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Found 17,501 results

  1. Just had bypass as a revision because the sleeve was giving major erosive esophagitis… I’ve been waking up with a similar feeling… at first I thought it was reflux again but it kinda feels more like nausea /or throw up stuck an it’s way up… I’m sooo scared that this surgery didn’t work
  2. I had a bypass on 11-6. I eat solid foods. It does not hurt. I can eat 2 whole cucumbers. I can eat a 4oz piece of tuna. Am I just doomed? I should hurt right? probably eat 500-600 calories a day. only eating fish, chicken, and cucumbers. I crave them ALLDAY. so I'm not concerned that I'm not eating health. But why can I eat so much. Oh, I can eat 2 large scrambled eggs.
  3. Hello I'm 2 weeks post sleeve to bypass conversion due to GERD and vertical hernia. I'm still on the liquid diet phase. I'm able to get my liquids and vitamin in. I definitely miss the restriction with the gastric sleeve. Recovery is slower and more painful this time. I'm still hurting from intubation throat pain and hernia repair. I still have pain from surgical gas trapped in my upper belly and left neck/ shoulder and . I walking 30 mins 4 x / week to move gas and wearing compression to reduce swelling. It seems the sleeve recovery was much easier.
  4. Hello Everyone, I am a little past, 3 weeks post op and I am currently on Soft Food Phase. For dinner, I ate a couple of meatballs, broccoli and cauliflower rice. The total weighed 5 ounces on the scale. I didn't finish the meal though. For some reason, today I thought 5 oz was okay; but when I looked at my notes my md wanted me to eat 3-4 oz per meal. I made a mistake and am scared my pouch may stretch or I might sabotage my weight loss! Moving forward I plan to follow the guidelines, but my question is , is there a possibility that I stretched my pouch? Will this sabotage my weight loss? Should I contact my md?
  5. Iʻm roughly 6 weeks post-op this morning and have begun to feel like a normal human, with a normal human body again. I started introducing solid foods and pill forms of medications/supplements a couple of weeks ago and it's really amazing to eat meals with my family again, despite the fact that my portions are so much smaller than theirs. 

    I live on the island of Oʻahu and spend a lot of time in the water- for exercise, for play,  and for spiritual & mental health. The day I had my month out appointment with my surgeon, I packed all my gear in my truck, anticipating his permission to get back in the ocean. The minute I walked out of that hospital I drove straight to the shore and got in that water. Hallelujah! My appointment was at 10 am. I didn't get home until after 5 pm. 

    I'm down 31 pounds since the day of surgery and 47 since my pre-op diet began, with that typical week long stall occurring at three weeks. I'm really starting to see some changes lately- some of my clothing is too big, some fits again. The most drastic changes I notice however are in my face. I've also noticed my endurance and flexibility increasing. I was really starting to be held up physically, and I'm so grateful that I'm seeing that turn around in such short order. 

    My general disposition lately is hopeful and motivated. The only thing that bugs me on a daily basis still is the way those supplements make my house smell. So stink! But I just bought a smell proof bag online that other people use to put their pot in. My house doesn't stink anymore. 


  6. Happy Wednesday!


    I hope everyone is having a lovely week so far! 

    It's been a bit of a struggle this last week...I'm hungry ALL the time. :(

    1. BlondePatriotInCDA


      Have a great Wednesday too! Sorry you're hungry all the time, I'm pretty much the same..and I'm sick of eating the same food all the time.

  7. Tomorrow marks two weeks since surgery day and while I'm feeling remarkably well and going about just about every normal activity, I did wind up with a surface abscess on on of my incision sights and was put on an antibiotic that made me so impacted that it took me more than two hours to eliminate yesterday and scared the hell out of me. Now there's Miralax in all my beverages that aren't Smooth Move tea. I cannot experience that again. I shouldn't have to take Ativan to go to the lady's. I really looking forward to my body getting with the program again. 

    I'm in day three of the "puree" stage of eating and despite the strange textures, all of the savory flavors seem decadent. 

    I timed this surgery so that I'd be recovering during my spring break. That was a good plan. Today is a state holiday and the final day of break. I feel really strong to return to school tomorrow. 

