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Found 1,401 results

  1. deedadumble

    carbs and sweating

    From my research, reactive hypoglycemia is pretty common about 18-24 months after WLS. I have it and noticed it mainly at night when I would have a carb snack with my evening meds. I have to have a small amount of protein with every snack and meal.
  2. CHART 1 Correlation of nutrient deficiency and its cutaneous repercussions NUTRIENT Biotin Alopecia, glossitis, keratosis pilaris, periorificial dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis and erythroderma Copper Depigmented and thinning hair, alopecia, delayed wound healing Iron Pallor, koilonychia, glossitis, alopecia Selenium Delayed wound healing, psoriasis, skin cancer Vitamin A or Retinol Xeroderma, acne, brittle hair, and keratotic follicular papules most commonly in the anterolateral surface of thighs and arms, which may spread to the extensor areas of the upper and lower limbs, shoulders, abdomen, dorsal region, buttocks and neck; phrynoderma Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin Mucositis, lip and angular cheilitis, glossitis, xerosis, seborrheic dermatitis, scrotal and vulvar eczema, erythroderma and toxic epidermal necrolysis. Vitamin B3 or Niacin Pellagra, photosensitive dermatitis in symmetric areas, cheilitis, glossitis. Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid Purpura, leukotrichia, seborrheic dermatitis, angular stomatitis and glossitis. Burning feet syndrome. Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine Seborrheic dermatitis, glossitis, oral mucosa ulceration, lip and angular cheilitis, photosensitive pellagra-like lesions Vitamin B9 or Folic acid and B12 or Cobalamin Lip or angular cheilitis, Hunter's glossitis; diffuse, symmetric hair and mucocutaneous hypo-and hyperpigmentation Vitamin C or Ascorbic acid Poor wound healing, keratosis pilaris, perifollicular petechiae, ecchymosis, purpura, brittle hair, scurvy (gingivitis, bleeding gums, keratosis pilaris), Sjogren-like syndrome Vitamin D Atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, skin infections, acne, autoimmune cutaneous diseases and skin cancer. Vitamin E Atopic dermatitis, acne. Vitamin K Purpura, petechiae, ecchymosis, hematoma Zinc Acrodermatitis enteropathica (alopecia, acral and periorificial symmetric, erosive and eczematous rash), dry, brittle and thinning hair, delayed wound healing, paronychia, stomatitis, psoriasiform dermatitis, blepharitis, angular cheilitis, vitiligo-like lesions Protein Aged appearance, erythematous or hypopigmented lesions most evident in flexure areas; hyperchromic lesions with smooth, fissured or erosive surface; brittle, slow growing nails, onychomadesis; follicular hyperkeratosis, pale extremities accompanied by edema; dry, brittle, dull, and thin hair, with brownish-red color before becoming grayish-white, flag signal with alternating dark and light stripes in the hair; angular cheilitis, xerophthalmia, stomatitis, vulvovaginitis
  3. Crosby

    Starting to worry...

    Dizzy spells could be reactive hypoglycemia ...if you eat heavy on the carbs. As the previous poster mentioned start exploring new foods. This is the time to be devoting a whole new way of eating. You may be grieving and comparing foods to old processed, high fat, and or sugar choices and bottom line newer and healthier foods aren't initially glamorous at first. Use spices etc...and over time you will see a difference. Even though I am newly postoperative I lost 130 pounds and kept it off until a injury. I learned to savor foods I never thought I would like. Also check out this blog..she has wonderful ideas..... The World According To Eggface.
  4. Dyros

    Any Type 1 diabetics here?

    I found after the operation that I could only use sugar in forms of liquid for my hypo's as I couldn't eat sweet food quick enough and it would make me feel sick, so I have apple juice cartons and small glucose ( liquid) with me for my hypo's
  5. tallysfunny

    Im about to faint

    I'm fortunate to work at a hospital so I just had my hemoglobin checked. My HGB was 14.5. I'm going Monday for a bigger gamut of lab tests for my 5/1 appointment with my primary. Not really sure what's going on but I did read about something that is making me think I am experiencing this. Reactive hypoglycemia. Happens in 15% of people that have some kind of stomach surgery. We shall see. I will post about what they say.
  6. Thanks everyone for your fantastic suggestions! We went with these Mantras to start: SHE BELIEVED SHE COULD SO SHE DID STRIVE FOR PROGRESS NOT PERFECTION EVERY JOURNEY BEGINS WITH A SINGLE STEP Inspire Hand Stamped Stackable Bracelets are a personal reminder of the commitment you’ve made to yourself and your weight loss surgery journey. When you glance down and see those meaningful words on your wrist, you’ll be reminding yourself of what you want for yourself and your journey. Feel the empowerment and motivation of the choices you’re making for your life, inspire yourself today and every day! These cuffs are 1/4" wide and 6in. in length. Perfect for most wrist sizes. These stunning bracelets were custom designed and handcrafted for BariatricPal by artist Miranda Semmerling. Proudly made in the USA! Silver Bracelet Details: The Silver Inspire Hand Stamped Stackable Bracelet is crafted from 12 gauge Aluminum, lightweight & sturdy along with a great alternative to silver. We used 1100-0 commercially pure food safe aluminum. This is pure aluminum & is less reactive to one's skin than sterling silver. The aluminum is smooth on the ends so it won't cut your wrists when putting on & each is tumbled for a shiny finish. Hypoallergenic will never tarnish or turn the skin green. Very low maintenance. The supplier we use gets the aluminum from mills ONLY found in the USA and he's a Veteran! Rose Gold and Gold Bracelet Details: Our Rose Gold Inspire Hand Stamped Stackable Bracelet is crafted from Copper. Our Gold Inspire Hand Stamped Stackable Bracelet is crafted from Brass. Copper and Brass are warm metals that will naturally tarnish over time. Individuals can either let the natural patina take over or they can keep it shiny by using any polishing cloth. The Copper and Brass is 16 gauge, very sturdy, rounded smooth ends so it won't cut your wrists & tumbled for a shiny finish. You can purchase these gorgeous hand stamped stackable bracelets in the BariatricPal Store at https://store.bariatricpal.com/products/inspire-hand-stamped-stackable-bracelets . Use the following coupon code at checkout to save $5 off your Inspire Hand Stamped Stackable Bracelet: INSPIRE5OFF (Expires in 30 days!)
  7. James Marusek

