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Found 1,238 results

  1. ClareLynn

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    I had the loop DS 7 weeks ago and have lost 33 lbs (83 total). My three week stall ended up lasting a while 3 weeks. 😅 I am really happy with my progress. I feel well. My face looks like me again, and I keep sitting awkwardly on my now saggy stomach. I can still only eat 1.5oz at a meal and am not hitting any goals but the surgeon is happy with my progress.
  2. sleevenv

    June 30th Sleevers?

    Hey folks! Four weeks out tomorrow! How's everyone doing? Anyone else hit the three week stall? I didn't, it came in the fourth! Overall, my weight loss has slowed to a creep.
  3. iggychic

    1 Month Out Calorie Ranges?

    I have been at 600 since surgery, though early on that was a challenge. Now I average around there, sometimes less, sometimes more, but instead of focusing on the calories I actually just focus on getting in my 60g protein. As soon as I started doing that I broke a three week stall and have dropped over 8lbs in a week. Eating more, and drinking wine Who'da thunk LOL
  4. Question for all of you... how many calories is everyone averaging? I’ve been on my three week stall for about 3 weeks now. 😩😩 I’m six weeks out and I’m averaging about 600-800 calories a day with around 60-80g of protein. I’ve been hitting my fluid goals and trying to be active (though I could do better on working out). I know stalls are normal but 3 weeks seems like an excessive amount of time to be stalled for so soon after surgery.
  5. maharet111

    feb 2013 sleevers weigh in

    I had the dreaded three week stall that lasted about two weeks and have lost 45 pounds since 2/12. And 47 pounds is nothing to sneeze at. It is all relative! I am happy with my 1.5 to 2 pound average per week. Because this time..it is gone for good!
  6. Looks like the three week stall from hell is over. Lost one pound. probably would have been more if it didn't coincide with my TOM but whatever. I'll take it. Feels good to have the scale move.

  7. Officially hit the infamous three week stall...poop.

  8. I'm three weeks out, and I've hit my first stall. I didn't think it would happen so quickly, but I just saw someone referring to it as "the three-week stall", so I guess I'm on target. :unsure:

    1. blizair09


      Try not to stress; it is completely normal, and most everyone goes through the first stall at week 3. My loss pre-op was very linear -- 3 pounds a week every week for six months. Post-op, it is more of a step function. I drop 8-10 pounds in 1-1.5 weeks, and then I stall for 1-1.5 weeks. Then it repeats. It is maddening, but it is the reality of the situation.

    2. BayougirlMrsS


      this will happen from time to time.... evaluate what your doing.... what your eating and how much... and your exercise... When i hit a stall... i would up the movement or start something new

      You prob. started taking in more food... this is when you need to start moving more.

      YOu know the old saying..... Eat less-move more

    3. Didjit


      Thanks for the insight! Always helpful to know others have gone down the same road before me.

  9. catwoman7

    Stall at week 3 already?

    almost everyone experiences that. In fact, we have an official name for it - "the three-week stall". If you do a search on it, you'll probably find thousands of threads on it
  10. del112

    No food..

    Hey guys. Cheer up! Have you heard of the three week stall?? Don't know much about it but have been reading that from time to time you will stall and that's it's a normal part of weight loss. Hang in there and do some reading, you will see you are not alone in any and all of your experiences I thank God for this forum, there is something here to address any question you could ever ask. Hang in there man. I too am 4 weeks out and having some challenges, in that, I have stalled at 18lbs but I remain hopeful . My father like to say " keep hope alive , my daughter. Keep hope alive." I say to you today my friends, Keep hope alive. It will be just fine !
  11. BlessedBeyondMeasure2012

    Fighting with my head today

    I am having some crazy head hunger today. I haven't had too much since surgery 5 weeks ago but today it is getting to me. I haven't given in, nor will I (I'm more hard headed than that) but boy am I craving some carbs/sugar today. I finally broke my almost three week stall and it is great to see the scale going back down. I've been doing really good on my diet, lots of protein, super low carbs, lots of fluids. So where the heck is this coming from??? Of course the donuts and banana nut muffins sitting on the counter outside my office aren't helping anything. I ate my tuna salad for lunch and I am not hungry but my mouth wants to have the munchies bad. Not much longer and I'll start on another bottle of water, maybe that will help...
  12. GmaPam

    May 19th Sleevers

    I am so discouraged! I had my gastric sleeve on May 20th and initially lost 34 pounds, now I have started gaining weight. I started eating solid food a week ago and this is the second week that I have gained. I drank two protein shakes a day the first three weeks but they make me really sick so I am trying to get my protein from food. I just realized there is something called a three week stall, apparently I have been on it for two weeks and going downhill. What can I do to reverse this set back? I really appreciate any help I can get.
  13. From what I've read in various post here, what we call the "three week stall" generally happens sometime between two and four weeks out. This also seems to be the only stall we don't need to do anything to get out of. Just wait it out.
  14. Mrs_O

    January 22nd sleevers?

