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Found 1,237 results

  1. krr343

    Stall [emoji15]

    I was also sleeved December 5th and I have been stalled the last few days. I read about the three week stall a lot on here and how long it lasts seems to vary from person to person. It seems perfectly normal though. My advice is to just stick to your plan and in the mean time keep track of your measurements because a lot of times even if you are not losing pounds you are still losing inches.
  2. MinaT

    The Last 25

    The reason that the last part is harder has to do with the amount of energy you expend with your current exercise or normal routines and your current weight vs. when you were 200 - 180. Someone that weights 250 uses up more calories per minute than someone that weights 150 doing the exact same thing. If every single day you do the same routine, walk a mile, 3, 5 or 10, it becomes the norm. Something usually has to change for the last push and of course you know that there's not just a "three week stall" there are continual stalls. How about switch up your exercise routine, if you usually walk or ride a bike, try step aerobics with weight training, get a tape like The Firm. Sometimes something as easy as switching your routine will help move it along. More muscle you have the more fat you burn. I haven't had surgery yet, but I've been through this myself. I used to run 10 miles a day, lift weights, do aerobics and kick box before I got sick and regained all my weight back. Good luck and hopefully the last 25 will melt off
  3. Natasha Estrada

    One week post op and only lost 3lbs...

    I'm 6 weeks out and my first week I lost nothing then I lost 25lbs in the next 2 weeks. Then of course I got the dreaded three week stall. It doesn't come in a continuous flow
  4. that's about what I lost the first couple of weeks - and then I hit the infamous "three week stall". How quickly you lose depends on so many factors - your age, gender, how much weight you have to lose, whether or not you lost weight pre-op (some people lose their "Water weight" *before* surgery), how muscular you are, etc. You can't really compare yourself to others, although I know it's hard not to. I wouldn't worry about it at all, though. I'd say 11 lbs for the first two weeks is definitely in the normal range.
  5. I'm 3 weeks out from surgery (about 24 days). I'm in the three week stall and I am ok. Am I struggling with Water and Protein? Yes. Am I not getting enough sleep? Yes. Am I exhausted and not getting my daily exercise in? Yes. Am I depressed? No. Why? Because I adjust, I do better each day. Each day I push myself. If there is something that is outside the scope of what I should be eating I throw it out. I don't put it away for later, I just chuck it out. I added strength training (resistance) to my routine and I know I'm retaining water because of it. Instead of having a melt down I will continue with the light resistance training 3x a week. Why? Because it makes me feel better: stronger, healthier, like I'm advancing. When I weighed in this morning my weight was UP (and I wanted to freak out but I didn't). I know it is because of water retention (and lack of water). My rational brain is fighting to keep me calm. I couldn't sleep well last night but I woke up and came here to read and find solace in the community. And though sleepy I found reason to keep taking steps forward. Even though it nauseates me in the mornings I'm working on my water. I had a tsp of Peanut Butter and am working on a Protein shake right now. I am separated from my significant other and I slid on my water and protein focus because of that last week. Also, I have been stressed and so my body is holding on to everything; I can feel it (isn't that a funny thing?). But still, I nap when I find the relaxation and I wake up ready to keep going. Now, I have resistance bands at home and my treadmill arrives tomorrow. I watched weight of the nation last night and I didn't feel like such a failure. Just another warrior on this path with the rest of you. I forgot myself in the fog of my sadness: I forgot I am not alone, I forgot that this is not a journey of days but of months and years. And so, even though I am tired, hope wakes here. Thank you. Because of all of you and the strength you show; because of all of you and the weakness we share; because I took the leap off the cliff and it is time to trust my wings and fly. As I ponder the struggles of this journey I keep reminding myself: no matter if you trip or stumble, just get up, keep going, hope remains.
  6. You are in the dreaded three week stall that 99% of us went through. In my opinion, there isn't squat you can do about it but ride it out. Your body is in complete control right now, and will be for several months. Further out from surgery? That's when there are things you can do to help stalls along like increasing calories and lowering carbs. This is the time you concentrate on Protein and fluids and just healing up. Go with the flow for now and let it happen. Its not Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. It's major surgery along with a lifestyle change that takes time to ease into. The weight will come off at your body's own pace. Promise.
  7. catwoman7