    20 months out exhausted

    Fainting, tremors and weakness can be signs of low blood sugar. Several individuals that underwent RNY gastric bypass surgery experience a type of hypoglycemia called "Reactive Hypoglycemia". Here is one link about this condition but you can search for other links on the internet. https://www.ridgeviewmedical.org/services/bariatric-weight-loss/enewsletter-articles/reactive-hypoglycemia-postgastric-bypass/
  8. I had my sleeve April 4 in June I had an episode in a grocery story were I passed out. The episode happened twice in about a 45 min period. Went to the hospital all tests were normal. I chalked it up to waiting to long to eat but followed up with my primary care. She did a 3 hour glucose test and found within an hour my insulin level went from 10 at fasting to 211, for those not aware that's and unheard of level, which she has seen one other time and that was in someone who had also had Bariatric surgery but she was 2 years post op not 3 months. She put me on metformin hoping to regulate and I ate about every 3 hours. I thought it was takin care of until out of nowhere I had another episode a few weeks ago and have felt pretty poorly since. I can never catch a sugar drop at least not at levels I believe should make me pass out. I get a continuous glucose monitor this week to wear for a week and have an endocrinologist appt at the end of the month. I can't find much research on this issue but my doc did give me an article about it. Essentially your body thinks its starving so it over reacts to food it gets producing too much insulin dropping your blood sugar ( sort of reactive hypoglycemia but a more intense reaction). And can actually cause your pancreas to grow. I am so pumped about my weight loss ( 80 lbs in 5 months) but I did this to be healthier too and I have followed surgeons/ nuts instructions to a T and feel very discouraged by this development. Has any one else experienced this? Essentially it's nothing I am doing wrong it's just a negative reaction my body has decided to have following surgery. But again not much research out there so I thought maybe some of you may have insight.
  9. Who'sThere

    My Journey--Part 1

    As requested by one of my favorite fellow teachers, I am going to outline my journey through this process. Other than researching the surgery, my first step was visiting my primary care physician, Dr. Mark DalleAve. (This was around June 2008, I believe.) I was reluctant to ask him about the surgery because he tends to be very conservative. I feared he would want me to try more traditional methods--again. Surprisingly, that was not the case. He said he thought I would be a good candidate for the surgery and sent me for some preliminary bloodwork he knew would be required. The bloodwork revealed that everything was basically okay with the exception of my thyroid. I can never remember whether mine is hyper or hypo. I just know that the number on my bloodwork print out was higher than it should've been. I think the highest it should be is like 4.5 and mine was 9 something. Either way, he put me on synthroid for two months, and I had to be rechecked after that. The medicine worked well. My levels were down to 2 something when rechecked. As I said before, my other tests were "basically okay." However, as I researched the results and what they meant, I realized that I am VERY close to being a diagnosed diabetic. That was another real wake up call for me. I do NOT want to become diabetic and have to handle all the problems that come with that. This gave me even more determination to do this and make it work. After my thyroid was under controll with medicine, the doctor was ready to refer me to the surgeon. This is where the waiting game started again. (I was already disappointed by having to wait months on the thyroid tests.) It took nearly two weeks for me to even hear from the surgeon. (This surgeon had been recommended by the nurses at Dr. DalleAve's office because he said they knew more about who was good than he did.) When I did hear back from this surgeon, there was a huge packet of information for me to complete and they wanted a "Program Fee" of $150 before they would make my appointment. When I asked questions of the receptionist, she answered everything, but she didn't offer any information on her own. I was unimpressed. I was a little unsure if this was the surgeon I wanted to see, so I did a little more research on this website as well as others online. I called the office of Doctors Watson and Hodge in Johnson City, TN, and I'm very glad I did. The receptionist was happy to answer my questions and offered additional information on the expertise and experience of the surgeons. I had to wait nearly three months for an appointment, but they gladly made me an appointment. I met with Dr. Hodge for the first time on Dec. 17, 2008. (In the meantime I did have quite a lot of paperwork to complete but not nearly as much as requested by the other surgeon. All of this questions actually seemed relevant.) In the time while I had to wait for my appointment, I decided to do everything I could to prepare. I contacted my insurance company to find out exactly what requirements I would have to meet to qualify for the surgery. (I already knew it was a covered benefit.) I met every criteria, but I was disappointed to learn that I would have to undergo a 6 mo. doctor supervised diet before surgery. When starting this journey, I hoped to have the surgery in early 2009. At every turn I realized it would take longer and longer, and it seemed like it would take forever. I also found that I would have to attend four seminars on the lap band as required by my surgeon. I attended two of these in October, and I plan to attend the other two soon. At the October seminars, I learned that I would have a few more hoops to jump. December 17 came more quickly than I imagined. At that visit, I was given a list of my homework and directions for starting my 6 mo. diet. All my homework will be "due" by my 7th appointment, which will also be the end of my sixth month diet and my preop appointment. For my homework, I have to have statements from my primary care doctor once per year from 2004-2008 with my height and weight listed. This is to show my five year history of obesity. (No problem there; I was obese even as the captain of my high school cheerleading squad.) These records can be from any visit; it doesn't have to be a weight-related visit. I also have to have an EGD, which I have scheduled for my spring break. I do NOT have to have an ultrasound of my gall bladder because I had that removed in 2004. I also have to have a letter from Dr. DalleAve stating that he "recommends" me as a candidate for the surgery, a letter from myself to my surgeon stating why I want to have the surgery and what I expect, a visit to a nutritionist, and a visit to a psychologist. The surgeon's office was very helpful in recommending psychologists, and they actually offer complimentary visits to a nutritionist at the local mall's health services center. This is in addition to the seminars which I mentioned previously. I know this may sound like a lot of homework, but I have six months to do it, so I don't think it will be bad. The last thing I have done is my second visit to the surgeon. I didn't see him, but I saw his nurse practioner instead. She was very helpful and encouraging. I lost 5 pounds on the first month of my 6 mo. diet. I was apologetic that I hadn't lost more, but she was quick to let me know that any loss was a good loss. My next appointment is in a few weeks, and by that time I hope to have more of my "homework" completed. I will post again after that, if not before. Until then, wish me luck and let me know if you have any questions.
  10. vballmom

