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Found 17,501 results

  1. Puréed foods have traumatized me 😣 When my doctor advanced me my first meal was mashed potatoes and they were fantastic! I went on to try some salmon but in the blender and it was the worst decision of my life. The texture was that of a milkshake and it was ABSOLUTELY disgusting. I never want to experience blended food (besides a green smoothie) ever again in life. Also, tried the ricotta bake but it was only good for a week before I was over it. So I'm technically still in puréed stage but I'm doing a mushy soft foods instead because I cant with blending food.... I guess I've advanced myself to soft solids (the #1 thing you're not suppose to do 😬) but I've been feeling good and I chew it up really well. Rotisserie chicken mashed potatoes mashed curry chickpeas mashed green beans I do know when when I'm eating too fast though: I feel the pain when the food stacks right in my chest and its passing thru my small opening little by little it's hard to breathe What I think is the "foamies" When this happens I just get up and walk around a bit until it has all trickled down into the pouch Thanks for attending my Ted Talk!
  2. I can only speak for myself. That being said I’m in the US and I had to go on a “diet” before my surgery to yes decrease the size of liver. I had to stop stepping on the scale as it will drive you batty. Focus on your meal plan. 3 weeks is short period of time and it’s not expected to drop off that fast. Weight loss is only one goal. Water is one of your goals, and meeting your calorie and protein numbers is another. Your comments are kind of unusual for someone 3 weeks out tho. Usually it’s about other things, nausea, not feeling hungry…etc. if you’re skipping eating that will effect your weight loss. If you follow your meal plan to the letter you will see the difference. You didn’t really mention what stage of your meal plan you are on now (liquids, soft, purée). Best of luck.
  3. Clary

    July 2023 buddies

    Apologies in advance for the long post!! Hello everyone! I had my surgery July 12th! I am a little over a week post op! Here’s a little bit of insight for those interested! Before surgery I was given a whole bunch of stuff as well as some antibiotics in which I had an allergic reaction to and made me break out in hives. It was super uncomfortable considering I was then wheeled to the operating room shortly after. I couldn’t do anything about the itching as I had to lay in a particular way and kept thinking “I hope they put me to sleep under soon” because it was soooo uncomfortable. After waking up I could barely open my eyes, and at some point I stopped trying but I was still aware of my surroundings for a bit. I just remember shivering and feeling extremely cold. My entire body was aching and I kept getting these chills of pain run through my body. I was in and out so I didn’t even remember leaving the operating room and into the post op room. If I am being completely honest the pain was at its highest the day of the surgery and thankfully the medications they gave me were strong or else I didn’t think I would be able to bear it. I pushed myself to walk about 3-4 hours after surgery even though I wasn’t pushed to, I felt like I needed to?? (Idk my brain was all over the place). I just couldn’t stand laying down for all this hours so if it meant walking to use the bathroom to get out of bed then so be it. I kept trying to push through it and walk walk walk. They were not kidding about the walking and how it helps with gas pains. The gas pains were so bad for me, it felt like bloating(?) just everywhere..the gas pains wow.. My entire stay everyone was super nice and attentive! My surgeon was also kind enough to fulfill my request in taking a picture of my stomach after he took it out! (I personally found it very fascinating!!) I was finally discharged the next day after being able to handle water and soup about 4oz for 5 hours consecutively. And I was very homesick and really missed my bed (and pets). By day 5 though I felt pretty good and a bit back to my normal self for the most part. Until day 5 I could NOT stomach regular water. For some reason I could not stand the taste of it?? It tasted disgusting and I had to keep drinking Gatorade or mixing my water with daily hydration flavored packets. After day 5, I was able to stomach protein shakes (mixed with collagen) and was super happy about the progress. There hasn’t been any complications and for that I am thankful, I didn’t check in sooner as I was busy trying to consume fluids every 15 minutes (I got tired of the timers soooo quick). An app that has been a staple for me personally is Baritastic, love the easy platform and the visualization of the water goal for the day as well as being able to log in my weight. It breaks down my goal into little milestones and basically an all in one app as I can also log in food and tracks weightloss from before and after surgery as well! I also lets me keep count of the days after surgery and my BMI! Highly recommend this app, especially because it’s free Apologies for the long post! I wanted to be thorough and detailed especially for those that are still waiting to have surgery! I cannot think about anything else to write but if anyone has any questions, please let me know! I’ll be happy to respond and as open as possible! I cannot wait to start puréed food though!! 😩
  4. Texas90

