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Found 2,209 results

  1. livetoride

    scared to gain weight

    <p>i was banded on June 5th this year and have not had a fill yet! my dr will not fill until 6 weeks post op. my appt is on the 19th of july and i cannot wait! I lost 16 pounds the first week and have not weighed my self since because i am scared i have gained since then. is this normal? do people tend to get less and less restrictionbetween fills? i feel as time goes on until the 19th i am able to tolerate and eat more and more! i am still eating less that i used to but i am starting to freak out!!! help!!!</p>
  2. ok my 1st fill i was filled to 4.2 (10cc band) and i lost 13.5 lbs...ok 2nd fill to 5.2 and OMG i've gained 7 almost 8 lbs...WHAT HAPPENED, that fill was 3 weeks ago, (i go for fill number 3 thursday) i was fine, i wasn't feeling hungry, i could go from 6 am to 9 pm and never eat, ( i did eat!) but i never felt hungry, i had lost about 7 1/2 pounds, and now i've gained that back, so now i weigh more than i did then when i went for the fill!!! i'm so embarrassed, like i don't wanna go for my fill, its so frustrating, i mean i know where i messed up i guess...i was going to the gym 5-6 days a week, and i cut down to 3-4, and now this past week i've been REALLY hungry, i mean i try will power like i had done with past diets, but its crazy i'm really hungry... i'm trying to talk to myself...like its not going to get any better with out a fill, so i have to go, but dang! i'm so upset!!! anyone else going thru this? need some words of encouragement, cause all i wanna do is sit here and eat! and THAT is NOT the way to handle this
  3. Alright, I'm kinda new around here and I just recently got filled so that I'm finally losing weight. In the last 3 and a half weeks I'm down almost 18 pounds (liquids, blenderized, soft, etc) and I've changed nothing in the way that I'm eating over the weekend. But now the scale went up 6 pounds since Friday. Now, could this huge weight increase be because I'm supposed to "start" pretty soon or what? I'm keeping track of all of my foods/calories/protein like I should be. I'm getting 1200 - 1500 cal. per day and 60 - 70 grams of protein a day. I'm only drinking water like I should be and I'm walking, like I should be. But it's just frustrating that after weeks of losing I started to gain some this weekend and of course, I go back to my doctor tomorrow. Could starting your period really cause that much of a weight (water, more than likely) increase? What can you do to help it along as well? Thanks!
  4. I had an accident and can't exercise until at least February. I am so close to my goal and so afraid of gaining 20 pounds before then. Anyone have any tips or help?
  5. I lost a lot of weight quickly but this week I am gaining. I am not eating a lot but the scale is moving up. I remember seeing a lot of people around week three hit a stall, but not a gain necessarily. I am wondering if this is because I am eating soups and I have sodium retention. How was your third week? Were you able to get it moving again, if so any tips?
  6. Comparing info... I asked my Dr. at our initial consultation if you can gain weight back after the sleeve? He told me the new stomach can not stretch more than 5%. At my psych eval, I mentioned that & the psychologist was floored; said he knew people that gained it all back after the sleeve! That scares me. Curious what others' bariatric surgeons told them about possibility of weight gain? My doctor, Dr. Kuhn, also sad the max. you could expect to lose is 80% excess body weight (on his web site, it says 70%).. Yet, on the forums, I see people who have lost more weight. Wondering if that is a rare occurrence? What did your Dr. Tell you?
  7. I had lap band surgery 11 days ago (7/10/2008). I was on a liquid diet for 4 days prior to my surgery. Between the liquid diet and the recovery after my surgery I lost 23 pounds. I have now gained 5 pounds back?? Has anyone else experienced weight gain prior to their first fill. I guess I am just confused and maybe even a little discouraged because I feel like I am not hardly eating yet gained weight. Can someone please tell me, is this normal, has anyone else experienced this? Does this mean I am going to fail? Prior to Sugery: 304 lbs :seeya: Today: 285 lbs :ihih:
  8. tsulli0128