    At The End of My Rope

    tizzylish My co-morbidities were, high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, hypo-thyroid, bad back & knees. I have lost 82 pounds, I now take less medication. Exericse for the bad knees & back try water aerobics. I know you don't want to be in a swim suit in public but it does burn a lot of calories and is easy on the knees and back. There used to be a thread on this site that list the insurance companies and stories of people & the problems and successes of getting approved. Hang in there.
  11. aliceinthegardenofpearl

    PLEASE HELP! Been in Plateau for 4 months!

    I don't understand it myself and it's very frustrating to put so much effort and work into it and not see any results. It makes me break down and cry sometimes but I keep going. But I will tell you that I stick to 700-860-some calories a day. Sometimes I'll make it to 900. I write EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth in a food journal and I mean EVERYTHING. Ever since I stalled back in July I have become extremely strict with my diet and sometimes have to force myself to work out as much as I do but I get it in.You have a right to be suspicious if what I'm saying is true but let me tell you that I'm being completely honest with you and completely honest with myself. Even in the liquid phase and mushy phase of my first few months with lap band I was unable to lose weight. Back then I was eating nothing but chicken broth, cream of chicken Soup, sugar free Jello, then moved on too mushy foods such as re-fried Beans, mashed potatoes, etc and was still unable to lose a pound with that kind of diet. I kept my portions to half a cup and 1 cup. I have had my thyroid checked because my grandmother had hypothyroid as well as two of my aunts on my mother's side. My thyroid workup always comes back normal. The only thing that the doctor has told me is that I have metabolic syndrome. But a funny thing did happen one time at my doctor's office. My doctor divides his time between his private practice and the hospitals around my city and he had hired a nurse practitioner. I went one day and he wasn't there so I saw this nurse practitioner and based what I told her about not being able to lose weight she prescribed thyroid medication and I picked it up at the pharmacy and I was happy that I finally had the answer to all my weight problems, but 2 weeks later while on that medication, my doctor called all of his patients that the nurse practitioner saw during that time and asked them to come in to re-evaluate her work and he told me I wasn't even hypo thyroid according to any of my blood workups. I asked him about the nurse practitioner and he told me he had to fire her because in his absence she was diagnosing people with illnesses and conditions that they didn't even have and prescribing medications they didn't even need that could also be harmful to them. So he took me off the thyroid medication and explained my numbers to me and told me I had no thyroid problems. But maybe I should see a specialist such as an endocrinologist just in case.
  12. piercedphoenix830

    Hypo and worried!

    Here is the run down... Had vsg 2 years ago. Lost 180 pounds. Pre-vsg I had a slew of health issues. PCOS, high lipids, high blood pressure, diabetes...you name it, I had it. Now...I am 10 weeks pregnant. I see a high risk ob with consultation from my Bari surgeon. However, I now have to eat every hour or two and for the first time in my life, I am constantly hypo! Docs are ok with 1 hour post meal bs at 70. My body is not. I also had two miscarriages pre-vsg and was constantly hyper with them. I am struggling to keep weight gain at a minimum but loading carbs is zapping me! Any advice?
  13. I have hypEr thyroidism, not hypO thyroidism. Hyper is low levels, which can effect weight loss. People with hypo have high levels, which is usually found in skinnier folks- high levels can cause someone to be thin. There are people who go between both types and there are bigger folks that have hypO thyroid conditions. I am on synthroid for mine and get checked periodically.
  14. I was having issues with mine too for a while. I believe mine was reactive hypoglycemia. If I ate something like a banana it would drop really low.
  15. Interesting that you are losing hair with hyperthyroidism, I thought it was with hypothyroidism, which I have had since 1995. Hair loss was a big issue for me and as one of my major symptoms. It resolved itself quickly once I went on the Synthroid. I wonder if you have had the thyroid issue prior to your surgery, but were just unaware, as these things tend to creep up very quietly? I have read that a lot of folks have (especially) hypothyroidism, but aren't aware of it, and attribute a lot of their symptoms to other things. Did you have your levels checked prior to surgery? Might want to ask about that. My sleeve surgery was 12/3/14, and as I have had the hypothyroidism AND hyperparathyroidism (including surgery for both issues), I am checked every 3 months. I have not had any changes in either case because of the sleeve surgery. Just was checked about 2 weeks ago, all is well there. The meds they prescribe for both hyper and hypo seem to take care of the issues, from what I have experienced, and from what I have heard from others, as well. Good luck to you!
  16. nurse_b11