    Curious About Post-Op Days

    Hello. I just completed my first week post-op. Right after surgery I woke up in a LOT of pain and very stiff. As soon as I stood up I felt better so the first day I walked as much as I could. A family member set a timer and I'd sleep, timer would go off and I'd walk, and that went on all day. The next day I think I was a little more sore. I kept up the ritual with the timer. Surgery was on Wednesday and by Tuesday I returned to work. Right now it has been 8 days since my surgery and I actually feel great. I'd like to add that my BCBS wouldn't cover my surgery so we used secondary Surgery Plus and I wasn't able to stay at the hospital so I was an out patient. Please make sure you have someone with you to help you. I literally couldn't raise myself out of bed by myself. Best of luck!!!
  5. SemperVeritas

    March 23 buddies yet?

    I had the bypass done on March 7th. I'm 5'4 and starting weight was 233, 221.4 on day of surgery. Today I weighed in at 184.6, so about 48 lbs lost in total. Really excited to hit 50 lost, and then I'll only have about 5 lbs to get to my previous low I had reached on my own about 5 years ago. I'm averaging about 1100 calories a day, and I track with LoseIt because I could see myself snacking around my restriction. I do "formal" exercise about 3x week, and I'm generally pretty busy around the house or going for walks. Energy level is pretty low though, I definitely don't feel like I'm bouncing around lol. Hope everyone else is well and healthy!
  6. Hello I have had a lot of success after my gastric sleeve. Been six months since surgery . I got to a normal BMI the first week of May. Haven’t lost any weight since. I am by no means complaining. But my goal is to get my bmi around 23.5 so about ten more lbs. reasoning for this is because I heard some people tend to gain a little weight after surgery once they meet their goal. I want to keep my bmi in normal range hopefully for the rest of my life. Anywho, has anybody tried the pouch reset? Does it work? Would it help me to make progress towards these last ten lbs? Thanks!
  7. Hello, any insight , help or advise needed.. it has been 1 month and half since i had my GS and its been a severe struggle.. multi trips to the ER, I was put back in the hospital for over a week recently, and now they are waiting for a bed to open up again to up me back in hospital and then transfer me to a long term care facility.. I have not been able to eat or drink since my surgery May 8th.. anything that i do put in my mouth and swallow returns violently.  I have had a PICC line in for 2 weeks, this is the only this keeping me alive right now, I don't want this to be my life.. has anyone out experienced anything similar to this? if so pls give me some advise 

    1. Flamingowatcher2023


      I hope they figure out what the problem is soon so you can get on with your life.

  8. Brandiwine77

    Curious About Post-Op Days

    I had it pretty easy. My sleeve was outpatient, so I got to the hospital at 515ish, and was home by 1pm. The first day I was so tired and sleepy from the anesthesia. I had a post op appt first thing next morning. On the way home, we swung by Target and walked around. It wore me out. No real pain and only took a pain pill the 2nd night to help knock me out, lol. I had my surgery on a Wed and went back to work in the office on Monday. Didn't have a whole lot of nausea. The first 2-3 days water really hurt, but then that went away. I'm a little over 3 weeks out, and I still haven't fully gotten all of my endurance back (but it doesn't help that its 3rd level of hell hot in AL, lol) I am sleeping better, and I'm down 14lbs or so since surgery. Most of my glue on incisions has some off, except the spot where they took my stomach out. That one is still a wee bit touchy.
  9. renae97006


    I’m 2 days in to my 2nd week post op and I still have gurgling after I eat, anybody else have that? Still trying to figure out the full feeling it’s not the normal feeling.
  10. Hi everyone! I am having VSG on the 27th. 4 weeks after my husband and I will be going on a cruise for a week. My doctor stated I can go so long as I stick to my diet. I plan on bringing Isopure and Protein powder with me and stick to healthy foods at the buffet so I can serve myself but wanted to see if anyone one has done this or can give some tips.
  11. loras68

