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Found 17,501 results

  1. Hi, I've been feeling like I'm eating too much, and think I'm already going back to my old bad habits, my NUT program says Protein shake for Breakfast and dinner, a 1cup size of a kinda regular meal at noon (very little carbs and fat) and 2 Snacks in between (fruit). The problem is, I can't stand the flavor of the Protein Shake, I made my own recipe of a high protein dessert which is made of 1 scoop of Protein powder (24 grams) + Greek yogurt (12.9) + milk powder (7.8) + cocoa powder or frozen strawberries and I have it once a day, besides that I try to eat as much protein as I can even in snacks. I know some of you will call me crazy but I feel hunger since 2-3 weeks ago, and I eat mostly out of hunger, let's say, lentils Soup for breakfast 1 cup, fruit with yogurt for snack, my regular lunch (1 cup), protein dessert and another soup or meat for dinner, some times I have a double snack. I don't really have so much trouble with my liquids, 84 Oz, most of the time half Water half 2% milk because I don't like the taste of water. My waiting time between eat - drink - eat is about 10 minutes, some times less without consequences. I stalled at week 3, had dumping syndrome once because I forgot I'm not allowed to have sugary drinks and once out of refried Beans ( and I mean real Mexican REFRIED beans), learned the lesson and never suffered again. I've been losing very slowly for the last 2 week's and I want to know if any of you heard about a stretched pouch this early. I had a gastric bypass last April 29th, initial weight 308, current weight 266. It sounds a lot for 6 weeks, am I living this too fast? Sent from my Sony Xperia
  2. I had my surgery on Feb. 8th 2012 and had a starting weight pre-surgery was 315 I lost down to (it was my doctors requirements that your lose between 10 - 15lbs before surgery) the day of surgery I weighted in at 299 and today I am down to 282. I had my surgery at Pikeville Hospital in Pikeville Ky and my doctor is Amy Johnson, and I could not be happier with the care I received from both. I have not had any complications, however I have followed the diet my doctor gave me. I am 32 years old and have been overweight for most of my life. My parents put me on my first diet when I was in the 3rd grade and I was up and down since then. But after I met my husband (and got comfortable in the relationship) my weight began to creep out of control, I told him he must have feed me to well (we would eat out alot). I was always able to starve myself and get my weight down to what I thougt was manageable, but July 2 years ago I had a complete hysterectomy and from then on I have not been able to lose. So after I tried to ride the swings at an amusement park and would not fit I decided it was time to do something. I have 2 girls ages 8 and 6 who keep me on my toes and I have always been active even as a large girl, but it was a real eye opener when that happened. So I am so excited to be on my journey! How do you get the weight ticker?
  3. 3 week appt today was good. Dr Jones actually took time to sit znd visit with me to answer all my questions. Down 8 pounds since last visit 2 weeks ago. Cleared for mushie foods. Cleared for swimming. Cleared for driving. Said dont worry about protein if I cant get it in now. If I dont get hungry its ok to drink milk instead. Dont have to gi back for 2 months. . All n all good appt. healing good. Down 53 lbs total from pre diet.
  4. BewhoGodcreatedmetobe

