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  1. I had BPD/DS surgery in 2016, leaving 1.5 meters of common channel. Following this surgery, my Vitamin D levels plummeted to deficient levels. This had a cascade effect, where my hyperparathyroid (PTH) levels rose to dangerous levels, and although my calcium levels were ok, my body could not metabolize it due to low Vitamin D. So my body began to pull calcium from my bones. I now have full osteoporosis as a 55 year-old male, and break ribs and toes regularly in addition to pain. Through the years, my physician continued to increase my oral Vitamin D dosage, eventually reaching 50,000 IU per day, but it made little difference in any lab tests. I am just not absorbing it. I found and read clinical studies on the effectiveness of Vitamin D3 intramuscular injections, and decided to try it. Unfortunately this is not available in the US. It is done in Scandinavian countries, Australia, Canada, India, South Korea, Brazil and many other countries. I had to jump through some hoops, but was able to get 30 doses of 600,000 IU Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3). I only need 1 injection per 6 months. My numbers have all returned to normal. My doctor thinks he is responsible for fixing me, but I know different. I can't reverse the bone loss that has already occurred, but I can keep it from getting worse. Take your health into your own hands when you aren't getting the right answers from your doctor. If you are having similar lab results, do some about it before the bone damage gets bad. If you have questions or are interested in any information, message me. I encourage you to research this yourself to your own satisfaction, but I can point you to some resources. It is working for me where no amount of oral supplementation would.
  2. I am almost 11 months post opp and the last 2-3 month I have seen a dramatic halt in weight loss. It's to the point that I feel like I should have went with bypass instead of sleeve. At what point did you see the slow down? Did anyone plateau before they were even close to the goal? And did you do anything in particular to get the weight loss going again?
  3. Howdy y'all, I discovered this forum when I would Google questions I was feeling and this seemed like a great supportive community to participate in while I go on my adventure. I'm currently 2 days post-surgery (had my bariatric sleeve done on the 11th) and was wondering if you guys had any advice for a newbie like me? Something you had wished you had known before. My current set up is I have a timer for an hour to ensure I hydrate and at the second hour I go for a short walk in my apartment hallways to avoid blood clots, shake down any gas still in me, etc. Currently, think I'm out of the weeds with the gas pains (though my shoulders still feel a little crunchy when I massage it, if that makes sense lol) and now just suffering from the abdominal pain from the main incision but I have my pain reliever for that when needed. But I am struggling to walk as I'm just shuffling my feet and hurts to reach for stuff, anyone know a good timeline to expect this to be lessen? I appreciate any helpful advice and guidance y'all might bestow upon me.
  4. Hi all! I’m a new member of the group - I hope you’re all well! I had gastric sleeve surgery on 31st January 2023, after losing 13lbs on the pre-op diet. On the morning of my surgery, I weighed 281lbs. I lost no weight in the first week even though I was drinking my required water intake and having between 60-80g of protein a day. Today is two weeks post op. I’m officially allowed to move onto purées and so first thing this morning, I weighed myself and I’ve only lost 4lbs?? I try not to compare myself to others, but I’m so disheartened and even low key regret having the surgery now. I keep seeing people reporting a stone weight loss in a week, 12 lbs a week, 8 lbs the second week etc and so I assumed this would be the same for me. I’ve been very strict with my post op diet and making sure to get in at least 30 mins of movement a day. I’ve typically been consuming protein shakes, water, protein yogurt, tomato soups and the odd sugar-free/fat free children’s ice cream lolly. I feel like I’m doing something wrong, and feel like a bit of a failure. I feel like my body is actively working against me. I spoke to my bariatric nurse who just said ‘you’re still healing, give it time’, but I don’t know if it’s just an excuse.
