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  1. I can only speak for myself. That being said I’m in the US and I had to go on a “diet” before my surgery to yes decrease the size of liver. I had to stop stepping on the scale as it will drive you batty. Focus on your meal plan. 3 weeks is short period of time and it’s not expected to drop off that fast. Weight loss is only one goal. Water is one of your goals, and meeting your calorie and protein numbers is another. Your comments are kind of unusual for someone 3 weeks out tho. Usually it’s about other things, nausea, not feeling hungry…etc. if you’re skipping eating that will effect your weight loss. If you follow your meal plan to the letter you will see the difference. You didn’t really mention what stage of your meal plan you are on now (liquids, soft, purée). Best of luck.
  2. Hello, any insight , help or advise needed.. it has been 1 month and half since i had my GS and its been a severe struggle.. multi trips to the ER, I was put back in the hospital for over a week recently, and now they are waiting for a bed to open up again to up me back in hospital and then transfer me to a long term care facility.. I have not been able to eat or drink since my surgery May 8th.. anything that i do put in my mouth and swallow returns violently.  I have had a PICC line in for 2 weeks, this is the only this keeping me alive right now, I don't want this to be my life.. has anyone out experienced anything similar to this? if so pls give me some advise 

    1. Flamingowatcher2023


      I hope they figure out what the problem is soon so you can get on with your life.

  3. I had a mini gastric bypass surgery exactly 3 months back. Since there didn't seem much activity on specific forum for mini gastric bypass (as it isn't common in US), so I thought i would put it in regular bypass forum. Starting weight: 326 lbs Current weight (exactly 3 months post Op): 252 lbs making total weight loss of around 74 lbs. Diet: Currently taking 1000 (or maybe 1100 at times) calories. Protein rich diet with around 70 to 80g of daily protein and low carb. 3 meals and in-between I take protein shake, pure coconut water (around 500 ml a day) and sometimes raw Tofu once or twice in day if I feel hungry. I use weighing scale to make sure I know how much I eat. Workout: 4 to 5 miles of walk daily. Gym of 7 to 8 hours total every week. Main focus on HIIT and weights, and includes 2.5 hour of cardio. I have felt since I started gym, my body feels more leaner and in shape but appetite has slightly gone up. Like maybe 3 extra tablespoon of Quinoa. But what do you guys think of my progress? Any red flags or caution? As now is the time to correct things if something is wrong. Do you think a weight of 180 lbs is something achievable for me? Thanks a lot.
  4. I never dealt with a lot of pain pre-op but when I did, Aleve seemed to really knock it out for me. I will miss it. Now I take Tylenol/acetaminophen if needed to avoid getting any ulcers from NSAIDS. Sounds permanent. Now I am dealing with a different kind of pain almost 3 months out from Gastric Bypass. I noticed it all last week and still with me today. My bones ache. Not my muscles. My bones. My next follow-up appointment is on July 12th.
  5. LibrarianErin

    July 2023 buddies

    Hi, @RedE2goAimee! Thanks for sharing! I'm with you on watching vlogs and reading articles, and having a good friend to answer questions. I'm of the "no such thing as too much information" mindset 🙂 Kudos on eliminating caffeine and alcohol! I started off caffeine when I started my 4-week pre-op diet plan last week and the headaches have been mild but constant. But I know it's for my health, so I can bear it. Yay for better sleep! Wow, a liquid diet on vacation, that's setting the bar high for yourself! But you can do it! You'll have many more vacations in the future because of this health decision, right?
  6. I’m scheduled for surgery July 3rd,(2023). I am excited and nerves at the same time. I’m on a two week liquid diet to detoxify they tell me.
  7. Structures aren’t that common & not everyone has plastic surgery. I didn’t have a stricture & neither did my three friends (one also in her 50s, one in her 40s & one in her 20s) who had surgery. Only one of us has had plastic surgery - the younger one. She lost more weight than the rest of us. She had it because it was affecting the activity she wanted to do & she was having to buy larger size clothes simply because of the excess skin. They will do cardiac testing before your surgery but make sure you tell your team about your breathing difficulties especially after anaesthetic & maybe ask for some respiratory testing to be done as well.
  8. And I have a couple of questions. Why are we not allowed to have any kind of anti-inflammatories? I was told never again. I can't even take turmeric. Also, were you ever able to take pills comfortably? I was told no pills for the first 8 weeks (except for 2 of my MS meds because they can't be opened or crushed and don't come in liquid form) and I absolutely struggle with those 2 pills. They're hard to swallow and they hurt. Will it always be this way? And finally, I know there's a lot of different answers for this, but I just want to get a general idea. How much weight did you lose if you had a revision to bypass? My surgeon said I could expect to lose about 60 pounds (but he also said I stay really strict with my diet and exercise so I could actually lose 70 or so, since I lost more with the sleeve than he initially thought I would) so I'm just trying to see if it's realistic to think that I could lose 60-70 pounds in a year if I stick to the diet and working out.
  9. ms.sss

