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  1. Good Afternoon, This is my firs posting so excuse me if I am a little rusty at this. I had my Gastric Bypass on March 19, and my Surgeon said to drink the Clear Liquids for the next 2 weeks. I go to him tomorrow for follow-up. Yesterday my Nutritionist said I should start today with "Stage 3/4" eating solid foods. My Surgeon had told me before my surgery that I would do the following: 2 weeks before surgery - clear liquids 2 weeks after surgery - clear liquids up to 3 months after surgery - thicker liquids after 3 months - introduce solid foods Now both my Surgeon and Nutritionist have conflicting statements. My Nutritionist states Phases. Does anyone know what phases you consume what? I thought It was - Phase 1 - clear liquid, Phase 2 - thicker liquid, Phase 3 - soft solid foods, Phase 4 - easier to digest full solid foods. Any clarification would be Greatly Appreciated. Yes I will be asking my Surgeon tomorrow also. Thanks, Terri
  2. monamcd2004

    2 weeks post op

    I had my surgery the 16th of May lost 25lbs the first week (I don’t see it yet) but Im truly struggling to get my protein in and my water. Any advise on this would be amazing! I have spoken to the dietitian and she said it’s completely normal and not to worry but I am really worried I’m not doing this right and I don’t want to fail! My dr has me on the soft diet already and I did explain my stomach doesn’t handle the protein shakes well and he even advised maybe try beans, eggs, etc. just looking for some advice or maybe others who have or are struggling too.
  3. Well I start my Pre-op diet Tuesday . I have to only eat and drink Optifast protein supplements I purchased from the doctors for 14 days. Any tips from someone who have used Optifast .
  4. A little about me. 45-year-old, male. Fought my weight my entire adult life. Chronic IBS. GERD. Heart attack in 2016. Heart disease. Diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea in 2022. Fatty liver disease. Metabolic syndrome. Diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos - Hypermobility Type in 1997. Currently have chronic pain in both shoulders and both hips, especially when sleeping. This is due to the EDS. I have SLAP tears in both shoulders as well as partial rotator cuff tears, and frozen shoulder on the right side. Married. Twin 13-year-olds. Quality of life really hit bottom. I decided to take control of my life. I had my first appointment with the Dr back in November. Just had VSG on May 18th. Severe gas pains for about the first 5 hours after surgery. Like really bad. Gave me dilaudid to help with the pain, and it did knock the edge off. I was able to get up and walk, drink a little, and pee. Let me go home about 6.5 hours in recovery. The first nights sleep was brutal. THE HICCUPS! Why did no one tell me about the hiccups?! I was able to wear my apnea mask just fine, but every time I got up to pee (about 5 times total), the hiccups would start almost immediately and last for 30 minutes or more. I was shaking the bed and keeping the wife awake, they were so bad. Also had some mild reflux with a little bit of the foamies (I got those before the surgery when the reflux would flare). 1st day after surgery, much better. Very few hiccups. No nausea. Got all of my fluids and protein in. Even walked about 8000 steps (I would've done anything to make sure the gas pain didn't return). Now I'm on the third full day after surgery, and each day has been better than the last. Still tired. Off pain meds for the entire day today. I can't stomach the clear protein, so I'm drinking full (creamy) protein diluted 50/50 with water. No issues so far. I think I have overdone it with walking too much too soon, because I feel really tired and weak. I'm going to cut the walking down to 5000 steps and see if that helps. My ABS are pretty sore, especially immediately after sitting/laying. They tighten up pretty quick. Still a long road ahead, with 1-2 shoulder surgeries later this year. And I know there's still a long road ahead with my weight loss journey. I appreciate everyone's candidness describing their issues (poop, slime/foamies, etc). I like to know what to expect. No regrets.
  5. So my surgery was seven weeks today. For the past two weeks I have been stuck at the same weight OR gained 2-3 lbs. Basically fluctuating the same 2-3 pounds I guess. I wouldn't have thought I would hit a plateau this early. I'm eating the plan they laid out for me. I'm walking when I can (torn meniscus and degenerative disc disease issues). I guess I just don't understand why I'm stuck already. Just frustrated. Any words of wisdom?
  6. loridee11

