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Found 554 results

  1. mousek

    Afraid to eat...

    Hello, hope you are doing okay. I went to Slimband in Toronto and they gave me a binder to take home which is very specific about eating. 1st 5 days clear fluid (broth, jello), next seven days cream soups, yogurt, smoothies and meal replacement shakes, third week mushed up food like baby food consistency and then solid foods in small bites - hope this helps.
  2. kurby

    Are they the same

    ohhhhh - ok - so it's the lapband that is given to those going through Slimband?
  3. juliebee


    Slimband is the name of a clinic/franchise that performs the lapband procedure here in Canada. Kind of like True Results in Texas.
  4. tasiapg

    Considering removal need advice/help!

    Hi: I was banded on January 5, 2006 (on my 46th birthday). I weighed 255 lbs and had problems from the start with the band. I had very little fill the first six months and vomited constantly. I finally hit my sweet spot in 2007 and lost 65 lbs. I looked good but felt terrible. Eventually with this fill, after about 8 months, I started with the reflux at night and it kept me up all night until whatever food had to come up did. I was having marital problems and when I was stressed, my band would tighten up and this helped me lose weight. Not a good way of doing it. I had several fills and defills over the years but could not find my sweet spot again. I went for a barium test, two years ago and the radiologist told me to have a defill. The barium was not going down. Luckily there was a doctor in town that Slimband referred me to and he gave me a small defill. I gained 15 lbs. A year later, with the same fill, I started with the reflux again and had another barium test and again, was sent for a defill. Surprise, I gained another 20 lbs. Slimband then decided that they were no longer going to support the TLBC patients and I lost it. I could not imagine myself without support and having all of these problems. I have nothing good to say about Slimband. They are nice to you and once they have your money, you are just another number. Found a great surgeon in Toronto and just had my lapband removed on September 22, 2014. Surgery went very well. The band left a bit of scarring but nothing serious. I was actually out and walking that night and went to dinner and ate lightly. The only pain that I had was in my shoulders and this lasted for a few days. My Iron count and B12 count have been very low in the last 8 years and I know its from my diet. I have a long road ahead of me and it will be hard. I didn't go crazy and eat a hamburger or hot dog (which I haven't had in 8 years) but I am so happy that I can eat chicken, raw veggies and healthy foods. I don't have to worry about eating out in public and making sure that I can make it to the bathroom in case I have to vomit I feel that I have more energy. I am watching what I eat carefully. I am very upset that I let myself gain back the 35 lbs but when you are deprived and eating only Soups and shakes and then you are defilled, you naturally turn to foods that go down easily and unfortunately are calorie high. You are fortunate that you lost the 80 lbs and you have made the right decision. The band is not for everyone. I know it wasn't for me. It wasn't hard saying bye to it......I am glad that I tried it but look forward to my life being unbanded. Good luck with with your surgery!
  5. If anyone recd slimband procedure last year , the dna testing has been cancelled and you should call about getting a refund ($500) Nobody was notified.
  6. susieq321

    January Challenge!

    Doddie, Thanks for the good wishes.... I love the gym while I am there, other than Jamal is going to kick my ass and push me hard again of that I am sure! I used to weigh daily and haven't in about 5 years since I was at goal for about 6 months and just after plastic surgery I stopped. It worked very well for me for a long time... but in this case I had my own reasons for not caring if I gained and weighing daily wouldn't have stopped me it would have just made some other things worse.... I think there are merits to judging your progress by the scale and by how you look and feel. I have to say sitting and talking to Dr Yau when he moved my port back in Oct helped a lot. Knowing he is there whenever I need him or call Slimband helps too... at the time Dr Yau and I were talking I just wasn't mentally ready to make any of the changes I knew were coming.... and I knew they were coming and exactly what they were because I had been here before.... that was prebanding so I knew how much work I had to go. I just didn't factor in the migraine headaches that were my body begging me for sugar. Heather
  7. mousek

    I soo want this... Help

    Hello, my bmi was 33 when I went for consultation with Slimband here in Toronto Canada. They have financing available.
  8. bellacatgirl

