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  1. From what I gathered, most programs don't really give you a set calorie goal or exact amount of carbs and fat. Mine gave me a protein goal 80-100g and to concentrate on hydration and vitamins. Typically because of restriction, by the time you work around getting to the protein goal, carbs and fats work themselves out. That being said, I am 9 months out and typically have around 1000 cals a day, 80g protein avg, and 50g or less of carbs just because that's how it works out. I don't pay too much mind to fats. Your loss is great and your rate of continuous loss of 1-2lbs a week is great. It definitely slows down as you lose and your body adjusts. Stalls are also common and don't last forever. It took me a month to lose 3lbs and then I lost 3lbs in a week after. It's just part of the process. Every body is different and even your own body will behave differently at different stages.
  2. FifiLux

    I did it!!! OMG I really did it!!!!

    Woohoo way to go, great end to the week.
  3. ChunkCat

    October 2023 surgery buddies

    Yup, the 3 week stall is real. It varies as to when it strikes you but it seems to get everyone. It is the body recalibrating after surgery to the reduced calories and weight loss. It'll break, sometimes it takes a few weeks to do so, but it will break! Make sure you are all tracking your measurements, often people lose inches but not lbs...
  4. returninghalfherweight

    Roller Weight Loss FYI

    FMLA is granted by your employer, but the doctor is the one who says when you can return to work and if they say two weeks, your employer only legally has to hold your job for two weeks. Like I said, I did a lot of research prior to taking leave and saw some went back as soon as 2 days after their surgery, others took the full 6 weeks, but the most common leave time was 2-6. Given that timeline and my previous experience w/ surgery, I expected 4 weeks would be the best situation for me. I am not sure there should be a "standard" for these surgeries. Most of us are very obese and have varying comorbid conditions. I'm not saying that some people cannot return at 2 weeks (or even sooner), but this should be a private conversation that takes place between a patient and their provider and should be customized to the specific patient and their needs. The door to conversation about this should not be slammed on the patient.
  5. This is terrible. What sort of aftercare is that. Send an email directly to the surgeon if you can listing the questions you have & didn’t receive answers about or didn’t have a chance to ask because you were pushed out the door. I had good follow up which is why I’m very surprised & disappointed for you at your after care. I saw my surgeon at week 2, 1 month & then the 3rd month. A colleague then took up my follow up appointments. I saw them every three months until my third year. I still see this doctor every 6 months. I don’t know for how much longer though. I guess my next appointment at my 5 year mark will tell.
  6. I am 4 weeks now from surgery. I got my date of 12/27. I have been doing pre op since April but I ran into a health issue that took priority. Now that is taken care of this last stretch has gone quickly. I have a 2 week liquid with one meal a day. Then I have a 1 week liquid only up to surgery. Of course after surgery is the two week post op liquid and then adding in purée food for week three. I don’t know where to start and everything is so expensive. I have gotten some of the stuff I will need but none of it food or the Protein Drinks and shakes. That part I am actually finding rather overwhelming on what to get and how much And advice from anyone?
  7. I'm glad weighing once a week is helping. Sometimes it's difficult... I want to get on the scale way more often and sometimes do. All my adult life I have considered a loss of 2 pounds a week to be right on track. The first few weeks of this got me spoiled with bigger losses. At this point I'd be very happy with a consistent 1 - 2 pounds a week. It seems like the slower it comes off, the easier it is for my body to adjust. An NSV, well, not really a victory, but a surprise... I had to go to support group at the hospital last night. I was running late and threw some jeans and a T-shirt on after my shower. I hadn't had those jeans on in a few weeks, and oh my gosh, they were huge! Not just the waist, which is elastic, but the legs were so funny. I didn't have time to change them, and they are my favorite jeans. In fact, I have a pair that is 4 sizes smaller in my closet waiting for me! lol.
  8. I didn't have a 3-week stall but I did gain around 10 lbs due to IVs right after surgery, and it took awhile for that to come off. My weight loss pattern is/was like steps, my body likes to hold on to the weight, then drops, hold on to the weight, then drops.
  9. OK so I could eat most of that in one sitting these days! There's no way I could stop when you did, but I'd have a break of a few hours (3 approx) before having to eat again. How long after those three bites of the sandwich and few forkfuls of the greens did you need to eat again OP??
  10. gracesmommy2

    February 2024 Surgery Buddies?