    Weight Re-Gain

    Hello! I had my gastric sleeve 18 months ago. Now, I've regained 15 lbs. Of my weight. I'm concerned because I don't wanna go back to where I started. Help! Sent from my LGLS991 using the BariatricPal App
  9. Hi All I have been banded since September 2007. I weighed 235 pounds. Now almost 5 years later I am 194. I lost around 50 pounds in first 6 months. But after that try what I may the weight wouldnt budge. So I lost motivation. Only plus side was that I was eating healthy and trying to exercise regularly. I did maintain the weight for about 4 years but last year due to major life changes(change of country,job etc) I have put on around 15 pounds. I have found now another doctor to give me a fill and monitor my weight loss. I feel like a newly banded person now. Have lost 2 pounds in 5 days since being filled again. During barium swallow and all, it was discovered that by trying to push down food and drinking so much Water with my meals I have actually dilated my food pipe. :-( I repent my lack of self control. I want this post to be a message to anybody whose weightloss has plateaued to NOT GIVE UP. DONT GO BACK TO OUR SAME UNHEALTHY EATING HABITS. OR YOU WOULD END UP WITH TWO STOMACHS LIKE ME! Would appreciate all support...
  10. Hey guys, I need your help! I am a student in an experimental psychology class doing research on weight loss surgery. If you would like to participate please click the link below. Feel free to share the link! / https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/CNKNSMB
  11. I was sleeved on August 11. I lost 12lbs by first doctors visit which was Wednesday. Today I got on the scale and I've gained 2 lbs. Has this happened to anyone else?
  12. Hoping this thread could be a resource for anyone hoping to identify little things that add up to unwanted gains before they become a bigger problems ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ After WLS, I Gain A Little Weight When I ________
  13. I had surgery on Dec. 21, so I am about a month out. I lost about 5-7 lbs after the operation but I have gained it back. I feel like I have no restriction right now, I can eat pretty much anything I want, the amount of food I can consume really is upsetting (although still not as bad as before the operation). I have started exercising and feel good about that but I feel like a big loser that there are no results so far. I am hoping this is pretty common and when I get a fill it will help. Any advise or silmilar stories I really need any inspiration I can get. Corinne
  14. I had my sleeve done two weeks ago and lost 13 pounds in the first week. I weight myself today and I have put on 2 pounds, so it's an 11 pound loss in two weeks. I'm sure it's either water weight or a stall but I'm just wondering if that's something fairly typical this early on?
  15. Hi everyone ! I am baffeled by my body LOL. I had my surgery on Nov 15th and had a 2 week pre op diet . I have lost about 16 pounds ....mostly from pre op. I have started purees and some mushy foods on Thanksgiving and since then I have not dropped one pound and today the scale said actually up a pound! I am eating all of my protein and have been averaging in between 950-1050 calories. I should be losing in my head....what the heck is uo or am I doing something wrong!
  16. Knowing what to do after you have been sleeved is the best knowledging you can gain. Understanding what you can and cannot eat is vital for your successful weight loss. Before my Sleeve surgery, I did a lot of research and asked my doctor to advised me the best foods to eat and what was a must to stay away. For those of you who are going into this notion that after your sleeve surgery you can eat whatever you want. You are much mistaken. Foods that you were able to tolerate before such as leafy lettuce and a greasy hamburgers are not in your near future. White breads are hard to break down and are more difficult to swollow and digest due to the yeast. Pasta's are much the same as well. Potatoes are not as difficult to digest being they are soft and easy to swallow. Remember that in time, as your stomach heals and stretches some. ..many of the foods that you were not able to tolerate can now be digested more easily. The key to eating, is to eat slow, chew your food throughly and enjoy what you are eating. Gaining knowledge about your new stomach is the key to rapid and safe weight loss.