    Question about (very) small regain

    I had a "happy range" which i tried to stay within. if i went below or under this range for an extended period of time, i would take measures to get back into range. Now how long i determined was an "extended period of time" would depend on my circumstances. Am i on vacation? is it the holidays? Am i sick? Have i been getting enough sleep?, etc... But usually it was a week or two of being outside my happy range would i start actually doing anything. I will also add that i increased my happy range by 5 lbs about 2 years ago because i decided the effort to stay within that range was more trouble than its worth (i used to strive to stay within 115-120 lbs, but nowadays i try to stay within 115-125, which i have been able to do perfectly with zero extra effort...and its soooo much more pleasant this way) p.s. i'm 4.5+ years out.
  10. i used to time my bites in the early months. if the timer in my watch went off and i didnt want to eat, i'd set it again and see if felt like food in the next interval (the length of the timer depended how far along post op i was) if i still didn't want to eat after 3 consecutive times the timer went off, i called DONE and put the food away. would make another attempt at in a couple hours. outside of water sips the first week post op, i didn't force myself to put any food nor drink i don't want to in my mouth. i still don't.
  11. Flamingowatcher2023

    Will I ever enjoy food again?

    I was the same way and, to some extent, still am. My bypass surgery was 5/24. I lived on Oikos greek yogurt for about 5 or 6 weeks because other foods, no matter how pureed (YUCK!!!) or how gently cooked, would get stuck right in the middle of my chest. I would generally do a lot of pacing and deep breathing until the pain and the danger of throwing up had passed. My doctor said it was perfectly normal and would get better with a little time. As usual, he was correct. I still can't eat most meat, though some have started going down without pain. It gets a little better each day. I rarely ever ate because I enjoyed food but more because of stress, boredom and habit. Foods I used to enjoy, like pizza, don't do it for me any more. I don't even particularly like french fries now. Never thought that would happen. I do still miss my sliced apples. I will continue to try them occassionally. Just give it time. As you heal, you will be able to enjoy a broader range of food.
  12. TRClark23

    My Gastric Sleeve Journey

    So, I woke up Friday evening around 5pm in my room. I have no idea how long the surgery was and I have no idea how long I was in recovery. I was told during a nurse shift change that I'd had a hernia repaired as well, which was news to me. The nurse allowed me to keep the leg massagers on which was nice. My mouth was SO dry and they said I could have ice chips. They brought in a 64oz cup full of ice, then got mad when I said there munching on ice, lol. Around 9pm, the nurse asked me if I wanted to walk around the hospital wing and I said I did. At first she was worried that I'd fall, but I was pretty comfortable on my feet and did 10 laps around the wing. She seemed impressed and told me that I'd be surprised to know how many people have the surgery and refuse to walk. A few hours later, I had really bad chest pain and no one seemed to know what it was. One nurse claimed it was gas pain, another said that it was probably associated with one or more of the incisions, another claimed it probably had to do with the hernia fix or the tube they shoved down my throat. Saturday morning, after being told all day that I couldn't eat or drink anything, they brought in a breakfast tray with a cup of chicken broth, a jello cup, and a bottle of water with a crystal light packet. I appreciated that and was able to get about three sips out of the broth, a couple small bites of the jello, and a couple sips of the crystal light. The flavor was lemonade and it was wonderful. I then asked the nurse if I could walk again and she agreed. At this point, I wanted to up my laps from 10 to 20. On lap 17, my surgeon appeared in the hallway and told me that he was glad to see me walking. He asked if I was able to keep down the liquids that I'd been given and I said that I had. He asked if I had any nausea or anything, which I didn't, then he asked me if I wanted to be discharged or spend a 2nd night in the hospital, I chose to take the discharge, though I probably should have stayed. Currently, I'm able to sip liquids but I'm not getting even close to the suggested 4oz an hour. I notice that after I sip, I have brief stomach pain. I assume that I'm probably going to have it for at least a week, which is okay I guess. It's only a brief pain, then goes away. I was prescribed Tylenol 3 with codeine for pain and bought a pill crusher, which is a PITA, but it works okay. To date, I started my journey at 385lbs, I went to my surgery at 361lbs, and I stepped on the scale today and weighed in at 348lbs. It's hard for me to imagine that I lost 13lbs between Friday morning and Sunday, but maybe the lack of eating over the last 3-4 days and the stomach removal is what did it for me? I have no idea, but this has been an interesting journey and I'll looking forward to what comes next.
  13. KNOW YOUR WHY & why you are doing this. You will have buyers remorse at some point, but it will be temporary. I've had days where I've literally thought, what have I done? I miss abusing food, ect. But it's short lived & then you remember, you're losing weight, taking care of this body you hold up a permanent residence in & after awhile, you don't really care about food like you used to. I use to live to eat! I could eat sooooo much until I was sick. I had binge eating in a bad way, now I can't believe how much I could eat in a single sitting! Would last me a week now haha! I am 5wk PO down 31 lbs since surgery. My starting weight was 248 lbs I am currently 217 lbs I want to be around 135 lbs is when I felt optimal but I felt good at 150-160 lbs in the past too. I am 5'6 See where my body puts me & how far I'm willing to go. I am not going to cheat on my diet until maintenance stage, it's just not worth it. The honeymoon stage you keep hearing about it real & you only get ONE so I'm taking full advantage of it. If you have any questions or anything you can message me anytime on here or my toktok @kno_ur_why.
  14. Midwest Grateful