    Okay so this is getting really annoying. I have posted 3 blogs that have disappeared. =( Anyway, I have had a rough last couple of weeks. My grandmother is really ill and was in the hospital for a few days. Her liver is screwin up big time. I have gotten her into a different doctor because the one she was seeing is a quack and shouldn’t have a license. I am the only one close that can take care of her. And I’m pretty sure she is ready to give up. But I don’t want her to yet. She has to see my babies, if that ever happens, and see me finish RN school. DH was also sick. He has chemical pneumonitis and Reactive Airway Disease. He couldn’t breathe and went to the ER. They wanted to admit him but he refused and took an AMA. So they gave him breathing treatments, that we couldn’t afford, and steroids. So other than that drama. I have lost a couple more pounds. I talked to my doc, who was on my floor seeing another patient, and he said that 1 pound a week is plenty of weight loss. So that made me think about how much weight I have been losing. I started counting my calories on a website and I am sooooo not taking in enough calories. We are supposed to take in like 1200-1800 right? I am not even sure but its hard to reach that with how little I am able to eat. I know that my diet says that I am supposed to eat 3 times a day and nothing in between meals but that’s just not possible. I am eating very small snacks every couple of hours. That has helped me up my calorie intake quite a bit. I am down 2 more pounds which I am very happy with. In a couple more weeks I can go in for a fill if I need one. I think I am doing pretty well without one, lol. But anyway I have to go to class now. Its not for another hour and a half but the roads are icy and people don’t know how to drive and parking is DREADFUL at my school.
  17. mother natures nature's miracle is a liquid vitamin that i have used for years. i really love using it before surgeries because it makes me heal faster. it is really great it has everything and then some in it, even protein. it is a small company and their site is not fancy but the product is really great. Mother Nature's Miracle™ | Liquid Vitamins | Eden's Miracle of Mother Nature | natural vitamin program Vitamins Function & Symptoms of Deficiency Vitamin A; Beta Carotene 14,000 IU Cancer Prevention, Prevents Eye Problems, used for Acne, Ulcers, & Tissue maintenance repair. Enhances Immunity. Protects against Pollution. Vitamin B6 (As Pyridoxine Hydrochloride) 4 mg Maintains health nerves, Skin Eyes, Hair, Liver, Mouth, Muscle Tone, & G.I. Tract. Coenzyme, Energy Production, used for Depression, Anxiety, Metabolisrn / Stress & Prevents Anemia Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 1000 mcg Skin, Eyesight, Fatigue, Abnormal Sleep Patterns Vitamin C 1200 mg Helps Wounds, Surgery, Stress, Allergies, Asthma, Immune System, Heart Disease, Cancer Prevention, Bleeding Gums, Protects against Pollution. Vitamin D 1 800 IU Osteoporosis, High blood pressure, increases the absorption of minerals. Vitamin E 1 180 IU Antioxidant, Cancer prevention, Tissue repair, improves circulation, Prevents Age Spots, & PMS Vitamin K 170 mcg Blood Clotting, Tissue repair, Bone formation, may prevent Osteoporosis. Sulfur** Degeneration of cartilage, ligaments & tendons Lupus, Sickle Anemia, & Collagen Diseases Copper 2mg White/Grey or Brittle hair, Hernias, Varicose Veins, Aneurysms, Anemia, Hypo or Hyper Thyroidism, Arthritis, Liver Cirrhosis, Violent Behavior, & Learning Disabilities. Coral Calcium 1100 mg Osteoporosis, Receding Gums, Arthritis, High Blood Pressure, Insomnia Kidney Stones, Bone Spurs, Calcium Deposits, Cramps, Twitches, & Bells Palsy Iodine 320 mcg Fatigue, Colds, Muscle Pains, Heavy Periods, Low Sex Drive, Brittle Nails, Weight Gains, Hair Loss, Muscle Cramps, Depression, Puffy Face, Dry Skin & Hair, Poor Memory. Magnesium 260 mg Asthma, Anorexia, Migraines, Growth Failures, Muscle Weakness, Tremors, Vertigo & Small Arteries Iron 10mg Hemoglobin, Pica, Fatigue, Heart Palpitations, Memory Deficits & Anemia Phosphorous 500 mcg Brittle Bone, Low Energy, Inability to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates Potassium 300 mg Muscular Weakness, Mental Apathy, FACT: May lower Blood Pressure Zinc 30 mg Impaired ability to heal, hair loss, fatigue and acne Chromium 200 mcg Depressed Growth Rate, Glucose Intolerance in Diabetics CoQ10 3mg Anti Oxidant, Cancer, Heart Disease, Poor Immune System Herbs Function & Symptoms of Deficiency Gingko Biloba 100 mg Improves Memory, Brain Function, Blood Flow, Depression, Oxygenation, Asthma, Alzheimer's Disease, Heart & Kidney Disorders. Aloe Vera 6000 mg Restores Tissue, Anesthetic, Heals Burns, Itching, Regenerates with no Sear. Ginseng 500 mg Used for Impotence, Energy, Diabetes, Colds & Chest Problems. i Enhances Immune Functions & normalizes B.P. Enzymes Function & Symptoms of Deficiency Proprietary Formula Amylase Is the digestive enzyme used to digest carbohydrates Lipase Is the enzyme used to break down dietary fats Papian Helps improve skin and breakdown protein Pepsin Is the principle enzyme which helps aid gastric juices Ptyaln Helps in aiding digestion in the stomach for several hours Protein 3 G From vegetable sources is essential in building, repairing and maintaining body tissue Trace Minerals Function & Symptoms of Deficiency Sulfur Important mineral in several amino acids within the body involved in functions of Hemoglobin, Insulin, Hormone, Adrenal Hormones, Enzymes, and Antibodies. Deficiency: Degeneration of cartilage, ligaments and tendons, Lupus, Sickle cell anemia, Several collagen diseases Ten Animal studies show deficiencies cause: Poor growth and Poor feeding, Hearing loss, Male pattern baldness, Cancer prevention properties Chromium Deficiency: Low blood sugar (Vanadium& copper also) Prediabetes (Vanadium also), Diabetes (Vanadium also) Hyperactivity, Learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD Hyperirritability, Depression, Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde rages Impaired growth, Peripheral neuropathy, Negative nitrogen balance (body lean mass/protein loss), Elevated blood triglycerides, Elevated blood cholesterol plaque, Infertility & decreased sperm count, Shortened life span Copper Deficiency: White or Gray hair, Dry brittle hair, Ptosis (sagging tissue-eye lids, skin, breast, stomach, etc.)Hernias, Varicose veins, Aneurysm (artery wall bulges) Kawasaki Disease, Anemia (common in vegans & high milk users), Hypo or Hyper thyroid, Arthritis (especially where growth plate are involved), Ruptured vertebral discs problems, Liver cirrhosis (Number 9 killer in US) Violent behavior, blind rage, explosive outbursts, Learning disabilities, Cerebral palsy & hypopasia (failure to form) of