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Found 17,501 results

  1. A few weeks from post-op, other than feeling pain and nausea I think I'm feeling pretty upbeat which is odd for me...

  2. ripburn

    Protein cereal

    I want to try the Three Wishes Cocoa cereal. https://store.bariatricpal.com/products/three-wishes-grain-free-cereal?variant=41747824574646
  3. I have been going through the process of the bariatric program since January so it's about to be a full year. My surgery was originally supposed to be in July but the doctor's office screwed up my paperwork so insurance denied it. They were very dismissive and acted like it wasn't there fault but it was. They left out my psych evaluation so it was denied. I was so turned off that I went to another surgeon but couldn't schedule mine until December 28th. Now I'm a little more than a week away from surgery and on Day 5 of liquid diet but they do not communicate with me at all. No one even scheduled my pre-op testing. I have been emailing and calling my surgeon's office since last week to ask a question about if I had to stop certain medications and about certain protein shakes I'm allowed to drink. They never respond to me. Today I was told that the Physician Assistant is on vacation and the coordinator is out sick so I feel like I'm just left out here alone with no help. It makes me concerned about post-op care as well if they can just dismiss me because someone is out sick or on vacation. I can't help but feel like these are signs from the universe not to do the surgery. Am I crazy for giving up on this and just trying to take Wegovy instead to help me lose weight?
  4. Hi y'all! I have my surgery (AHHHHH!) scheduled for this upcoming TUESDAY! Today is Friday. I have NOT yet purchased my vitamins. I have the paper sitting in front of me. I've attached a picture since I'm confused about the second column (regimen). I need to take a bariatric supplement that has calcium & B-12. Some of them have iron in them already. Can someone help explain what the second column means? I'm SUPER worried about the hair loss aspect...I was told that the BEST vitamins on the market are the Bariatric Advantage Advanced EA Multivitamin. What vitamins do you recommend as a first time surgery patient? I know the above ones I mentioned are the most expensive, but I was told they're the best of the best...is that true?
  5. catwoman7

    Weight loss stall

    there are 17,501 posts here on Bariatric Pal about the infamous "three-week stall" (it often strikes the third week after surgery, but not always - it can be the second week - or fourth - or fifth - but in any event, it hits most of us very soon after surgery. And no, I am NOT kidding about there being 17,501 posts on it. Here they are: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three-week stall best thing to do is just make sure you're following your program - and then stay off the scale for a few days. As long as you're following your program, the stall WILL break. It usually takes 1-3 weeks. And just so you know, this is likely the first of many stalls..
  6. catwoman7

    Detox after gastric bypass

    I think all traces of pot pretty much leaves your body within about two weeks - I don't think it's necessary to detox for that to happen. I'd eat the protein - your body needs it - esp after bariatric surgery. EDITED to add this. Just found it on WebMd: If you’re a chronic user, more THC will build up and remain in your body. That’s because your body can only break down THC at a specific rate. Your body stores the excess THC in your fat cells. More frequent marijuana use means a longer time for THC to leave your system. Here are the average detoxification times: One-time use: one to three days Moderate use (three times a week): five to seven days Daily use: seven to 14 days Heavy use: 14 to 90 days
  7. Hi! I had VGS on 8/23/23. 4 weeks from surgery TODAY! I feel great. The past few days have been weird, though. I can't eat or drink as much as I have been able to the past 2 weeks. I used to be able to somewhat easily get down a protein shake in 30 minutes. Now it takes me a few hours. Does that sound right? I don't feel sick or anything. It just feels like I am going backwards. Should I be concerned about this? Anyone had similar experiences? Thanks for your help!! Melanie
  8. Hi everyone. I was a cash pay in Vegas for gastric sleeve. They haven’t really followed up and I keep having to ask them for more info. They seem really relaxed about everything (outpatient surgery). I asked when I can exercise and he said I can begin anything I want now and I am only three weeks out. I’m just wondering if anyone else has been told that? I see 6-8 weeks most places.
  9. catwoman7

    Time off work?