    3 year update

    It's been just over 3 years since I had my RNY (12/31/19). I am so glad I made the decision to do this. It's not easy and there are challenges, but I feel so much better in my own skin. Stats: 5'10; 44 years old Starting Weight: 336 Surgery weight: 292 Lowest weight: 155 Current weight: 172 Wins in 2022: Last year I really wanted to focus on strength and stamina. I set a bucket list goal of climbing Kilimanjaro (I did it in June!) and spent the first half of the year getting in shape for that. That included regular hikes, but also yoga and strength training classes to build muscle and flexibility. I also did a lot of time on the treadmill at incline (I hate the treadmill - but it served it's purpose). In the second half of the year I wanted to keep growing strength, stamina and flexibility but in a way I enjoy so I started HIIT classes. They are a great workout, give me cardio and strength in one which is a huge win. I also still do yoga once a week and try to hike when I can. At the end of the year I am the strongest and healthiest I can ever recall being. I also did a TON of traveling in 2022 which was great for my mental health. I got to see Equador, the Galapagos, Costa Rice, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Alaska, Victoria CA, Little Cayman, and other places in the US West. It's been amazing. Goals for 2023: In addition to continuing to grow on my physical fitness gains from 2022, this year I need to work on my relationship with food. In general I eat much healthier than I did pre-surgery (I was a total carb addict and rarely ate protein or vegetables), however I still struggle with emotional eating and moderation for trigger foods. I am very consciously NOT dieting. There will be times I eat pasta or sweets but I don't want to eat because I'm bored or <insert any emotion here>. I also want to be aware of the scale, I really want to stay between my low weight and where I am now, but not ruled by it. I'm not sure exactly what this will look like, but will figure it it. I also start a new job in a couple of weeks. I'm super excited about the role and the challenge it will present. It will mean a lot less time to travel, but I'm ready to take on something new. My goal (aside from doing well at the job) is to find a way to balance work and life in a more sustainable way that I have in the past. I hope all of you have an amazing 2023 and good luck in your journey's! Lori
  7. Had to share my before and after 3 years later I’m still changing and it makes me happy to see the change I no longer have sleep apnea and I don’t snore at all now.. I’m silent when I sleep lost 90 kgs (198 pounds).. I’m greatful for everything even my hair color changed during these 3 years it feels like I’m a completely new person(note that I had this hair color when I was younger.. then it got darker when I became obese.. and now it’s lighter again)! before and after pics inserted.
  8. Almost 5 weeks post op. Occasionally I will start dry heaving or retching. Not necessarily after eating or drinking either, it almost feels random. This happens 3 or 4 times a day usually. I don’t actually throw up, I’ve only puked once or twice post op. 
Is this normal? It really sucks. Reposting in this forum because I had no responses in the other.
  9. Hey Bariatric family!! I’m four weeks post op and the thought of food makes me sick. Protein and water are my best friend. I have had some puréed stuff and a tiny piece of white fish. Once I eat something and put it up for “later” the thought of it disgust me. Will this go away?? Any food ideals?? Besides chili and fish?? The thought of chicken makes me want to pass out. I’m feeling good and everything is going well , just scared that this will not go away. Thanks in advance for all replies . These forums have gotten me through some of the hardest times of my life after vsg surgery.
  10. Dealing with another stall, I think. This is kind of getting on my nerves. Four months post op and I'm stuck with a measly 41-pound weight loss. Am I what they like to call a slow loser? I am under a lot of stress, and I do suffer from depression. Could that be the cause?

    1. GMaJen


      My doctor counts the weight I lost pre surgery, so I put my starting weight at what it was when I first started the process (I think it's cheating). I lost 40 pounds before my surgery and in the 7 months after, I lost 45. I had reached my goal weight and stayed there for 2 months then went to see my doc, who told me to increase my calories for a maintenance diet, and I lost another 5. Those stalls are frustrating. Little changes can bust it. Add 100 calories for a couple days or exercise more for a couple days. I don't like exercise, so I'd play music and dance around the room and down the hallway. Worked to break my stalls.

  11. It's been 3 yrs went to 144lbs everyone said I looked sick. So I went off track now at 175 I am disgusted of myself and can't get back on track I tried everything but will power is not there. Any suggestions. It doesn't help with no support from home. Sent from my SM-G998U using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Hello! I had the endoscopic gastroplasty in December. I lost about 15 pounds within the first week and nothing since. I have in fact gained 3 pounds back. At my follow up the physician said some patients don't lose weight at all. I paid out of pocket for this surgery. Insurance wouldn't cover it b/c it was deemed 'elective'. I'm pretty upset about hearing some people don't lose weight. I wasn't told anything like this beforehand and although I didn't want to go through surgery, it may have swayed me to go that route. Any thoughts out there? Am I the only one not losing? He now wants to put me on Mounjaro. While I don't mind this, I do mind that I'm out $12K.
  13. So, Ill be 2 weeks post op on Wednesday. Last week on Wednesday I was from 247 down to 227. Now, I'm currently at 230 !!!??? Why? ?? It's so stressful to see that 3 pound gain. I have been following my diet well, with the exception of not always eating 5 or 6 times a day. Is that why? But shouldn't I still lose?? Honestly I just forget because I don't get hungry. Or I'll be busy trying to wrangle 3 children. I can't eat what they eat and it's not very convenient to make pureed foods all the time. It's a process ya know. Some days idek how much liquids I drink. I'm not great at tracking. But I've had a mix of juice, milk and water. Anyway, has anyone else experienced this? Did I already ruin the good thing I had going??? Please help friends! Thank you!
  14. BlueParis

    Bigger stomach?

