'm in the same boat), just sit back and enjoy the ride. This time next year you will be MUCH smaller!
  9. HopeThruFaith

    Any Of You Girls...

    I ONLY lose after it goes away. That means I have a three week stall EVERY month and then lose 10-15 lbs that last week of the month. It's weird but my nutritionist said it wasnt uncommon.
  10. RickM


    Yep, it's the dreaded three week stall, which commonly occurs 2-3 weeks after the start of most any serious weight loss effort. This article http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html provides a great explanation of what's happening and why. You will also probably notice that after you break this initial stall, that your weight loss will be somewhat slower as well - and this really is good news. The initial weight loss comes from your quick access energy reserves of glycogen (basically carbs,) which burn at a rate of around 2000 calories per pound, while your longer term energy reserves of fat that you will be drawing from after the glycogen stores are depleted, burn at a slower rate of around 3500 calories per pound - but it's the fat that we're trying to get rid of so that slowdown means that we're really doing what we are here to do! I never really stalled at this point, or any other for that matter, possibly because I never went seriously low carb on my diet as many do, so I never went as seriously into the glycogen deprevation mode as some (tho that is somewhat speculative,) but my loss certainly slowed down at that three week mark. Good luck and happy losing!
  11. Aimee480


    I had the sleeve on June 14th and have also his a stall. I went in for my two week post op appoitment and was told that this is normal. I also attend a support group for WLS patients and everybody said they his a three week stall. Some folks said it lasts a short time and for others it was a couple of weeks. Everyone gave the same advice, take your measurements. My thought on all of this is that I am 26 lbs down and happy. I never want to go back. Good luck, you'll get through this.
  12. Wheetsin

    Having A Stall.....help

    3 weeks post-op I started a stall that lasted... about 10 weeks. It sucked! It finally broke about a week ago. My best suggestion would be to do a search for "three week stall". It's something most people go through. Generally lasts 1 - 3 weeks, occasionally 4. Virtually everyone goes through it. So the best advice is to be patient and not freak out, don't try to change everything you're doing because you think it's your fault... don't let it get you down. Just remember it will pass.
  13. Aimee480

    3 Week Stall

    I am one and a half week post-op, but completed two weeks of a two week pre-op clear liquid diet. During the pre-op diet and a week after surgery I lost 23 lbs!!! BUT...since last Thursday I have only lost 2 lbs. I was getting depressed thinking I am "eating" too much. But when I plugged in my food diary into My Fitness Pal, I was pretty much on target. After reading this post and the comments, I feel SO much better. Knowing there is a "three-week" stall for many makes me know I am not alone.
  14. There is a typical three week stall, you may just be starting early. However, make sure you're getting all of your Water in. Not drinking enough can cause your body to retain the water and translate it into a "gain" temporarily. Also, if you're close to TOM, most of us ladies experience a slight gain, followed by a big drop after it's done. You're doing fine. Don't get stressed out now.
  15. Everyone has the three week stall... or almost. It's normal for our body to say "Hey, wait a minute here!" and take a break from losing... and it doesn't only happen at 3 weeks. I've had a couple of stalls in 9 months, and one spot where my weight loss was incredibly slow. BUT, and it's a big But, during the stalls is when I've lost inches and sizes. I walked out of my pants during my first stall, and I've watched my body reshape itself literally during the last 3 months of super slow weight loss (compared to weight lost at the beginning). Just this morning I noticed that my tummy has changed shape completely in the last few weeks. Keep to your plan during the stalls. Eat your Protein and drink your Water. Change up your exercise and either add or remove something. I changed from the recumbent bike to the elliptical and I'm going to add in the arc (killer elliptical) in a few days, just for some variety. Most importantly, ditch that lying scale from your brain. Take your measurements and then re-take them when you feel like you're stalled. Watch the inches come off your body and enjoy living this new life and journey that we're all taking. Good luck! I know you're going to do fine!
  16. twistedkitten25

    Let Me Get This Straight...

