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Found 17,501 results

  1. Alex Brecher

    Vitamins - please share tips

    I use BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE “1 per Day!” flavorless capsules from https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/bariatricpal-multivitamin-one! BariatricPal has a special offer where it’ll cost you only $99 for an entire year's supply! Check it out at https://store.bariatricpal.com/99 With just ONE convenient & affordable BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE each day, you can get the bariatric vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy! BariatricPal Multivitamin ONE was designed and developed by a team of the world’s leading Bariatric medical professionals. Please take a calcium supplement separately to prevent interference with the absorption of iron. You can view a large selection of bariatric-friendly Calcium supplements at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/calcium. You can also find MANY other brands of bariatric multivitamins at https://store.bariatricpal.com/collections/multivitamins.
  2. summerseeker

    4 months post-op

    Yes exactly this. This is so very tiring. Your brain is going a mile a minute and must be burning so many calories. I get B12 shots every 3 months at my doctors. If you have bariatric surgery here it seems to be the norm. These are like liquid energy and I don't need to check my calendar when they are due for renewal. The last two weeks are hell, I drag myself around. I had similar issues to you in my first year. I really struggled to eat and my calories were so low. I tired easily too. My team and I decided that it would be best for me to eat tiny meals, 6 times a day. My menu would be, meal 1, protein yogurt 2, homemade lentil and veg soup 3, scrambled egg 4, Fish in a sauce 5, Some jerky or cheese 6, a latte or some watermelon. This, in my mind gave me everything, I nutritionally needed but my calories were about 500 a day. I started to do full fat everything and upped my calories to 800 slowly. You will feel regret, its a lot to deal with. Every week gets easier. Once you master drinking enough you will leap forward.
  3. BlondePatriotInCDA


    Did the bariatric team give you the variable calories? The "800 - 1200" A day? Normally, its a set amount... I'd contact your bariatric team/dietician..IF you're not cheating you should be losing more than 4 lbs in two months.
  4. HealthyLifeStyle

    Hot Cocoa

    Just tried the Bariatric Pal Hot Cocoa. It is so good! It tastes just like regular hot cocoa. I was very surprised.
  5. B12 is extremely important for memory. For bariatric surgery, excluding the lap band, you need 12 weekly B12 injections.
  6. Hi, please can I ask if you know anything more on anyone’s experience of sniffing cocaine after Bariatric surgery?
  7. Spinoza

    Not Enough Calories

    Stalls are stalls. There is absolutely no rhyme nor reason to them, they just happen. People try to break them by upping or lowering calories, changing exercise regime, whatever. And when the loss restarts they SWEAR that what they did caused the renewed loss. The fact is, stalls last a few days, or worse, a few weeks and then they end. If you stick to your programme you'll start losing again soon. You don't need to do anything drastic.
  8. Hi everyone. I'm still looking for new vitamins, especially chewable (no soft gel). Is it me, or are these bariatric vitamin brands super weak? Fusion, ProCare, etc. have low amounts of vitamin B's, etc. I've always invested in high quality vitamins (Brain MD, others). The vitamins recommended by Cleveland Clinic even recommend a good amount of vitamin nutrients, but I don't find them in these bariatric brands. I realize I'd need to take numerous amounts of vitamins/day, but I'd have to take more than 10 multivitamins in these brands. Thoughts?
  9. Arabesque

    Is it only me?

    May be we should all get that app the records how often you fart at night. We might be able to start our own bariatric tooting band. 😁
  10. What are the best brands in bariatric pal that are vegetarian or plant based?
  11. ripburn

    Protein shakes

    Maybe try some of the protein unflavored shakes and protein powders here at bariatric pal store here https://store.bariatricpal.com/pages/search-results-page?q=unflavored protein shakes
  12. HealthyLifeStyle

    Protein cereal

    I recently tried the Bariatric Pal's Honey Nut Protein Cereal. I don't think I would waste my $$ on it again. It is expensive. $15 for 7 small envelopes.
  13. The choc sola bagels are a gift, has anyone tried their bagels and i just heard they came out with a cinnamon raisin one? not yet on the bariatric pal website but hopefully soon!!
  14. Evelyns

    Michigan Dating Anyone?

    Many hospitals and clinics that perform bariatric surgeries offer support groups. These groups are not only great for emotional support and advice but also for meeting others who have gone through similar experiences.
  15. BlondePatriotInCDA


    I'd make an appointment with your bariatric team then. I'm a slow weight loser..but 4 lbs in two months seems off.
  16. K Ramirez

    Needing some encouragement

    I use an app but not made for bariatric, I'll have to give this a try. And ugh... Bowel movements! They're few and far between. Thank you for your help 🙂
  17. Hi! I am scheduled to have gastric sleeve surgery in September. I have diastolic dysfunction grade 1 and the idea of going under anesthesia makes me nervous. My surgeon is aware, as is my cardiologist and all have given me the green light. I realize that weight loss will likely improve the diastolic dysfunction and hopefully prevent full blown heart failure, so I am leaning towards going through with the surgery. I had a previous lapband (removed in 2014) and multiple surgeries which has caused adhesions/scar tissue, which will likely extend my total time under anesthesia. Has anyone had WLS with heart disease? If so, did you have any cardiac complications during or post-surgery?
  18. Good afternoon my fellow Metabolic & Bariatric Friends,I just signed up today and wanted to touch bases with people in the community. I had my surgery on Nov. 22 2023 at the Kiaser Bariatric center in Richmond Ca. My goal is to get down 240 lb by next Nov 22 2024.
  19. WarrenInEC

    May 2024 Surgery Buddies 😁

    To all my May surgery brothers and sisters, just remember one thing. They don't have many bariatric beds in nursing homes, because they don't need them!! We got this!!
  20. Evelyns

    Canada? Anyone?

    I’m curious if there’s anyone local who is also going through the bariatric journey. It would be great to connect with someone nearby who understands the challenges and triumphs of this process. Sharing experiences and supporting each other can make a huge difference.
  21. LindsayT

    Struggling to stop losing

    If all else fails, maybe speak with a bariatric nutritionist for some advice. They'd be able to give you tailored suggestions. Good luck!
  22. Salamandertom

    Bile reflux

    Hello, I had a sleeve gastrectomy in 2016. Recently I had an endoscopy due to swallowing issues (I have multiple sclerosis). The biopsy of my stomach came back with changes and i had mild damage in my distal esophagus. I do not have a GI and have not been being followed by the bariatric center for several years. I have an appointment to see my bariatric surgeon as it seems that the recourse for bile reflux is a revision. Has anyone else dealt with anything like this?
  23. ShoppGirl


    I wonder if you would have better luck bringing both bottles or a printout of what’s in them with you to your appointment so they can “compare” the ingredients for you and tell you if it is “possible” for you to take the same ones or if what the surgeon said is a better plan. I have tried comparing vitamins before to find cheaper bariatric ones and its apples and oranges. can only imagine how differnt prenatal ones would be from bariatric. I feel like a doctor would know what’s really important and what’s not better than we would.
  24. BlondePatriotInCDA

    No drinking rule with snacks?

    They should do this for all bariatric patients! It brings it home seeing it yourself!
  25. AmberFL


    I am looking at new hair cuts and go back to my hair lady in August. I am not her first bariatric client so she knows how to deal. Hoping I am not too fair gone where I have to go too short.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