    Yau is back at Slimband

    I have received unsettling news that I know will upset quite a few of you. Yau is back doing surgeries at Slimband but they are trying t keep it a secret. Since Dr. Yau resigned from his position at Slimband in February of this year, his patients (including those banded under TLBC) have been told that Slimband is no longer treating them because Yau no longer works there. I called Slimband Patient Support last week and asked the following: Is Dr. Yau still working at Slimband? – the answer was no. Does Dr. Yau still work, in any capacity, out of the Prince Arthur medical clinic? – the answer was no. Are Dr. Yau’s patients, including those banded under TLBC, being supported/treated by Slimband? – the answer was no because “Dr. Yau no longer works at Slimband.” The truth is, Yau performed at least one surgery at Slimband (Prince Arthur) on Monday April 7th 2014. This information was voluntarily given to me via staff members that currently work at Slimband. Be aware that Slimband will do anything to deny he is back working there, including taking his name off his parking spot. So why did he resign when he clearly still continues to work there? Well we can’t be sure but it very likely has to do with the fact that if Yau appeared not to be working at Slimband then they would be able to stop treating his patients, including those banded under TLBC who were guaranteed a lifelong support system without additional cost. We seriously need to do something about this. There is a lawsuit underway for those banded under TLBC because our agreement of a lifelong support system is not being honoured. If you are in this situation please email 2014takeaction@gmail.com. My worry is that other Slimband patients banded under Yau are also not being supported because “Yau no longer works at Slimband.” This is a lie because he is working there. You need to do whatever you can to make others aware of this. Slimband continues to lie and this type of unprofessionalism needs to stop before others sign-up with them only to be disappointed or put in danger as a result of being refused treatment in the future.
  9. MontrockGirl

    Slim Band removal

    I was extremely lucky the slimband gastric band did not cause any complications....removal and gastric bypass done on May 8 and so far so good[emoji3] Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. I found this doing a search. Yikes. Sorry to anyone who got scammed or injured by these thieves. So I won the lawsuit against SLIMBAND IN TORONTO how do i collect So to make a very long story short, I paid 16,000 dollars to the SLIMMBAND CLINIC IN TORONTO, TO INSERT BY LAPOROROCOPY AND GENERAL ANESTHETIC A DEVICE WHICH WAS TO CONTROL MY APPETITE AND HELP ME TO LOSE AND MAINTAIN MY WEIGHT, FOR MY HEALTH. I was blind sighted, I should have done my homework, this very clinic and doctor had jumped ship on hundreds of other innocent unsuspecting, patients. I went through the courts and won the case against the clinic, big deal they shut their doors one week prior to my court date. My only hope is to tell anyone who even thinks about this way of life in the Toronto area be certain it is not the same owner, nor the same doctor that took my money and left me with a nonfunctioning piece of silicone band in my abdomen. Three surgeries later and many heart aches and physical discomfort I had the monster removed.DO NOT BE FOOLED THEY HIRE SKINNY PEOPLE WHO TELL YOU THEY HAD THE SAME SURGERY. I HAVE ASLO BEEN IN CONTACT WITH PATIENTS THAT ENDED UP WITH SEVERE INFECTIONS AND MANY COMPLICATIONS. https://www.bariatricpal.com/index.php?/topic/398746-So-I-won-the-lawsuit-against-SLIMBAND-IN-TORONTO-how-do-i-collect/page__view__findpost__p__4482030
  11. trutay

    Slimband March 2017 closing

    I did get approved for another fill by slimband..They are still doing fills but I chose to go to a doctor they suggested since he is closer to me. Now for complications etc I'm not sure what they will do.. Sent from my SM-G930W8 using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. MiltonMommy

    Any Canadians out there?

    Hey! I'm scheduled for April 7th at Slimband in Toronto also! What time is your surgery at? Mine's scheduled for 11:00 am.
  13. LessLee


    Hi, I am also booked for Slimband on the 21st!
  14. truthbetold66

    Yau NEVER left Slimband

    I have heard from a few very reliable sources that Yau never left Slimband. He was in the OR last Monday. They are not being truthful to his patents when they tell them he is no longer associated with Slimband. I wonder why?
  15. Hi all --- So glad to have found this forum!! It seems no matter what question goes through my mind, I can dig around a bit here and find that someone has already asked it and someone else has already answered it. Its a godsend. So about me, I have been overweight most of my life (which is 49 years). For the first 30ish years I kept it under control by sheer will power, but age and a hysterectomy and menopause and quitting smoking and a desk job..........well, pfffffftttttt. Here I am 65 pounds over my ideal -- gallbladders out, blood pressures up, the joints are inflamed and I am planning my lap band. Tomorrow is my phone consult with the Dr. from SWLC. I have already spoken to someone from Slimband ---- is there a big difference between these two do you know? I will have to travel to Toronto to have the surgery, and I will be self pay, so I want to get the very best bang for my bucks. I live in Grande Prairie, Alberta -- and both clinics assure me they have a Doc locally here for fills. I guess the one thing I could use help with...what do I ask during this consultation? What is the got to have information that I need to remember? I am nervous, but even more so I am excited. I can't wait to be a healthy weight again. Thanks for listening
  16. slimmingdown28

    Esophageal spams??