    Over 50 sleevers

    I has my VGS about 6 weeks ago. I have always had a good appetite, was a chubby child. In my teens through to about 50, I was able to manage a good appetite with a lot of physical exercise and I loved it, loves my muscles. I ran, power yoga, spinning. some weights, never a body builder. I had my child at 35 and that was hard on my body. I had/have a lot of back problems so slowly my running was taken away, then spinning. I managed to keep up. Power yoga routine, but it was hard on me. Went thru menaopause and divorce at 50 and life unraveled. COVID hit and with personal issue I went to work and came home to lay in bed for two years. The weight piled on, muscle went away and I couldn’t find my motivation anymore. I felt like I had thrown away an adult lifetime of fitness that I had worked so hard for and had wanted so badly. I decided to go for surgery because I just felt at this stage in my life, I wouldn’t be able to get back to my previous fitness and weight loss at this age was just about impossible. I had the surgery, did well. I am getting plenty of protein, but all the plans I had for creating a new physical fitness rebirth haven’t gone nearly as well as I wanted. I am not giving up, but everything is just harder. Still trying to find my MOJO. I have lost weight, but maintaining and maybe building a little are my Quest. Getting older, losing your hormones is discouraging. It happens to everyone, but you can’t really prepare and “ be ready” because it’s like having a child, you just don’t know how it really is until it happens. I am really interested in any supplements or tricks, certain exercises routine a anyone has learned. I am trying to focus more on weight training. I have never really like just doing weights. That is one thing I loved about power yoga, it a lot of muscle work without feeling like just doing a bunch of boring reps!!I am researching EAA supplements. Would love some testosterone, but that is costly over time. Look forward to figuring out this journey with this group!!
  12. NP_WIP

    Does Eating really get easier?

    It will get better. I did not meet my water intake the first few weeks, and couldn't meet the protein without the shakes. I was told by my surgeon that it was normal for the first month, but then to prioritize.
  13. I hope this is the right place to post this question! I have Molina Medicaid Apple Health insurance. Two weeks ago I brought up bariatric surgery to my doctor. I even brought a copy of the Molina Medicaid Apple Health pre-surgical assessment form that she is supposed to fill out and fax. She is 100% on board with me having this surgery from what I can tell, so that isn’t the issue. And she seems really nice, I only just started seeing her. On Monday I sent her a message asking if she had sent in the form and asking what happens when they approve/deny it and she responded that she hadn’t yet. After a few misunderstandings of the actual criteria Molina has for surgery, I sent her a message that Molina sent me when I asked them directly. I qualify based just on my BMI according to what they told me. She said that helped and she would send the form the following day. Great! Except now she’s saying she was told by the dietitian at the clinic that it isn’t her who sends the form in, it’s the dietitian. At this clinic, they like to have all of the appointments set up BEFORE sending in that form for approval since stage 2 starts immediately upon approval. I sent her the PDF from Molina that outlines the stages and that it says my PCP has to send it before which she agreed made sense but she doesn’t want to go against what the clinic does. She also said she’s never been through this process before, so I guess I’m her first patient to want this? That isn’t right, is it? The dietitian can’t fax that form, can they? At my appointment two weeks ago my doctor sent in a referral for the dietitian just so I could get on the books since we don’t know how long this process will take and I scheduled an appointment for next month knowing I might have to reschedule. But now my doctor is basically saying the form won’t be sent until I go to that appointment… but why would I go to that appointment if it won’t count? Should I find a new doctor? Or should I trust they know how to do things? Should I call Molina and ask? I’m a nervous person in general and this isn’t helping. 😂 I just don’t want this to get messed up! Sorry for the long post.
  14. One thing that helped with my stalls is to discontinue sugar free powders such as crystal light. Drink straight water and plenty of it. It seemed to have pulled me out of multiple stalls.
  15. LibrarianErin

    July 2023 buddies

    Hi, @RedE2goAimee! Thanks for sharing! I'm with you on watching vlogs and reading articles, and having a good friend to answer questions. I'm of the "no such thing as too much information" mindset 🙂 Kudos on eliminating caffeine and alcohol! I started off caffeine when I started my 4-week pre-op diet plan last week and the headaches have been mild but constant. But I know it's for my health, so I can bear it. Yay for better sleep! Wow, a liquid diet on vacation, that's setting the bar high for yourself! But you can do it! You'll have many more vacations in the future because of this health decision, right?
  16. Just a thought about the hunger. Could it be head hunger vs. being hungry. I know around 3 weeks my head cravings were a beast. Every time I smelled food my brain would light up. As soon as I removed myself it would stop, usually. Maybe when those hungry thoughts come, go for a walk, if you can; drink something with some flavor, or do something else distracting. It can be a lot in the beginning.
  17. Brandiwine77


    Congrats! I'm 2 weeks post op,and I'll be 46 in Aug. Good luck with the preop
  18. TDWRoberts12