    Love the term onederland 😂 @NickelChip @BlueParis don’t get discouraged, you’re so much smaller than a lot of us and I would expect it to take longer or for you to have more prolonged stalls than when you weighed more. I know it can be frustrating but you’re doing great! 😘 Weightloss always slows way down when you’re closer to a “normal” weight. Whatever that may be. Oh and WTG on the no drinking! Maybe you can try high protein snacks like quest protein chips or roasted edamame to up your protein? @RonHall908 you look great! hope ev1 is still doing well, I can’t stop myself from weighing everyday, even when I try not too, I end up on the scale anyway. But that’s ok, I go up and down also but I know intellectually that it’s most likely water weight. I stop losing or gain briefly every time I do any exercise and I’m pretty sure it’s water weight. I also agree with @NickelChip that I do think the “stalls” are often related to not enough calories ( also over carbing it, I don’t really exercise much and have PCOS so I don’t metabolize carbs well and try to avoid simple carbs as much as possible) Your body going into starvation mode is truly a real thing and does happen. I seem to notice my most steady weight loss when I follow my diet 95% of the time and then have a cheat meal/day and eat crap I’ve avoided all week like fattening restaurant yummy food like chips and queso or chicken fried steak and mashed potatoes. I might stay the same or gain a pound right after then drop several pounds. Plus for me it keeps me from craving all the unhealthy food ALL the time, bc I LOVE food and know that eating only healthy food 100% of the time is unattainable for me. I’ll eventually cheat and fall off the wagon hard! Oh and for anyone feeling disappointed in the slow losses take @LisaCaryl’s advice and go by how your clothes feel or better yet,take measurements if you can. My hubby helps me take my measurements and I log them on the Baritastic app. Even when my scales not moving I’ve lost lots of inches and my clothes are big. Plus I’m back into my small “fat” pants lol 😁 oh and @NickelChip, I feel you on the sweets, I use light and fit Greek yogurt and Russel Stovers sugar free chocolates for desserts! My hubby even likes the Russel Stovers chocolates and can’t tell they’re sugar free. Keep on keepin on guys! 😘
  11. Arabesque


    Why do you feel you can’t go to a restaurant? Do you worry there’ll be nothing you can eat i.e. not on your plan or may compromise your weight loss? Scope out menus on line & then suggest where you go to eat? (I still check out menus online before I go out & make my choice before I go & work out what I may need to ask the restaurant to change.) Choose an appetiser or share a main with a friend or family member. Most places offer soup which is always a pretty safe choice. Many places will allow you to make small changes to what you want to order. Make the best choices you can in the situation. You don’t have to eat everything on your plate & you don’t have to have dessert or choose fruit or cheese. Remember this isn’t something you’re doing every day. You have to be able to enjoy your life. At almost 3 weeks after my surgery I went to a casual back yard joint 60th birthday. Took my shake & sipped away. At around three months went to a canapés & cocktails 40th. Sipped a G&T for hours & nibbled on a cheese croquette & a tartlet. At 7 months went to a 21st at a formal restaurant & ordered a fish dish. It can be done. Happy birthday.
  12. Yea sometimes it’s the way they dissolve. There was something about tablets that have a special coating on them too that I vaguely remember reading about. I did this research three years ago before I had the sleeve because I am on meds too. People definitely do have issues with certain types of meds commonly and then a much smaller percent have issues with other types of meds that are fine for most people. I guess it’s kind of like the small percentage that have more issues getting enough vitamins no matter what they try. You will Just need to keep working with your doctor until they will figure it out. In the meantime just try to remember that it is just a medication issue and you will feel more like yourself soon. 💜
  13. NickelChip