    I was banded in June with the slimband/lapband everything has been going great other than left shoulder pain when I over eat and have pressure built up. But... Since October I have been having nutcracker esophagus. It basically feels like I'm having a heart attack my husband took me to emerge one night they did an EKG to rule out heart, and said food is probably getting stuck causing acids that irritate my esophagus which is likely causing the spasms. I went and had .25 cc's removed today hoping that will help although I feel really bloated now. Has anyone else experienced this after having their band. I've never had esophagus problems before????
  17. Hello, I am 37 from Canada. I am booked for Slimband on the 21st of June. I am a big mix of emotions and anxiety. Would love to chat with newbies and veterans alike. I am only telling 2 people irl.
  18. Losing for me

    Where to get Banded in Toronto?

    I am going with Dr Yau at Slimband. I have had the consult and everything seemed good. Good luck with your search and your procedure.:thumbdown:
  19. Vicki-Sue

    Not quite here yet

    Hello everyone, I have enjoyed reading your input and found it all both interesting and informative. I am at the point of visiting my own GP tomorrow and hope that he sees no reason why I can not proceed with the Slimband procedure. I really hope that this is the answer that I have been looking for. I have dieted since I was 16 and am now 52. I have 3 grown children and 1 absolutely wonderful grandson . To be perfectly honest, this procedure sounded too good to be true, but since I have read your postings, I can see that it isn't going to be a walk in the park! There is going to be a lot of work ahead. I have lost hundreds of pounds over the years and of course have put it all back on, and then some. My hope with procedure is that once I have reached my goal this time that Slimband is going to make it impossible to gain the weight back.
  20. pearlfidler56

    waste of 16 thousand dollars

    I too am having issues with Slimband and after the surgery in 2012 it may have been affective for 6 months to a year then it stopped restricting...i told them and even had my family doctor send me for exams which indicated there was minimal restriction...gradually the heartburn and acid reflux started and no matter gow many times i told them i met with ridiculous requests of sending in food logs...which had nothing to do with wether or not the band was working....the doctor form band says its probably not a good idea to get it tightened/repaired...further surgery which requires travel from Alberta to Ontario...but i have to pay to get it removed...almost 5 years and no results...16000.00 plus 1000's in admin fees!!! Im looking to file a class action lawsuit!!! Who else is looking into this...Dr. Yau was my surgeon and has since not had good reviews!!! Anyone??? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. Shackwacky

    Swlc Or Slimband......

    Thoughts? I have had a consult now with both, and both seem equally, ummm, equal I am self pay and travelling a very long distance, so I am worried about getting the most value I can. Things like after care, ever had to come back for anything, fills and defills.... I am doing this in November of this year, I just have to make a commitment to one or the other in the next few days. Would love to hear any experiences and/or words of wisdom. My doctor would be Dr. Yau at Slimband or Dr. Cobourn at SWLC. Thanks!!
  22. Shackwacky

    Swlc Or Slimband......

    Hi Elcee -- thanks for the reply. I probably wasn't very clear in that post. I have an option of two different clinics in TO, Canada. One is the slimband clinic and the other is the SWLC clinic. Different surgeons and some different options. So I am trying to find out as much as I can before I jump firmly on one side of the fence. Congrats on your weight loss by the way, amazing.
  23. NurseLydsss

    Swlc Or Slimband......

    I had the same issue, but after my research, and reading a lot of threads from different websites.... I even joined the Slimband website...and many of their patients complaints were regarding the "BAD" after care. Dr. Yau is very experienced, however, once they are done, you are basically on your own "according to their patients". But when I did a search on Dr. Cobourn and his clinic, I found mostly positive things were being said across the board, from consult to after care. So to me it seemed like they were more on point and cared more about their patients outcome then Slimband....that is the reason I chose SWLC..... Again do your research (it took me 2yrs to decide)....and make the best choice for you. I felt more comfortable with my choice, because I know after care was a huge deal for me. Good Luck!!!

    Swlc Or Slimband......

    You just join this forum 7 minutes before posting this, your profile is completely blank, and it's to sing the praises of some no-name band that others are speaking against? I call sock puppet. If anything, your post should be all the proof the original poster needs to know to stay far away from Slimband.
  25. Ah, ok. So you and I are probably feeling the same. Slimband does this procedure they call "the Slim Spot technique". How exactly it's done I am not sure. They do it during surgery. I was told they hook you up to some type of monitor and fill the band to determine where your vagus nerve is stimulated, and that would be your estimated "Sweet Spot". They then take out enough to allow you to heal. It's not exact, it can be off by 1 cc or so, but it gives you a bit of a head start with fills. http://slimband.com/...pot-adjustments I had 5.5 cc at surgery, and my level was estimated to be 7cc. I am now at 7.25. But weight loss will also affect it as you lose visceral fat. My band is 10 CC, but they can actually hold more like 12 if needed.

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