    6 weeks post op 2

    From the album: Post Op - & Loving It

  5. I've only lost 37 lbs. Should i have lost more???? Im still drinking shakes. And eating correctly. Is this too little weight loss? ?? Can you all tell me what your weight loss was at 7 weeks?
  6. Hi All- I was banded on Monday 7/20 and this last week has been very painfull for me. I wasn't quite prepared for the amount of pain that surgery would bring. It's now Saturday and I'm *very* unsure about going back to work on Monday. I'm having a lot of port site pain. I'm taking the percoset as prescribed and liquid tylenol but my belly is still very bruised and swollen. I have a sedentary desk job but am just unsure that I'll be able to sit up all day! Any suggestions? :biggrin:
  7. 2 years post op and lost nearly 200 pounds. I have been in a stall for almost a year. I fluctuate about 10 pounds (gain and then loss) but I cannot get below the 190 mark. I have tried everything! I workout 5 days a week, try to stay at 1200 canals although with the excercise calorie adjustment it is usually around 1500c. I feel EXTREMELY guilty when I put anything bad in my mouth but then there a days ( usually once a month) when I will go on a mini binge and have little snacks throughout the day that are completely unhealthy. I love the way I feel but I still have fat brain and I am EXTREMELY frustrated that I can’t drop below 190! Btw...this is my first post, I usually just troll
  8. Hi all. just wanted to share a few things that have been happening with me since my surgery on Aug. 3rd. I have progressed to soft foods, however, my body is only tolerating full liquids still. I have no appetite and have to force myself to eat and get liquids in due to nausea. Had to get in yesterday to see my surgeon. The incision where my port was removed was hard, tender, and red and felt like a baseball was under it. I was also carrying around a 101.7 degree fever and felt like I was dieing. Come to find out, my surgeon removed a few stitches and "gush." I had what he called a seroma. Basically like a large abscess only instead of pus, it's filled with Water. Harmless, except now it has to heal from the inside out which means I have to pack it with gauze every day and it's real gross! (Not to mention now I will even have to wait longer to enjoy my hot tub ) He put me on some low dose antibiotics for 5 days to help fight infection. Not sure if the nausea and loss of appetite is from the seroma, or the antibiotics, or both, but I feel like crap. Nothing sounds good and I gag when I drink Trying to hang in there. This journey is a sprint, not a marathon.
  9. Good morning! I am getting sleeved on August 23rd (yay!) and just have a question or two about the protein shakes. Am I going to have to bring some with me to hospital?? Are they going to have me sipping on them, or do they provide their own? Also, am I able to just bring the premade ones and sip on those? (I like the EAS carb control chocolate fudge ones..I think they are in a purple/silver box). Thanks!!!
  10. tabbymonroe


    So I.was 245 now.see the.scale says 239 how.can I speed this.up or how can I stop stalling
  11. MsLoco_Gal

    week 4 post Op 006

    From the album: local photo's

    side shot 4 weeks out.
  12. Hey all...my surgery is August 13th. It's possible I may need to fly out of state for a week-long business trip 2- 2 1/2 weeks post-op. The business trip doesn't involve any physical work or anything, but I'm nervous about leaving town so soon after surgery. I'm worried about what stage I'll be at in my diet (pureed food or mushies I'd imagine?) and how I'll work around that while out of town, and also about being uncomfortable on the flight. What do you guys think? I have no idea how I'll be feeling or the kind of energy I'll have at that stage. I have to make a decision soon so travel arrangements can be made. Do you think it's reasonable to make a trip like this so soon after surgery?
  13. I have been stalled at 300 pounds for nearly 3 months! I know that I fell off the bandwagon a few times, well actually more than a few times...but I feel like I am working harder with the band than I did without it. I had my surgery Feb 8, 2010. My starting weight was 357. So I've lost. But I am getting frustrated because I feel I should be so much farther now. Could someone tell me what they are eating...needing some guidance.
  14. Well, I made it through my first day! It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I guess I just feel kind of tired but nothing too bad. I'm so ready for these 2 weeks to be over so I can have my surgery and be on my way. This morning on my way to work I felt the first little bit of anxiety over my surgery but I know that's normal and it passed as soon as I started of thinking of all the positives. I'm so excited to have my surgery. Aug. 5....can't wait!
  15. babykins529

    Taken 2/24/13 not quite 4 weeks post-op

    From the album: The Journey

    The hubby and I went to Seattle for our wedding anniversay. We valeted the car, and spent 3 days walking all over the Seattle area. That's the Sound in the background at Pike's Place Market.
  16. When you go to your pms, I don't see a way to delete several at once. I don't see a box that you can check to delete a bunch of pms at once. I have been having to open the pm and then delete it. Is there going to be a spot to click on new posts? Also, we are all really unhappy with the new chat. There isn't a way to make the font bigger, or change the color. Is this the chat room we are going to be stuck with? There are a lot of us that really liked to chat in the evenings but I think the chat will just die a slow death if this is the chat we are stuck with . The screen is too small too. thanks Alex, I know you work hard to make VST the best! thanks also for showing me how to get to user CP
  17. Cattywampus

    Two weeks!

