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Found 554 results

  1. has anyone used doctor yau of slimband? im supposed to be banded nov 4th
  2. kkf1979

    Any Canadians out there?

    Hi there, i live in edmonton alberta. i have my surgery scheduled for the 7th of April at the slimband clinic in Toronto. How did ur surgery go?
  3. kyrasgrandma

    Help, I am so confused :(

    Thanks for the support everyone! Had a consultation with Slimband yesterday and another consultation with SWLC today. I am applying for financing on Monday and then I am booking my surgery appt with Dr. Cobourn at the SWLC in Mississauga, Ontario. Can wait to get this done! Lynn
  4. 1shauna1

    Anyone In The Gta

    Hey there! I was banded at Slimband in August 2010. I live in the Kitchener area currently and get my fills done there when I need them. PM me if you have any questions!
  5. sandy_s

    Anyone In The Gta

    Hi there! I got banded at slimband last month.
  6. In Ontario, my "fill nurse" does the fill while patients are standing up. She's very good....not matter what position the port is in, she manages to fill it in 1 try. Then we are sent to the waiting room to drink water. If we can't drink a cup in the next 20 minutes or so, she calls you back and de-fills a little bit. By the way, in Toronto, my surgeon, Dr. Yau, who works for Slimband, no longer stitches the port into place. I'm not sure why...I think it has to do with our body changing as we lose lots of weight. So our ports tend to move around....but rarely flip completely. Should it totally flip, the doctor can fix it with a local anesthetic and a local incision. Thanks for telling me about this method....I'll be prepared in case I try to get a fill in the Daytona area while I'm on holiday.
  7. diva2theband

    TLBC/Slimband Left in the Lurch?

    PS: if you input TLBC in google it defaults to Slimband. If you input TLBC.ca it defaults to the Slimband site with current information and posts with the tag line copyright TLBC 2012. IF this is truly the case then why are we being told that TLBC closed Nov 2008?
  8. Ontario... I can work with that. The biggest clinic in Ontario is the Surgical Weight Loss Centre in Mississauga and it has a very good reputation. It's probably your best bet because of its size. LAP-BAND®® Surgery Clinic | Weight Loss & Gastric Balloon in Toronto, Canada I go to CIBO in Toronto. Overall I give it a meh. I am not terribly disappointed but I'm not stunningly thrilled. LAP-BAND® Surgery Weight Loss Surgery Clinic Toronto | CIBO There are two other clinics in Toronto. Nobody I know has gone to the Yorkville one downtown and I haven't heard anything good about Slimband. Laparoscopic Band Surgery – (Gastric Band – Slimband) Again though, if you're just looking for fills you may have different priorities.
  9. Alex R.

    Anyone in Toronto?

    What is the message board like at SWLC? Does it follow a similar format to this forum? The slimband one is simply not very good. I think it could be much improved if they just made it function in a manner that is familiar to most users.
  10. Alex R.

    Anyone in Toronto?

    I was banded just over two years ago. BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE! Sorry for shouting, but I am happy every day since getting my life back. I check in with these message boards regularly, just to keep on top of things. I find it helps keep me on track. Where are you getting banded? I was at TLBC (now Slimband) and have had a very positive experience.
  11. When Slimband, took over, there was no contract sent to us. Since I was operated on by Dr. Joffe and Dr. Yau, we have to check our contracts for the TLBC. I will check my emails to see if there is any info. We were told verbally that they would continue to take care of us. I was also surprised to see that Nancy was no longer with them. Not sure what happened there.
  12. Thank GOD I am not the only one! TLBC did not dissolve they had to change the name due to a copyright infingement!!! I was banded in 2008. I was told the exact same thing during the time I was in the middle of a medical investigation. It is totally disgusting that they think they can do this. I was told that i had no furhter support as they just don't have the manpower. I paid 18,0000 for lifetime of support and adjustments. I was given a final FREE fill in December and going forward I would have to pay $200 for fills.. I called back to get some information from my file and was told that I had to pay $25.00 since my file was in archive and purged from the system. As for Nancy, the BEST nurse ever!!! SHE will always be the BEST and Sharon can suck eggs!! I know where she went and she can be easily found if needed. The government will never approve the band in my opion because it will never be successfull in comaprison to theother procedures. If anyone needs reliable adjustments I know where you can have them done by a credible nurse who worked for TLBC at a resonable cost. Now I havent had any adjustments because I not wan to void my warranty BUT as far as Slimband is concerend we have no warranty. I think it absolutely terrible how they have handled this whole situation. I was thinking of getting a new reoporter to do a story. THere were several done prior on the new owner of Slimband.
  13. Dr Yau has left Slimband...... article is at the National Post website today
  14. I don't think any elective surgeries are being booked right now as so many have been cancelled that they have a BIG backlog when they start up again... Also, no court cases are being held right now either. I have contacted a couple of lawyers and they never got back to me. Also, I was told not to go after Slimband but the maker OF the band as one went bankrupt and the other is still operating.
  15. His name is Dr. Patrick Yau. You can read about him in the article I posted. The article also quotes, "Credit Medical and Slimband director Michael Scot-Smith is a former developer who was convicted of real estate fraud and sentenced in 1993 to two years in jail. In 2000, he was convicted of obtaining bank loans under false pretenses. He didn't respond to Marketplace's requests for comment." I think Michael Scot-Smith is the person to go after as he's STILL collecting money through Credit Medical loans. He's the one with the money. Please read the article: https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/gastric-band-surgery-marketplace-1.4479735
  16. Hello all: Update about my Endoscopy procedure last two day ago: Melissa was right! My procedure was absolute went well and really quick. No pain during this procedure. However Dr. Hong did noticed i had inflammatory and infection cause the slimband. The Doctor did saw me puke after i took slip of water after the procedure. Best news is the surgical removal is next Monday! ( SO QUICK I KNOW!)
  17. RoseIvy! That's GREAT news. hmmmmm something seem very fishy. This doctor is also the NEW Medical Director, Staff Bariatric Surgeon at Slimband.. So if I understand this correctly they have set up adjustments through the surgeon at his clinic for $120 however if you want an adjustment at the clinic it will cost you $200. He also works at the Scarborough Hospital as surgeon Dr. Yau. I wonder if he would sign your consent form so you could go have your adjustments done by Sabrina at half the cost.
  18. dramamommy