    1 Month Post Op Weight Loss

    almost everyone experiences the infamous "three week stall" (the first major stall you hit, was is usually sometime during the first month or so after surgery. It's USUALLY the third week, hence the name). If you do a search of this site of the "three week stall", you will find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding)). You will likely hit several of these stalls along your journey. When you hit one, just stick to your program and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that the stall WILL break, and you'll be on your way again. and yes - weight loss rate falls off a lot after the first few weeks because most of that initial drop is water. So much depends on things like your starting BMI, gender, age, metabolic rate, etc - but most people seem to lose somewhere in the 15-25 lb range the first month, and then about 10 lbs month after that. As you get closer to goal, the rate of weight loss decreases even more. I think a lot of people's expectations are shaped by shows like "My 600 lb Life" and are therefore very disappointed when they lose 15 or 20 lbs the first month - and then 10 lbs a month after that - but you have to keep in mind that the people on those shows start at MUCH higher BMI's than the average WLS patient. You are doing absolutely fine - so stop worrying about it and just enjoy the ride! I lost 16 lbs the first month, and about 10 lbs a month after that (again, dropping off a few months later), and I lost 100% of my excess weight. And I started off at over 300 lbs.
  8. So I'm two weeks out officially today and I weighed myself this morning and I lost 1 lb Jesus Help! My last week weigh in I lost 14 lbs and I thought that was how every week was going to go. Is this the three week stall everyone talks about. ???????? frustrated!!
  9. syd5195


    I had my surgery o the 18th of Sept and have lost 60 lbs. But, the last three weeks not an ounce. I had a three week stall. Has anyone had a four month stall!?
  10. RozzieJ

    How's my calories?

    Hi Kindle - My apologies for barging in on this particular conversation, but I couldn't help notice your first sentence about the "Famous" three week stall. I'm coming up on 4wks post op (tomorrow actually). The scales haven't moved for me in the last two weeks, aside from up and down 1kg. So can I reassure myself that this is indeed normal?? I confess I'm sucking BIG time at getting in my requisite amount of protein. My visit to the surgeon last week didn't give me much info - he told me not to worry about protein and to focus on eating well. And I visited a dietician last week and she made it seem so easy to get my protein in, but I'm struggling. I'm working on about 700-800 calories a day and I'm walking every second day at this stage, with the hopes of progressing into light weights end of week. I'm really starting to panic as my biggest fear with this surgery was that I was not going to lose weight and here I am, nearly a month post op and haven't budged weight in two weeks. So any advice, opinions, suggestions and help will be greatly, greatly appreciated!! And once again, my apologies for barging in on this post!! Kindest regards RozzieJ
  11. catwoman7

    3 week stall...I guess

    1) three-week stall. Almost all of us experience that. 2) I lost 16 lbs the entire first month, and I went on to lose over 200 lbs.
  12. catwoman7

    10 days post surgery and in a stall

    sounds like you've entered the infamous "three-week stall" a little early. Almost all of us go through our first stall sometime within the first month after surgery. It's usually the third week, but not always. Mine was weeks 2 and 3.
  13. I feel like such an idiot, but the allure of hitting the scale proved too much for me this morning...... Down 4 pounds. And that is after pee number one, I don't know about all of you, but I get so much liquid in me that my "floor weight" cannot be determined until after pee number two in the am. At least the scale did not go up! I have two more days this week to lose weight before my official weight in on Friday morning. I'd go for my am walk, but it's 03:15 and fargin cold outside, oh and dark. The park system where I walk is great, however, it's massive and reclusive, and a number of homeless setup tents in the woods and sleep there overnight. Between 0500 and 0600 when the local corner stores open, they start drinking, I've had to put down several, let me restate, I was forced to take aggressive action to subdue drunken idiots on several occasions. No police, I was also kind enough not to break any bones or do any serious damage, just make my point "Don't F with me" and move along. My fear, is the duo, one or two of which is armed, I can drop one quick, but if the second pulls a (insert weapon here) I don't know how casually I would take it. And honestly the last thing I need is to be on the news for killing an armed homeless alcoholic. Thusly the end of an overly long paragraph is I try to avoid the park before the sun comes up, as the homeless take down their tents and move out before the police begin patrols. I guess tomorrow will be the real testing point. If I continue to lose weight, the stall lasted nearly a week, if not it's still going on, and today was just a 'teaser'. BTW my NUT indicated that "The Dreaded Three Week Stall" happens for a reason. She said, "You ever notice how it's always right after a dietary change?" then she went on to describe a variety of different dietary reasons that could cause a stall, but her logic was sound. This did not happen until the day I began eating pureed foods instead of liquids. I am not saying it's not real, obviously it is, nor am I saying that anyone is doing anything wrong, it may just be, the body reacting to a new diet component or something. Anyway, Thanks for those who posted.
  14. Bypassjourney

    Week 7! Very Slow Loser

    I think us slow losers are actually the norm rather than the exception. I was getting very discouraged at first also and especially during that three week stall. But what I have started realizing is the .2's have added up over these past several weeks and all of a sudden I am down 40.5 lbs. How funny that yall say people notice it in your face more so than saying they see it in other places because I have had the same thing. But considering I can't hide my chins with turtlenecks year round in Texas, I have decided I am very happy with that compliment. What I am amazed at is the amount of inches I have lost and fitting into clothes I hadn't fit into in years!
  15. catwoman7


    almost everyone has their first stall within 4-6 weeks after surgery. It's *usually* the third week, but not always. Do a search on the three week stall - you'll find hundreds of posts on it.
  16. catwoman7

