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Found 5,364 results

  1. I had sleeve surgery done 9 years ago in 2014. I'm 5'4" and started at 202 pounds. I lost down to 102, and looked awful. It took me until 2017 to gain back to a healthy weight of 115. I have remained in the general vicinity of 113 - 117 since. From the start I've have terrible GERD. In February of this year my gastro said the GERD is out of control and I cannot put it off anymore, it's time for me to convert to bypass. I do NOT want to do this. I sought the opinions of 3 of doctors all of which said the same thing. I had EGD, upper GI series, manometry, and pH with Bravo. Surgeon said it's worse than they initially thought, and that I need surgery now. He submitted to insurance on Monday (3 days ago). He expects me to have surgery within a couple of weeks. When this was mentioned in February I weighed 116. I immediately started eating all the things to up my weight. I live on Crumbl Cookies, lemon cream pie, crackers with cheese, and potato chips. I've always eaten those things, but now I'm eating them nonstop. I'm currently at 124 pounds. I am scared to death about losing weight again. Surgeon says he expects me to lose around 20 pounds. That's too much. I don't want too look like that again. I'm happy with how I look now. I also am not at all interested in the process of all of it again. WLS is part of my past that I was happy to be done with. I don't want to do it again. It has been made abundantly clear to me that I have to do it, but I'm scared and sad. I don't know what I'm looking for here, maybe just looking to share these feelings and get them off my chest.
  2. I had the gastric sleeve 4 yrs ago. I developed real bad Gerd. My surgeon said to do the revision to the gastric bypass. I’m 6 weeks post op and down only 25 pounds and my surgeon says I probably won’t loose much more because it’s a revision. I’m devastated why didn’t they tell me before I did the revision. Has anyone lost significant weight after a revision?
  3. Vicki 25 years and counting

    Gastric bypass over 20 years

    I am going on 25 years post gastric bypass.. Back when it was open surgery. total weight lost- 140 Now maintaining average if 160
  4. I just had the sleeve revision to gastric bypass on 6/13/23 and I am a little nervous now after reading a lot of these posts regarding the lack of weight loss.
  5. Hi, all new here. I was sent by my PCP to have a revision to my RNY. The surgeon suggests Candy Cane Revision and I asked will that help me lose weight? This jackass tells me some but stop eating so much! My 14 yr old said she wants what she is supposed to and no junk foods. He looked me dead in my face and said I doubt that. I am 268 lbs and 5'2. My Doctor along with the original Surgeon who retired and sent me to him are really PO'd about this. Should I ask for a second opinion or seek help elsewhere. I have no gastric issues this is what they are seeing due to tests. Thank You
  6. Hello! This is my first post on this Forum about that and maybe you can give me some insight. i'm 3 weeks post op from Germany and i have a RNY-Bypass i'm okay so far no pain enough fluid struggle with food which is normal this early i guess. the Question i really have, i use to watch a lot of youtubers for meal plans and "how my future could look" and most of them just say "i did have a bypass" but not specifically which one, i once heard that the RNY bypass will always have way smaller portions than the Omega-sleeve and i'd like to ask if thats True and i'm also very Intrested to hear how your Portionsizes are after lets say, 3 year Post op. thanks and have a great day
  7. I had the sleeve done and only lost 30% of my excess body weight. Typically they like to see you at 60% of your excess body weight. They had me on wegovy and that didn’t work so I’m now scheduled for a bypass revision. For people in the same boat that lost some but not a lot the first time, how much did you lose after revision? I’m hoping because I have so much weight to lose that it will come off the way it should have the first time
  8. Hi all, New here. I had gastric sleeve surgery Nov 2016, got pregnant a month later. Initial lost 76 lbs. Gained about 20 lbs back at the time of Covid until now. I have GERD and a hitial hernia so I have opted to get a revision to bypass in hopes of forever getting rid of GERD. I never got to my goal weight which was 150 lbs. I was about 16 lbs shy of that. I am about 189 lbs on a heavy day. My concern is that I wont lose as much weight because my BMI is not extreme. Anyone else out there lose more than 20 lbs getting revised being at such a low starting weight? The Dr's office of course says I may not lose any weight at all which I just can believe.
  9. Finding it hard to decide which surgery to get. Im leaning towards the bypass at the moment. 