    Monday Check-In

    Happy Monday! I'm approaching my 4-month post-op mark at the end of this week and happy to say the long stall I had in month 3 is behind me and I'm back to losing at a good clip. I had been worried that it would be a permanent slow-down, but it wasn't. This morning, I hit 60lbs lost since my highest weight, which was almost exactly a year ago when I went back to my weight management team after a long absence and seriously discussed entering the surgical program. I'm going through a patch right now where food is just not at all appealing. Maybe it's the start of the hot summer weather, or just the fact that cooking and eating such small quantities is tedious. I don't know. But nothing sounds appealing and I get a few bites into a meal and really don't care if I finish eating it or not. No real hunger, and the head hunger from the beginning has quieted down, too. At least hydration is going well. I ordered a swimsuit online for an upcoming trip to the waterpark with my kids and tried it on yesterday, size 16 US. It fit! It even looks reasonably good! I'm finally down to a weight I legitimately haven't seen in half a lifetime, and I can finally see the difference more. In the early days, I think I still had a memory of being the weight I was before, like I never fully recognized getting bigger, so losing that weight was just bringing me in line with what I believed I had looked like all along, if that makes sense. But now, at 15 pounds less than the very lowest I had ever managed to get with nutrition and exercise alone, I find myself surprised to realize my silhouette has changed and that I'm looking smaller, or that I can easily sit in a seat at a theater or a booth at a restaurant. 6 more pounds and I will be "overweight" instead of "obese" for the first time in about 25 years! The big challenge coming up is family vacation. We're doing water parks and amusement parks, and the food choices are sure to be dismal. I have no desire to eat the junk food, so my bigger concern is really that I won't get in enough healthy foods over the week. Especially fruits and veg. It's so hard to get healthy food when you travel, and I still get enough issues with my stomach that I've bought some discreet vomit bags to keep with me in case something doesn't agree with my tummy on the road.
  14. Chips are slider foods. Most people can technically eat more of them than other foods and anyone can eat a pretty good bit when they are “grazing” Which is eating little bits multiple times throughout the day. Try really hard to avoid grazing because that will can definitely get you into trouble. Not sure if you’ve seen me on here but I had sleeve three years ago and I lost a quite a big chunk of weight but I did regain my weight just as fast. I was able to eat more than I expected at every stage but even still if I had been eating healthy options three times a day that would not have allowed me to gain the amount of weight I gained. I gained my weight by sneaking in the not so healthy foods from near the beginning since I was eating so little i thought it was okay because I was still losing. When my hunger came back my portions got a little bigger and eventually I was eating bigger portions of less that ideal food more often than prescribed. Since I never really took advantage of that honeymoon phase to actually change my eating habits to healthy foods this is when things went off the rails. The surgery will not do all the work. My recommendation is to take this time where your tool is really working for you to try out some new healthy options and recipes and find a variety of things that you like so when the actual hunger comes back you will have changed your habits.
  15. It went great. No complications and down 29 lbs in just over two weeks.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    weight stall

    How are you doing now? Also, remember that the average weight loss is 2 pounds per week. So at 2 1/2 months (10 weeks) that would be 20 pounds. You were at 39 pounds. So definitely doing well. I hope you're feeling better now.
  17. ChunkCat

    November 2023 buddies

    So today I hit a milestone I didn't expect so soon---I've officially lost 50% towards my goal weight!!! 😭 I've lost 76 lbs since my highest weight (320) and 63 lbs since surgery (307). I'm stunned honestly. I've had some stalls and my weight loss has been slower than some others but my doctors kept telling me to stay the course, that my weight loss was right on track. Well, now it seems I've caught up and am ahead of the game! It feels so unreal... Here's a pic of me pre-op and two from today!
  18. BriarRose

    successful Total knee replacement !!!

