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  1. Left field suggestion - now that you're where you want to be, would it be possible for you to completely stop weighing yourself for a few months and just go by how your clothes feel, etc.? I am a huge believer in our body choosing its own new set weight. Mine was well below my target. Others' are well above. You could just go with the flow - just keep eating what you like and what is good for you and see where you end up?
  2. I'm sorry about the stalls. No matter how much we know they will happen, it doesn't make it any easier. I know in the past, the closer I got to my goal weight, the slower it would come off. @BlueParis this could be the case with you? How are things feeling... your body? Your clothes? My dietician told me that these things will continue to change even during stalls.
  3. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

    The start of my new healthy life

    I have been overweight my whole life. My highest weight was 284 back in October of 2022. I have tried many weightloss directions including keto, fasting, tracking calories, appetite suppressing drugs, and even weight watchers. I start off good and end up just spiraling downward and stop. I really think this tool is going to be my key to success.
  4. out with the gals last night...had margaritas with a side of guacamole and chips for dinner omg. i kept meaning to order a proper entree, but just didn't get around to it so just ate the leftover chips and guac that was on the table... the margaritas alone were like 800 cals! so warning to those drinking mixed drinks during weight loss phase! keep your calorie counts in mind! one of my margaritas!
  5. i say just keep doing what you are doing, if it feels good and natural to you. i can almost guarantee you that you will NOT wither away and die. so long as you are not in any danger zones (based on labs and your doc's opinion), then you should be golden. just ride the ride and see where you end up. you will most likely gain a bit after you hit bottom, so a cushion is always good. the fear of losing too much weight is a very, very common feeling in our demographic. very, very few actually prove that their worries were warranted long term. i've only known of exactly 1 person (if any!) on this forum for the almost 6 years i've been on here that had an almost-serious issue with ongoing weight loss..but i suspect it was mostly mental vs. physical. i myself had a mini panic for a month or so after reaching goal. and like everyone else, it eventually became a non-issue. i weigh less now that at that time when i was panicking, and in no way do i think i am too skinny today...nor do the people who told me i was waaaaaay to skinny at 127 lbs. now they tell me i'm super hot at 118 lbs. 🤷🏻‍♀️ good luck!
  6. Sigh.....I need to figure out how to maintain and not lose more weight. Wanted to stop at 190....but now I can't figure out how to stop losing!!!! Never in a million years did I think I would ever have this problem. I can't add more carbs because I'm SUPER sensitive to them and too many make me REALLY sick. I tried adding more calories, but because I work out 4-5 days per week, it's actually causing me to lose still. So weird. I tried eating more small meals and snacks more often, but honestly, I already have 3 meals and 2 snacks per day, and eating more just makes me sick to my stomach because I'm trying to force myself to eat when I'm not hungry. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I know my secret goal was 180, but I actually like how I look and feel at 190, so I'm not really looking to go lower. Yet here I am....going lower.....
  7. SecretAgentDD

    July 2024 surgery buddies

    As far as getting ready: I've got a binder my doctor gave to me. It has basically all the information that I should need going forward. I do look at it periodically to refresh my memory about what is expected of me. For the dietary changes and stages, I write everything I need to stop/start on a calendar. For example: I need to stop drinking coffee and need to taper off to avoid headaches. I am also weaning myself off carbonated water and need reminders. I'm struggling with a few things such as taking small bites, so I like to put reminders in my calendar so i have to see them every day. I'm also changing my vitamins over to different brands and also needed reminders for that as well. (I'm forgetful!) I've made a list of the things I need to buy such as different kinds of protein powder, unjury protein, chewable vitamins, calcium chews, small utensils, small plates, a drink blender, etc. I've made a list of things to pack for the hospital (thanks to several threads here on this website, I have a list going). As I purchase them, I mark them off. Along those lines, I have fairly good ideas of the types of things I will be eating in each dietary stage so that I can plan ahead for grocery shopping when I get to that point. I purchased several books off amazon that were used, and very inexpensive. Things like bariatric cookbooks and bariatric mindset success books. I do try to read a little bit each day and then journal about what I read. I drive a lot for work so I have plenty of time to listen to podcasts. There are several that I enjoy that I feel are science-based, supportive and informative. I've learned many things from these podcasts about bariatrics. They're free and it's easy to just put one on a few times a week. Besides bariatricpal, I am trying to avoid other websites that deal with bariatrics at this point. It felt overwhelming and felt like I kept going down a rabbit hole of horror stories and it was not helping with my anxiety. There is one person on youtube that I enjoy watching because she's many years out and is very inspiring. Now that I have a date for surgery, this all feels very real and scary. I am trying to not give into the fear too much and remember why I am here at this decision. I need to take charge of my health. I have ONE precious life. I want to live the rest of my life in the best health that I can. I've tried desperately since I was about 20 (in my late 40's now) to lose the weight and keep it off. I've had high blood pressure for 15 years and no matter what I do, It continues to be an issue for me. I've been warned that I am pre-diabetic and likely someday soon that will catch up to me and I'll officially be diabetic. I cannot do this on my own and maintain it. It's that simple. This is my second chance and I will not turn back. This is honestly a story about saving my own life by asking for help. I hope this helps.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Maintenance Calories after Surgery?

