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Found 3,099 results

  1. JennyBeez

    Protein cereal

    I tried the following recently: Truely Cereal - Fruit flavor. It wasn't bad, but it has a weird texture. It's made to look like fake fruit loops. Catalina Crunch - Keto friendly- Honey Graham. It's a very hard cereal so it required a long soak in my (oat) milk. Tasted fine, a little too sweet but not excessively so. Quaker High Protein instant oatmeals. I've tried a few flavors. Luckily my father likes them so he took sll the leftovers. Consistency and texture were fine, but they taste salty? Also they have actual (if reduced) sugars so I was hesitant to begin with. Didn't find it worth it. I've got an unopened box of Premier Protein - Mixed Berry cereal that looks promising. Fingers crossed. But that multigrain Special K looks right up my alley -- will be seeking that out.
  2. Mjtcollective

    December Surgery Buddies!

    I only had to do 2 weeks of keto - I had mine in Mexico. My insurance denied me. They required BMI and THREE co-morbs 😩
  3. New To This23


    Hi I am 3 months out and I am experiencing hair loss, but honestly, even people that do Keto or Code Red where you basically only eat protein (btw hard on the kidneys) lose hair, so I think it's unavoidable. Things will get much easier once you can eat actual food (you'll learn by trial and error what works for you.)
  4. GreenTealael

    How do you handle comments about your looks?

    I had surgery during the Keto/intermittent fasting boom and I relied heavily on that excuse. Was I really fooling anyone? In retrospect, I doubt it. Now with the rise of highly effective weight loss medication and it’s media coverage, people will think whatever they want anyway, despite your well thought out excuse. You can always remain vague and say your health is improving and then immediately switch the conversation to focus on something else. I absolutely love the “enough about me, what about you?” pivot.
  5. Try an electrolyte powder in your water. It is common for the liquid diets to trigger "keto flu" from the lack of minerals and nutrients compared to a normal diet. I found a packet of electrolytes a day really helped keep my energy up and the muscle cramps and headaches at bay. Good luck! ❤️
  6. GreenTealael

    How do you handle comments about your looks?

    I had surgery during the Keto/intermittent fasting boom and I relied heavily on that excuse. Was I really fooling anyone? In retrospect, I doubt it. Now with the rise of highly effective weight loss medication and it’s media coverage, people will think whatever they want anyway, despite your well thought out excuse. You can always remain vague and say your health is improving and then immediately switch the conversation to focus on something else. I absolutely love the “enough about me, what about you?” pivot.
  7. ChunkCat

    Soft Food

    Sure! It's this one, though I have to figure out how to adapt it to the stovetop. https://ketosisguide.us/keto-crockpot-chicken-and-dumplings-2-1004rk/ I also found this one which looks good too! https://www.thewickednoodle.com/keto-chicken-and-dumplings/
  8. ChunkCat

    Total Carbs or Net Carbs?

    If you are counting total carbs you need to be under 50 grams total carbs to maintain ketosis. If you are counting net carbs you need to be under 30 grams net carbs to maintain ketosis. They aren't interchangeable. Some believe fiber and sugar alcohols don't impact blood sugar so they can be subtracted and net carbs followed, but that doesn't apply to everyone. I can't eat any of the high fiber "keto" products like breads. For me, carbs are carbs and keto bread will knock me out of ketosis just as fast as a chocolate bar. 🤣 I am not the norm, but it is incredibly annoying!! And I know others like me. Regardless, my dietician said we should count total carbs because net carbs are not a recognized measurement by whatever association decides these things. LOL Most fruit is high in carbs, yes, and so most people watching their carb count choose coconut and berries as opposed to citrus or bananas. Same with veggies, green beans would be a better choice than a sweet potato. Keep in mind this state of ketosis is not intended to last forever, so what might not be the best item to eat right now will fit perfectly later on in your nutritional picture when you can increase your carb count.
  9. Its quite normal to go off foods. I think its the Keto diet that changes the foods tastes. Two years on, I still am unable to stomach cooked salmon, mussels and lamb. Strangely enough, they were my most favourite foods pre surgery. It does get better once real foods are back on your menu, I promise. Just eat what you can now because this stage of having little appetite doesn't last for everyone. What you are doing is great
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    Slow Loser - Anyone else?

