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Found 3,099 results

  1. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Bloodwork showed type 2 diabetes

    I did Atkins keto for years...you actually found a keto bread that tasted "fantastic"? I never did and believe me I looked, they all tasted nasty to me! If you don't mind...what brand I'd love to eventually add it to my healthy eating routine later?!
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bloodwork showed type 2 diabetes

    I'm no longer diabetic. My A1c is now 5.5 and my glucose tends to stay between 107-112 when checked. I'm no longer on any of the meds I was on because all of my numbers are normal. For a sugar substitute, I use monk fruit sweetener. I can't stand anything else. I hate the gross taste of everything else. Sugar free foods are actually really good these days. I don't use veggie curls to substitute pasta. There are keto pasta noodles (and keto bread, which is really good) that I prefer. Normal calorie intake is 2000 calories. I would work on getting yours down to 1600 by surgery time. You will eat A LOT less than that after the surgery, but lowering your calories and carbs will help you drop the weight you need to qualify for the surgery. I would also work on getting your carbs down to 70-80 per day by surgery day. Again, you will be consuming a lot less than that after surgery, but getting them down now will help you later.
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bloodwork showed type 2 diabetes

    I actually had diabetes when I started the process. My A1c was around 7.6 or so and my glucose levels were usually around the 160-170 rang when I would test. I was on 3 diabetes meds, a cholesterol med, a blood pressure med, 2 anti-inflammatory meds. Not only did having diabetes not delay things, having comorbidities actually helped speed up the approval process for me. I know you wanted gradual changes to your eating, and to a certain extent you can still have that. But it's important to start getting your mindset and habits changed at least a little before surgery. Once you have it, you have to make drastic changes pretty fast. Better to start now. I would start by eliminating soda and anything carbonated. Get caffeine from coffee (the kind you can make at home) using sugar free sweeteners and low/no calorie creamers (or almond milk) and tea (personally, I prefer tea). Swap out regular chocolate, candy, popsicles, pudding, etc to the sugar free kinds. Start lowering your carb intake and try cutting down on pasta, bread, potatoes, etc... There's keto versions of bread that taste fantastic. Look at the way the bariatric diets require you to eat (protein first, then veggies, then carbs) and try to plan your meals around that (protein helps you feel full longer). Practice getting in at least 64oz of water now so you can be used to drinking it a lot. You can still eat yummy foods, just change the way you do it. It's less jarring if you start the process now.
  4. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    French toast made with keto bread. I tracked 2 slices but only took a pic of 1.
  5. omrhsn

    Horrible rash over whole body

    I had the keto rash back when I was on the keto diet. My wife had it too. Very nasty but luckily it went away quickly after increasing my intake of carbs and greens and taking mineral supplements. I hope you start feeling better soon.
  6. Arabesque

    Horrible rash over whole body

    Keto rash is a new one to me so I did google it. Does your rash look like the keto rash (prurigo pigmentosa)? Certainly the surgery, change of diet, weight loss, etc. are very stressful & it does seem logical that it might unfortunately set off a flare of your eczema especially if that is a known trigger for you. Have they taken you off the Prilosec & offered you an alternative to see if that is the cause? Good luck with the biopsy. Hope they find an answer soon.
  7. Carolhemp63