    1. New To This23

      New To This23

      Are you wanting suggestions? I am getting bypass on Friday. If you would like I'll share my reasons and circumstances on why I chose bypass over sleeve for myself.

    2. Jessica Marie

      Jessica Marie

      I'm always open to suggestions!

    3. New To This23

      New To This23

      I'll message you.

  10. Hi, I am six days post op and feeling okay (except a little dizzy). I still have over a week of liquid diet let per doctor's plan--- but getting so sick of the sweet protein shake options. I have ordered a bunch of protein soups. Hope everyone one in August is doing well!
  11. Got my approval for revision from sleeve to bypass! Aetna
  12. I am having a T.O.R.e procedure on the 6th. I was wondering if anyone here has had one or even heard of it (lol). Any advice would be helpful!! I had my bypass 11 years ago and made some bad choices which led me here.
  13. Surgery was successful. Pain I could definitely do without. But 🎶 I’m still alive 🎶
  14. I'm being offered both options but my surgeon is recommending sadi over gastric bypass because my BMI is 60 I'm so confused any help? Thanks
  15. Waiting for insurance company to approve my revision surgery from sleeve to bypass due to severe reflux.
  16. Good afternoon, everyone. I'm new here. I was looking for some kind of forum where I could interact with others like me. I think I may have found it. I live in South Texas, and I had a sleeve gastrectomy in Mexico in 2009 when I was 35. I initially weighed 340 lbs and lost 149 lbs. and went from a size 32 to a size 14. My goal was a 12, but I was really happy. I was exercising 5x a week on the elliptical for a whole hour nonstop! I kept the weight off for approximately 6 years. Unfortunately, all kinds of tragic events started changing my life. In 2014 my father passed away, and I took it really, really hard. I ended up on Xanax and Ambien. In 2015, I got divorced. In 2016, my mother passed away. In 2017, I was transferred from a job I really enjoyed to a brand new location with all different people to work with. Then the COVID Pandemic kept me teaching from home for a year and a half. It was literally one heartbreak after another. Rather than looking for actual help, I helped myself... to pills, alcohol, and crap food. Over the past 9 years, I regained all my weight. Even though I still felt restriction in eating (i.e. only half a burger or 1.5 slices of pizza, with no sides or drinks and I was done). I was 10 lbs away from my original weight before my sleeve. Last year, though, my school district sent out an email stating that WLS was now covered by our insurance. I was so excited! I looked into it, made many calls, and thought coverage was out of the question because I had already had a surgery. Our insurance covers "one surgery per life." However, since my first surgery was private pay, they went ahead and accepted covering my revision to a bypass. Today is my 18th day post op. I've lost 42 lbs altogether since May 11, but only 10 of those lbs since the surgery. I feel a little blue because I was hoping for more than a 10lb loss in 3 weeks. I lost more weight at the beginning when I started a semi-liquid diet to prepare for surgery. I was doing 3 shakes and one solid, no-carb meal. I know that revisions are slower than virgin surgeries. I am doing as much reading and research as I can. I just can't help it, I guess. After my sleeve, the weight loss was phenomenal. Right now I am consuming 450 cals, 60 g protein, and keeping my carbs under 40g. I am walking around my house (not outside because South Texas) 4x a day and was told I could start on the treadmill this coming Monday. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? I'm also trying to find ways to consume fiber without a lot of carbs. I've eaten 1/2 cup of pinto beans twice but, man, that's a lot of carbs. I wanted to try raspberries, but I'm afraid of the little seeds getting stuck in my sutures. Any advice, thoughts, suggestions?
  17. Hello. I am 2 1/2 weeks post op. It's been a rough couple of weeks - severe allergic reaction on abdomen and a bad UTI. But I really didn't expect to have almost constant heartburn. I might have expected it with a sleeve, but this is horrible. Anyone else have persistent heartburn with gastric BYPASS? What have you done for it?
  18. I was wondering what your portion sizes look like if you’re 6 months or longer out of surgery. Are you able to go to dinner with friends? How is your life affected by food now?
  19. Hello, I am trying to find a DS surgeon here in northern KY who can perform my surgery. The doctors I have found so far do the RnY but not the DS. Does anybody have any suggestion? Thanks.
