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Found 1,237 results

  1. catwoman7


    almost everyone has their first stall within 4-6 weeks after surgery. It's *usually* the third week, but not always. Do a search on the three week stall - you'll find hundreds of posts on it.
  2. del112

    No food..

    Hey guys. Cheer up! Have you heard of the three week stall?? Don't know much about it but have been reading that from time to time you will stall and that's it's a normal part of weight loss. Hang in there and do some reading, you will see you are not alone in any and all of your experiences I thank God for this forum, there is something here to address any question you could ever ask. Hang in there man. I too am 4 weeks out and having some challenges, in that, I have stalled at 18lbs but I remain hopeful . My father like to say " keep hope alive , my daughter. Keep hope alive." I say to you today my friends, Keep hope alive. It will be just fine !
  3. BlessedBeyondMeasure2012

    Fighting with my head today

    I am having some crazy head hunger today. I haven't had too much since surgery 5 weeks ago but today it is getting to me. I haven't given in, nor will I (I'm more hard headed than that) but boy am I craving some carbs/sugar today. I finally broke my almost three week stall and it is great to see the scale going back down. I've been doing really good on my diet, lots of protein, super low carbs, lots of fluids. So where the heck is this coming from??? Of course the donuts and banana nut muffins sitting on the counter outside my office aren't helping anything. I ate my tuna salad for lunch and I am not hungry but my mouth wants to have the munchies bad. Not much longer and I'll start on another bottle of water, maybe that will help...
  4. silverthreads

    2 week stall-sleeved 6/7/16

    I'll add my two cents here. Inner Surfer Girl is right -- we all hit this. I've read this a lot before I had my VSG and then I lived it... I'm about 2 months out now -- I too did really well in the first few weeks -- lost about 25-30 pounds in the first month, then stalled for almost a month. Now I'm back to losing consistently again. Everyone's journey is a little different, and they call it the "three week stall" because on average that's about when it hits. From what you wrote you've done extremely well losing 40 pounds in 2.5 weeks. Your body fights this though and needs some time to adjust -- it's going to hold on for a while. Nothing's wrong, you might stall for a week or a month. In my experience I completely stalled for about 10 days, then I'd lose a pound -- and stall for a week, then maybe another pound, stall for a week. It's frustrating after losing weight so fast at first but you'll be back to losing in due course. Oddly, I found (since I weigh every morning consistently) that I'd usually spike up unexpectedly the day before I'd lose. I swear one morning I was up 3.5 pounds and I hadn't done anything differently! That 3.5 pounds (and more) was gone the next day. There isn't much you can do but follow your surgeon's recommended program. So don't fret, it's part of the journey. I like to think of it as a long hike down the side of a mountain -- much of the path leads down, but some parts are level (or even uphill) and you still have to walk them to get to the lowlands below. Good luck on your journey.
  5. blizair09

    Stall at 2.5 weeks out.

    It happens to just about everyone. (As @@hudjess mentioned, there are TONS of threads to check out.) Just keep meeting or exceeding your Water and Protein goals. Your body is catching up with itself, and the weight will begin to come off again soon. My three-week stall lasted about 2 weeks. You probably want to stay off the scale during this time if it is going to upset you. Good luck!
  6. You're doing nothing wrong. But I have to ask ... Seriously? Did you really think you would keep losing 2-3 pounds a day forever? After such severe changes (surgery, rapid weight loss), our bodies periodically try to find equilibrium. They respond with what we call "plateaus" or "stalls." You are right on schedule for the "Three Week Stall." There are many threads and even an entire forum here devoted to this phenomenon. Or you can google it. You're doing fine. Just stop weighing yourself every day. Best wishes .
  7. There seems to be an infamous three week stall. I personally just hit it and it lasted 3.5 weeks. Many supporters here had warned me and although you expect it, it makes you doubt if the sleeve is going to work for you. Keep doing what you're suppose to and your body will adapt and before you know, you will start losing. Eat your protein and lots of fluid and you will be rewarded. We all lose at different rates. For me it seemed the stall started when I went from liquids to solids. As if my body was in starvation mode and held on to everything I put in my mouth, once it realizes that you will continue to feed it, it let's go of the choke hold. This was a very depressing time for me, one night I just let it go emotionally on this very site and the next day I had lost. Good luck to you...
  8. Yeah, I had the three week stall and it lasted a couple of weeks. WIth my pattern of loss, I am now seeing that I can just expect to stall for a couple of weeks, lose 3-4 lbs in a hurry, and then stall again. So I think I just need to get used to it.
  9. GmaPam

    May 19th Sleevers

    I am so discouraged! I had my gastric sleeve on May 20th and initially lost 34 pounds, now I have started gaining weight. I started eating solid food a week ago and this is the second week that I have gained. I drank two protein shakes a day the first three weeks but they make me really sick so I am trying to get my protein from food. I just realized there is something called a three week stall, apparently I have been on it for two weeks and going downhill. What can I do to reverse this set back? I really appreciate any help I can get.
  10. Wheetsin