    Food Before and After Photos

    I had19 teeth extracted 2 bone graphs and a bone removed from my pallet. last year (2022) on April 25th and was fitted dentures. The bottom plate has never allowed me to eat with them, and it took 9 months for my gums to heal before I could eat (chew- or gum) again .I lived for 9 months on Ramen noodles, rice and multi vitamins. So when it came time for my pre-Bariatric surgery "diet" it wasn't a big deal. Because I had just lived through a 9 month what I called "Denture Diet" My peak weight was 245, In Nov 2021 I was referred for Bariatric surgery. Due to the fact that I suffered from Insufficient veins in my calves, causing edema in my legs and feet. Spondylosis in my L 3-4-5, Osteoarthritis in my SI joint where the sacrum and sacroiliac meet at the pelvis and the anterior cart edge in my left knew was gone. I was fit for compression socks, heavy duty knee brace and at times I had to use a cane to get up and down and to catch myself if my knee buckled.( I fell getting out of bed, 3x in 6months) I developed hyperlipidemia, and was Pre-Diabetic. I couldn't stand for more than 10 mins , squat, bend, lift, ( making the bed, sweeping or vacuuming was torture.) or walk more than a block or shop for more than 30 mins. Because of Covid everything was severely backed up, once all of my pre-surgery testing and procedures were completed, it was Feb of this year( 2023 ) . I was cleared as a perfect candidate, but again -back log. At the time they said it may be June to sometime in August before the surgeon would available , and maybe longer to find a clear OR. It took so long to get scheduled there were a couple of procedures and test I had to repeat. On April 20 (23) they called me, there a was last minute cancellation for May 22, 2023, was that doable ? Oh heck yeah ! So on the 25th they had me starting my Pre-diet, All liquids except for Cottage cheese, At almost 3 weeks in, they were concerned my weight wasn't dropping as it should be ,and asked if was following the liquid diet, I was like what ?. NO .I wasn't told to. She said yeah on the 25th. Ok well this may mean we have to re-schedule. I was so upset. She said she was going to get ahold of my Case nurse to see what to do. A couple of hours later, I was like wait a minute. I called her and said I think there was a mis-communication. I have a copy of the diet, it didn't say Liquid . Just that I was suppose to start this diet on the 25th, and on the 20th right after she called I went and stocked up on EVERYTHING, and had the receipt to prove it. I asked when you said liquid did it include Cottage cheese. She said yes, Thank goodness. Yes I HAVE been on that diet since the 25th. I am very fortunate, I am a crazy fast healer,. I had all of this trepidation about healing right, and being able to get around ASAP. I am almost 60 and everything had been falling apart. My roommate is a very empathetic, compassionate , and a generous person, but what she is not, is a caregiver. So I was concerned about that. So I had my surgery on May 22, at 9 am. Woke up later in a hospital room, I had a horrible pain in my shoulder and it felt like someone kicked me in the gut. Tuesday morning I woke, still a little sore in the tummy ( like a pulled muscle) but other than that I was fine. At 3pm she came into discharge me, and told me to call my ride ( roommate) I ended up having to walk down to the nurse's station, because she said she would be right back to get my IV out ,but she didn't return, so I hunted her down. After I got it removed , she said she was going to go get a wheelchair. So I got out of bed, got dressed, gathered my things and sat on the bed and waited, and waited, my roommate called , I am here what's going on. I said she had to get a wheel chair. So I waited some more ,after like 30-45 minutes . Once again I walked down to the Nurse's Station hunting for her and pulled a "Karen", some guy showed up with my wheelchair, quickly. My roommate had been waiting in the Patient Pick-up zone for almost an hour and a half, she was fuming. I get home, go to bed, my roommate goes and picks up my pain meds it was liquid Tylenol and Liquid Gabapentin and Celebrex. When I took the liquids I almost threw up...WTH ? Out of curiosity, I looked up the ingredients. Freaking FAKE sweetener. I cannot tell you how many times I informed them I could NOT use any fake sweeter, because it gave me severe cramping stomach aches, vomiting, or IBS. Just two days before the surgery they tried to give me three Ensure to drink ,which I already knew had the fake sweetener, and said no can do, Keep them. And now my pain killers had them. I was like do you feel actual pain? Not really, just some tenderness. So I threw them out. The rest of the day I was up and around, doing things. And the next day it was like I never had the surgery. I live at a Studio Apartment complex with 16 units. My roommate is the on-site manager. So as I went back to my normal on the 4th day, ( with the weight lift, carry, push-pull restrictions), and the tenants were all like " I thought you were having surgery this week ?" I said " I did. On Monday." None of them could believe it. So that is my story. I am disappointed with my weight loss so far, ( it's been a month) as I have only lose 17lbs since the surgery. But I also considered, due to my 9 month "Denture Diet"( I lost 25 lbs,but once I was able to eat again I got back up, so, it may have changed the immediate weight loss factor. I have lost 45 lbs. So maybe that is why. So below is my pre-food, my favorite a plate FULL of (Foie de Veau Lyonnaise) Calf liver in onions. and my new diet. 4oz ( with a total of 2oz of food) containers with liver, mashed potatoes and broccoli.
  19. FifiLux