    For me, I live on 1100 - 1200 calories on non work out days and 1300-1400 on workout days. On my weight training day, I tend to go up to 1500 calories. I work out 5 days per week. I also have 2 rest days. My protein, fluid intake, carbs, healthy fats, and calories are all higher on workout days, but I still can't get anywhere NEAR 2100 per day. 1500 is really pushing it, but I only do heavy weight training once per week, so it's ok. For quite a while, my calories on non workout days were 800-900 or so and workout days were 1100-1300, depending on what workouts I was doing that day. As time has gone on, my calorie and food intake has increased, but I still stick to the rule that I eat until I'm not hungry anymore, not until I'm stuffed. It's normal for our stomachs to hold a little more and our calories to increase as time goes by. What's important is to be selective with where those calories and carbs come from, not to overeat, and to be mindful of moving your body and getting in enough fluids.
  9. JFreeman

    What was your “Moment” ?

    Mine came after an open conversation with my sleep doctor of all people. I was seeing him because I was getting set up with a CPAP machine due to my sleep apnea. In addition to my sleep apnea I had developed several other obesity-related health conditions including pre-diabetes, chronic pain in my knees and back, some minor heart issues and the worst of all, scrotal lymphedema (I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy). My doctor pointed out that losing weight would help all of those issues and he added that his mother was quite heavy and was dealing with a lot of health issues and that the sooner I could lose weight, the better my long-term health would be, and he recommended I look into bariatric surgery. That was the first time the idea had even crossed my mind. I did some research on it, but found out my insurance wouldn't cover it and it would be around $20,000 to pay for it out of pocket. But 3 years later I started a new job and got on their insurance, and it covered the surgery, so I began the process at that point.
  10. UnknownJorge

    A 2nd Chance at Life

    Thank you! I'll try to reply to everything. It took me some time, but for me personally the main reason I went with the sleeve is because I want to build muscle on top of the weight loss over time, and nutritionally it is easier to get the amount of nutrients needed to bulk up with a sleeve. However, that was not an easy decision and I did speak with two doctors first to educate myself. Both recommended that I went with a Deudonal Switch because of my diabetes as it would help that faster, however that is an option I have in the future if need be. Of course I'm not a doctor, so I would say this depends a lot on your personal factors and what would help you best. My sister had a DS done and she dropped over 200 pounds of fat, she's a different person now. My sister is also very short and I'm 6 feet tall so we carry the weight very differently. Either way, as long as you get it done I think you will be alright. No disrespect to the forums, but I understand the hesitancy from looking around here. However, I would say to look at this as more of a support group and a place for help from others that have gone through it. Everyone is completely different as far as what happens. I have been fortunate to have little to no side effects at all, others are not as lucky. I can say that before and after surgery it's up to you to control how well you achieve your goals. It's hard but absolutely worth it. You got down this far on your own, you should be proud of yourself. I'm proud of you. Don't look at surgery as a miracle cure for weight loss. Look at it as a tool that will aid you to achieve your goals much faster. After all, once you have the surgery it's on you to follow the meal plans, supplements/medication, and exercise in order to truly achieve your goals. And knowing your journey so far, I think that whatever you have done will help you immensely. Thank you again for sharing your story. Feel free to reach out if you ever need to.
  11. Hiddenroses