  5. I was wondering if any of you would be able to share some information with me regarding getting pregnant/pregnancy after a bypass (mgb or regular). I am so mentally ready to have a baby but all the unknowns are stressing me out! 1. Did you have to get cleared by your surgeon to start trying and if so, what did they check? 2. Did you work with a dietician to get the right nutrients/calories for yourself & your baby or did you figure it out yourself? 3. How much weight did you gain and did you lose it after? 4. Did you get followed up as a high risk pregnancy because of your bypass? 5. Did you have a caesarean because of your bypass? 6. Did you have complications related to your bypass? 7. Were there any effects on your baby related to your bypass? Thanks already for answering any questions, I appreciate it so much 😊
  6. Hello All, I had my bypass on Valentines Day this year. So, I'm roughly 4 months post op. Prior to my surgery I was taking Wellbutrin 100mg 3 times a day. I haven't had any weight gaining issues with this medication. It actually had been helping me not want to overeat a bunch. Recently my Dr decided to add Zoloft 50mg daily in addition to my Wellbutrin. I haven't started taking it yet because I am having mixed feelings about it. I know I need something to help with the irritability I've had an increase within addition to what I am taking now. I do trust my Dr and him saying that he thinks that I am a good candidate for the medication, and he hasn't seen any weight issues ect, I am though however terrified if I start taking this medicine, I will start gaining weight back. So, my question is those who have been on this medication, did you have any side effects and or weight gain with this medication? And if so, how much weight did it cause you to gain back?
  7. Greetings, So I finally had my sleeve surgery 3 weeks ago and while there has been weight loss, it hasn't really been what I expected. I don't have unrealistic expectations, but I expected to lose more weight than if I just did it on my own without the surgery with little calorie intake and some activity like with doing Optifast prior. Or just eating healthy and going for a walk everyday - which I wasn't doing prior. Perhaps it takes a month to really get things going, but I am hardly really eating anything when compared to the 4,000 calories+ a day I was eating that got me this way. I do eat a breakfast, lunch and dinner, so I am not starving myself - but I am not yet in the solid food phase yet. I have sort of reprogrammed my brain and I am not really craving the things now that made me obese. Now granted I know I JUST had the surgery and don't know how things will be 4 months from now, but I am just sort of wondering in the back of my mind if the surgery was really necessary in the sense that I maybe could have lost the same amount of weight if I finally just stuck to living a better life when it comes to food and my health. I would appreciate any feedback or advice from anyone else where weight loss started a bit slow even with having a smaller stomach now or feedback in general. Thanks! HM
  8. I have taken two of my three classes and I think I have more questions than answers. My first thought sitting through these classes is "If I could comply with all of these nutrition requirements and restrictions, I don't think I would need surgery". I am scared that I am going to make my life miserable by altering my digestive tract and then not being able to stick to the diet and causing all sorts of problems. My other issue is that I do not have an office job. I am outdoors, mobile, and never know which direction I will need to go. The other day it occurred to me that I drove 4 different vehicles before lunch. I don't know how I would be able to keep up with vitamins and supplements short of a fanny pack. Also, I had to drive the other day for 8 hours in a remote area and there was no food option available (I was on a tractor). The last thing I need is to pass out behind the wheel. Am I over-thinking, or are these legitimate concerns? I have all but talked myself out of this procedure
  9. After being back in the ICU for 5 days we finally discovered what the issue was. The 3 surgeries had caused my cortisol to drop severely low and I had been in remission of adrenal insufficiency for 2 years. They pumped me full of steroids and now I’m on 100 mg a day feeling better. They discovered my stomach was twisted and they need to widen the sleeve mouth so I will be undergoing 4 dilations so I can keep down my food. I want to point out that I have read some medical journals that say adrenal insufficiency is a very rare side effect of Bariatric surgery so if you have had a history of your cortisol dropping please be cautious. On to some good news, My doc says I am 2 points away from a heathy bmi of 25 so maybe in the end it was all worth it. I want to thank all of you who read my story and offered your solutions and support when I felt like their was no hope. I will come back and post what happens after each dilation. If you are continuing to struggle don’t give up and be your own advocate by doing your own research. Hang in there everyone.