    Stall Questions

    my first stall lasted two weeks. It was weeks 2 and 3 post surgery. It broke during week 4 and I dropped 6-8 lbs right away - like within a couple of days. I've heard of the "three-week stall" last as long as three weeks, actually. as for carbs, it depends on your program. Some surgeons recommend ultra-low-carb diets, some insist on something more moderate. Mine was one of the latter. While in the losing phase, I kept my carbs under 80 grams. But there are programs that limit carbs to more like 30 or 40. And there are some people whose programs are more moderate carb, but who do lower carb on their own because it works better for them. I doubt 35-45 carbs is going to de-rail you unless you are *super* carb sensitive. I think it's just the regular three-week stall. Just stick to your program, and it will eventually break.
  17. kamjmm25

    Calling all august sleevers

    I had surgery on 8/24. I lost 17 pounds during my two week preop diet and then 13 pounds since surgery. I have been in a three week stall. I am not losing anymore weight even though I am following the diet and walking a mile a day. It has me a bit worried.
  18. The scale hasn't moved since last week. That's an initial eighteen pounds at the end of maybe the first week, and nothing thereafter. I think my three week stall came early and I am making myself not think that this might mean I am going to turn out to be a slowpoke loser. I can't start soft food for another seven days. I have to wait eight days til I can swim. I am still changing my drain gauze. Two days till I can stop fussing with paper tape every day after my shower. I miss my moisturixing body wash and my bufpuf I went shopping yesterday and tried to get excited over cream Soups. Brought them home and attempted to add unjury Protein to these things and three attempts at this ended up in the sink before I gave up and had a Yoplait LIght and Fit Red Velvet Cake. It's clear to me that I am in the valley of the worst part of the recovery period for a VSG. Nothing is happening, eat your Jello. Just eat your Jello and watch Midred Piece on TV and go to bed at a decent hour. Your metabolic chemistry has undergone something like a nuclear detonation so just shut up and whatever you do, do not go on a rampage and get a bottle of wine and a philly cheese steak at Culvers. I am on Day 13 since my surgery but I think I'm on Day 2 of gutting it out.
  19. My pounds loss isn't great either i was sleeved on 2-29-12 but i have lost a ton of inches. My doc says because i don't have as much weight to lose I'm not going to lose as fast. My NUT has me eating 1/4 cup of food 5 times per day. My protein should be at 80 but I haven't mastered that yet. I'm also required to do 60 minutes of exercise 6 days per week. I started off walking but have since joined the YMCA. Now I have much better variety and love water exercises. My doc says if I'm not drenched in sweat at the end of a workout i didn't work hard enough. So maybe, you just need to change some things. Good luck just got off a three week stall so i understand. i also love to compare pictures don't let the scale discourage you
  20. grandmaofone

    Stinkin stall is pissing me off!

    Maybe mix up your exercise routine, I stalled and changed around everything and then lost 5 pounds after a three week stall. Sometimes no matter what you do it will just take sometime for your mind and body to register all the changes.
  21. Wheetsin

    Stalling Still

    Do a search for three week stall. Just about everyone goes through it. Normally it doesn't last but a few weeks. Mine lasted 3 months.
  22. FitatFifty

    3 Week Stall

    Mick...This too will pass. I'm not sure you can prevent stalls, you're body is adjusting. My three week stall came and went rather quickly, and truly was a non event. Enjoy the ride!! Fit.
  23. FutureSkyDiver

    Please Help, Advice Needed!

    I found this article an interesting explanation of the three week stall. https://www.sagebariatric.com/what-you-can-do-about-weight-loss-stalls/
  24. catwoman7

    Weight Loss Patterns?

    where did you hear that the average is 5-15 lbs a week? NO ONE loses that fast. Maybe 5 lbs a week the first MONTH (and it wouldn't be five lbs each and every week - most of us experience the dreaded "three week stall" - but a 15-25 lb loss the first month seems to be pretty average, unless you're the size of someone on "My 600 lb Life". After that drop the first month, you'll settle to into a slower rate for a few months, maybe 10 lbs a month, give or take, for the next few months - and then it'll slow even further. so I don't know where you heard that figure, but it's not accurate. You need to adjust your expectations or you're going to be frustrated and disappointed. As long as you comply with your clinic's plan, the weight will come off. Don't stress over this and more importantly, don't burn yourself out - you don't want to crash and burn. Just follow the plan. Depending on your starting point, it can take a year or more to get to goal - it took me 20 months. You want to jeopardize your health.
  25. Blue Crystal

    Why do I feel guilty?

    I’m six weeks post-op and had the three week stall as well. Mine lasted for about a week. Also, I wasn’t given any specific goals by my surgeon and dietician except for liquids and protein. But, they did specify to eat 5-6 small meals per day.

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