  17. I actually gained 7 lbs while in the hospital overnight!!! I am hoping it's just Water weight do to the IV. Did this happen to anyone else?
  18. I had my surgery on April 22nd. At first I seemed to be losing, but now I have put on a few pounds - I'm feeling like its water weight (I know I'm not drinking enough - but its so hard to get it down). I was on an anti-inflamatory for 2 1/2 years prior to the surgery (mobic - 15 mg - pretty strong). My legs are definitely looking puffier than prior to surgery. I also have a pulled hamstring (I think) and have had to take it somewhat easy with walking, but I am trying to walk a little more every day. When I spent more time in bed, my feet were elevated and they didn't get swollen - now they are feeling swollen - but not a tremendous amount. I'm thinking that the salt in the soup isn't helping - so yesterday I made my own. Has anyone experienced this? I go to my doctor on wed. I know I am eating about 800 - 1000 calories a day.
  19. I was banded 4 weeks ago. This past week I have gained 3 pounds! I have not cheated once! Here's what I ate yesterday (which is basically how I eat every day) and gained a pound Breakfast 1 egg 1 light laughing cow cheese Lunch 3 thin slices of ham with mustard (no bread) raw veggies Dinner 4 oz. of Salmon Afternoon Snack Pear 2 oz. cheese PLESE HELP! I am so frustrated and sad!!
  20. After meeting with the dietician and endocrinologist and being medically cleared for the lap band, I was told to start the Bariatric Surgery diet. Not the big, scary, 2-4 weeks of skim milk that is the Pre-Op Diet, but this is basically a low calorie, high protien, very balanced plan. I'm following it to a T and only mildly cheated once last week. I've lost 8 lbs and am feeling great so far. This morning, just for fun, I re-calculated my BMI and it's 35.2. I went into a little bit of a panic spin since my insurance requires a BMI of 35. I remember reading on here that some programs submit the inital weight, and my BMI was 38.6 so I would be good. Just to reassure myself, I emailed the program director. The surgeon, whom I will be setting up an appointment with on Monday, is the one who makes the final decision and THAT is the information that is submitted to insurance for approval. The dietician emailed me back and said to NOT go below my current weight, and I may need to put on just a pound or two to ensure my BMI is stable before it's submitted. So here I was, completely focus, in the ZONE, and now I have to gain a few pounds?! I don't like the sound of that at ALL!! I was feeling so great, really on a roll. I talked it over with my husband, and he said for me to give in tonight to my one craving, something I've talked about since I've been on this strict eating plan, so I had a Five Guys burger and fries. I feel SO SICK afterwards now!! I think it's a combination of mentally knowing I shouldn't have done it, and physically I haven't had a meal that heavy in a few weeks. I think now I will just add in some fruit or veggies to my mid-day snacks....
  21. I am 2 days post op. I have been on clear liquids for 3 days now, and full liquids for 5 days preop. Today i got on the scale and found that i had gained three and a half pounds which put me at the weight i was when i had my first consult with the surgeon exactly 1 week ago. I am getting very discouraged. Any body experience weigh gain? I had initially lost 3 and 1/2 pounds when i first started the full liquid diet.
  22. Im on reg foods now and i gained 2lbs! I read that until the first fill most people gain weight but its very discouraging! I feel like im doing something wrong.
  23. Concept57

    Gaining Weight?!

    I had my surgery June 28, had a full to 2 cc's late July and a 2nd fill 2 more cc's a week ago. I started at 170 but being 4'10 I needed to lose at least 50 lbs. I had lost a total of 25 lbs from pre-surgery diet until this week. Now somehow I've gained 1-2 lbs. how does this happen? What am I doing wrong?!
  24. I lost 22lbs the first week and a half then stopped now that I'm on soft foods I gained 2.5lbs back I'm completely dissapointed in myself did this happen to anyone else and then become okay again? I still haven't had my first fill & I want it ASAP!
  25. Just was wondering if others have a weight gain right after surgery. I know that it must be water weight but I gained 7 pounds! How quickly did you lose it? thanks for your response

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