    July 2023 buddies

    I know everyone is different but has anyone been given an indication from their clinics as to how much it might be possible to lose in the first month? I am 260lbs (was 265 last week before I started my version of liquid diet) and at moment don't exercise unless you count walking round shops at a leisurely pace. I just find it hard here to get answers in English from my clinic that don't confuse me. In fairness they speak and write to me in English but sometimes it does not make actual sense and my French is terrible, unless it involves food. Like for example I have been told to bring my own bath towel and €1 coins for water machine, now I know I am not going on a 4* holiday but I did expect that the hospital would provide towels and water, for the limited amount I will be able to drink when there. I didn't want to seem desperate and ask the surgeon
  20. I’m on day 6 of my liver shrinking diet. I actually thought it would be a lot harder. I’m just bored of my selection of food. I do 2 protein shakes a day and one meal. Usually 5 oz of lean meat (chicken, shrimp, salmon) and a cup of veggies. No butter. I did make a home made cabbage and other veggie soup to “snack” on here and there and count that as my veggies. I’m just getting really bored of the food. Anyone have any suggestions or meals to make it a bit more bearable? I have 2 more weeks. Surgery date is July 10.
  21. Greetings, So I finally had my sleeve surgery 3 weeks ago and while there has been weight loss, it hasn't really been what I expected. I don't have unrealistic expectations, but I expected to lose more weight than if I just did it on my own without the surgery with little calorie intake and some activity like with doing Optifast prior. Or just eating healthy and going for a walk everyday - which I wasn't doing prior. Perhaps it takes a month to really get things going, but I am hardly really eating anything when compared to the 4,000 calories+ a day I was eating that got me this way. I do eat a breakfast, lunch and dinner, so I am not starving myself - but I am not yet in the solid food phase yet. I have sort of reprogrammed my brain and I am not really craving the things now that made me obese. Now granted I know I JUST had the surgery and don't know how things will be 4 months from now, but I am just sort of wondering in the back of my mind if the surgery was really necessary in the sense that I maybe could have lost the same amount of weight if I finally just stuck to living a better life when it comes to food and my health. I would appreciate any feedback or advice from anyone else where weight loss started a bit slow even with having a smaller stomach now or feedback in general. Thanks! HM
  22. I had a surgery with Mario Almanza and he’s by far the worst! I would avoid at all cost!! I wish I would’ve walked out after 17 patients. I was the last one on feb 20th 2023. I woke up in so much pain and I immediately complained and they kept saying it’s gas pain. Every way I turned they said it’s gas pain. They called his assistant who spoke English I explained to him this pain is not normal. He said it’s gas pain and there is other patient with more serious problem he has to go see. I was in disbelief. Im currently 4 months in dropped over 60 pounds not because only surgery because I’m so malnourished. I cannot eat any type of food not even liquid I vomit daily 5x. I’ve been in and out the hospital every other week. found out dr Mario Almanza cut into my lower esophageal sphincter where acid travel and bile travels freely and I’m diagnosed with severe GERD, gastritis, and damage to my esopgahas. Doctors found stitching also stables in my lower throat area. I was told there is no fix to this issue I have had 4 dilations. I was told I could get the bypass but it might kill me. I am young my life is completely ruined I have reached out to Alamnza multiple times no response so I decided to leave public comments on his instagram and he blocked me! Please avoid this horrible doctor!
  23. Midwest Grateful

    July 2023 buddies

    Hi ChewChew! I, too, am told to do the 2 week liquid diet x2 weeks to shrink the liver. They are also doing a liver biopsy on me at that time while my surgeon is there (well, plus I have liver dx.). You're right about everyone having such different plans. Interesting. I wish you all the best! And congratulations to you as well! 💟
  24. I’m scheduled for surgery July 3rd,(2023). I am excited and nerves at the same time. I’m on a two week liquid diet to detoxify they tell me.
  25. The Greater Fool

    How long is a protein supplement needed

    I never did protein drinks. 3 meals with 3oz protein is about 60g protein. This was my plan from day 1, though the first 6 weeks were pureed and I rarely managed the whole thing. Good luck, Tek

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