    Don't be in awe of me lol I've had my fair share of ups and downs in this, but I found what works for me personally. Take what you want from my suggestions and toss the rest. But for ME, I noticed that I'm sensitive to carbs. I tend to respond better when I am at lower carbs. I don't eat bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, sugar, little to no salt (and when I do, it's pink Himalayan salt), or fruits high in sugar and carbs (grapes, bananas, and I limit apples). I'm not a fan of chocolate (if I eat it at all, it's in the form of keto brownies and I eat 1 small brownie every 2 days or so). I avoid Starbucks now (didn't used to and noticed my weight would stall a lot more). I avoid cow's milk (almond milk has more calcium and nutrients in it) and if I want ice cream, I get Rebel ice-cream from Walmart (2g or less of carbs for the whole pint of ice-cream, lactose free, 5g of less of sugar for the whole pint of ice-cream depending on the flavor). There's keto bread and keto bagels that I eat when I REALLY want something that requires those (my avocado toast is something I have 1-2x per week, or I have a keto bagel with sausage, egg, and cheese on it maybe once a week). If I want pizza, I get the ones that have cauliflower crust (omg so good), I have cauliflower rice, and mashed cauliflower if I'm wanting mashed potatoes (cauliflower has almost no flavor so it takes on whatever flavors it's mixed with). If I want sweetener, I use monk fruit sweetener (doesn't raise the blood sugar at all and actually tastes sweeter than sugar). If I want a nice flavored coffee, I buy the coffee shop coffee and make it at home, add almond milk, and put in Jordan's Skinny Syrup (no sugar, no calories, no carbs) in any flavor I'm wanting (they basically have every flavor you can think of). If I want fruit juice, I go to Walmart and buy the sugar free mango splash or sugar free fruit punch. Absolutely DELICIOUS. I drink a lot of flavored water with the sugar free powders, Gatorade zero, and Propel waters. For me, the trick has always been to eat within the boundaries of my diet while not feeling like I'm depriving myself. Everything tastes delicious and feels like I'm eating like everyone else, but I'm keeping to what I can eat without having to cheat to feel satisfied. I like sugar free tropical popsicles for a treat while my husband and daughter eat the regular stuff. We can all have popsicles together and I don't feel deprived or left out, yet I'm not breaking any of my personal dietary rules. I also make sure to change up what I do in my work outs. If you do the same things in the same order every time, your body gets used to it and the exercises stop being effective. If you do different exercises in a different order periodically, it will "confuse" your body and everything you do will have a greater impact. For me, not only does exercising help me lose weight, it also makes me feel good physically and mentally. I was 421 pounds and needed a cane to help me get around. Being able to hike 10 miles with my son means more to me than I can even express. So if you're working out, try to confuse your body as much as you can. I hope some of this helps you out. I never want anyone to think that my way is the only way to do things, but maybe something in here will give you some help with getting out of your slump and back to losing weight at the rate you're most comfortable with
  11. ShoppGirl

    Food Before and After Photos

    Has anyone looked into the lower calorie options in the factor75 meals. They are not cheap but they are prepared but they are fresh and they have vegan and keto options as well. I assume this would be an option to consider for those in maintenance for busy nights but I’m not the greatest at reading labels. I am currently looking into converting to SADi and just want to get started with something while I do my research and the insurance process (I was sleeved 3/9/21 and gained the weight back). I never did learn to understand all the macros and stuff the first time around which I’m sure contributed to my regain. I’m am just curious if anyone who understands all that has researched them and has any feedback about them.
  12. ChunkCat

    Pre-Surgery Bucket List

    I didn't really get a chance to do this because my surgery date changed and I had to immediately start the pre-op diet. So the only thing I had was 2 slices of a really, really good pizza and a few wings. Oh, and a mixed drink! And that was it... I've found post op that I can still eat a lot of what I loved before with modifications. I can have pho, but without the rice noodles, the sweet little lady at our local shop makes it with veggies for me! I can have korean bbq (which is my favorite meal) but we order ala carte now instead of all-you-can-eat and have leftovers for days. I can have thai curries but I get them to go and put them on heart of palm noodles and have several meals of it. I can't have the carbs I used to have and some days I miss them, but not for too long. I do miss a pastry with my coffee, but I'm working on finding a few decent keto cookie recipes and I recently made keto banana nut chocolate chip muffins that were wicked good and scratched that itch... My partner loves to eat out so I've found a variety of ways to adapt what I get, how to optimize for things that will be good as leftovers, or how to get a smaller portion or leave off what I can't eat... Enjoy your katsu curry!! I do kind of miss that with a steaming bowl of rice... Mmmm...
  13. I don’t tell a lot of people either. Just stick to the facts like many others: saw a dietician, did a lot of research, changed the way I ate & had my doctor’s support. If they ask what diet (still get asked occasionally) I say keto to kick start (was my pre surgery diet so true too) but then no diet just made changes that are good for me. I don’t tell them I exercised because I didn’t & anyone who knows me would know I was lying if I said I did. LOL! I agree with @GreenTealael. The quick turn about to redirect them to themselves or a new topic is a good tactic:
  14. catwoman7

    VSG 2017 Dr Scott Bovard NC

    I think most of us were told to shoot for 60-80 grams of protein a day, but as far as sugar/carbs, plans vary quite a bit. Some are low carb, some are ultra low carb (almost keto-level), some don't count carbs at all and insist their patients follow a balanced plan (mine was one of the latter). I've never counted carbs, but I'm not particularly sensitive to them, either (I know some people are). That said, during my first few months post-surgery, I rarely ate more than 80 carbs a day, and never over 100 - although that was just because I ate very little in those days, and there was such a push for that 60-80 grams of protein that I didn't have room for a ton of carbs. I don't pay attention to carbs at all any more - I just watch my overall calorie level and still make sure I'm meeting my protein goal.
  15. diadori

