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Found 738 results

  1. i'm 2 weeks out from surgery... i really really want a drink... how long did everyone wait til they started drinking again?
  2. annecolorgreen


    Hi! I am still awaiting approval from insurance and have a question. This weekend, we went over to a friend's house to play cards and I had some alcohol to drink. It made me think about what happens AFTER the band...do you have to watch how much you drink? I would think that being able to have less food on your stomach would cause the alcohol to effect you sooner. Anyone noticed a difference? Thanks...just preparing for a life change! ~~anne
  3. Can drinking heavy with the band have effects? Not like alcoholic status but like one heavy night of drinking?
  4. Hi, I am having surgery on Tuesday (yeah!) and I am worried about my liver. Prior beginning my lap band journey, I used to drink a lot (not to the point of having a problem, it was just more a part of my life). My liver function levels were all good at my pre-op and I have been following a pretty low-carb diet, but I am still worried. Has anyone else been through this and did the banding go OK for you? Thanks!
  5. The other night I had alcohol for the first time since my surgery (very little, yes I'm allowed per my surgeon, no I'm not an alcoholic) And realized I had no idea what the hell to drink. Most drinks have carbonation and extra/excess sugar or are mixed with **** I don't need. What are the best options for a post sleeve patient to drink responsibly? I really don't drink often enough to where it'll be a huge issue, but I figure any opportunity to improve is always a good one. I'm sure there's old threads on this, but I mostly just found ones centered on when/how much rather than drink selection
  6. Today is my birthday and I'm 4wks post op and wanna know how soon did any sleeves start drinking?? But remember I'm really don't drink like that only on occasions.. Help pls
  7. Virginiarosew


    Not sure why but I have read countless studies about alcoholism being a direct correlation of weight loss surgery patients.. I know of two people that have had surgeries (one had the sleeve and one had bypass) that are struggling with the use of alcohol and I fear that I could potentially be on the verge.. Has anyone else struggled with this? I also wonder why there is even a connection???
  8. Band to sleeve conversion 9/12. I know this is a silly question and was probably a topic in the past. I have a wedding this weekend with a reception party after. I am planing on bringing my Water and will also bring a Protein shake since I'm still on all liquids for the next couple of weeks. I know everyone will be drinking and having fun which is completely fine. My question is I wonder if it would be completely crazy to have a single vodka tonic. Has anyone had a drink this early post op and if so, how was it? My fear is a tummy that feels like it's on fire. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. biggame


    can you still drink alcohol ?
  10. I had my surgery 5 months ago And I haven't drank a month before it and my friends are going out tonight .... Am going too but I want to drink ... 3 glasses maybe of vodka and cranberry juice its my low carb day and I am afraid of gaining weight as I had a High carb day yesterday! i will be drinking today! Will i gain weight ? will it effect my weight loss! thanks
  11. Freddy Henin


    So I'm the at Busch tour in STL, beer is everywhere...I'm on my liquid diet right now...I've taken a few sips from family and stuff, I feel fine (just burping) but is that ok to do? I'm not saying I'm drinking an entire cup, just like 20 sips on a 3 hour tour
  12. moonlitestarbrite

    sugar alcohols?

    what is the scoop with sugar alcohols? are they bad for you? okay in small amounts?
  13. I was wondering if anyone have tried alcohol? I am almost 7 months out from surgery and have not had one drop of alcohol. I am wanting to have a drink Tuesday night since it is my last day at my current job of 15 years. I am moving on to bigger and better things. I am scared that I might get sick or how it will affect me. I know for sure I wont be having carbonnation OK can't spell. Haha. I tried a sparkling water once and it made me instantly sick. So maybe a margratria. What have other people tried?
  14. Bobisgettingsmaller


    I know it's bad for you, full of calories, and a sin. But I'm going to the beach next week and I would really like a drink. I have always been a bourbon or rum and coke guy. Is it okay to have carbonation every once in a while like that?
  15. allie1516

    what kind of alcohol

    What do you drink when you go out to clubs or partys? How did you deal with a hangover since your not supposed to vomit?
  16. I'll be a month out of surgery on Tuesday. And I was wondering is it possible to drink a little alcohol? I turned 21 about 6 months ago, and HONESTLY, I'm not a big drinker to begin with, truly. I would just like to sip on a frozen drink throughout the night of the 4th. What do you think?
  17. How long post surgery do you need to wait to have a glass of wine or some form of alcohol without carbonation?
  18. I want some. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. I've never really been a huge drinker, and before surgery it was not uncommon for me to go many months without a drink. I had my surgery Nov., 2015 and am living an entirely different lifestyle in a new country where drinking alcohol is the one common denominator at every social event. Because I suffer from social anxiety, this appeals to me because it calms me down and makes me more outgoing and friendly. That is, if I wasn't drinking I would stay home. My question is how does this effect weight loss and maintaining weight?
  20. Hello everyone. This is more for the longer post opers. Have any of you tried drinking alcohol? If so, how was it? I like to drink the occasional beer or 2 and want to know what others have experienced. Thanks!! Sent from my LG-D800 using the BariatricPal App
  21. I am 31 years old and have basically done whatever I wanted (within reason) whenever I wanted since mid-college. I'm self-employed in the financial industry so I have been able to take off on a vacation, golf, or whatever reasonably easy (since I didn't have to ask my employer first.) This do whatever, whenever is partly why I'm in the shape I'm in, I love to eat... and eat good. One of the things that I'm most worried about is the possibility that I won't be able to drink carbonated beverages such as beer or things that mix with alcohol after surgery. I'm not an alcoholic by any means, but, I have a lot of fun. And drinking on the golf course or during a cocktail hour in business settings has been a big part of my life over the past 10 years. Not to mention, most of my friends like to kick back and drink on the weekends. I'm confused because I have read many things that a lot of folks aren't able to handle alcohol or drink carbonated beverages at all... Yet, I have a good friend who had the surgery and in some ways, I wouldn't hardly notice a difference in his eating/drinking unless he had told me. He still drinks a few beers, drinks a ton of wine, and some mixes and seems to be fine. The main area I can see a difference is that he seems to get drunker quicker. What are your experiences? What is the norm? Is it just that this surgery affects everyone differently? I mean, I am obviously willing to give up some of this for my health for my family... But, I'm just trying to figure out what to expect. Any input is appreciated. Oh, and my surgery is scheduled for this coming Monday. Thanks.
  22. I have noticed when I am very tight if I have a drink before dinner it seems to loosen the band a little so the first bites go down a little better. Anybody else think the same way? Terry
  23. Hi, Can you consume alcoholic drinks after surgery? My Co workers wife had a VSG a years ago. She was told by her pcp that she couldn't drink anymore or it could be serious complications. Anyone told otherwise?
  24. cassandra

    Alcohol Consumtion

    How long is it before you can consume alcohol with the lapband? I'm not talking about getting drunk - just a mixed drink or two. Does the carbonation make a difference? Thanks.

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