    I was the 27th. Been on soft foods since Monday. Still having trouble with liquids and protien! It's a struggle to even eat during the days but I am currently loving scrambled eggs, low fat string cheese sticks and these nifty little pretzel packs with cheese dip. Mashed potatoes went down fine but didn't taste good for some reason. I'm in he dreaded three week stall I believe while my body is adjusting to foods again. Believe it or not I think I am not putting enough in!
  15. XYZXYZXYZ1955

    Stalled weight loss at three weeks post op

    Read around this site--the three-week stall is kind of legendary, or at least very, very, very common. Your body kind of needs to pause to catch up every now and then; many people report losing inches during this time, if not pounds on the scale. My doctor advised not even thinking about weight loss--to focus on the big four things: water, protein, vitamins, and exercise. I'm human and I have a really good scale, though, so . . . yes, it's great to see it change nearly every day. I'm sure I'll find the three-week stall frustrating. But just hang on in there--it'll start going down again. Oh--and this won't be your last stall, either, so . . . chin up!
  16. vincereautmori

    Gained 2lbs 3wks postop

    I'm kind of surprised no-one has mentioned the three week stall, don't be surprised if it takes a week or two to get the dial moving again. Sounds like you're doing OK, don't sweat it yet, in my experience I hit a stall about every 5-6 weeks.
  17. I'm 3 weeks out from surgery (about 24 days). I'm in the three week stall and I am ok. Am I struggling with Water and Protein? Yes. Am I not getting enough sleep? Yes. Am I exhausted and not getting my daily exercise in? Yes. Am I depressed? No. Why? Because I adjust, I do better each day. Each day I push myself. If there is something that is outside the scope of what I should be eating I throw it out. I don't put it away for later, I just chuck it out. I added strength training (resistance) to my routine and I know I'm retaining water because of it. Instead of having a melt down I will continue with the light resistance training 3x a week. Why? Because it makes me feel better: stronger, healthier, like I'm advancing. When I weighed in this morning my weight was UP (and I wanted to freak out but I didn't). I know it is because of water retention (and lack of water). My rational brain is fighting to keep me calm. I couldn't sleep well last night but I woke up and came here to read and find solace in the community. And though sleepy I found reason to keep taking steps forward. Even though it nauseates me in the mornings I'm working on my water. I had a tsp of Peanut Butter and am working on a Protein shake right now. I am separated from my significant other and I slid on my water and protein focus because of that last week. Also, I have been stressed and so my body is holding on to everything; I can feel it (isn't that a funny thing?). But still, I nap when I find the relaxation and I wake up ready to keep going. Now, I have resistance bands at home and my treadmill arrives tomorrow. I watched weight of the nation last night and I didn't feel like such a failure. Just another warrior on this path with the rest of you. I forgot myself in the fog of my sadness: I forgot I am not alone, I forgot that this is not a journey of days but of months and years. And so, even though I am tired, hope wakes here. Thank you. Because of all of you and the strength you show; because of all of you and the weakness we share; because I took the leap off the cliff and it is time to trust my wings and fly. As I ponder the struggles of this journey I keep reminding myself: no matter if you trip or stumble, just get up, keep going, hope remains.
  18. educationrulz

    3 Week Stall

    Well, I just made it through the dreaded three week stall. I knew it was happening when I was going through it (even before I weighed) because I could tell that my body hadn't changed and that my clothes were fitting the same. Against my better judgement, I weighed myself at Walmart, since I don't plan to buy a scale until close to goal, and sure enough it hadn't budged since my last weigh in a week earlier. Man was I pissed off! :tongue_smilie: Despite the fact that I had read countless stories about the 3 week stall, I was still mad for a couple of days. But, I got over it and didn't weigh again until I felt some changes in my body and saw changes with my clothes. By the end of my 4th week, I had lost an additional 2 pounds. Geesh! Couldn't it have been more than 2 lousy pounds?:closedeyes: Oh well, at least we're back on track now. Another member on VST suggested weighing once a month. I've always advocated no more than once a week, so even for me that's a little radical. But, I think I'm going to give it a try. I'm much more interested in feeling better and seeing changes in my clothing and sizes than I am with how much I weigh. So, why stress myself out with scale numbers that don't move as fast as I want them to? I'm going to shoot for the beginning of the month for my weigh-ins and hopefully whatever loss I see then will be motivating enough. We'll see how it goes...:thumbup1:
  19. syd5195


    I had my surgery o the 18th of Sept and have lost 60 lbs. But, the last three weeks not an ounce. I had a three week stall. Has anyone had a four month stall!?
  20. The three week stall like others have said is very real and very common don’t beat yourself up just continue to stick with the nutrition guidelines and exercise and the weight loss will pick back up again. Wishing you all the best!
  21. As stated above, the three week stall is so common! Also, were you on a two week liquid "liver shrinking" diet? If so, you could have dropped a significant amount of weight pre-surgery, which can lower your "weight" loss in the first couple of weeks. Focus on staying hydrated and getting your protein in...it will come off! Good luck!
  22. Follow your surgical team's plan. Do a search in these forums for "three week stall" and realize that the first month is not about weight loss but about your body healing. If you look at two months out nobody is still stalled and everyone loses significant weight. This is not the time to start changing your diet. This is time to follow the instructions and stop weighing yourself more than once a week.
  23. Polarbearwifey

    I had my surgery almost a month ago

    @@cokegal I know. I felt down when I step on the scale and says the same numbers: 238.8 I was jogging yesterday, I've being doing cardio everyday and nothing. So I'm about to do my research about what Ruth1ess says "The Three Week Stall" Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. gemigirl

    No weight loss in 3 days

    You're going to have lots of days where this happens, fluctuations are completely normal! I was sleeved 9/19 and am mentally preparing for the dreaded three week stall by stepping off my scale and moving to weekly instead of daily weigh-ins. At 10 days out your most important tasks are to hit your Fluid intake and Protein goals, walk walk walk and rest. Everything else will fall into place! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. I'm only two months out but I hit a three week stall after the 3rd week!! I call it my condensing stage! Haha I lost so much so fast my body needs to readjust itself! I wasn't losing pounds but I was shrinking!

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