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Found 17,501 results

  1. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Stall in weight loss 3 weeks PO

    Look in the forum search bar for "3 week stall." Its very normal and common to stall out right where you are in the program. There are hundreds of posts covering this, hopefully knowing this will help.
  2. BlueParis

    Bigger stomach?

    That seems like a good loss so far! Read up about the 3 week stall , it happens to most people after WLS...
  3. SleeveToBypass2023


    So for me, I've had stalls last anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks. I tend to gain 2-4 pounds during a stall and then drop like 5-6 pounds when it breaks. Once I see I'm in a stall, I stay off the scale. Normally I weigh myself 2-3 times per week. When I'm in a stall, I do it once per week, just to see when it breaks. I stick with my diet, I change up my workout to "confuse" my body (if you do the same thing at the same time al the time, your body gets use to it and the exercises become less effective), and I focus on NSVs (Non Scale Victories) such as how I look, how my clothes fit, how my rings fit, if I've dropped inches, if I can fit into seats/booths better, etc...
  4. Hi everyone! I just found this forum after doing a Google search and very happy I did. This is my first post and just looking for some advice. I had gastric sleeve surgery on Wednesday 12/7. Did 2 weeks liquids and last week started soft foods. Since I started on soft foods last Wednesday, I haven’t been able to eat too much of anything without getting that “stuck” feeling or way too full feeling. Then, everything started grossing me out. Like all foods other than chicken broth. On Christmas I had about 4oz of stuffing and that was it. That went down pretty good but I didn’t eat more than that bc I’m not supposed to. Then yesterday I got a quart (32oz) of Matza ball soup from a diner in the morning and ate off that all day which went down perfectly fine. I didn’t eat it in all one sitting but all throughout the day. Then today I had homemade chicken soup that had soft veggies, potatoes, rice and bits of chicken. I had about 2 cups of that throughout the day. At this time I’m not supposed to be eating carbs but I slipped up w the potatoes, rice, matza and that bit of stuffing on Christmas. I’m feeling so guilty and worried I fucked up already 3 weeks in. I really struggle not to eat and drink at the same time too. I usually have a drink w my food because it makes the food go down better. I don’t chug but take small sips. Do you think I’ve stretched my new stomach out and ruined things? I was doing so amazing since surgery but it’s just been these last few days I been making bad choices and feel like I’m overeating and eating the wrong things. I’m wondering if it’s bc I got mY period 3 days ago which makes me super hungry. Could that be why my carb cravings went up? Anyone else not be perfect in the beginning? Do you think I’m too far gone? Please no mean comments. I’m already beating myself up as it is. 😔 Thank you. ❤️
  5. newbegining2024

    Is this a stall?