  10. I hope this is the right place to post this question! I have Molina Medicaid Apple Health insurance. Two weeks ago I brought up bariatric surgery to my doctor. I even brought a copy of the Molina Medicaid Apple Health pre-surgical assessment form that she is supposed to fill out and fax. She is 100% on board with me having this surgery from what I can tell, so that isn’t the issue. And she seems really nice, I only just started seeing her. On Monday I sent her a message asking if she had sent in the form and asking what happens when they approve/deny it and she responded that she hadn’t yet. After a few misunderstandings of the actual criteria Molina has for surgery, I sent her a message that Molina sent me when I asked them directly. I qualify based just on my BMI according to what they told me. She said that helped and she would send the form the following day. Great! Except now she’s saying she was told by the dietitian at the clinic that it isn’t her who sends the form in, it’s the dietitian. At this clinic, they like to have all of the appointments set up BEFORE sending in that form for approval since stage 2 starts immediately upon approval. I sent her the PDF from Molina that outlines the stages and that it says my PCP has to send it before which she agreed made sense but she doesn’t want to go against what the clinic does. She also said she’s never been through this process before, so I guess I’m her first patient to want this? That isn’t right, is it? The dietitian can’t fax that form, can they? At my appointment two weeks ago my doctor sent in a referral for the dietitian just so I could get on the books since we don’t know how long this process will take and I scheduled an appointment for next month knowing I might have to reschedule. But now my doctor is basically saying the form won’t be sent until I go to that appointment… but why would I go to that appointment if it won’t count? Should I find a new doctor? Or should I trust they know how to do things? Should I call Molina and ask? I’m a nervous person in general and this isn’t helping. 😂 I just don’t want this to get messed up! Sorry for the long post.
  11. It's 6 months since my mini gastric bypass. I have lost total of 55 Kg or 121.25 lbs. My weight loss trend is still hovering around 6 Kg (13.2 lbs) loss/month. But from last 3 months, I have seen increase in my hunger. In terms of percentage, the increase would be 20 % as compared to the 3 months back. Is this normal? I am also spending a lot of time for workout - around 6 hours of cardio and 12 hours for strength training + HIIT + weights every week. Not sure if that along with muscle i am developing is causing this hunger? or maybe its normal? Also, lost my job to layoffs recently but finances are not an issue. So just trying to maintain calm and avoid any emotional eating. My current weight is 92.5 Kg or 203.5 lbs. Should I get my metabolism evaluated to see my calorie requirement or wait upto 1 year for weight to stabilize? I had my surgery outside country of residence due to surgery wait times. I do teleconference with bariatric surgeon every 3 months, but no in person visit option available. Please suggest. Thank you
  12. I am scheduled for February 18th. I will be first in. Wow, this process takes forever.
  13. Hey everyone, I'm new to this as I have only had the band for not quite a month yet. I am going in for my first fill on the 25th :cool2: I'm not sure what to expect... I've been sick lately so I have eaten hardly anything anyway, but... What should I expect? How do you feel afterwards? What special things should I do and what should I avoid doing? Is there any exercise I should avoid (not that I've done any yet)? Thanks! :huh2:
  14. I'm new here and concerned about insurance, too. I'm still debating even having a lapband, but it is good to know there are a lot of people out there going thru what I am. Thanks everyone. p
  15. YellowRose

    Hair Loss

    Earlier today I was reading another thread where there were comments about hair loss. I have hypothyrodism which has made my hair thin. I have not been banded yet. Does anyone know of anything that I can start now before surgery that will help me keep the hair (and maybe help grow some more) before I have surgery:omg: Would greatly appreciate any help with this.
  16. Wish me luck. I'm 36 BMI And I'm about to go into surgery. I'm having it done in dubai Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. I survived the holidays with no gain and with no loss, and I'm so OK with that! When I went for my fifth fill early this week (I should be at my sweet spot now), the doctor congratulated me for staying the same. I said, "What?" I expected him to be disappointed as I've been a model patient posting losses every time I've gone to his office. However, he said that many people gain over the holidays. I was really pleased with his reaction, and was glad that I could enjoy my holidays. By enjoy, I don't mean a total slip into old habits. However, between traveling and eating foods that others prepared, I was able to maintain without feeling like I was depriving myself of some holiday traditions. Now that I have this fill (and am still on liquids through today), I'll see if this is truly my sweet spot (3.4 cc in a 4 cc band), and I'll see if I can't get the rest of the weight off in the coming months. The doc did ask, for the first time, what my goal weight was, and he thinks I'm being realistic. He "signed off" on my goal weight. Feeling fine, and looking forward to more victories in 2010!