the cerebellum, High blood cholesterol, Reduced glucose tolerance (low blood sugar) Praseodymium Enhances normal cell growth. Doubles life span in laboratory animals Antimony Effective against blood flukes Strontium Strontium can replace calcium in many organisms including man, Essential trace element Thulium Enhances growth of normal cells Doubles the life span of laboratory animals Trace Minerals Function & Symptoms of Deficiency Gold Reduces active joint inflammation Molybdenium Essential as a metalloenzyme of several enzyme systems Iodine Needed by body for thyroid function (Thyroxin is thyroid Hormone), Copper needed to utilize iodine Deficiency: Under Active Thyroid, Fatigue, Cold intolerance Muscle Aches and pains, Heavy periods or less than 28 days cycles, Low sex drive, Brittle nails, Weight gains, Hair loss Muscle cramps, Depression, Constipation, Elevated blood cholesterol, Puffy face, Dry skin & hair, Inability to concentrate, Poor memory, Goiter (throat swelling) Over Active Thyroid, Insomnia, Heat Intolerance, Excessive sweating, Light periods or longer than 28 day cycles, Hand tremors, Rapid pulse, Bulging eyes, Weight loss, Increased appetite, Muscle weakness, Frequent bowel movements, Irritability, Nervousness Goiter (throat swelling) Lithium Deficiency: Depression, Manic depression, Lithium deficiency aggravated by high sugar consumption Reproductive failure, Infertility, Reduced growth rated Shortened life span, ADD, Rages & fits Manganese Deficiency: Congenital ataxia, Congenital deafness, Asthma, Chondromalacia, Chondrodystrophy, Poor cartilage formation problems, Repetitive Motion Syndromes (like TMJ, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome), Convulsions Infertility (failure to ovulate or testicle atrophy), Still births or spontaneous miscarriages, Loss of sex drive, Retarded growth rates, Shortened long bones Nickel Deficiency: Poor growth, Anemia (low hematocrit) Depressed oxidative ability of the liver, High newborn mortality, Rough/dry hair coat in animals, Dermatitis Delayed puberty, Poor zinc absorption Silver Kills over 650 disease causing organisms, Systemic disinfection & immune support, Subdues inflammation & promotes healing, Anti-bacterial, Anti-viral, Anti-fungal Boron Essential for bone metabolism, Aids efficient calcium & magnesium use, Proper endocrine function Reduces calcium loss from bones (Osteoporosis) Bismuth Ulcers result from lack of bismuth & a bacteria Heliobacter pylori Calcium High protein diets increase demands for calcium Deficiency: Osteoporosis (& Dowagers Hump fractures,) Receding gums (osteoporosis if facial bones & jaw bones) Osteomalacia (failure to mineralize the protein bone) Arthritis, Hypertension/High Blood Pressure, Insomnia, Kidney stones, Bone spurs, Calcium deposits, Cramps & twitches, PMS, Some low back pains (sciatica, muscle spasms), Bell?s Palsy, Osteofibrosis (enlargement of bones with scar tissue), Tetany, Panic attacks Cobalt Essential part of Vitamin B12 (Growth & nerve system) Emaciation, listless, starved look, pale mucus membranes, Anorexia, Anemia Cesium Cancer aid cesium enters cancer cell and produces alkaline condition Europium Doubles the life span of laboratory animals Fluoride In plant based colloidal form will aid bone strength & no toxicity Iron Deficiency: Hemoglobin (Oxygen carrier in red blood cells) Pica (mineral lack and eats dire and chews ice), Listlessness & fatigue, Heart palpitations, Memory deficits, Sore tongue, Anemia Gallium Reduces brain cancers Silica Increases collagen in growing bone by 100%, Deficiency: Dry brittle hair, Brittle fingernails, Poor skin quality, Poor calcium utilization & arterial wall strength problems Samarium Enhances normal cell proliferation, Doubles the life span of laboratory animals Selenium Effective anti-oxidant, Deficiency: Anemia (red blood cell fragility), Age spots or liver spots, Fatigue, HIV (AIDS), Myalgia, Scoliosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Cystic Fibrosis, Cardiomyopathy, Multiple Sclerosis, Heart palpitation, Irregular heart beat, Liver cirrhosis, Pancreatitis, AS (Lou Gehrig?t Disease), Parkinson?s Disease (associated lead poisoning), Alzheimer?s Disease (associated high vegetable oil consumption), Infertility, Low birth weight, High infant mortality, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), Cancer (associated with high vegetable oil intake) (Number 2 killer), Sickle cell anemia Germanium Highly efficient electrical impulse initiator, Aid in oxygen utilization, Enhances immune systems function, (Killer cells, interfering, macrophage and T-suppressor cells), Deficiency: Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Low energy, Cancer Yttrium Enhances normal cell growth, Doubles life span of laboratory animals Potassium Deficiency: Muscular weakness, Mental apathy Lanthanum Deficiency: Maybe involved in chronic fatigue diseases Magnesium Deficiency: Asthma, Anorexia, Menstrual migraines, Growth failures, Neuromuscular problems, Tetany-Convulsions, Depression, Muscular weakness, Tremors, Vertigo, Calcification of small arteries, Malignant calcification of soft tissue Vanadium Aids in glucose (blood sugar) oxidation and transport, Enhances insulin effectiveness (aids with blood sugar problems), Decreases cholesterol production, Increases effectiveness of heart muscle contraction, Anti-Cancer properties Deficiency: Slow growth, Increased infant mortality, Infertility, Elevated cholesterol & triglycerides, Hypoglycemia & Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, Obesity Amino Acids Function & Symptoms of Deficiency - Proprietary Formula Alanine Important source of energy for muscle tissue, helps in the metabolization of sugars Arginine Improves immune responses to bacteria, crucial for optimal muscle growth Cystine Powerful antioxidant, aids recovery from burns and surgical operations Glysine Helps trigger release of oxygen to energy Leucine Used for production of energy to the upper brain Methionine Prevents disorders of hair, skin, and nails Phenylalanine Improves memory, reduces hunger pains Proline Helps maintain and strengthen heart muscles Serine Strengthens immune systems, synthesizes fatty acid Tyrosine Improves memory, helps overcome depression Valine Promotes mental vigor and muscle coordination Sea Nutrients Proprietary Formula Alaria Valida Rich in Vitamin A, vitamin B and calcium Costaria Costata Helps reduce blood cholesterol levels. Helps improve thyroid function. Agar Used for constipation Algin Ability to draw harmful pollutants like lead from the body Dulse Rich in protein, fluoride and iron Kelp Helps thyroid conditions Kombu High in Trace Minerals Kuzu Helps soothe the stomach and strengthen the intestines Nori Good for prostate and thyroid, high in protein
  18. speekrn