    July 2024 surgery buddies

    I spoke with my doctor and honestly - I'm perhaps more on the fence than I was before! It's so HARD for me to commit to which surgery to get when given a couple of choices. I was scheduled for July 2 for the Roux-y myself but since I backtracked, asking about the SADI/SLIP (variant of the sleeve for folks with a higher BMI) it's now pushed off another month while they see if they can get insurance to cover it. Honestly I think I got spooked from seeing a friend of mine not follow her aftercare properly and end up with a hernia due to continuing to take NSAIDs and drink coffee post Roux. Now she keeps dropping weight and seems to not feel like she cannot control how much more weight she loses. I know logically that her experience wouldn't have to be MINE with the Roux; lots of folks have had it and been thrilled with the results. I'm SO excited for you, having your surgery date locked in! Right now I'm bound for August 5th - IF my insurance approved it. Otherwise I think I'll be getting the sleeve. I keep telling myself I'm not chickening out to take a possible two step approach rather than getting the Roux-y initially. I just don't know, but either way looks like we'll be recovering and going through the process at roughly the same time!! Please share your progress, if you feel so inclined! Do you feel ready for the liquid pre-surgery diet? I read somewhere that cream based soups, strained, make a good filler during that time.
  12. NickelChip

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @LisaCaryl Well done on reaching one-derland!!! Ugh, I'm on a short dose of steroids right now, too. A little risky with bypass but I had no choice because I got poison ivy over 90% of my face over the weekend and it turned into a weepy, burning mess. Prednisone was my only hope as I literally couldn't leave the house looking the way I did and I was afraid it would lead to scarring. From what I've read, taking the steroids for a short period of time has minimal lasting impact on weight. Just avoid salt and drink plenty of water. Keep an eye on your tummy for any upset as it can cause irritation.
  13. Hiddenroses

    A 2nd Chance at Life

    Hello and welcome! Also -- congratulations!! How exciting it must be to be at that stage of seeing the weight peel off, and past the point of initial recovery, and past the point of choosing which surgery to get. I noticed that you chose to go with the sleeve as opposed to the Roux-y surgery. I think that's where I'm likely to begin, myself. I have bounced around, investigating what they call a SADI-s / Loop / SIPS surgery which has an extra component with the intestine beneath the sleeve, often done as a revision of the sleeve for those who regain weight or aren't satisfied with their results. It SEEMS to have fewer side effects than the Roux-y (full gastric) but I just don't know. I've also been given a fair amount of advice suggesting I try to find an expert to do the duodenal switch (DS) due to my BMI being in the high 50s/low 60s. I'm certainly willing to try to go that route but as someone else said -- there is usually a LOT of back and forth before committing to surgery and I'm almost 7 months into the program I'm at with my current surgeon. How long would it take me, realistically, to get this far again? WLS is such a difficult and scary commitment, and then getting on here BEFORE having a surgery has filled my brain with so many more complicated options. Its kind of hard for me to commit to big decisions and sometimes I wonder if learning more and more is making matters harder for me. I love to feel in control of what's happening with my body and try to inspect EVERY detail such as to avoid any regrets -- but sometimes staring at the water for too long makes one less likely to jump in, doesn't it? But you've DONE it! I think the sleeve is a great option and respect your choice, and am so happy that it has gone smoothly thus far. It could just be my perception, but most of the men I've seen post about their surgeries seem to indeed have a bit more gentle recovery, with fewer complications. I've seen a lot of folks caution me (this forum and others) about whether I'd be satisfied with the degree of weight loss if I were to go with a base sleeve, Roux-y, or SADI-s. This makes me really appreciate where you talked about that dark spiral and maxing out at 407. I say this as someone who feels like I understand pretty dang well what you're talking about because my max weight was 435! Being 'down' to 366 feels a heck of a lot better by comparison, and I got this far by myself, so maybe I don't need to be as concerned about satisfaction with the numbers as I do making sure I'm comfortable with the process of surgery to help me continue my weight loss journey. Please keep us in the loop as you continue on to your goal! Also - congratulations to the rest of you posting here who are inches from your goal weight or have already made it there!! No matter what surgery (or surgeries) helped you get there, you DID IT! Definitely an inspirational group of people here!
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Rapid Weight Loss

    Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT F, 45, 5'5" Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) 33 pounds Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. 388 pounds (day of sleeve surgery) **13 months later** 275 pounds (day of revision surgery) I am 2 years post op from sleeve and 1 year post of from revision to bypass Type of Surgery (Sleeve, ByPass, etc...) Gastric sleeve and gastric bypass
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    How to explain this to my kids??