    I took three weeks off (desk job) but could have gone back after two. I was pretty tired the first few weeks after surgery, though...
  10. catwoman7


    1) you're experiencing the extremely common "three-week stall". Happens to most of us within the first month or so of surgery, usually (but not always) the 3rd week, hence, the name. It typically lasts 1-3 weeks before breaking 2) the gain is almost certainly water or very full intestines. Give it a couple of days and it should be gone.
  11. Hi, I had my surgery a little over a month ago and just had two small stuffed squash with beef and a tiny bit of rice. I ate the first one thinking I'll feel the restriction and felt nothing, I went in for the second one and had a couple sips of water (I know I need to wait 30 min) but I feel fine. I think I might be full but I can't really tell. I feel satisfied but I know if I want I can more in and that's not something I want to do. Anyone felt this before. Not too much restriction after the surgery.
  12. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    I'm on a three week stall in weight. I'll weigh twice a week. I'll be down a pound or two. The next time I weigh. I'll be up a pound or two. Just hovers. I think im stalling because of my daily workout, the victory on the scale isn't happening to my liking. But overall I do feel better. Next week is my 3 month post-op appointment. Hopefully the blood tests reveal why I've been so exhausted. Just keep plugging away, it's a marathon. At least that's what I keep telling myself.
  13. I was prescribed 600 mg a day of ursodiol to prevent gallbladder problems beginning today at 3 weeks. Each capsule is 200 mg. If you had similar RX, did you spread out taking throughout the day or take all at once? Just wondering if my pouch can absorb all three capsules at one time. Thank you for any advice on this. I’ll call my nurse today but it often takes them a long time to respond.
  14. BigZ

    Not Enough Calories

    At the 6 month mark, I was eating between 6-700 calories a day and I noticed I was slowing to 1 pound per week, which was still good, but then I bumped up to around 1000 calories a day the last three weeks. I have lost 3.2 per week the last two weeks. So not sure if eating more helped, but eating more (which is hard to do without eating junk) seems to have helped.
  15. TransformingTana

    I want solid foooooooood!!!!

    I'm with you there! I'm currently day 8 post-op, and was also on an all liquid diet two weeks before surgery too. Been three weeks since I've had solid food of any kind and I want real food so badly. Thankfully I meet with my surgeon soon, hopefully he approves me to transition to soft foods.
  16. Feeling a little sad today because a few weeks ago I had a call from the surgeon's office and they had a last minute opening on November 20 because of a cancellation. I am not scheduled until December 27, which is way later than I had expected when I started all this. My "ideal" date in my head had been November 13. I was so ready to jump at the chance, but I just couldn't make it work. As soon as I mentioned it to my mom, instead of being supportive, she had all sorts of reasons why I shouldn't move the date. Some were valid, like my teen daughter has a special (but not super special) thing going on later in the week that I would probably have to miss, and others were less valid, like she didn't feel ready and it might ruin everyone's holidays. Um, excuse me? It's not about her! And how would I single handedly ruin both Thanksgiving AND Christmas for my entire family by having a surgery? But she had informed me when I first got the December date that she planned on getting a hotel near the hospital and staying that night to be nearby, despite the hospital only being about 40 miles away from home. I didn't ask her to do that, but that's her plan, so there you go. She didn't ask me if I felt ready now, or what the wait through the holidays felt like for me with the surgery looming. So that was the part that hurt. I felt like I was having to make sure everyone else was okay with my choices instead of me, which is a theme in my life for sure. Don't get me wrong, my parents have been there for me so many times, and I don't want to sound ungrateful. But this really made me sad that what I wanted simply didn't factor in. Basically, I passed on what felt like a dream come true to get that call, and I've had to reconcile myself to it as best I can. I've found some silver linings, like more time to clean my house and test some recipes. But if I hadn't, I would be on my pre-op diet now (my surgeon only does a short liquid diet beforehand, so a Monday surgery starts the pre-op diet on Saturday morning). Instead, I'm getting ready to make dinner for myself and the kids, and I still have 39 days to go...

    1. New To This23

      New To This23

      I can relate to the parent's situation. I am 42 and still struggle with pleasing them. Yet they do whatever they want with no concern for how it affects anyone else, so why do I feel so obligated to them? I wish I had some advice that could help. One thing I have tried to do is stop sharing things with them that I really don't want to hear their opinion on. (like the business I am starting)

      Like with this surgery, I knew I was going to need their help getting to the appointments and back from the surgery, so I knew I had to tell them. But I did not tell them until I was almost at the point of getting surgery that I was doing this.

      I got hard judgment from my father, which I expected, I made him promise not to share this with his brothers (who are assholes) I told him whether he likes it or not I am an adult and I deserve respect and privacy especially when it concerns my health. (he begrudgingly agreed)

      My mom on the other hand was supportive, but she has the tendency to add some dramatic flair about everything. her typical M.O. is to pop onto social media and rattle on about how something that is not happening directly to her, is affecting her ( I get it there no talking to the man she married about this stuff, so it's nice to have someone to listen).