    The first three weeks - I won't be coy here.... were really really hard. Having bones sawed off, and replaced and drilled into place is really painful; at any weight. However, once I got to being able to move around more - once the 34 staples were removed after just over 2 weeks; I was able to start moving around more. I totally gave up on the narcotics by the end of week two. I couldn't hold them down well, and the only thing I could eat was.... basically toast with a bit of jam. I finally at about the middle of week three could start walking a bit outside instead of around my dining room table - and progressed from taking 300 steps a day to over 1000 in that third week. At week 6 I am now able to walk for about 10 minutes with a cane, twice a day, and am able to take care of myself, the house, a flock of chickens (less any heavy lifting), the dog, parrot and reptiles. I weigh basically almost half of what I did at my heaviest. With this surgery,.... right before it, I was very limited in my ability to walk. I had gained 8 pounds from my lowest. After surgery at week 2 I was up another few pounds - Surgeon told me this is normal from how much IV fluids I was getting to keep me going. I am frankly eating A LOT of healthy foods right now. On dr's and nutritionist suggestion to build back muscle, nerve and bone loss. I am told that in another couple weeks I will start to lose the weight again. I am not worried, and I can hang with the process. I am walking about 4,000 to 5000 steps a day - over what I should be for my age and where I am post op.
  19. RossMom

    April Operation Buddies

    Congrats!! week 1 is behind you now Do you have another week of liquids or are you moving on to pureed foods?
  20. I’m 5 weeks out from surgery, and I have been stalled since 1.5 weeks. I’ve been trying to stay positive and remind myself that this happens and that I just need to stay on track. I know I need to stop weighing myself, but every day I wake up so hopeful to see a change, and every day I’m disappointed. At this point, it just feels like it was all for nothing. I’m just sad.
  21. Starwarsandcupcakes

    Food Before and After Photos

    Going pretty well! It’s forcing me to exercise 3 days a week and I dare say I might enjoy it.
  22. Bypass2Freedom

    Is there a standard guideline?

    Heya! I think every Dr/Surgeon must do things with a slight variation, but it is always best to follow the advice given by your own Dr/healthcare team - it is often tailored to you e.g., in terms of weight, health conditions etc. I had my dietician appointment today and we went through when I am starting the LRD, which will be for 2 weeks, and then went through the different food stages which for me are: Week 1 - Liquid Week 2 - Puree/slush Week 3 - Mush (thick/lumpy foods) Week 4 - Soft foods Week 5 - 'Normal' foods
  23. cjbowers2005

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    I am scheduled in less than a week, May 28th for Sadie revision
  24. I haven't lost any more weight. I've been going to the gym and even got a walking pad for Christmas that I use but it's just not coming off. I lift weights at the gym 2 to 3 times a week an hour at a time and do at least 2 miles 2 times a week while I'm at home. The last three weeks I cut my calories way down which sucks with how much I work out. For example I did an hour of intense weight lifting today and only consumed 1104 calories and 104 grams of protein. On average I'm only consuming 1300 calories and getting between 70 to 100 grams of protein. My food through the day consists of small meals or protein shakes from 6 am to 6 pm. Like a protein shake for breakfast, one after the gym on my lunch, some low cal soup, jerky, piece kf fruit, etc For dinner (around 7 pm) I have a majority of my calories, usually baked chicken strips or shrimp, etc with a side and then bed at 10pm.. It's just not coming off. I get I could've tried harder through the last year but man this is just tough. I can't even say I've gone down in clothes sizes any more. I just don't know. I do have a one year post op appointment on Tuesday and I'm terrified and ashamed that I have virtually nothing to show for it. What am I missing?
  25. Ashley1019

    December Surgery Buddies!

    December 6 is my surgery date, I just got that today. Feels like it’s been forever but it’s really only been three or four months now. all I have left is November 29 a video call with a RN about my weight from that morning my medication list And my new Vitamin list which I’ll be getting from her. Then November 30 I have to go to a three hour “second Pre-op class“ I have to start my two week liquid diet this Thursday Thanksgiving 😞 that’s OK though does anybody have any suggestions about things I need before surgery? any help is appreciated!

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