    I have hypothyroidism too. I can tell when doses are off. I am thinking its off now. Heart racing lately. I know the signs and symptoms of both hypo and hyper. Maybe this surgery jacks up hormones and changes occur. How long ago did you get banded?
  19. I have the sleeve and I developed reactive Hypoglycemia after surgery as well. And I have passed out...I have to watch what I eat now all the time..Well it feels like I am eating all the time too.... gee gads!
  20. I have obstructive sleep apnea and have been using the CPAP machine for the past 10 years. I use it every night right through my sleep. I also have diabetes (take insulin injections twice a day), hyper-tension, hypo-thyroidism, and a disposition to gout attacks. I am 250lb and have been in/around that number for most of the past 10-12 years. Therefore I have decided to opt for Lap-band procedure in mid-Oct-2008. I'd like to ask the forum members for any experiences - good and bad - from those who have been using CPAP and have undergone Lap-band procedure. I have heard about bad experiences of chronic productive burping, acid reflux problems, vomitting at night and choking. These worry me a lot since these can potentially get complicated for those who use CPAP and can actually worsen cardio-pulmonary tension. Please comment.
  21. I am hypothyroid and take Synthroid (100 mcg) daily. I normally take it first thing in the morning and I have been fine after surgery. I was recently given direction to take my Nexxium twice daily (morning and evening). My doctor said I can't take Synthroid with a PPI because it causes problems with absorption. So this morning I take my Nexxium when I wake up and figure I will take my Synthroid about an hour before lunch. By 930 AM I was sweating profusely and felt like I was having a hot flash! The RN who works with me asked if I had taken my Synthroid. I took it at at 10 AM and within 20 minutes the sweating and hot flash was back under control. Since I hadn't thought about it, I figured I would post for the other Hypo's out there after surgery.
  22. gardendiva3