    Horrible rash over whole body

    Has anyone else had a rash after surgery. I am about 4 months post-op and no real problems, and suddenly this rash develops ands spreads all over. I looked up online and found something called “keto rash” caused by high protein, low carb diet. I have now seen 3 doctors, including a dermatology consult at university hospital, and they think this is a reaction to taking Prilosec (which my Bariatric doctor prescribed). I won’t know for sure until some skin samples (biopsied) come back. I also have a history of eczema, and think this might just be a bad outbreak (triggered by the “stress” of surgery and lifestyle change). Has anyone else heard of Keto rash or had it?
  8. @BabySpoonsI track everything. I have a lot more protein than Carbs. Dietitians excuse is i am not having enough carbs to regulate my protein. But is when i introduced carbs into my meal that everything went belle up. I don't follow a very strict keto, as i tend to have carb substitutes or healthier carbs like shirataki and bulgur. I am doing everything right (and then some) Sadly, i cant get on Ozempic, cos it is not recommended for those who have parents or grandparents with medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) Food intake throughout the day as i measured is about 16- 18 oz on a very hungry day and it is spread across the day. predominantly protein cos those fill me up more and cos i work out quite often i am mostly always hungry but cant eat a lot as i get full easily when i have protein. I guess that is why i am also able to take a lot of water. Dietitan claim water can also be a culprit. At this point i am convinced no one knows anything and just grasping at thin air. So i am reverting back to just having full protein with a hint of carb sparingly. and see if that works. I should prob stick to what has worked for my body rather than..... It would be good to hear from someone who experience similar and know if they found the culprit
  9. I count everything. I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in 2022 and was put on a sodium restriction. Just two months before my projected VSG surgery date my A1C was 9.6% and I was put on diabetic meds(Metformin and Semaglutide), given a blood sugar meter with instructions to check my blood sugar twice daily, and told to cut out all sugars in my diet. Around the same time as my Type-2 Diabetes diagnosis my Bariatric Surgeon had me go on a Keto/Atkins very low carb diet prior to the liver shrinking diet due to my extremely high 71.5 BMI. That was my first time on a 'low carb' diet since I tried South Beach in 2004, and I really liked it for how it made me feel and how much easier it has become to find low-carb substitutions for common foods. So I decided to stick with it post-surgery. I am two weeks out from my surgery and I am at the point where I can eat 800-1000 calories a day, where 50% is from protein, 40% fat, 10% Net Carb, and sodium between 1,500mg and 2,000mg. I track my Daily Food Intake in an Excel Spreadsheet, listing Calories, Total Fat, Protein, Net Carbs, Fiber, and Sodium of each. I also track my fluids, noting if the beverage has any sodium. I avoid sugars like the Plague, except when it comes to fruits. I will on occasion eat fresh strawberries, raspberries, or some honeydew melon. I don't feel the Keto diet is suitable for Post-op due to the high reliance on Fats. I like a more even distribution favoring protein over fat, but still keeping enough healthy fats in my system so entering Ketosis is a possibility. My carbs are always under 25g a day, most of the time between 15g and 20g. I was only in Ketosis once for a brief few days, and it was right after surgery. I check my ketone level regularly with those over the counter 'pee' strips. I like my method of tracking my nutrition manually instead of using an App or Website, although there is a lot more work looking up nutritional labels for everything I eat, or general nutritional information for those items without labels. The plus side of it is I am amassing a database of my frequently eaten food items so logging is becoming easier. I agree with the general consensus that 'Diet' is an ill-fitting word for what we are doing. I like the term 'Lifestyle Change' much better. A diet, to me, is finite in its duration. It has a beginning and an end. A Lifestyle Change goes on indefinitely.
  10. Even if you were gaining muscle weight, you would notice a change in the way your clothes fit. When my nutritionist told me to eat carbs pre-op, my Keto mind screamed no. I did it though and lost weight. But I highly limited them. If you are not tracking on an app like Bariastic. you can easily consume way more carbs or calories than what you need. Some people can drink their calories for the day before ever eating any food. I would limit those carbs and be mindful of how much you are eating in a day. I know before surgery, I told everyone I didn't eat that much till I started tracking my food intake and was shocked to find out I was overeating. Also..not sure what surgery you had but my doc told me of a sleeve patient/friend of hers that did everything right and lost only 30 pounds within the first year. She ended up putting her on Ozempic to help. So there are some people who simply don't respond as well to the surgery based on age, meds etc. But before going that route, I would examine the food intake amounts first. Good luck!!!
  11. PennyinAL

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Not sure what you mean by gross ingredients? I mostly went with broths and some cream soups in the 3rd week of clear liquids, I'd mix one can broth to one can cream soup. My fourth week sent me into soft foods which was mostly eggs, ground sausage or beef and some fish. Week 5 I moved into chicken. Chicken being so very dry it seems harder to digest than anything else, ground beef was so much easier. I can't much do the protein shakes, the only way I've been able to choke them down is to literally put in a blender with some extra protein powder & yogurt and ice and make a smoothie/milkshake thing and top with keto whipped cream. I use it more as a dessert bc I can't drink all that sweet stuff in the early morning. Not much of a breakfast person but since this surgery I wake up famished but I guess 3-4 oz only takes so long to digest and if I eat at 7-9 pm by the time I get up at 9-10 am it has been a long time. I got the Walgreen's extra protein shakes, small town, limited choices around here.
  12. PennyinAL