    July 2023 buddies

    @FifiLuxand @NYCxCoco, I'm envious you're able to eat anything during these two weeks. I'm not starting my liquid diet for another 3 weeks, but there's no eating on my plan. I'm wondering if that's because I'm getting a liver biopsy during my sleeve surgery - they mentioned the liquid diet is for a liver cleanse. Or are all these two-week liquid (mostly) diets a liver cleanse for everyone? Not sure. Looking forward to your updates. I know you'll do great! I'm a few weeks behind you.
  15. Hey Lipman how goes it? I lose 2-3 lbs a week down 30 lbs since surgery 32 to go Surgery date 5/15 Take care and very proud of you
  16. The Greater Fool

    How long is a protein supplement needed

    I never did protein drinks. 3 meals with 3oz protein is about 60g protein. This was my plan from day 1, though the first 6 weeks were pureed and I rarely managed the whole thing. Good luck, Tek
  17. First post ever here and really struggling... My surgery date is 8/15 and I'm starting to have second thoughts. Not so much about having weight loss surgery, but about whether I am in good hands with my current provider. Long story short NOTHING with this bariatric surgeon's group has ever gone to plan. I did the steps to book my initial consult (educational videos, referral from my primary care provider etc.) and scheduled for January on MLK day. I booked this a couple months in advance so that I could take a friend with me to my consult who had MLK day off work (I live in small town MT so there are no local bariatric surgeons to me). I had requested the day off work as it's a 6 hour round trip to the office. The Thursday before my Monday appointment they called to inform me they were closed for the MLK holiday and had just realized this. So I waited another month and had my consult in February. I knew my insurance required me to complete 6 months nutrition visits, so goal was surgery this summer and I was moving forward with this. My pre op was scheduled for 6/28, and they told me when I scheduled my pre op that surgery would then be within 30 days (in the month of July). I was very excited and looking forward to surgery. I had been clear with them in early June that I was not avail for August surgery and they confirmed with my pre op being on 6/28 surgery would be within 30 days of the pre op. A week prior to my pre op they called to tell me their surgery/clinic days were changing and they had to move me to 6/29, again this is not me taking an hour off work but a full day to drive 6 hours to this office. I was frustrated by this, but was able to change my work schedule. At the appointment I was given a 7/18 surgery date, all the paper work listing my surgery date and dates for the phases of my pre op diet and I signed the consent. and I was so thrilled! Then the surgeon comes back in and when I mentioned surgery on 7/18 his reply was "well that's not going to happen" and I was super confused. I guess he normally does 2 cases per surgery date, but the 1st case on 7/18 was a super complex patient and so he refused to do 2 cases that day. This was not communicated to his staff and I left in tears. They told me as I was leaving the appointment that I could have surgery in August, as there were no more July surgery dates available, but they then dropped the bomb on me that the surgeon is no longer doing bariatric surgery after July (which had never once been mentioned to me at all), so my surgery in August would be with the new surgeon moving to Montana from California! This would also mean spending my birthday in the hospital as my birthday is 8/16. I wanted surgery so badly I even was willing to put up with this change in surgery months, a new surgeon I'd never even met and spending my own birthday in the hospital, but when I had asked a month ago through the MyChart patient portal (thus have it in writing) I was told I was 2nd case on 8/15 with an 8:30 arrival. I clarified that I lived 3 hours away and needed to know if it would possible end up being an early arrival so I could make appropriate plans to travel on Monday 8/14. I was told I was all set for an 8:30 arrival so I planned to leave home at 5:30 on surgery morning as I sleep better in my own bed and didn't want to pay for an extra night in a hotel. Now 2 days ago they told me because of my prior diaphragm surgery I need to be 1st case! I don't have a ride/plans for a 6am arrival and am panicking! This has me questioning majorly whether I am in good hands with this team... will my care post op be any better? If this is how I'm being treated pre op what I can I expect going forward? Am I being petty or does all this seem like a HUGE red flag?
  18. Hey Amanda - I am almost a week ahead of you with my surgery hence the current sate of my incisions - in a weeks time, you too may be enjoying the pool honey xx
  19. Starr2015