    Last Meal Syndrome

    Gem - I can totally relate..good bye Butterfinger, BabyRuth and Snickers!... so long Papa Murphys, pizza Hut and Dominoes....and toodle ooo to pastry, maple bars, and scones. Seriously I have found that getting my pantry ready for the "after" has helped and clearing out the Cereal and Pasta dishes satisfied my hunger and cravings. The new immediate challenge is they just built a Sonic and a Little Ceasars Pizza two blocks from my house. So I will do my best to visit before we start that lovely lardless luscious liquid lifestyle on August 29th. . I'm right up there with you but we can do this liquid diet thing. I just plan on not making mine all low-calorie because I am smart enough to recognize I will faint dead away faster than you can say hypo-glycemic! So do your best and leave the rest up to God! See you soon sleeve-sis. Reb
  23. RJ'S/beginning

    Question for sleevers

    Your body will level off and gain and then maintain. I am there right now. It is a difficult process but it is none the less part of this journey. Caloric intake may be a factor and keeping a 5 lb up or down goal. You may have to up your calories to not lose any more. I now weigh myself once a week and I watch the 5 lb limit. It is definitely something to get used to when all you have ever wanted was to lose weight.... I suffer from reactive Hypoglycemia and am having a terrible time with it......I am so concerned I will gain too much back because of it.... Nevertheless keep a watchful eye on it and enjoy a little bit of freedom from the opposite of trying hard to lose the weight.
  24. Hello, My name is JJ. This week I have taken the first step in getting my health together. My insurance covers weight loss surgery after 6 months of supervised dieting. Today I saw my GP and she is completely supportive of this journey, and was genuinely honest about it being a tool, not a cure all. I appreciate the honesty. I have chosen a Dr. and will attend his seminar in a few days. At that point I will fill out the paperwork and go from there. About a year ago I had a major surgery that improved my health by 75%. Since then I realize how great I can feel, and the immense pleasure of being a part of life without pain. My BMI is 41. I am 5'1" and 219lbs @ 39 yrs of age. I have thyroid disease (hypo), high triglycerides, mild sleep apnea, depression (after losing a child) and am pre-diabetic. Around 10 years ago all self-esteem issues vanished for me after the birth of our child. I finally started living life as much as possible, only being held back by pain. I buy clothes that fit, and look nice, and never agonize about what I am wearing or how it fits. I take care to look up to date, and presentable for me. I like looking nice and feeling good. My husband is FABULOUS. When we met I was around 150 and as I grew through the years his devotion and commitment to me grew even deeper. He's not a chubby chaser, but loves me and respects me. He looks like a male model still, and I have grown obese. I know I have a good, good man. My goal is to feel as great as I can, be 100% a part of life, and come off of all my meds. I am ready for this change. Thank you to everyone that is so forthcoming on this site. Just what I have read in the last few days has helped with questions and curiousness!
  25. I've read so many times in various threads about people eating super low calories, and it always worries me. And also high fat, high Protein, low carb diets... I wanted to post about the dangers of very low calorie diets and of high fat/protein low carb diets, so here is some info and the sources it comes from: "When you want to lose weight, a very low-calorie diet can seem attractive. After all, the sooner you lose weight the better, right? Well...no, that's not right. Eating fewer than 1000 calories a day can, at best be a short-lived attempt at dieting, at worst it could be a recipe for long term health problems. Your body is not designed to function well on a very low calorie diet. In fact, it goes into starvation or famine mode and tries to preserve essential functions at the expense of the less essential ones. So what happens to your body on fewer than 1000 calories a day? Your metabolism slows down to conserve energy. Your body uses blood sugar, made from carbohydrates, for fuel just as a car uses gas (petrol). Without blood sugar, the brain and central nervous system, as well as other bodily systems, will cease to work efficiently. To try to counteract the lack of blood sugar from carbohydrates in the diet, your body will break down fat, which is what you want, but it will also breakdown muscle and other lean body tissue. Losing lean body tissue can be very dangerous. Even organs can be broken down to use as fuel. Losing lean body tissue can also be counter-productive. Muscle tissue increases the resting metabolic rate. With reduced amounts of muscle, your metabolism will slow. When you come off the diet, increased fat cells will form because your metabolism is slow and so your body needs less blood sugar for fuel. It is also a survival mechanism in case of another 'famine'. With very low calorie diets, an imbalance in minerals and electrolytes can occur, which can be dangerous. These govern the balance of fluids in the body allowing nerves and muscles to function. Osteoporosis can be another danger, especially for women. Often dairy products like eggs, milk and cheese are cut out of a very low calorie diet so cutting out a major source of Calcium leading to loss of bone mass. Anaemia (a lack of Iron in the blood) can also be another risk. If taken to extremes, women can find that menstruation (periods) becomes irregular or stops altogether. A lack of serotonin in the brain can be another problem which leads to clinical depression. You might find that the lack of essential nutrients on a very low calorie diet leads to a deterioration in the condition of your hair and nails. One of the great dangers of this kind of dieting is that you can become acclimatised to it. As your body reduces some of its functions, including those of the brain and nerves, and as depression takes hold due to a lack of serotonin, you can slip into anorexia nervosa - a truly life threatening condition. As mentioned above, when you finally come off this diet, you will almost certainly regain all the weight you have lost plus more leading to yoyo dieting, now believed to be dangerous. Altogether, very low calorie diets are a danger to physical and mental health. They are counter-productive and can lead to long term problems as well as a lifetime of yoyo dieting. It is far better to lose weight safely and slowly on a sensible diet." (source reference: http://www.allinfoaboutdietsnutrition.com/index.php?page=21 ) "Low-carb/high-fat diets pose dangerous health risks and may increase the risk of contracting serious chronic diseases. Studies have linked extreme low-carb/high-fat diets to an increased risk of developing certain disease states, including: • Alzheimer disease • blindness and macular degeneration • some forms of cancer • cardiovascular and heart disease • c-reactive protein/inflammation • metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance • osteoporosis • kidney stones This is due to increased levels of saturated fat and dietary protein in the diet, with inadequate nutrition coming from plant-based phyto-chemicals. [/url]Low-carb diets may increase the risk of birth defects and childhood cancers. Bread, Pasta, Breakfast cereals and orange juice — foods that are “off-limits” in a low-carb diet — are fortified with folic acid, a micronutrient essential to the neurological development of fetuses. The U.S. food and Drug Administration currently requires that enriched grain products be fortified with the essential Vitamin folic acid (the synthetic form of naturally occurring folate, or vitamin B-9, found in many leafy green vegetables, fruits and legumes). Since the fortification of grain-based foods with higher levels of folic acid, beginning in 1999, there has been a remarkable 19 percent drop in neural tube birth defects in the United States. Followers of a low-carb diet do not receive the benefits of folic acid fortification. Low-carb/high-fat diets are not more effective for weight loss. According to studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association, there are no significant differences in weight loss between low-carbohydrate diets and conventional weight-loss plans. The study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (April 9, 2003) reviewed studies of low-fat diets conducted between 1966 and 2003, and found that weight loss from low-carbohydrate diets was associated