    It will break soon! I had my stall at week 2 and the stall lasted 2 weeks for me. The stall stopped at the last day of week 3 and I’m on week 4 now. It shall pass very soon, hang in there.
  6. Im getting a little discouraged,Ive read about the 3 week stall but im having the 3 week gain. I had gastric bypass 10/18 I also had my gallbladder removed.The first 2 weeks I lost 18 pounds.I was happy and then i go to my clinic for a class with people who had surgery the same day or around the same time.We were there to go over the next phase of eating .Everyone was discussing there weigh loss (30lbs and up) and what they've been eating.I thought to myself im eating far less than most of them why am I only down 18 and there 30+ At the time I was having 8oz of pureed soup,a protein shake or two,and 32oz of water.Im having trouble getting in 64oz of water.I thought maybe Im not eating enough so I started getting in 3 meals a day and now they are allowing us to eat solids at our own pace. I went to the store and bought full grain bread,avacodo,and sliced cheese. First thing in the morning Ive been having 1/2 of one slice of bread with avacodo or a slice of cheese.For lunch I'll have the other half of slice of bread with avacodo,and dinner I'll have pureed soup 4oz. I dont stop eating because Im full,I stop eating because Im afraid of eating to much and getting sick. I've been eating far less than I have ever eaten in my life and now everytime I step on the scale for the past couple of weeks i've been gaining weight everyday!! I dont get it.Why would I be gaining weight when Im eating healthy and Im not going over 4oz each time I eat. Ive gained 3 lbs so far.
  7. FORGIVE THE LENGTHY MESSAGE. NEED TO GIVE CONTEXT I am wondering if any one experienced this my starting weight was 139kg before surgery on the 15th of January 2023 on day of surgery it was 131kg 2 weeks post-op i was stalled for 8weeks which was not a bother to me at the time i healed quite quickly with no complications and was moved to solids within 3 weeks by the dietitian too. between January and April i lost some weight down to 111kg Since april i have not lost anything. I have gained and lost 3-4 kg since April till date which is September 6th 2023 I do everything many people say on every platform which had never been a challenge namely Monitor what i eat: I eat between 88 - 1200 calories I have more protein than anything eggs, lean meat, chicken, fish, shrimps carbs are mostly bulgur wheat. which i have sparingly 2ce a month. Plantain i have daily to balance my protein intake but not as much as protein. I prob have more grams of protein a day and that includes protein water. I work out 4-5 days a week for up to 1:30 - 2:00 hours each day In April i worked out more 4 days a week 2ce a day 2day time cardio 1:30 hours night time strength training. no weights heavier than 25kg i take my vitamins biotin and all recommended as well as powdered collagen Recent bloods shows everything within normal range. I am going into my 5th month and i am still 111kg Since April. My dietitian is numb on what is going on, the nurse recommended liquid collagen ( which makes no sense) and have said hormones.... but hormones cannot affect this 5months straight. I did bloods to check my thyroids and it showed elevated parathyroid (no idea what that means)..... not gotten an explanation as my vitamin levels and calcium levels are normal my nails are very soft and brittle and my hair falls like the weather ( only blessed to have a full head of hair but cant say it is helpful soon) No ...... the clothes i wore in April are still the same September. measurements are the same..... the only win i am getting from this is that my knee and ankle dont hurt as much when i workout. i dont burn out as i used to and i work out more than i used to before which was walking up to 50k-70ksteps a day. I have never been one who drank alcohol and havent started post surgery. I have never been one who ate junk food like crisps, tacos, burgers. I have not been diagnosed diabetic nor with PCOS i noticed when i had no carbs in my diet i lost fast but when i introduced carbs as suggested by the dietitian everything came on hold I NEED SOME SIGN THAT I AM NOT IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE OR A LONG DREAM!!! Cos it feels pointless having done the surgery not to be an effective tool Anyone in a similar predicament before
  8. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    After 3 weeks of weight stall the scale finally moved some. I think the exercise specialist pointed out a flaw. I would eat something 2 hours before working out, she told me to eat something with a good protein and carb mix 20-30 minutes before my workout. also told me to drink a protein shake after the workout. I've done that the past two weeks. After a 3 week stall I'm not certain if it was that little change or the fact that it was going to have to move anyway. But, at least it moved. Hope everyone else has some scale or non-scale victories.
  9. Please excuse me, for I must shout this from the rooftops...


    I have never done any chin-ups in my entire life. EVER.

    1. New To This23

      New To This23

      Awesome!! BTW I started following you, your posts are inspiring

    2. BeanitoDiego


      Thank you so much @New To This23 ☺️ I will follow you back! I really enjoy seeing other people's journeys, too. I am grateful that we have this site to connect with and support each other.

    3. BabySpoons


      Thats really great. I couldn't do chin ups even when I was in my earlier best shape. Bravo!!!

  10. I woke up with pain on my right side. Just felt tired today and uncomfortable. Anyone else experience this?!
  11. catwoman7

    Taking Tablets?

    I was able to swallow all tablets but two (because of their size) as soon as I got home from the hospital. After about three weeks, I could swallow all tablets.
  12. I had the gastric bypass May 11,2023. I was doing good with dropping the weight. But once I got to 160 I’ve stalled out. Idk what to do. Can some one please give me advice. It’s getting really discouraging and depressing. My dr wants me at 135. I’m so close.
  13. Im in a stall too 99.7kg so annoying. I must confess i had a unhealthy relationship with my scales and the non movement does my head in. Now i only weigh myself on Wednesday so if its good news I'm happy and if not good news (like my current stall) then i tell myself theres always next week.
  14. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Almost exactly the same here. 16 pre op and 13 post op. I'm having a little stall right now with three days stuck at 210, but not going to worry. My focus right now is coming up with good food options I can rotate for meals and figuring out what time of day would be best for exercise.
  15. I woke up with pain on my right side. Just felt tired today and uncomfortable. Anyone else experience this?!
  16. LAMamma