  20. Hi to all. I haven't been on the forum to post for couple of days, as I had my surgery on Jan 12th. I am just curious if anyone else has ever had a 5 hour long gastric bypass. My poor Dr. worked on my lower intestines where I had so much scar tissue and he said if he hadn't fixed it that later on in life it would have given me lots of trouble. So, I'm actually very blessed that my Dr. went above and beyond for my health. However, I paid for it with the pain. Oh my goodness!!!!! I'm talking pain scale of 10 for awhile. It felt like my stomach was on fire. However, by the next morning I was much better. I only had to stay 2 nights and they were thinking 3 at first, so that of course more good news. I just wanted to share and say Hi and I'm glad to be back home.
  21. I am 31 female weight 368 5’4 - I’m in the stages of deciding which surgery I’d like to do and I’m concerned about the sleeve being a newer option and not having long term studies as well as I worry about GERD with the sleeve, and the worry of having to get a revision eventually to the bypass if I went with the sleeve
  22. Hi All! After I completed all my testings and blood work, at my followup Friday (Aug 11th) they doctor's office went ahead to put me on the surgery calendar for Aug 28th. All paperwork was submitted to the insurance company that day as well. Today the office called to inform me that my sugery was APPROVED! They nor I expected a fast 1 day turn-a-round! Now my nerves kicked in. My pre-op diet starts the next week 20th. It consists of 3 protein shakes and 1 meal per day. I don't think I'll have any issues as the dietician informed me that I can break the one meal up any way I want to for that day. Thankfully, I still have restrictions from my sleeve surgery in 2017. Has anyone had the revision with success stories? Any tips? Any of you have upcoming revisions scheduled? Additional weight loss success? Has anyone had the surgery with little to no help at home? If so how was it for you? I would love to lose an additional 40-50 lbs. Thanks!
  23. I had my Lapband placed in October 2007. got my gallbladder removed and a hernia repaired at the same time. It slipped in 2013 so had surgery to put it back into place. My heartburn has become unbearable so my doctor is recommending to remove my band and get the gastric bypass. I was scared at first, shaming myself for "failing", telling myself who am I to think I am worthy enough for the bypass when I couldn't succeed at the Lapband, blah, blah, blah mental games. But then I recognized I am blessed to be able get this opportunity - that I am not getting any younger so better to help myself be in my best shape now than later. So pending some co-morbidity approvals, I should be well on my way to converting. I am scared. I am excited. I am hopeful. My question is for those who converted from Lapband to Gastric Bypass - what are things you wish you knew about or understood prior to converting? Or things you learned about since converting that would be helpful for someone going through the same process?
  24. I was wondering if any of you who had the bypass use vitamin patches. I've been reading up on them, and I found this: "There is not enough research available at this time to promote a multivitamin patch in the bariatric population. Especially after weight loss surgery, you should be very aware of what products you are using to ensure that you are getting all the required nutrients to promote good health. Many practitioners recommend that bariatric patients stay away from multivitamin patches because if they don't work, the deficiencies can lead to severe consequences down the line." And this: "The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) says that vitamin A and B12 are deficiencies that bariatric patients experience the most, and therefore a vitamin patch simply wouldn't be adequate." I'm aware that certain vitamins do not transfer well through the skin and therefore must be ingested. However, I'd like to know about your personal experiences with vitamin patches. Any information is appreciated! Thank you!
  25. And I have a couple of questions. Why are we not allowed to have any kind of anti-inflammatories? I was told never again. I can't even take turmeric. Also, were you ever able to take pills comfortably? I was told no pills for the first 8 weeks (except for 2 of my MS meds because they can't be opened or crushed and don't come in liquid form) and I absolutely struggle with those 2 pills. They're hard to swallow and they hurt. Will it always be this way? And finally, I know there's a lot of different answers for this, but I just want to get a general idea. How much weight did you lose if you had a revision to bypass? My surgeon said I could expect to lose about 60 pounds (but he also said I stay really strict with my diet and exercise so I could actually lose 70 or so, since I lost more with the sleeve than he initially thought I would) so I'm just trying to see if it's realistic to think that I could lose 60-70 pounds in a year if I stick to the diet and working out.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