    I am going to do this!!

    thanks for the response! I never thought of his "silence" as his way of letting me make the decision. Of course he is concerned about the whole thing, but he has also watched me do plan and after plan, lose the weight and put it back on. He knows how much of a struggle it is for me. I am working on the money aspect tomorrow and then I think hubby and I need to sit down and talk it out. I hope he follow your hubby's example and gets 100% behind me. I am going to need his support. But I also know that I am confident in my decision and ready to do this and do the work involved. It is such a journey already. It is always on my mind, and I always find myself coming here to read everyone's stories and get an idea of what lies ahead for me. I know most of you are from the US, but any Canada Slimbands or Alberta people out there, love to hear from you!
  19. after researching and reading the pros and cons, and going back and forth on my decision, I have decided I am going to do this! Get the Slimband (canada company) This week I am going to work out the money aspect and then I am moving forward with this decision, I am ready to do the work and I have faith that this is what has been missing over my 25 year battle with my weight!!! I love this forum and it has been my support as I make this decision, My hubby is being quiet on this one. not supportive or discouraging, Just quiet..... anyone else have this experience with their spouse??
  20. I want to get this Slimband removed does anyone have any information please help my email lauren.hayden.Stevens17@gmail.com
  21. One of the former directors of Slimband owns CreditMedical Inc. which is the loan company many of us got our $16,000 loans from in order to get banded. I don't think it would hurt to go after him as well since he gave us the loans fraudulently at a high interest rate for a faulty medical device. Report as to what you find out.
  22. I wish I had not gone through with getting my slimband as it was nothing but problems. Are you comfortable sharing how you went after them? Thank you
  23. see...this is a good reason why we need to stop using old threads to post new questions. I don't think Heather realized that she was responding to a post from August 2006!! I took HD Gloria's question out and posted it in a new thread for reply. Same thing with the TLBC and Slimband threads. There have been extraneous discussions that aren't specific to tlbc/slimband .....for example one about body buggs, that perhaps could be the subject of a separate thread.
  24. Vicki-Sue

    Not quite here yet

    Hi Doddie, I appreciate your responce and input. The more I read the better I understand that this is going to be a lot of work but well worth the while I believe. You are right, there will have to be a change in my eating habits but it is my hope that Slimband will indeed be the right tool for me. Thanks again. Vicki
  25. Hello, I'm a retired teacher living in rural Ontario. I was first banded in 2002 in Toronto, at Scarborough Grace Hospital by Dr. P. Yau. I received an Inamed lapband. (Inamed was later bought out by Allergan.) Although many had much luck with the Inamed band, some, like me, had disconnection issues -- that it, the connecting tube disconnects from the band itself. I disconnected 4 times in the space of 9 years.....each time my doctor had to re-operate to reconnect me. After my fourth disconnect, my doctor, who now works only for The Slimband Clinic in Toronto, replaced my faulty band with a new Slimband lapband on November 8th, 2011. I have just had my first fill. Before my first disconnect, I lost 76 pounds and managed to barely get below 200 lbs. But with all the disconnections and the waiting times to be re-connected, I gained back 34 lbs of the 76. So I am really excited to be back on my weight loss journey again. I will be in Florida from Jan-mid March...and looking for a fill doctor in the Daytona. area. Thanks. Julie.

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