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Found 738 results

  1. I share this story in hopes that it may help someone to never pick up a drink after weight loss surgery or to at least be hyper-vigilant about the dangers of drinking post weight loss surgery. I was sleeved in August of 2015 @ 310 pounds. I Quickly lost most of the weight needed (lost over 100 pounds) and began running 5k. Not really setting the world on fire, but it was really good for me. I got down to a respectable 190 pounds. Prior to surgery, I had always enjoyed drinking with friends. Typical guy stuff - couple beers @ a football game or watching the game on Sunday, meeting for drinks after work, etc. Never an issue or problem. Never anything that i had to have. My doctor warned me against alcohol, sodas, and transfer addictions, but I thought "NEVER ME !". Wow, was I ever wrong. I remember the first couple times I had a beer after the surgery (I waited 6 months), it was very fizzy and uncomfortable. I convinced myself that it would get easier, and unfortunately it did. Next came the rum and coke zero. Wow, that tastes great, and I get a buzz very quickly. That fast buzz turned into getting very drunk, very quickly. Our new bodies absorb the alcohol in 1/2 the time that a normal internal system would. Over the last couple yeaars there have been many episodes of drinking way to much, blacking out, and not remembering what happened. I have had to apologize for my behavior more than once after a night of drinking. I even started drinking every day. I would make a drink as soon as I got home each day. 1 turns into 2 or 3. Just like lays potato chips you can not have just 1. Alcohol consumed my every thought. When can I have a drink? How can I make sure I can get a drink? It amazed me how I was able to justify that if Creamer was good in my morning coffee, how great would Rumchatta be (it's damn good, by the way). I am living proof that transfer addiction is a real thing. I am now in counseling for my alcohol addiction. Transfer addiction is definitely a real thing. Prior to VSG surgery I was over 300 pounds because I had an addiction to food, and all the wrong kinds of food. My new addiction is alcohol and it's best friend is food addiction. what goes with beer = chicken wings, or nuts and pretzels, what goes with a margarita = tacos, etc. Alcohol also makes it impossible to lose weight. So if you are really dedicated to clean eating but you drink, your weight may stay the same, but it surely will not go down. I have packed on 60 lbs of the 120 that I lost. And, I am slowly changing behaviors to get back to where I want to be. Addiction is sacrificing everything for that one thing ! Recovery is sacrificing that 1 thing to have everything !
  2. After being banded can you drink alcohol in moderation? Please can someone advise. I believe that beer is a no no, because of the yeast.:help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help::help:
  3. This will not go over well... I have no two week diet to follow. My Kaiser surgeon wants only a 24 hour clear liquid diet and 3 tbsp milk of magnesia. No restrictions for the week prior at all, except no smoking. So, on Friday and Saturday before my Monday surgery, there is a huge event I'm attending. Husband has already stocked up on all the vodka for us. I will follow the Sunday diet absolutely, but I'm wondering about my drinking alcohol 48 hours prior??? I've read everything they've sent me and nothing says no booze. I will ask Friday at my preop appointment for sure, but I'd like to hear if anyone here had some drinks 2 days before their surgery? Google showed me some patients that had a "last celebratory" drink a couple days before, etc...but had anyone here had their surgeon not give that guideline or restriction? I have an idea of what I might do. Partake on Friday and maybe a bloody mary Saturday morning, then nothing the rest of the day, and of course the Clear liquids Sunday. Thank you for your input.
  4. alexmcintyre

    Alcoholic Drinks

    Hi Everyone! Does anyone have any alcohol suggestions that are the best option for my situation? I know your tolerance is basically gone post op but I just turned 21 years old so alcohol free is a little harder than anticipated. I do not like michelob ultra (My mom was sleeved 6 years ago and this is her drink of choice). Please drop suggestions!! HW 240 SW 232 CW 203 (6Weeks out)
  5. I'm going to a celebration and would like to have a few sips. I know I will need to be careful as there will only be mushies in my system, but is this allowed?
  6. pdphillips

    Sugar Alcohol In Items

    I had lapband with plication in May 2012. I am having STRONG cravings esp certain times of the month for sweets. How does the sugar alcohol affect the carb count???
  7. foxymomma


    I rarely drink. I live near a moonshine store and recently on girls night out, we sampled the shine. I was VERY buzzed!!! I've noticed I can drink very little and get pretty drunk...but then I sober up very very fast. I'm usually sober by the time my girlfriends are getting buzzed. Does the alcohol hit your bloodstream faster??? I thought it only did this to gastric bypass people
  8. I've seen people post about having wine a few months out but I don't drink wine. I use to have 1 Long Island and be really buzzed so I won't drink that but when can I have a mixed drink? I'm 2 1/2 months out. Sent from my iPhone using VST
  9. amysantoro

    Alcohol With Lapband

    So here's my question, I just had my lap-band surgery 4 days ago. My husband and I are going away mid September for our 10 year wedding anniversary. At that time I will be on my second week of soft food and 4 weeks post-op. I hate that I won't be able to drink any alcohol. Besides getting really drunk on a sip or 2 what else could happen?
  10. rollargirl


    When did people first have a drink and what was it? I'm 6 weeks and dying to go for a night on the town and try a drink ... Thanks
  11. Kiki Green


    How long before you can have alcohol and what has everyone found the most tolerable?
  12. Hey guess, i am out of town so can't ask my Bariatric team. How long after surgery did you guys wait to have a drink?? I want one drink just to relax... Just curious??
  13. Hi everyone need some advice! I officially start a 8 day strictly liquid pre op diet on August 3rd for surgery the 11th... Is it safe to drink alcohol this weekend before the pre op diet starts? I'm in Chicago on a little trip and my doctor never said anything about alcohol before the pre op diet starting but wanted to hear any one else's opinion on the matter. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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