    April 2024 Surgery Buddies

    Hey everyone, just wondering how it's going. I'm 6 weeks since surgery and my weight has stalled. I'm down a total of 34 lbs, but almost 1/2 of that was pre-surgery. I was losing quite nicely for the first 5 weeks, but this week is just staying steady and even going up a bit 😥. Is this normal? This week is back to "regular foods" although I'm mostly still on soft foods because I'm not tolerating any thing else yet.
  17. Hey everyone. Question for those greater than 8mos out. Is there a stall period with Gastric Bypass before your 12-18mos window of opportunity or was weight loss consistent with a slowing down period? I’m 8mos out and the weightloss has slowed down. I’m actually happy at this weight, 70lb loss and 5’11. But wondering if I should expect more weightloss through the 12mos period? My surgeon stated that he expected me to be around 205-220 as a good weight. I’m currently at 222. Any information is appreciated
  18. NickelChip

    weight stall

    Stalls are very normal. I am a week ahead of you surgery-wise and stalled around the same time and around the same weight (bouncing between 201 and 203 for about 3 weeks). My highest weight was also similar to your, although I had lost quite a bit before surgery, so actually my post-op loss has been much smaller. I've read that somewhere in the 3-6 month range it's common to reach a stall. It generally has nothing to do with your eating or your exercise. It's just an internal metabolic thing. Remember, weight loss from surgery is not immediate. After the first several weeks of rapid loss, you will slow to 1-2 lbs per week, and it will take 1-2 years to stabilize. This calculator can help you figure out how many pounds you might lose at each month mark by inputting your starting weight, height, age, and other factors. https://riskcalculator.facs.org/bariatric/ And this one shows you the likely results for years 1-3: https://michiganbsc.org/DecisionTools/
  19. Hi! I had vsg 8.15 and have lost 24 lbs. This am I seem to be up 3 lbs. Not off course. Still eating pureed. Cals are between 6 and 700. I meet protein daily but water is tough. I usually get 52 ounces vs 64. I eat 3 meals daily plus 1 snack of string cheese. I still have some muscle discomfort in tummy area but find I'm emotional a lot. Dr is happy w progress but I'm super upset with stall or gain when I'm not even eating or drinking off program. Any thoughts?
  20. I am similar timeframe and similar stall so to read the two above posts is reassuring. I am still only eating about 900 calories a day which is about 90g carbs and 70-100g protein. I do aqua aerobics once a week and light training three days a week plus try to get a 20 minute walk in most days and I have been stuck at the 78/77kg (171/169 lb) for a few weeks now. I am going to give it a bit more time as I think I have another follow up appointment with my surgery team in a month and can discuss then, especially as the surgeon told me in January that he would be happy with me getting to 75kg this year - I just didn't think it would take this long to get there.
  21. I’ve been weighing every morning too and notice it goes up and down a lb or two but then goes down again in a day or two. Thankfully my body hasn’t realized there’s a three week stall yet but I’m expecting it any day now. I’m working on the exercise 🤦‍♀️ part of things. It’s been hard because I have been getting headaches and nausea the last few days. Today I’m breaking it down step by step and keeping notes of my water and protein intake so I’m on track!
  22. Nan CC

    Stall in weight loss 3 weeks PO

    My 3 week stall happened at 2 weeks. I was so discouraged! I lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks, then...crickets. But I found all kinds of information here about the infamous 3 week stall, which apparently can happen from 2 weeks to 4 or 5 weeks post op. It broke after 2 weeks and I have been steadily losing since, although it is slow. My surgeon said that since I didn't have a lot of weight to lose it would progress more slowly. I'm not thrilled with that, but as long as I'm losing (and honestly it seems effortless at this point), I'm happy.
  23. Just to let you guys know that my stall broke and I lost 1.2 Kgs (2.7 lbs) the past two weeks (not doing anything differently). I am stocked and thank you all for your valuable advise.
  24. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Until a couple days ago, my weight stalled more than two weeks. It's not moving again, slowly. I was told by the dietician and surgeon that weigh stalls will happen several times. The main goal is to keep doing what they say.
  25. Just returned from a 2-week trip, and was amazed to be able to hike/walk/jog whenever and wherever I wanted to! I LOVE being able to move my body around so freely 😎

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