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Found 90 results

  1. I am cleaning out my cabinet and found a fairly new bottle of MCT Oil (I dont want to throw it out...). In the past, I used it mostly for bulletproof coffee but since I am pre-surgery I am weaning off coffee for a while. I plan on saving this (expensive) stuff and want to know how I would use it post-op, several months out once I start eating again. Can I even use it? I am soaking in all of the information I can pre-op so I will be prepared for this huge lifestyle change- I know I need to learn a whole new way of thinking towards food and the way I eat and this is the time to do it! Yes, there are lots of posts and books and websites about this but I cannot find anything specifically about eating Keto post surgery with recipes and direction on how to start making the change, what to expect, what to do and not to do. It's a HUGE change and I want to get it right......thank you!!
  2. angie_is_losing_it

    Keto diet question

    This is really for sleeves who are far enough out that are eating actual meals.... have you ever tried the keto diet? Good? Bad? Sent from my SM-N950U using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Good Morning!! I am in the last month of my 6 month supervised diet. I have lost about 23lbs, but it has been a very long and hard journey. I went out of town for a week for work and gained 10lbs! 10!! How crazy!! I'd like to work on getting even better at my nutrition. I have seen a lot of people do a Keto type diet after their surgery. I was wondering if anyone has done Keto and kept going through surgery. Has it helped? If so, what are your macros, any website info you can share, any recipes would be awesome as well!! Thank you
  4. Little Kansas Kitty

    Keto Rash

    With us eating low carbs and high protein and probably falling into ketosis, has anyone experienced a keto rash? I had a rash on my arm a week ago and today have one on my neck. I heard someone on YouTube mention "keto rash" and had never heard of it. Just wondering if my rash is temporarily something else or if in fact it could be "keto rash".
  5. STEPHF954


    Thoughts on the keto diet? Can it be done just for short term?
  6. ** I HAVE NOT BEEN SLEEVED YET ** I am just researching different types of Protein shakes for post-op. I was on a ketogenic diet which did wonders for me. I relied on Keto Chow as a meal substitute, and I can honestly report that nearly every flavor I tried was delicious. Just like melted milk shakes but the net carbs were under 4 grams per serving. I still have two weeks worth of supply (they are a bit pricey--about $10 a day). Each shake has about 27 grams of protein and is about 400 calories per shake. The only downside I see is that you have to MCT Oil and heavy cream to make it nutritional rounded: that is to say, consuming three shakes met all of your nutritional needs per day. I am not sure if the heavy cream (which adds fat--key to keto) would be a bad thing post-op. Here's the nutritional label for the shakes: (hopefully linking is allowed) https://www.thebairs.net/2015/03/label-all-the-things/ Are these good to go?
  7. 6/5  - Still doing my Keto Diet. It is working. I am very proud of sticking to it.

    6/6 - Went to the surgeon for a 2 month followup. I weighed in at 213.4 lbs. He was very happy at my progress and the way I am healing. He said that amount of weight loss is amazing. I went to get my blood work done to make sure that my vitamins and nutritional intake is great. 

    6/7 - Had a Glazed Donut. It was the best Donut I have ever had. I THREW IT UP within 10 minutes. I needed to do it to myself. I was starting to slowly eat something I was not supposed to so I just gave in and now that I know I cannot have it. I feel better. 

    1. Sherrie Scharbrough

      Sherrie Scharbrough

      I have a few freinds that are doing the KETO DIET. They are doing great. Most of them have had WLS. My hubby tried his hardest to do Keto but the meal plan, was to prep the food form the part of the week. We were set up with recipes for that week. But he really didn't care for the food. I DON'T care for leftovers so I didn't even try it. But I think it is a great program for sure. I have heard and seen lots of peeps doing great on it. Good Luck

    2. Sleeve1stFitNext


      Yeah. With keto you really have to meal prep and since I am lazy and like to just roll and go, I can eat left overs for days. It saves me money when it comes to outside food too. Thank you. I am trying.

    3. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @Newme17 I thought it was just me. My breath has like a fruity smell to it. But its a breathe fruity smell. Like old juicy fruit. That is the best way I can explain it lol.

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  8. Have barely any appetite these days so I think I'm lowkey just starting lazy keto for real, since I figure I don't want food so I'll be less likely to crave carbs?

  9. Wondering if the Keto diet is a good idea,  any thoughts? 

    1. ShelbyMoore


      But .. I’m not eating fats which the Keto diet wants you to do.

    2. GreenTealael


      I'm definitely cooking with olive oil, eating peanut butter (although very sparingly ) because I can give up carbs but I NEED those healthy fats

    3. ShelbyMoore


      Yes, agree. I’m eating healthy fats. So we are unofficially on a Keto diet. :)

    4. Show next comments  9 more
  10. bettybooping

    Keto Krate

    Has anyone ordered the Keto Krate? I am looking long term for items that will be healthly and easy with my new lifestyle change... Sent from my SM-N920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. chamilton0323

    Keto drinks

    Has anyone used them after being sleeved? I’m 6 months post op and have hit a wall
  12. Greetings! This is probably a very silly question, but would it be appropriate to practice a Keto diet once past the 2 or 3 month post surgery? My nut and advice from the surgery center recommend limiting carbs, and of course, getting at least 60 grams of protein each day. If that is the case, wouldn’t the Keto diet be the natural path forward? Any thoughts, opinions, research, etc. are appreciated!
  13. kat brown

    Keto numbers

    I'm 1 year 6 mo post OP vsg, I'm considering keto, does anyone know what macros I should be following? Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Hi! As school is getting ready to vamp up, I am trying to prepare for the year. My family is extremely picky and I know I need to start now making changes in their diet so they can support me. I am only 10 days post op but I was looking to build my meal planning box. Was curious if those that are further out see any similarities between keto diets and the eating requirements post sleeve. Do you have a favorite website for recipe ideas? It would be great if I could cook once and eat a small portion and my family could have normal portions. Thanks for your help.
  15. tiffany44641

    Keto diet

    Just curious has anyone in here tried to lose the weight on the keto diet first? And lost a lot and didn't have the surgery ?

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