    I got a call from the bariatric nurse today. “We can schedule your surgery for October 2nd.” That’s two weeks away! And granted, that’s pending insurance approval, but holy cow! I’ve been in the program since March and everything has taken so long due to COVID. I just had my EGD last week, I guess I was just expecting a lot more waiting before getting a surgery date. I’m excited, but at the same time, I kind of wanted to have one last food (and drink) hurrah with friends before surgery. But not going to complain... the wait is almost over!
  18. I had my band placement surgery on Monday 9/30, two weeks ago tomorrow. I am on liquid diet of Protein shakes, protein shots, puréed low fat Soups, low sodium V8 juice and lots of Water. The most substantial foods I am currently eating are cottage cheese and cream of wheat. I have two more weeks of this diet. It it difficult for me I am craving other good foods all the time and try to stave off the cravings with sugar free Jello, sf pudding and/ or sf Popsicles or any of the foods listed above. I have lost almost 30 lbs since starting my pre surgery diet and about 20 lbs since surgery. I love that part of it and I can have very strong will power to see the liquid diet through for two more weeks, then in a month I go for my first band fill. What I hope to get an idea of from all of you in this forum, that have already provided so much information to me in this process, is what to expect with my hunger levels after I get my band filled? Will I be full and still crave food? At what point does the brain catch up with the band and stop filling me with hunger anxiety? Oh yeah I also need to mention that I am an Executive Chef at a private club with casual and fine dining cuisine. That really does not help with my food anxiety either.
  19. Hi all! Monday marked 3 weeks since my band removal and conversion from banded plication to sleeve. I am still working on getting all of my Protein in. Luckily, I purchased a lot of sample packs of Protein drinks before surgery so I haven't gotten bored with any particular brand or flavor. I also bought several different brands so that's helped me too. Since this is my 3rd WLS, I felt I was prepared for what life would be like immediately post-op and it was pretty much what I expected. I'm still sore from where the band and stomach were removed. I also had a large hernia repair in the same area, so my left side is still tender. My incisions look great and I'm almost completely healed externally. I try to not lift heavy items but still tote groceries and laundry baskets full of clothes around! I'm off from work for another 6 weeks due to summer break (I'm a teacher) so hopefully, I'll have my eating and drinking patterns established by then. What I've learned so far to help me: 1. Drink 4-8 ounces of Water upon waking (I learned this from VSGTanya on Youtube) 2. Drink a Protein shake soon after waking (Right now I'm only drinking about 4-5 ounces) 3. Eat protein every 2-3 hours 4. Try to get some form of exercise or activity everyday (I use exercise t.v. and videos at night) I also look for opportunities to exercise. For example, I took my kiddos to the park and I walked around the playground while they played. 5. Use MFP or another food tracking method for accountability 6. Go to therapy (This has been helpful to me and it's something I never did while banded) 7. If you can, find a support group that you like and go! 8. Enlist help from family and friends (Only my DH and 1 good friend know I had the sleeve. A few friends know I had my band removed. This has been a bit difficult for me but I feel that's the best decision for me, right now) 9. Measure food, especially in the beginning. I don't have a food scale yet but I put everything in cups or dishes that have measurements on them. 10. So far, I seem to lose better with a bit higher calories (around 500-600), a bit higher carbs (around 40-50) and more exercise. When I was "eating" lower calories (around 300-400) I would plateau, even if I exercised. This, so far, seems to be what my body likes - that may change later. 11. Recovery was easier than I thought but the mental part is WAY more difficult!! 12. Enjoy the journey. This is my journey and while I think it's important to learn from others and listen to my doctors, I don't intend to follow someone else's idea of what my journey should be. This is probably the first time in my life that I've felt like that!! Although I've only been sleeved for 3 weeks, I've had WLS for 12 years so hopefully, some of those years weren't all wasted and I learned from them! Thanks for reading. Sorry for rambling!
  20. suziej.j.

    2 weeks since surgery

    it's been 2 wks. since my surgery and the weight was really coming off the first week and now it has stopped. i lost 21 lbs. so far, but i feel as though i have come to a stop. i started walking today so i am hoping this will help.. i am eating smaller potions and deffinately eat less then before surgery. not sure what is happening?????
  21. How much weight have you lost in the first 4 weeks post VSG? I have lost about 28 pounds and just curious. What kind of scale do you guys have? Looking for a new, good, accurate one. Thank you.
  22. illailla

    Two month long stall

    I'm about to be 9 months out and have been hoovering around the same weight for two months. Has that happened to anyone else? Did it eventually break for you? I budged a inch in waist but nothing else measurement wise.

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