    Hi Arabesque ir is definitely very different from location to location because you’re from another country and the food references are for items that I have not even heard of :). As I mentioned in another post the difference from dr to dr can be HUGE as to the amount of care you receive, the amount of post surgery guidance and what is expected of patients. Some patients have very detailed instructions and menus while some of us get very little information. I have noticed that some people are convinced that carbs are no longer allowed, some are fine with them. My dr doesn’t seem to have a problem with them although they want you to get your protein in then veg and then if room allow carbs. I think that carbs, while not ideal, aren’t the devil. I also believe that if you’re eating a total of less than 4 oz per meal (my dr literally gives you a 4 oz measure cup and says this is what you do for all meals, the cup is imprinted with the words “measure for success”) that as long as you stick to food instead of junk you will probably be fine. Yes, make sure you get the protein but most foods aren’t that calorie dense. I found a TikTok person who is a bariatric patient who has videos specifically for snacks for low carb keto diet. I think we all have to do our research and find what works for our bodies and lifestyles.
  13. BabySpoons

    Food Before and After Photos

    It was for me today. It's not something I plan to eat regularly after WLS. I read the label. 30g carbs/12g of it is sugar. Wasn't a good choice but so are a lot of other things posted to this thread. LOL My nutritionist encouraged me to eat carbs pre-op and it was really tough for me to shift from my Keto mentality to 45g of carbs daily. But I lost 22 pounds before WLS in those 3 months. In a few weeks I'm supposed to up my carbs to 60g. I usually sweeten food with Stevia so today was a one off.
  14. KathyLev

    Immi Ramen

    I watch the Keto Twins on U Tube and they did a video using the noodles. They always give their honest opinion of the things they try. Here's a link to one of their videos : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xylw6mQYq_E
  15. Arabesque

    Feeling defeated

    I did keto as the 2week pre surgical diet but my dietician said keto is a short term diet, best for kickstarting weight loss. It shouldn’t be followed long term. (Check research on effects on diabetes & insulin levels, cholesterol, etc.). Most post surgery diets are high protein, low fat, low carbs so probably closer to Aitken’s if you’re looking for a more formal recognised diet. One of the most important learnings I’ve had is that there is no one diet/way of eating that works for everyone. If there was the dieting wouldn’t be a billion dollar industry. Speak with your dietician, do your own research, & listen to your body & needs & the work out a way of eating that works & is best for you. As to your weight loss so far, you’re doing fine. The only people who lose very large amounts pre & immediately post surgery are those who began at a very high weight. There is really no right or wrong rate of loss. There are averages which only give you an idea of what you might lose. We all lose at our own rate. How many stalls you experience,how often & how long they last are individual too. And everyone’s’ rate of loss slows as they get closer to their final weight. I decided I would only worry about how much I was losing if my surgeon was upset but he wasn’t ever. All the best.
  16. Ashley Amari

    Feeling defeated

    I was doing keto to loose weight prior to surgery. Since surgery I have been following the diet as ordered. I haven’t deviated once. Even with the pre-op diet I only lost 7 pounds. Mine wasn’t liquid and I could have one salad a day with fat free dressing. I was just discouraged today bc the scales isn’t moving and I have my 6 week follow up coming up. At my 2 week, the doctor seems surprised that I had only lost 7 pounds. Everyone has been so encouraging. It was what I needed today. I will continue doing what I am suppose to do and find other things to focus on besides the scale. TY

    Feeling defeated

    couple things to remember: 1. you are only 33 days out. 2. The "keto diet" is a high fat, moderate protein, and low carb diet. It usually consists of 75% fats, 20% protein and only 5% carb. Even though you are eating smaller portions the fat is too high. 3. A baratric diet focuses on smaller portions, high protein, low fat, and low carbs! The fat you are consuming in a Keto diet 33 days out is likely the culprit. I would stick to the meal plan that should have been outlined for you after your surgery. I am over a year out and lost 100+ pounds after my surgery w/in the first year. I did think (after talking to my dietician) that I could also try to go back on the Keto diet. I gained weight 10 lbs before I stopped that cold in its tracks and focused on my portions and eating right foods. I am almost lost the weight I gained thinking the keto diet would work for me now. I had done it before making my decision to have gastric sleeve and lost 75 lbs in a short period of time. But it came back on and then some once I stopped eating Keto.
  18. Ashley Amari

    Feeling defeated

    @SuziDavisI basically had the same problem before surgery. I would loose maybe 4-5 pounds a month. I was doing keto and basically working out 5-6 days a week. I know I shouldn’t worry so much about the scale but it’s hard.
  19. BearaBoSarah99