      I know they both struggled with trying to respect my wishes, they looked shocked when I told them that if I lived somewhere else, I would not have even told them I was having this surgery.

    2. NickelChip


      I'm glad your father did agree to respect your privacy by not sharing with your family. And I guess I should be glad my mom keeps the dramatic flair off of the socials!

      I'm both lucky and unlucky that my brother had VGS 15 years ago. On the one hand, my mom understands the concept and has seen my brother's good results from it, (we inherited the obesity from my father's side, and Mom has never dealt with more than those pesky 10 lbs average weight people always want to lose). On the other hand, my brother took exactly the opposite approach from me. He didn't live near family and told no one, had no support. He went to Mexico as self-pay and didn't say a word until about 4 weeks after when he was having some serious emotional struggles, living alone, and compounded by the fear of realizing that to get family support, he had to "confess." So his recovery was very different than what I anticipate for me. But because of all that, my mom definitely sees this as a "REALLY BIG DEAL." Which it is, but not the level she's at with it. Like, it's not an open heart surgery being performed in 1982, or experimental cancer treatment. I've also noticed that as my mom ages, she takes change a lot harder. She doesn't have the mental flexibility anymore to make an instant change of plans and roll with it, whereas I do that probably a dozen times a day.

      I'm grateful for their help, but it comes at a price.

  17. Hey everyone! I'm 4 weeks out as of yesterday, and I've mostly been feeling great. However, I got my period 4 days ago. At first, my weight loss stopped. Then, it even went up 2 pounds. Is this...normal? I've been on track with my water and protein, been following dietary guidelines to a T, and I haven't been exceeding 500-600 calories a day. How on earth did I gain 2 pounds? Is it because of my period? Trying really hard not to panic. 😞
  18. Hi All, I had a sleeve revision to mini bypass 4 weeks ago. I had a brief period of relief from the acid reflux (due to GERD) but now it is back. I am taking a PPI every PM and find I wake in the middle of the night with a burning bile sensation. I chew a few tums. Also during the day, I don’t have much of an appetite (yay) but I find that if I don’t eat every 3 hours or so, the burning returns and I can taste bile. Has anyone had this? I had really hoped this revision would be the end all for this issue and I was so optimistic but now I’m almost worse off than before the surgery…….
  19. Roux en y, 12/20/23, 5’6” currently on first full week of liquid fast down to 253, from starting 263 original dr visit. Surgeon, Dr, Meagan P. Lundgren, Dubois PA, counting down the days…in ketosis feeling the symptoms and experiencing awful odors. Pew!

  20. Fred in Pa

    Stomach flu recovery time?

    Thank you… I went to Dr and was given antibiotics. I must have ingested a bacteria. Feel much better after three days on the antibiotic.
  21. Are you sure it’s the same one? On their site it’s $39.99 for Three month supply and cheaper if you sign up for autoship.
  22. Roux en y, 12/20/23, 5’6” currently on first full week of liquid fast down to 253, from starting 263 original dr visit. Surgeon, Dr, Meagan P. Lundgren, Dubois PA, counting down the days…in ketosis feeling the symptoms and experiencing awful odors. Pew!

  23. catwoman7

    Down Time

    I took three weeks off but could have gone back after two. I know a few people who were back at work after a week, though. If you have a desk job, unless you're having a hard time recovering, you'll probably be able to go back earlier than someone who has a really active job, so yes, the type of job is a factor..
  24. You’re doing awesome!! I wouldn’t worry about 2 lbs. That can fluctuate from one day to the next or even throughout the day. I can not wait to be where you’re at!! I’m watching that line to get into the 29th percentile and sooooo close!! I’m at 186lbs today three weeks post op.
  25. Hi Team! I realize that stalls are inevitable, but I am having some trouble determining if I am in a stall that I need to just wait out, or if I need to change something up. Background: I just hit 8 months post-op. Stats are in my info box. I have been sitting at 174 pounds for three weeks. I had been losing a pound or more per week at around 900 calories per day, Protein at 100G and carbs under 100 g. That is around the time I hired a personal trainer, upped my weight training (free weights now and four days a week), my steps, and my calories (1200 or so per day). The increase in calories was at the recommendation of the trainer, who also recommended increasing carbs to 138 (most days I don't get above 110). I know the level weight is not due to increase in muscle mass---too soon. So....what are your thoughts? Stick with calories or go back down to 900-1000? Thank you in advance for any reassurance or guidance. (And I emailed my surgery team three days ago...waiting to hear back).

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