    That seems like a good loss so far! Read up about the 3 week stall , it happens to most people after WLS...
  15. Curious to hear what people who had surgery in December 2023 are eating or what you ate when you were 5 weeks out? Sticking to protein and veggies?What is your general calorie consumption?
  16. Hi everyone. I was a cash pay in Vegas for gastric sleeve. They haven’t really followed up and I keep having to ask them for more info. They seem really relaxed about everything (outpatient surgery). I asked when I can exercise and he said I can begin anything I want now and I am only three weeks out. I’m just wondering if anyone else has been told that? I see 6-8 weeks most places.
  17. Hi everyone ! I am a newbie here and English is not my first language so please, bear with me 😛 I am a 24-year-old college student and I'm getting a ByPass on Sept 11th but my classes start on the 14th. I am fully aware I won't be able to go back to college literally 3 days after surgery, obviously ... but I was hoping that I could go back on the 21st. What are your thoughts/opinion ?
  18. Atayo

    Week 2 after esg

    From the album: Mavis

    © Mavis Adombire

  19. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Stall in weight loss 3 weeks PO

    Look in the forum search bar for "3 week stall." Its very normal and common to stall out right where you are in the program. There are hundreds of posts covering this, hopefully knowing this will help.
  20. RonHall908

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    After 3 weeks of weight stall the scale finally moved some. I think the exercise specialist pointed out a flaw. I would eat something 2 hours before working out, she told me to eat something with a good protein and carb mix 20-30 minutes before my workout. also told me to drink a protein shake after the workout. I've done that the past two weeks. After a 3 week stall I'm not certain if it was that little change or the fact that it was going to have to move anyway. But, at least it moved. Hope everyone else has some scale or non-scale victories.
  21. I'm currently 4 weeks post-op and have been having a hard time. I can't get my liquids or protien in. I went to the doctor last week and they had me get IV fluids to help out. I just feel nauseous all the time. I am taking zofran to help with that. I feel like things are never going to get better. Any advice or just some reassurance would be great.
  22. Hello I'm 2 weeks post sleeve to bypass conversion due to GERD and vertical hernia. I'm still on the liquid diet phase. I'm able to get my liquids and vitamin in. I definitely miss the restriction with the gastric sleeve. Recovery is slower and more painful this time. I'm still hurting from intubation throat pain and hernia repair. I still have pain from surgical gas trapped in my upper belly and left neck/ shoulder and . I walking 30 mins 4 x / week to move gas and wearing compression to reduce swelling. It seems the sleeve recovery was much easier.
  23. Oh yeah, something I wanted to rant about, a billing dispute that cropped up 3 months ago.

    Surgery was in August of 2023. A bill shows up for over $7,000 in January. WTF? I asks myself. I know that I jumped through all of the insurance hoops and verified this and triple checked that, as did the surgeon's office. All was set, and I paid all of the known costs before surgery.

    A looong story short, is that an assistant surgeon that was in the process of accepting money from my insurance company touched me while I was under anesthesia. That is what the bill was for. But hey, guess what? Some federal legislation was enacted last year to help patients out when they cannot consent to being touched by someone out of their insurance network. These types of bills fall under something called, "surprise billing," and you don't have to put up with it.


    I had to make a lot of phone calls to both the surgeon's office and the insurance company and explain my rights and what the maximum out of pocket costs were that I could be liable for. Also had to remind them that it isn't my place to be taking care of all of this and that I was going to escalate things if they could not play nice with one another.

    Quick ending is that I don't have to pay that $7,000+. Advocate, advocate, advocate for yourself no matter how long it takes and learn more about this law if you are ever hit with a surprise bill.

  24. Just had bypass as a revision because the sleeve was giving major erosive esophagitis… I’ve been waking up with a similar feeling… at first I thought it was reflux again but it kinda feels more like nausea /or throw up stuck an it’s way up… I’m sooo scared that this surgery didn’t work
  25. Iʻm roughly 6 weeks post-op this morning and have begun to feel like a normal human, with a normal human body again. I started introducing solid foods and pill forms of medications/supplements a couple of weeks ago and it's really amazing to eat meals with my family again, despite the fact that my portions are so much smaller than theirs. 

    I live on the island of Oʻahu and spend a lot of time in the water- for exercise, for play,  and for spiritual & mental health. The day I had my month out appointment with my surgeon, I packed all my gear in my truck, anticipating his permission to get back in the ocean. The minute I walked out of that hospital I drove straight to the shore and got in that water. Hallelujah! My appointment was at 10 am. I didn't get home until after 5 pm. 

    I'm down 31 pounds since the day of surgery and 47 since my pre-op diet began, with that typical week long stall occurring at three weeks. I'm really starting to see some changes lately- some of my clothing is too big, some fits again. The most drastic changes I notice however are in my face. I've also noticed my endurance and flexibility increasing. I was really starting to be held up physically, and I'm so grateful that I'm seeing that turn around in such short order. 

    My general disposition lately is hopeful and motivated. The only thing that bugs me on a daily basis still is the way those supplements make my house smell. So stink! But I just bought a smell proof bag online that other people use to put their pot in. My house doesn't stink anymore. 


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