    When I had my initial sleeve surgery, my kids were 24 and 15 and my granddaughter was 1. None of them had ever seen me thin. I was 240 pounds when I had my son and his first real memories are from when he was 2 and I weighed 270. When I had my daughter, I was 315 pounds and her memories are from around 3 years old and I weighed 340. My highest weight, when I had my initial consultation, was 421 pounds. I lost 33 pounds pre-surgery and I was 388 on surgery day. I knew I had to be open with them, so I just came out and told them the truth. I went over my goals for health, getting off medications, increased mobility, weight loss, etc... They were both surprised but really happy for me and supportive. Now my kids are just so proud and impressed with not only my weight loss, but the improvements I've made with my health, my overall fitness (one of my son's favorite things to do with me is go on hikes now). My granddaughter only knew me as 421 pounds. She's 3 now, so it's taken her a little bit to get use to me being thinner (she lives in Arizona and I'm in Colorado, so she doesn't se me a lot, so the changes are more dramatic for her). I'm glad I was open with my kids, because it taught them about the real struggles with morbid obesity, the tools available, and they saw first hand the changes that have to be made, the relationship with food that has to improve, and the work that has to be put in. My son said he always looked at the surgery as a way for someone fat to be lazy and take the easy way out. Now that he's seen what it REALLY takes, his whole opinion changed.
  16. Welp.... I did it... barely, but it was so nice to see this number! It's been over 20 years since I've been under 200 pounds. (my feet aren't as dirty as they look in the picture! lol) As for the knee, the doctor said he's pretty sure it's sciatica. I would have never guessed that. I have had problems with my sciatic nerve before, but always in the lower back/buttocks area. He explained that the nerve goes down through the back knee, and that's where my pain and swelling are. He saw some arthritis in the x-rays, but not enough to be causing this pain. He's got me on a six-day steroid pack. I'm praying it works because this pain is horrible! Let's hope I can keep the weight down while on steroids! Hope you are all doing well!
  17. I'm answering your question as a nurse who works with both bariatric patients and diabetic patients. First, these are two completely different meds, two different classes, two different ways of affecting the body. Phentermine is an anoerectic medication and is an amphetamine that decreases the appetite. Tirzepatide (generaic name for zepbound) is GLP-1 agonist and GIP agonist (it's a dual agonist vs typical single GLP-1 agonist like Ozempic) which stimulates insulin production with the purpose of lower blood sugar levels and helps someone feel full longer. Second, there is a nationwide shortage of Zepbound since early April because of it's popularity. Patients have started choosing compound pharmacies to create this formula for them instead of discontinuing or changing to different medication. With that being said, the FDA doe NOT regulate compound pharmacies. Historically, compound pharmacy are popular with patients needing hormone replacement therapy and these pharmacies abilities to customize said medications. Third, medically speaking, the only medication interaction of concern between the two would be once a patient lost considerable weight, that hypoglycemia would be an issue. In my own experience, yes medical providers will write scripts for dual medications like this for various reasons, circumstances and medical conditions.
  18. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    It's not something that has been easy for the past 15 years. I used to workout several days a week for a long time, but I was just more into weight lifting, not so much cardio or anything like it. Since I've lost a lot of weight, that same drive has kicked started again. Also, I know this is going to need to be a long term thing to ensure I don't go back to what I was doing before. I have knee replacement surgery in October, so I'm trying to keep the knee strong for better recovery.
  19. I don't know how to feel about this. Not because she's taking weight loss medications, but because she's taking these 2 together. I've done about 4 hours of research and 95% of what I read says NOT to take these 2 meds together. The other 5% is from people who take them together and have had excellent results. She gets the phentermine from her doctor and the Tirzepatide from a compounding pharmacy (they mix it with sterile saline and not B12 or niacinamide). I don't think she's told either provider that she's taking them together, and I can't help feeling like there's a reason she's hiding it. I'm on here partly to vent because I've shown her the research and expressed my concerns and she isn't listening, but also because I'm wondering if anyone here has combined phentermine with either tirzepatide, Zepbound, or Monjauro, and if so, how did it go?
  20. Arabesque