    Stalling Still

    Do a search for three week stall. Just about everyone goes through it. Normally it doesn't last but a few weeks. Mine lasted 3 months.
  11. I am one month out yesterday and down 22 lbs post op and 45 total . Right now I'm averaging between 400-500 cal a day but I'm wondering if this should be higher. I'm getting in all my water and about 60 g of protein. I know every docs recommendations are different but I'm wondering what is working for each individual. My loss has slowed ALOT the last couple weeks and I realize thus is the dreaded three week stall but I want to be sure I'm not putting myself in mode
  12. HappyBuddy I can't offer any knowledge to the puzzle. However I wanted you to know you are not alone. The same amount of weight loss happened to me in the first 10 days of my Jan 26th surgery. I had the three week stall. After the stall I lost 8 more pounds only this week to gain 6 of them back, I am 6 weeks out and even eating less than you as every time I eat food I get a terrible pain under the left breast area. Eating is like 1 1/2 to 2 ounces or maybe 1/2 cup depending on the food. I am too old for the puzzle of the period. Some great suggestions were given and I hope you solve this puzzle real soon as I know the emotional feeling your expressing. I am right there with you.
  13. vikingbeast

    My story

    Sounds like the three-week stall got caught in traffic. Just stay with your program! It WILL come off. And if you have doubts, call your NUT!
  14. mz.newlife54

    Super excited

    Congratulations. I was sleeved 11-11. I was losing a pound a day. The end of last week nothing so i guess I've hit the three week stall. Hope its over soon.
  15. catwoman7

    Help not losing

    there are people who lose 30 lbs in the first month, but I would say after hanging out on WLS forums for the last 4 years that a majority of us don't. 15-25 lbs the first month seems a lot more common (and weight loss slows down a lot after the first month or two). Eleven pounds in the first two weeks is great. I lost 16 lbs the entire first MONTH, and I've lost over 200 lbs. Just follow your plan and the weight will come off. Also - do a search for the three week stall - many of us have our first stall at about the three week point - you may be getting into that.
  16. From what I've read in various post here, what we call the "three week stall" generally happens sometime between two and four weeks out. This also seems to be the only stall we don't need to do anything to get out of. Just wait it out.
  17. krr343

    Stall [emoji15]

    I was also sleeved December 5th and I have been stalled the last few days. I read about the three week stall a lot on here and how long it lasts seems to vary from person to person. It seems perfectly normal though. My advice is to just stick to your plan and in the mean time keep track of your measurements because a lot of times even if you are not losing pounds you are still losing inches.
  18. Congratulations! And I'm glad it's helping your diabetes. I've seen folks on here end up completely off their medications; I think most of them are Type 2, but even so going down that much in just over a week is exciting. I was sleeved same day as you and haven't lost anything, but I have an adrenal condition and had to have buckets of steroids the day of surgery and the next couple days. I'm still dumping the fluids from that! Plus I had miracle loss on the liquid diet. I teased my doctor that made this week my three week stall. But the sleeve is gonna make this work where it never has before. I'm soo happy for you.
  19. Mrs_O

    January 22nd sleevers?

    I was the 27th. Been on soft foods since Monday. Still having trouble with liquids and protien! It's a struggle to even eat during the days but I am currently loving scrambled eggs, low fat string cheese sticks and these nifty little pretzel packs with cheese dip. Mashed potatoes went down fine but didn't taste good for some reason. I'm in he dreaded three week stall I believe while my body is adjusting to foods again. Believe it or not I think I am not putting enough in!
  20. catwoman7

    Where’s the weight loss??

    I agree with everything liveaboard15 said. Plus you may have started your three-week stall a little early. I did as well - mine was weeks 2 & 3 (most of us have our first major stall sometime during the first month of surgery. We call it the "three-week stall" because it's usually the third week, but not always). Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days....
  21. catwoman7

    Want to give up

    do a search on "three week stall". It happens to almost everyone. There should be millions of threads on it in here...
  22. XYZXYZXYZ1955

    Stalled weight loss at three weeks post op

    Read around this site--the three-week stall is kind of legendary, or at least very, very, very common. Your body kind of needs to pause to catch up every now and then; many people report losing inches during this time, if not pounds on the scale. My doctor advised not even thinking about weight loss--to focus on the big four things: water, protein, vitamins, and exercise. I'm human and I have a really good scale, though, so . . . yes, it's great to see it change nearly every day. I'm sure I'll find the three-week stall frustrating. But just hang on in there--it'll start going down again. Oh--and this won't be your last stall, either, so . . . chin up!
  23. Biddy zz 🏳️🌈

    Am I eating enough.

    I recommend loggin your food in myfitnesspal, so you can track calories, carbs, protein, fats. My surgeon tracks almost 2000 patients. A year after surgery, most are still eating under 1000 calories a day. They are healthy (some need just vitamins, some also need folic acid and B12 supplements). Did you put on weight at surgery time? Often people do and it takes a bit to shed that. And many many people have a ‘three week stall’ where the weight loss slows at the 3 week (but can me 6 or 8 or 10 week) mark. Stick to your programme. At first blush your eating sounds fine at this point - you can’t help but lose. Are you walking? That helps too...
  24. vikingbeast

    28 Weeks Post-Op

    You might be in a stall. They happen. They're frustrating. And they all break. Just keep following your plan. If you're truly stuck for like a month, then ask your nutritionist about shock calories—a week of an extra 100-150 calories to get your body to think something else is happening. Are you measuring yourself? When I hit my three-week stall, the inches kept coming off even though the scale change was pokey.
  25. I lost 18 pounds in my first two weeks after surgery. Then came the infamous "three-week stall." When your body begins to understand it isn't getting as much food as you used to give it and it goes into a bit of starvation mode...leftover from our caveman days when the next meal might be far away. Don't fret when a stall occurs. They'll happen more than once before you hit your goal. Had surgery August 27, now down 53 pounds. Am in another stall now, sitting at the same weight 3 weeks, but I'm working out, I keep going down in clothes sizes, I'm feeling good, I've changed my eating choices and eating habits for the better...I'm happy.

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