    What's the three week stall? Im 3 weeks.
  17. I would consider myself to be a "slow loser". I am 13.5 weeks out, and am down 51lbs. I had the typical three week stall, but have now been sitting, (actually bouncing between 252-256 - started at 304), for the last two weeks. I expected the stall with TOM, but hopped it would go away after, and it has yet to do so. While it is frustrating, I know it will break eventually. My body is still adjusting from this major surgery, and things will be whacky for a bit. I saw my surgeon and NUT a month ago, and they both say I'm doing great and already consider me a success story...that's nice to hear from a doctor! I to am of the belief that we didn't get this done to be on a diet forever. I had this done so that I could be a normal, healthy person. If I'm craving something, I'm going to have it. Obviously, with the restriction our lovely tool provides us, it's awfully hard to over-indulge, (at least, I find it to be so). I try to maintain a healthy balance. I don't restrict my carbs, or fat, etc. I make sure that I'm getting all of my Protein in each day, and once that's done, I'll allow myself a treat. I'm ok with my steady, slow loss.
  18. emily_0192010

    Stall? Only Two Weeks Out?

    Oh yes!! It is actually extremely normal... you hit the "three week stall". It sucks, but it happens. I believe it is just your body's way of dealing with the all the changes. You will break out of it! In the meantime, focus on your water, protein and vitamins and don't worry about the scale (well, try not to!)
  19. I am wondering and I bet a few others might be too but.... I have seen it common for a rather large group of us to experience the "three week stall" (right after surgery) - but are there any other common stall times that commonly occur during the post sleeve journey?
  20. MinaT

    The Last 25

    The reason that the last part is harder has to do with the amount of energy you expend with your current exercise or normal routines and your current weight vs. when you were 200 - 180. Someone that weights 250 uses up more calories per minute than someone that weights 150 doing the exact same thing. If every single day you do the same routine, walk a mile, 3, 5 or 10, it becomes the norm. Something usually has to change for the last push and of course you know that there's not just a "three week stall" there are continual stalls. How about switch up your exercise routine, if you usually walk or ride a bike, try step aerobics with weight training, get a tape like The Firm. Sometimes something as easy as switching your routine will help move it along. More muscle you have the more fat you burn. I haven't had surgery yet, but I've been through this myself. I used to run 10 miles a day, lift weights, do aerobics and kick box before I got sick and regained all my weight back. Good luck and hopefully the last 25 will melt off
  21. emily_0192010

    Vsg & Hiatal Hernia Repair

    Hello I'm glad to hear you are doing well!! I also had a hiatal hernia repaired during my operation and didn't find out until my follow-up visit! I'm not sure if it made my recovery harder or not. Apparently it is very, very common! I also agree that wearing something tight actually helps in some ways. Once my incisions weren't sore themselves (just general soreness) I wore a spanx-like thing all the time. I still wear it! Immediately after surgery I wore one that was technically a size or two too big, that way it held me in but didn't add pressure. Good luck on not stepping on the scale! It is very tempting at first! Also, be prepared just in case you hit the "three week stall". Totally normal, but it can still hurt to see it. If you do hit it, just remember "Water, Protein, vitamin" and try not to dwell on the number!
  22. alliegb3

    Not Losing Weight?

    There is a dreaded three week stall people talk about...
  23. I'm three weeks out and my NUT told me not to be surprised if I hit a stall about this time. Therefore, I'm not getting on the scale until next Friday. Do a search on this forum for Three Week Stall and you'll see other posts about this. They can last a week or two apparently.
  24. Oh, Neva, Everyone hits that three week stall. Yours may have come early since you have a lower BMI than a lot of us. Just keep looking for those NSVs and the SVs will follow right along! You're doing great!!!
  25. They pumped 10-12 pounds of IV fluid in me while I was in the hospital. It took me more than a week to just get back to the weight that I was when I went in. I also had the three week stall and IVs 6 more times, so my early weight loss was a constant roller coaster ride! You'll be fine, don't stress it. Don't want to lose those fluids too fast or you'll end up like me; with a needle in your arm every other day

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