    Okay here we go. 1: Pre op stats 91kg BMI 35 2: Surgery Gastric sleeve 3: Lowest weight post surgery 48.5kg BMI 18.7 at about 18 months. 4: Maintenance weight 48.5kg. Stayed there for about 18 months when I suddenly increased to about 51kg. Realised I wasn’t absorbing my HRT med after my gall removal. Changed my meds and my weight slowly settled at around 49kg after another 18 months. The last 6 months has seen me back to 48.5 again though I was 48.2 this morning. Strange is I actually eat about 300 calories more now (last 2+ yrs) than I did when I initially stabilised. 5: Fluctuation Initially my fluctuation was exactly 1kg so 48.5 - 49.5. Weird I know. It’s been more 700 - 800g the last 18months so very narrow. 6: Methods to maintain & what worked or didn’t work. Work out a sustainable way of eating which doesn’t restrict or limit what you want to do & how you want to live your life. (I know I say this a lot but it’s worked for me.) Still be flexible with your eating style. Don’t be afraid to make changes: different foods or food types, frequency, etc. If it works & you can still maintain great. If it doesn’t drop it & try something else. I don’t enjoy traditional exercising. No gym for me, running miles or getting sweaty. Around 18 months ago I started my exercise snacking (stretches & using resistance bands) habit. Not to burn calories but to regain flexibility & to support my back. Muscle toning has been a bonus. I enjoy it, it’s easy and I do it or a variation every day. 7: How my life has changed It’s just easier in a whole lot of little ways & other things are much sweeter. Yes, I work at maintaining. I’m more aware of what I put in my mouth, its nutrient value & how much I eat but a lot of this is second nature/habit now so not as much ‘hard’ work anymore. Generally I feel more confident though I wouldn’t say I was lacking confidence before. I’m honest enough to say I’ve become more vain though I was always conscious of how I presented myself to others. It’s just a lot more. Just ask my cosmetic physican - LOL! 8: Cautionary tales & words of wisdom Always advocate for yourself. Not happy with an answer ask more questions, for more testing &/or a second opinion. Do your own research & go back with more questions. Be honest. Ask for help. Be flexible. Make the best decisions you can in the situation. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t beat yourself up if things don’t go the way you thought. Things/life happens. It’s how you pick yourself up & move forward again that matters. Find what works for you in regards to how & what you eat, what activity you do & so on. Research, cherry pick across many strategies & plans, test them out & adopt those which work for you. There is no one right way just what’s right for you. This journey isn’t a straight, flat road in one direction. There’ll be hills and valleys, rugged mountains & deep, wide rivers. There’ll be blind corners & round-abouts. You’ll face detours, delays & road works. Your destination may not be where you initially planned but it will be a wonderful, amazing & far better place to be than where you were before you started. And there will be many other fabulous destinations ahead of you.
  21. Had an appt with my Dietician and I am so irritated, like so bothered! I told her that I weight train 6x a week on top of cardio 6x a week. Went over how much I ate and what type of foods and she told me I am eating too much protein, and I need to stop drinking my proffee in the morning only have decaf coffee. She said I need to eat under 100g of protein even though I am weight training. I could not respond, I am not trying to be thin my goal is to get fit and shapely which is why I weight train. My multivitamins I have to adjust which I knew I needed to. I feel so discouraged by what she said, she told me that the 1000 cal is "ok". I asked what that meant, she said I am on the higher scale of what I should eat at 5months post op, I told her but I workout for an hour plus a day? If I ate less I would pass out from exhaustion. My post surgeon team completely left me to figure this all out on my own. I was supposed to have a 6 week and 3 month group appt which she asked why I didn't attend....I told her because your team never called me to set them up and I didn't know that was even a thing. So I have been on my own since week 2. I thought I was kicking ass and taking names, now I am so bummed. Just venting
  22. GreenTealael