  8. I’ve just had my surgery on January 23rd and I am struggling. I can barely handle any liquids, I’ve been trying to get my water and protein goals in but failing miserably. I’ve only managed to have just 2 bottles of protein since I left the hospital and for the broth I love barely had any and it’s almost been a week. Has anyone else had this problem? My stomach is constantly in pain and of course the gas pains. I can manage some water but it has to be cold and that’s mostly it. I know I have to have protein shakes and the broth but I just can’t. I’m just feeling weaker as the days go by and I’m not sure what to do next. Any advice?
  9. So I have my surgery next week! I'm having the gastric bypass, I'm having it on the nhs I'm from the UK, I couldn't afford to have it done here privately, anyone on here who has had it done on the nhs ? How long did it take to recover? I'm on the pre op diet and I'm starving! Lol the first few weeks I Have to be on a liquid diet, any ideas of what I could have?
  10. Newbie here, first post! That said I have done my fair share of reading and creeping and have come to understand the 3 week stall is pretty common. That said... Tomorrow marks the 4th week post op and this entire week has had 0 loss. I have now lost 13 pounds post op bringing me to 17.4 in the last 30 days, and I feel like the surgery and the recovery was it worth 13 pounds? I feel stuck, I feel discouraged living like this during the holidays and not able to eat all the treats and food around. Now with the rant done, I am looking for a good puree to soft solids daily menu with food ratios that anyone can point me too? I am good at following a plan but suck at just making something up in a pinch, I have been planning but you know how it goes, sometimes you just don't feel like the things you made previously. I guess I just needed to vent, and in a space where others maybe have dealt with this themselves..
  11. I am 7 weeks out of revision. Things are getting better each day. It took 5.5 weeks before the pain went away. Additionally, I have stalled and lost over these weeks. However, I am at my lowest weight in 8 years. No GERD and no current regrets. I am 53 years old. Sent from my SM-G996U1 using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Had my 6 month post-op checkup with the surgeon 2 weeks ago. The nurse was directing me to stand on the usual scale, but I asked if I could get on the machine that can measure your fat/muscle percentage, water weight, bone weight, and some other things in addition to weight. You hold on to a couple of paddles and it sends a small electrical signal from one side to the other. She said sure, and I got on and got measured.

    Well, when the nutritionist came into the room, he had this massive smile on his face, I mean huge, smiling with his eyes, looking at me fiercely. He had these two print outs in his hand, and puts them down on the table. He starts pointing out how much of my body is muscle, how much is water, how much is bone, etc. He then gets to the section that shows my body fat percentage, and shows me that I am at 22%, which is 1% more than goal! He starts giving me high fives, I start crying, he gives me a hug and a pat on the back, and tells me that I have reached all of my goals at 6 months out.

    Wow! I left that appointment elated, floating, so proud of myself for finally getting fit and embracing the life I've always been meant to lead. I'm now at the point where I've got to consume more calories and transition to maintenance mode.

    Amazing. I'm so, SO happy 🤩

    1. NickelChip


      Wow, congratulations! That has to be the best doctor's visit ever!

  13. I am officially 3 weeks post op and I’ve loss a total of 22 pounds so far. This was the first time that I’ve celebrated a birthday where I couldn’t drink or eat because I am still on the post op full liquid diet. I don’t know why I felt sad because today is my actual birthday Nov 6 and I can’t do anything for it cause like I said my birthday always was surrounded by food and drinks so today was very different….. Before all of this you try and prepare yourself for the different lifestyle but boy it’s something different when you start going through it……
  14. Mu three month post-op checkup was yesterday. My team is amazing! I feel so supported by them and very thankful that I made that phone call for an appointment last year. The changes that I have been through in just a year are quite profound. More confidence, ease of body movement, better mental health. And oh, the joy of getting rid of size 24 clothing and not shopping in the plus size sections anymore!

    I was reading about people who stick around the forums after reaching their weight loss goals. Some of them are here for 5 or 10 years or more. I aspire to be one of those that stays around to share my story. I'm not some guru, and I'm not any more special than anyone else, and I certainly don't have the magic keys to success. The reason I want to stick around is because of the people that have shared their own journeys. You have all helped me immensely, even though we are all on different plans and start at different places. And I don't believe we ever really get to an ending on these journeys. Yeah, we may reach a goal related to weight, size, BMI, BP, A1C, cholesterol, etc., but we have to stay vigilant. I believe interacting on these forums long term can help guard that vigilance and reinforce what we learn along the way.