with length of diet, pre-diet weight, and the number of calories consumed, but not reduced carbohydrate content. The study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (May 22, 2003) found greater weight loss with a low-carbohydrate diet than a conventional diet during the first six months, but no significant differences in weight were observed after one year.1 Low-carb diets are perceived to be effective because of the rapid, initial weight loss. However, the weight loss is primarily due to the loss of muscle glycogen and Water — not body fat. Loss of muscle glycogen can result in lethargy and fatigue.1 Foods high in carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables, are generally more filling — more “bulky” — than foods high in fat, and less prone to overeating. Foods high in fat can increase energy intake (calories) because they are more energy dense, not as “bulky,” and taste good, leaving eaters desiring more and making it easy to over-consume them. A lifestyle that is high in high-fat foods and low in exercise can lead to weight gain. Carbohydrates, such as pasta, do not make you fat. Consistently overeating calories— whether they’re from carbohydrates, fat, or protein — will make you fat. The only genuine, time-tested principle of healthy, long-term weight loss is to take in fewer calories than your body burns. Low-carb diets may cause cognitive difficulties. Carbohydrates are the only source of fuel that the human brain — the most energy-demanding organ in the body — can use. Muscle cells can burn both fat and carbohydrates, but the brain does not have the “machinery” to burn fat. Depriving the brain of carbs means depriving it of energy — and the shortfall can affect intellectual performance, such as memory and cognitive processing.1 Once the body’s glycogen reserve is exhausted, the brain ends up using ketones, a by-product of the breakdown of fat. Ketones are not the optimal energy source for the brain, and their increase in the body has been shown to impair mental judgment.2 Low-carb diets can make people — especially women — short-tempered. A new study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that the brain produces serotonin — which regulates moods and emotions — only after a person consumes sweet or starchy carbohydrates, in combination with very little or no protein. A shortage of serotonin can lead to mood swings and depression. Eating a healthy pasta meal encourages the brain to make serotonin; eating a steak actually stops it from being produced.3 A Healthier Choice According to the American Dietetic Association, the voice of nutrition in America, there are no good or bad foods — only good or bad diets. At “Healthy Pasta Meals,” a recent Barilla-sponsored conference in Rome, Italy, a team of 38 nutrition scientists from around the world concluded that the “Mediterranean diet” is an excellent choice for maintaining overall health. The Mediterranean diet includes abundant plant foods (such as vegetables and pasta); olive oil; dairy products; fewer than four eggs weekly; fish and poultry in low-to-moderate amounts; red meat in low amounts; and wine with meals, in low-to-moderate amounts. A 2003 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of death from heart disease and cancer.4" Low-carb/high-fat diets pose dangerous health risks and may increase the risk of contracting serious chronic diseases. Studies have linked extreme low-carb/high-fat diets to an increased risk of developing certain disease states, including: • Alzheimer disease • blindness and macular degeneration • some forms of cancer • cardiovascular and heart disease • c-reactive protein/inflammation • metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance • osteoporosis • kidney stones This is due to increased levels of saturated fat and dietary protein in the diet, with inadequate nutrition coming from plant-based phyto-chemicals. Low-carb diets may increase the risk of birth defects and childhood cancers. Bread, pasta, breakfast cereals and orange juice — foods that are “off-limits” in a low-carb diet — are fortified with folic acid, a micronutrient essential to the neurological development of fetuses. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration currently requires that enriched grain products be fortified with the essential vitamin folic acid (the synthetic form of naturally occurring folate, or vitamin B-9, found in many leafy green vegetables, fruits and legumes). Since the fortification of grain-based foods with higher levels of folic acid, beginning in 1999, there has been a remarkable 19 percent drop in neural tube birth defects in the United States. Followers of a low-carb diet do not receive the benefits of folic acid fortification. Low-carb/high-fat diets are not more effective for weight loss. According to studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association, there are no significant differences in weight loss between low-carbohydrate diets and conventional weight-loss plans. The study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (April 9, 2003) reviewed studies of low-fat diets conducted between 1966 and 2003, and found that weight loss from low-carbohydrate diets was associated with length of diet, pre-diet weight, and the number of calories consumed, but not reduced carbohydrate content. The study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (May 22, 2003) found greater weight loss with a low-carbohydrate diet than a conventional diet during the first six months, but no significant differences in weight were observed after one year.1 Low-carb diets are perceived to be effective because of the rapid, initial weight loss. However, the weight loss is primarily due to the loss of muscle glycogen and water — not body fat. Loss of muscle glycogen can result in lethargy and fatigue.1 Foods high in carbohydrates, such as fruits and vegetables, are generally more filling — more “bulky” — than foods high in fat, and less prone to overeating. Foods high in fat can increase energy intake (calories) because they are more energy dense, not as “bulky,” and taste good, leaving eaters desiring more and making it easy to over-consume them. A lifestyle that is high in high-fat foods and low in exercise can lead to weight gain. Carbohydrates, such as pasta, do not make you fat. Consistently overeating calories— whether they’re from carbohydrates, fat, or protein — will make you fat. The only genuine, time-tested principle of healthy, long-term weight loss is to take in fewer calories than your body burns. Low-carb diets may cause cognitive difficulties. Carbohydrates are the only source of fuel that the human brain — the most energy-demanding organ in the body — can use. Muscle cells can burn both fat and carbohydrates, but the brain does not have the “machinery” to burn fat. Depriving the brain of carbs means depriving it of energy — and the shortfall can affect intellectual performance, such as memory and cognitive processing.1 Once the body’s glycogen reserve is exhausted, the brain ends up using ketones, a by-product of the breakdown of fat. Ketones are not the optimal energy source for the brain, and their increase in the body has been shown to impair mental judgment.2 Low-carb diets can make people — especially women — short-tempered. A new study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that the brain produces serotonin — which regulates moods and emotions — only after a person consumes sweet or starchy carbohydrates, in combination with very little or no protein. A shortage of serotonin can lead to mood swings and depression. Eating a healthy pasta meal encourages the brain to make serotonin; eating a steak actually stops it from being produced.3 A Healthier Choice According to the American Dietetic Association, the voice of nutrition in America, there are no good or bad foods — only good or bad diets. At “Healthy Pasta Meals,” a recent Barilla-sponsored conference in Rome, Italy, a team of 38 nutrition scientists from around the world concluded that the “Mediterranean diet” is an excellent choice for maintaining overall health. The Mediterranean diet includes abundant plant foods (such as vegetables and pasta); olive oil; dairy products; fewer than four eggs weekly; fish and poultry in low-to-moderate amounts; red meat in low amounts; and wine with meals, in low-to-moderate amounts. A 2003 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of death from heart disease and cancer.4" (source: http://www.barillaus.com/Dangers_of_LowCarb_Diets.aspx ) Take care of yourselves! and research the effects of your choices!!! XO Leila

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