    Adding my info! 1. Pre op weight, BMI or measurements 249-250 lbs BMI of 44 2. Surgery type VSG in 2017 then RNY in 2019 3. Lowest post op weight, BMI or measurements and when it occurred 150lbs BMI 27 around 1 year post op 4. Maintenance weight, BMI or measurements and when it occurred 155 lbs BMI 27 around 18 months post op 5. Bounces (up or down) in weight, BMI or measurements and when they occurred I can bounce up and down 5-10 lbs depending on the season but my lowest was a 20 lb drop during an E.Coli infection 6. Methods used to maintain and what has/has not worked What works for me: Weighing daily/weekly, spot checking calories, low cal/keto substitutes, 90% disciplined eating and 10% debauchery. What does not work for me: gym membership as motivation, unsustainable diets and GLP-1 meds (as of now) 7. How your life has changed (losing vs maintaining perspective) During the losing phase I was very rigid almost never went off plan, now everything I want can be worked into my plan and I’m more relaxed. 8. Words of wisdom/cautionary tales/stories of beating the odds Cautionary tale: Don’t suffer in silence with reflux, push for answers and relief. Absolutely never compare yourself to anyone else. Don’t guilt spiral after a little weight gain, try to correct it as soon as you notice. A small gain is very likely in our population after reaching your absolute lowest weight. I remember when I first joined there was a some chatter about being absolutely perfect or you’ll gain it all back and it made me really anxious. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and other tools from your team. We are not quite the same as the never obese population so our bodies may play by different rules. Word of wisdom: Document your journey if you can. I don’t really remember what it was like to be in my obese body anymore, I only vaguely remember feeling bigger. Have other goals apart from losing weight. Once the newness of WLS wears off you may want to continue the momentum of achievement. If you want plastics (and there are no obstacles beside fear) definitely go for it. The recovery can be tough but it completed the journey for me and others I know.
  23. I have 3 kids 12, 6 and 2. I did not tell them. The day that I went my mom stayed over and hubs and I told the kids that I had to go to the doctors because my stomach needed to get checked and fixed. Now all they see is that my eating habits have changed, and I workout every day. So they just think that I made a lifestyle change and got thinner that way. My oldest is my step son and his mom is very very body conscious and body shames? She struggles with her weight and has made comments how my daughter has slimmed down, or how the 12 has finally lost his baby weight and will barely eat. I nip that in the butt quick! I have to tell her that we cannot speak negatively in front of our kids, its going to cause a complex like we have. I grew up with my mom always talking about weight and she still does. I try my best to not surround our conversations on negative body image. I do home work outs 2-3x a week and sometimes with my daughter who is 6 asks to work out with me to get skinny, I tell her its not to get skinny its to get strong and stay healthy. So I try to just surround our convos around that. Its tough with kids!
  24. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    @Noelle74 congrats on your weightloss! @BlueParis you look great btw and thank God I’m not French! 😂 I can’t imagine living somewhere where I felt ashamed of myself constantly because of my weight….. not that I haven’t in the past here in the states but never consistently as you’ve described. It’s interesting bc I’m fairly educated and a registered nurse to boot and still managed to become obese even having a very extensive knowledge of nutrition. I feel like a lot of “skinny” people just think that fat people are lazy and have no self control when often that isn’t the reason (or at least the only reason we are fat). For me at least, my obesity is multi-faceted…. a) I love food, particularly yummy fattening food and sweets and I DO lack self control when it comes to overeating. See d) below lol b) I also have diagnosed PCOS which makes me insulin resistant so I don’t metabolize carbohydrates like a normal person and they make me gain weight fast as opposed to someone who isn’t insulin resistant. This just makes it difficult to maintain a healthy diet for me and others like me in the long term bc you almost have to steer completely clear of carbs ALL the time. And I mean most carbs….bread, fruit, etc. c) Like @NickelChip has pointed out, at least here in the states, its like you’re set up for failure from the get go if your busy……it’s soooo difficult to eat healthy on the go if you don’t prep ahead. Good luck “grabbing” something while you’re running around that’s easy, cheap and isn’t processsed to death and horrible for you lol. And I swear the food in European countries is better than here and less processed. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Who knows? d) I’m flat out a food addict……I have no doubt. I mentioned one time before, I was a heavy smoker until January. I only quit because my surgeon made me. lol. I have tons of alcoholics and drug addicts in my family. I’m someone that truly believes that addiction is partially genetic. My addiction just happens to be food and tobacco. Not to say that you can’t overcome this. It’s just something that is and another hurdle to jump. I mean who knows, maybe if I lived in France I’d be shamed into being skinny? But that just sounds like a miserable position to be in. I’m glad you’re getting tiny again @BlueParis so you don’t feel that way and for your health and cerebral palsy. For now I’m with @LisaCaryl and @NickelChip, I would like to be healthier and it would be nice to be able to buy clothes in the regular store/department and not the fat lady store. At 288# I had gotten to where I never wanted to leave the house bc I was ashamed of what I looked like. But I’m in an 18ish now and at least no longer feel like I have to hide my giant fat self inside anymore. So that’s definitely a win for me right!? @LisaCaryl keep us updated on your knee…..Hope it’s ok, you probably need an anti inflammatory but they’re harsh on the stomach so be careful! @RonHall908 I wish I was like you with your exercising! I envy that strength and drive you have bc I’m lacking that. I did however get my Pilates bar today and did the workout that @NickelChip posted. Now I just have to keep up with it. We’ll see 😉
  25. summerseeker

    Hubby said I can share this

    You both look so much younger. If we had, couple of the year like at weight watchers, you two would defo get my vote. Thank you for sharing, its made my day

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