  18. I am having my surgery on Oct. 17 and I am REALLY nervous about the liquid diet. I have not met with the dr. yet so i don't know all that entails... could you guys fill me in a little and give some tips on how to get through it???? :car:
  19. Im shelly im 37 and i was in a really bad car wreck 6 years ago 2 months before the wreck i gave birth to my youngest daughter and 17 mths before that i lost a baby at 7and half months pregnant i lost everything in these last few years in my car wreck i broke my hip pelvis knee foot and head went through the windshield i was trapped in the car for 5 hours my health has been bad ever since and my weight has never been able to melt away and only gaining my pain is bad they want me to take morphine i cant take morphine im a single mom with 3 girls so anyway thats part of my story i find out my surgey date may 24 my insurance has aproved me already and im am scared out of my mind 253 /5'6 high blood pressure, sleep apena, pain pain pain!!!!!! Sent from my SM-G530T1 using the BariatricPal App
  20. I live near two surgery centers where lap band is done. One is a center of excellence for bariatric surgery, and the other does exclusively lap band, is newer, but closer to home. HELP! What factors are most important to my decision? Proximity to home for fills, support, and nutrition?
  21. I'm at goal and had to go have 1/2 cc removed from my band today. Not because I keep losing weight, but because I can't eat solids......started about 6 weeks ago. It reached a point where I could only eat oatmeal, yogurt, and Soup........Asked my doc about it and he said that after removing the 1/2 cc, if it continues, I might have to have an x-ray because my band may have slipped!!! I asked how that was possible......I don't throw up......did I do something? The answer is NO! As you lose weight, your stomach gets smaller and smaller. The band is only stitched on the front of the stomach - can't get to the back of it to stitch. So the band can fall or slip at an angle - high in the front and low in the back, as you stomach gets smaller and smaller, which doesn't allow for a proper opening. So - if you do have a band slippage - it most likely isn't your fault.......well - it is because you've lost so much weight!! LOL One other thing - I'm self paid, but if I'm having stomach problems - he can go in to "look" around and fix the problem - and insurance pays!
  22. Hiya all, sorry i have not been around lately, been moving home and various other things, just thought i would give you an update, my surgery was 1st of Feb 2011, and i have now lost the grand total of 6 stone, (about 80lbs), as you can imagine i am really pleased, at first i was pretty doubtful that the surgery would work, after all when has anything 'really' worked?? but i can honestly say i am so pleased with the results so far, i have another stone to lose until i reach my first goal, but then another 4-5 stone to go after that to reach my final goal, i have found that i can eat most things, apart from lettuce, never ever eating that again!! Pizza is not good for me either, pasta is ok but i get full very quickly, i've had only a few bad moments, mainly when i have tried to eat more than my stomache will allow, or drinking and eating at the same time, anyway hope everyone is doing great viv
  23. I have been thinking about talking to my doctor about being referred to lapband surgery. My fear is that he will say, "You aren't big enough." It's true that I only weigh around 210. But I am also only 5'3". My BMI is 37 and I am starting to develop health problems. I have PCOS, high cholesterol and triglycerides, exercise-induced asthma, and prediabetes. I have made numerous attempts to lose weight, all with no lasting success. I see all these posts from people that weighed 300+ pounds when they had surgery, and I really wonder if I am making too much of my weight. And then I think that if I take care of it now, I won't get to that point. I won't have full-blown diabetes or heart disease (both of which are very prominent in my family). I won't have to have a double knee replacement like my mom did. Or triple/quadruple bypasses like my uncle and one of my grandfathers. Or die of a heart attack like my other grandfather. So yeah, I have no idea what to think. I am caught between thinking this is the best thing that I can do and thinking that I should wait until I weigh more and have worse problems.
  24. Im super worried they wont approve me because of my age or something im dreading it helpp?
  25. Hi I'm Glenda, I lost 108 lbs on my own, then decided to have gastric bypass to get to my goal weight. I'm so glad to join this group. I'm 3 weeks post surgery down 29lbs. I have problems getting my water and food in. I get so full so quickly. I'm afraid I'm not getting the proper nutrition. My fear is my upcoming vacation I'm going to Costa Rica. I'll be 10 weeks post surgery then. Very apprehensive about how I'll manage my food. Help please.

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