    Soft Food

    Would you mind sharing the Keto chicken and dumplings recipe? I definitely want that in my recipe box for now and after surgery. Thanks!
  16. COTTAGE CHEESE !!!! Yes --- that's right - cottage cheese . I follow these 2 ladies on Utube , the Keto Twins, and they have a video on how to make them and different flavorings you can add. It's just teaspoons of cottage cheese on parchment paper in the microwave for 4ish minutes. Here's the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GP_8v9Hax80
  17. Splenda

    Sandwiches and chips

    https://www.oroweat.com/breads/favorites/keto (Living in Texas, I discovered HEB Higher Harvest low carb bread and use that now)
  18. GreenTealael

    Food Before and After Photos

    Homemade Basque cheesecake (sugar free/keto) each slice is around 275 cals
  19. SomeBigGuy

    Sick of Protein Shakes

    I don't know how I forgot this, but look into PB2 or other Keto peanut butter powders. It's mostly the protein and fat left behind after they dehydrate peanut butter and remove some of the carbs (not all, but enough). You mix the powder with water to get the consistency you want and can eat it like peanut butter. I've also used it in the past with non-bariatric friendly smoothies and shakes, but I'm sure there are recipes out there that are more friendly. Actually I think I'm going to look some up now!
  20. Arabesque

    Is there a standard guideline?

    No there is no norm or standard plan for before or after surgery. Much like there is no standard for how you will recover, how much weight you’ll lose, what ‘fun’ side effects you’ll experience, etc. There’s just generalisations & averages. There will be similarities across plans & differences. Like in the pre surgery eating plan. Some don’t have any. Some do three shakes a day while others do two shakes & one meal. Me I had to do keto. Same with the post surgery stages. Differences can be around how long each stage is or even what foods you can or can’t have at each stage. For example potatoes are allowed on many plans but were a big no in my plan. I do know my surgeon adjusts his plan depending on the individual patient & their specific needs & situation. My friend who saw him was on the 2 shakes one meal plan. Her friend, also same surgeon was all shakes. Our ages, starting weight & general health were different. It’s why we say it’s always best to follow the plan you were given and if you are having difficulties to contact your team to see if & how you can tweak it to better suit you & your needs & experiences.
  21. Were you given a diet & list of what you can & cannot drink/eat before & post surgery? If you didn’t ask for one. It’s really important to follow the plan you’re given. Surgeons can have different plans with different requirements. For example the pre surgery diet could be three protein shakes a day, or it might be 4 shakes a day. It could be two shakes & one meal of meat & vegetables (low fat, low carbs). Some even specify what brand of shakes to drink. I was on keto so lots of differences. Generally post surgery it’s protein shakes, bone broths, cream soups, consumes so protein, protein, protein. Some are allowed sugar free jello but again you should follow your surgeon’s plan. All the best.
  22. SomeBigGuy

    yogurt after surgery

    Sorry if I'm repeating myself, I've lost track of which threads I've posted on. My doctor said to keep it under 10g total carbohydrates per serving, and target 50-60g total max per day. Not low enough to go into Keto, unless that's your intent, but low enough for the body to prioritize burning fat first. I know on days that I've blown past this, I'll feel more irritable a few hours later and I'll crave more bread and sugar for 2-3 days afterwards, so go lightly on it! Personally, I've had trouble with some artificial sugars causing cravings and irritability. Not everyone will have this intolerance, but pay close attention to any sugar alcohols or substitutes in ingredients and see which ones affect you. I've had luck tolerating monk fruit and stevia, but Sorbitol and Xylitol hit me as hard as normal sugar.
  23. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Bloodwork showed type 2 diabetes

    I did Atkins keto for years...you actually found a keto bread that tasted "fantastic"? I never did and believe me I looked, they all tasted nasty to me! If you don't mind...what brand I'd love to eventually add it to my healthy eating routine later?!
  24. ChunkCat

    November 2023 surgery buddies

    You need some electrolyte powders to mix in your water. Look for one with a good amount of potassium and magnesium. It stops the "keto flu" symptoms like fatigue and headaches! A lot of people underestimate them. I did 3 weeks of a pre-op diet with no headaches or muscle cramps after the first day because I started taking those handy little powders! They help post-op too.
  25. Arabesque

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    Apparently they called the first week of the pre surgery shake diet hell week at my surgeon’s office. There’s a lot of withdrawal symptoms associated with it (sugar, carbs, caffeine). Your cravings go crazy - you always want more the things you can’t have. Your emotions are all over the place which often makes you want to comfort yourself with food. On & on. Round & round. I was vey relieved I was placed on keto for the pre surgery diet. I had done the shake diet before. Two shakes & one small portion meal of steamed vegetables & plain cooked protein. Did it for 8 weeks & then again for 6 weeks a couple of years later as another diet I was trying. It ain’t easy even with one meal. Check with your dietician regarding swapping out a shake for a broth/soup. Some companies do offer them as well as shakes but they’re still going to be low calorie & go through you quickly being liquids. You’ve got this. You can do it.

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