    Immi Ramen

    I'd been eyeing this product since Facebook and Instagram started sending me ads. It's low carb keto ramen with 6g carbs, 21g protein and 890 mg sodium and 18g fiber. I found they sell them individually at Whole Foods (because I am NOT buying a $35 pack knowing there's a huge risk me and my stomach don't like it for some reason). Planning to run out to buy a pack or two tonight just out of curiosity and eat half a pack or maybe a fourth just for a taste (and also because it's 300 calories for an entire pack) But before I do, I'm wondering if anyone has tried Immi ramen and if so how did you like it? Did it have a weird aftertaste like a lot of protein infused products (it all tastes like whey to me)? Since my surgery I've been really weird about textures now and I've seen a couple reviews complaining about texture of the noodles but I want to try this since it has a nice amount of protein and fiber and I have to do a bit of doctoring to shirataki noodles, moreso than what I feel like being bothered with some days lol
  20. BabySpoons

    Pain after surgery?

    Wow, that will be quite the savings for you. What you going to do with all that extra money??? LOL I was doing OMAD (one meal a day) and Keto for the last couple years without much luck. So I wasn't getting takeout very often. Except on Chinese Fridays. I bought a side of beef from a local farmer and filled up my freezer pre-op, so I should be set now for a good long time, protein wise. Grilled steak is still a struggle to eat. But cooked in the Instapot with beef broth and veggies (Swiss steak for example) works well for me. Along with roasts and lean hamburger in various dishes. Soups are still my friend so looking forward to cooler Fall weather. I allow an occasional carb. Potatoes, corn on the cob, baked beans, low carb tortillas but for the most part, meat and veggies are my mantra. Oh and low fat dairy. So yeah, I spent my food savings ahead of time on the moo cow >
  21. BabySpoons

    Favorite sugar free and other low calorie sauces

    Rays has a sweet and spicy SF version along with SF Original and Hickory. Ray's Honey Mustard Dipping sauce is amazing too. I am never without a couple bottles. Sweet Baby Ray's Expands Popular "Ray's No Sugar Added" Line with Two New Sauces (prnewswire.com) Skinnygirl also has a line of SF/FF products. Salad dressings, preserves, drink mixers and snacks. I love the Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing and was gifted a bunch of drink mixers I have yet to try. With the popularity of Keto, there are now tons of SF options. Even ketchup. Too bad though that healthier choices are all so overpriced. 🤔
  22. sleevedinthe817

    Favorite sugar free and other low calorie sauces

    I use keto-friendly sauces like Primal Kitchen’s unsweetened ketchup and avocado ranch or I make my own from scratch. They may not be the lowest calorie, but I use so little of it that it isn’t really an issue and they have fewer chemicals and other garbage in them so I’m willing to make that sacrifice. They’re very, very tasty.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    Please Help! Burning Stomach Pain

    I had this. Turns out, after my sleeve, I developed polyps all through my entire stomach. The GERD (which I had never had pre sleeve) became so bad it turned into gastritis and esophagitis. I had to take 80mg of Nexium daily and Pepcid for breakthrough GERD (and sometimes that didn't even help). The pain and burning were excruciating. Sent me to the ER more than once. 4 endoscopies and 1 revision to bypass later, and I'm doing great. Stay on top of this. Cut out anything tomato based, avoid any kind of fruit juice, spices (even the ones that aren't hot). Hummus helped a lot, keto bread also helped, and drinking protein shakes literally saved me on days when I couldn't keep anything down at all. The bariatric diet went out the window until this was under control. I had to stop working out because it would set things off. In the ER the first time, I had a barium swallow to confirm there were no leaks. Then I was referred to a GI specialist, who did an endoscopy and found I had A TON of polyps in various sizes. Once they were all removed, I had my revision to bypass and have had to stay on Nexium. But it was lowered to 40mg for 5 weeks, then 20mg for weeks 6-8, then I'll go off them completely. Definitely stay on top of this. It won't resolve on it's own, and if left untreated, it will absolutely get worse.
  24. That is great! I've always struggled to keep my Vitamin D level above minimum. I did Keto before and olive oil and coconut oil were considered as "healthy fats". I also used to take one 1 tablespoon of MCT oil with my bullet-proof coffee (once daily). Maybe do some research on that.
  25. That is great! I've always struggled to keep my Vitamin D level above minimum. I did Keto before and olive oil and coconut oil were considered as "healthy fats". I also used to take one 1 tablespoon of MCT oil with my bullet-proof coffee (once daily). Maybe do some research on that.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