  15. Hi- just wondering if you didn’t experience the infamous 3 week stall, when did it show up? And I’ve read it can last 1-3 weeks. Any variations on that out there?
  16. Hi I got my sleeve surgery on August 22nd .. I've lost about 50 pounds but I was in the hospital a few days with sepsis and now I just got on the scale and gained like 8 pounds? I've barley eating so I'm confused any help ? Start weight 302 Surgery weight 288 Monday 251 today 260..
  17. I was supposed to be three months nicotine free prior to surgery. I stopped smoking cold turkey two weeks ago. I don't have a date yet but they are submitting everything to my insurance soon. I am unsure if they will make me take the blood test before submitting everything to insurance? I was a pack a day smoker, do you think three weeks quitting I will be ae to pass?
  18. Hi everyone! I just found this forum after doing a Google search and very happy I did. This is my first post and just looking for some advice. I had gastric sleeve surgery on Wednesday 12/7. Did 2 weeks liquids and last week started soft foods. Since I started on soft foods last Wednesday, I haven’t been able to eat too much of anything without getting that “stuck” feeling or way too full feeling. Then, everything started grossing me out. Like all foods other than chicken broth. On Christmas I had about 4oz of stuffing and that was it. That went down pretty good but I didn’t eat more than that bc I’m not supposed to. Then yesterday I got a quart (32oz) of Matza ball soup from a diner in the morning and ate off that all day which went down perfectly fine. I didn’t eat it in all one sitting but all throughout the day. Then today I had homemade chicken soup that had soft veggies, potatoes, rice and bits of chicken. I had about 2 cups of that throughout the day. At this time I’m not supposed to be eating carbs but I slipped up w the potatoes, rice, matza and that bit of stuffing on Christmas. I’m feeling so guilty and worried I fucked up already 3 weeks in. I really struggle not to eat and drink at the same time too. I usually have a drink w my food because it makes the food go down better. I don’t chug but take small sips. Do you think I’ve stretched my new stomach out and ruined things? I was doing so amazing since surgery but it’s just been these last few days I been making bad choices and feel like I’m overeating and eating the wrong things. I’m wondering if it’s bc I got mY period 3 days ago which makes me super hungry. Could that be why my carb cravings went up? Anyone else not be perfect in the beginning? Do you think I’m too far gone? Please no mean comments. I’m already beating myself up as it is. 😔 Thank you. ❤️
  19. Im getting a little discouraged,Ive read about the 3 week stall but im having the 3 week gain. I had gastric bypass 10/18 I also had my gallbladder removed.The first 2 weeks I lost 18 pounds.I was happy and then i go to my clinic for a class with people who had surgery the same day or around the same time.We were there to go over the next phase of eating .Everyone was discussing there weigh loss (30lbs and up) and what they've been eating.I thought to myself im eating far less than most of them why am I only down 18 and there 30+ At the time I was having 8oz of pureed soup,a protein shake or two,and 32oz of water.Im having trouble getting in 64oz of water.I thought maybe Im not eating enough so I started getting in 3 meals a day and now they are allowing us to eat solids at our own pace. I went to the store and bought full grain bread,avacodo,and sliced cheese. First thing in the morning Ive been having 1/2 of one slice of bread with avacodo or a slice of cheese.For lunch I'll have the other half of slice of bread with avacodo,and dinner I'll have pureed soup 4oz. I dont stop eating because Im full,I stop eating because Im afraid of eating to much and getting sick. I've been eating far less than I have ever eaten in my life and now everytime I step on the scale for the past couple of weeks i've been gaining weight everyday!! I dont get it.Why would I be gaining weight when Im eating healthy and Im not going over 4oz each time I eat. Ive gained 3 lbs so far.
  20. I woke up with pain on my right side. Just felt tired today and uncomfortable. Anyone else experience this?!
  21. Please excuse me, for I must shout this from the rooftops...


    I have never done any chin-ups in my entire life. EVER.

    1. New To This23

      New To This23

      Awesome!! BTW I started following you, your posts are inspiring

    2. BeanitoDiego


      Thank you so much @New To This23 ☺️ I will follow you back! I really enjoy seeing other people's journeys, too. I am grateful that we have this site to connect with and support each other.

    3. BabySpoons


      Thats really great. I couldn't do chin ups even when I was in my earlier best shape. Bravo!!!

  22. catwoman7

    Taking Tablets?

    I was able to swallow all tablets but two (because of their size) as soon as I got home from the hospital. After about three weeks, I could swallow all tablets.
  23. I woke up with pain on my right side. Just felt tired today and uncomfortable. Anyone else experience this?!
  24. I had the gastric bypass May 11,2023. I was doing good with dropping the weight. But once I got to 160 I’ve stalled out. Idk what to do. Can some one please give me advice. It’s getting really discouraging and depressing. My dr wants me at 135. I’m so close.
  25. The 3 week stall has finally lifted and I am so thankful lol

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