    Liquid Phase, pre and post op

    I like Ensure Max Protein for my full liquids. I am July 26th for the SADI (from my 2018 sleeve) so I go on the 2 week July 12th. My prior sleeve post op was rough because I am sensitive to gas. I was campbell tomato soup, chicken broth from Swanson, and gatorade. I did try crystal light- every flavor and I was dehydrated through the first month. I just could not get protein and liquids into my sleeve. For my SADI... I hope I can drink after. I have multiple flavors of protein shakes ready and beef/chicken broths ready to go. I think because I experienced a major stomach surgery before, I kind of know what to expect. And I expect gas, pain, and poop (TMI? sorry!). You have to get in liquids. If you do stock up prior, get a variety of flavors and brands. Buy the store brand and find coupons. If you have food stamps, a lot of this is covered. Go for liquids that have protein like broths but also basic soups. If you have a favorite flavor right now, get it. If it is something you know you will drink, it is better to have on hand. I knew I would drink gatorade and not surprised I balked at the crystal light. Hope this helped some?
  20. I feel a ashamed of myself for so many reason’s! I got my Vsg on 06/16/2023 I totally regret it. Honestly I rather stay with my health issues and over weight. It’s to the point where I would pay whatever I can to reverse this if I could. i have been hungrier I have cheated on my post op I have had a few bites of different things. I have 5 kids who I cook/lunch/snack prep for and honestly it’s hard not to be around food. I don’t know what to do and I reached out to my nutritionist haven’t heard back from them. I’m going to see my doctor Friday. All I want to do Is cry! 😞 I had got approved for this operation 4 times I didn’t go through the first three times because I honestly wasn’t ready over theses last 8 years. This time around I think it was more of my doctors pressure on me because my health was getting a little worse with my breathing. I’m not saying I constantly want to eat but I want to be able to have a few bites at this point! Also drink water without it hurting 😨. I’m sorry!
  21. DaisyAndSunshine

    Getting plastics tomorrow!

    Yeh that's what they told me that for about a year or so, I may notice swelling without the binder. So they recommend I wear the binder throughout the year or abdomen may swell up. The binders that I use have been provided by them - the fabric velcro types. They can look a bit bulky over certain clothings. Or may be I can look into a faja post 8 months or so. Any specific type that you purchased? Amazon has many selections especially those waist trainer ones. I may ask Dr. Chivers on my 6 week f/u if corsets or shapewears can be used instead of the current binder. Let's see. Right now binder seems comfortable especially since the area is super hypersensitive! So far I think I am happy with the results. It was a painful recovery but I am glad lose skin especially the muffin top is taken care of and has flattened/tightened my tummy. I can't wait to wear shorts and jeans now. Some of the shorts and figure hugging dresses didn't look very good with my tummy area. Now they look lovely. I'll try more clothing as swelling goes down. Arms also look tonned and defined 💪🏽😂 So overall I am satisfied. Just waiting for dressing to come off and see how scars progress, the biggest challenge of this surgery!
  22. LindsayT


    You got this! It's a process. A marathon. But it's totally worth it. I'm almost 8 weeks since having surgery, so the post op stuff is still really fresh. Even now, I would do it all again.
  23. Just a thought about the hunger. Could it be head hunger vs. being hungry. I know around 3 weeks my head cravings were a beast. Every time I smelled food my brain would light up. As soon as I removed myself it would stop, usually. Maybe when those hungry thoughts come, go for a walk, if you can; drink something with some flavor, or do something else distracting. It can be a lot in the beginning.
  24. Hello I have had a lot of success after my gastric sleeve. Been six months since surgery . I got to a normal BMI the first week of May. Haven’t lost any weight since. I am by no means complaining. But my goal is to get my bmi around 23.5 so about ten more lbs. reasoning for this is because I heard some people tend to gain a little weight after surgery once they meet their goal. I want to keep my bmi in normal range hopefully for the rest of my life. Anywho, has anybody tried the pouch reset? Does it work? Would it help me to make progress towards these last ten lbs? Thanks!
  25. SemperVeritas

    March 23 buddies yet?

    I had the bypass done on March 7th. I'm 5'4 and starting weight was 233, 221.4 on day of surgery. Today I weighed in at 184.6, so about 48 lbs lost in total. Really excited to hit 50 lost, and then I'll only have about 5 lbs to get to my previous low I had reached on my own about 5 years ago. I'm averaging about 1100 calories a day, and I track with LoseIt because I could see myself snacking around my restriction. I do "formal" exercise about 3x week, and I'm generally pretty busy around the house or going for walks. Energy level is pretty low though, I definitely don't feel like I'm bouncing around lol. Hope everyone else is well and healthy!

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