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Found 17,501 results

  1. FifiLux

    July 2023 buddies

    Thanks @Midwest Grateful I contacted my clinic earlier to ask if I should be cutting anything out between now and op so waiting to hear back. I did intend myself to try and replace at least two of my three meals a day with liquids for the two weeks prior so I have plenty of fruit and veg to make juices and soups.
  2. catwoman7

    Can’t Get to My Goal Weight

    yes it is tough - and I agree with everything Arabesque says. It's a struggle just to maintain my weight (eight years out). I try to eat fiber, healthy fats, and plenty of protein every day to try to keep from getting too hungry (all three are filling). I also keep sugar free popsicles, sugar free Jello, and raw vegetables around (and fruit, too - although that has more calories) so that there are "safer" things to eat if I can't control my hunger. But I know it's still a challenge.
  3. Acrostic35


    Hi I am three days post op- heading into the fourth. The first 24 hours was rough to be honest. I took hours to come around from being knocked out. I was drugged to the eyeballs which helped a lot. I did regurgitate water for the first 30 hours which was a little frightening and unexpected but was told it was totally normal. I got home yesterday. I was fine moving about and actually drove myself home. I went to bed afterwards a few times as I am still a little tired and not getting a full amount of sleep. Honestly though no pill or drug is as good as the one you get when you walk back through your own door. I’ve seen some people say they feel a bit down afterward. I haven’t had this. I don’t regret this at all. It was a conscious decision for me and my health and honestly I would do it again. I am on two weeks of liquids at the moment and finding it difficult to get most in but doing my best so happy enough. Each day I have improved.
  4. Im 2 weeks post op and on stage 3 of my diet so upgraded to soft reduced fat cheeses and eggs. last week I upgraded from liquid diet ro pureed beans and soups. I then tried refried beans and cream of chicken soup and gagged on both. I tried eggs today and it didnt make me gag but it just didnt taste good. I WANT MEAT!!!!! In 2 weeks I'm able to upgrade to shaved deli meats and fish so im excited about that but i feel like its going to take forever!!!!
  5. Spinoza

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Hi all November 2021 people! I want to do a little update because this thread is the only 'diary' I ever actually made - it's fascinating to look back at some of the posts we all made as we went along. I hope you are all doing really well. There aren't many of us posting regularly here any more so I hope that's because you are all too busy enjoying your new life. I am but I just like it here too, LOL. So, my current weight is 139 lbs - it's gone up and down by 2 or 3 pounds within the range 137 - 140 for the last 3 or 4 months but so far no further than that, and I don't take any particular action when those couple of pounds go on. Calorie intake is still about 1300 on weekdays and probably more like 1800-2000 at weekends now (alcohol and limited snacks). I still track everything. I walk A LOT for exercise. I stopped running after a few attempts because even though I enjoyed it it was causing me pain afterwards that lasted for days and then I couldn't do my usual walks so ended up costing me exercise time! I really want to get into some weights but I have such a busy life (excuse alert!) that I am short of time after I fit in all my walks. I am thankful every day that I had this surgery. Honestly, even if I regained every pound tomorrow it would have been worth it just to have this time feeling normal and being able to do normal things. We have a family vacation starting next week that I would have dreaded before, and now I can't wait and am signing up for every single activity along with my children. I would love to hear from anyone in the original gang who still reads but doesn't post much.
  6. fourmonthspreop

    Brain fog? Walking? Questions.

    Hey there. I had surgery in 2022. Here's what I experienced: Brain fog: definitely lasts at first from the anesthesia but tbh you're so exhausted from the surgery and diet that you just sleep it off the first couple nights. Brain fog comes when you're in like the 3d or 4th week post op when you've just been on liquids. I believe it's just from not eating solid foods for so long. It tires you out. I had tachycardia and fatigue all throughout my liquid, puree, and most of my soft food stages but as I started introducing soft foods, the brain fog subsided a little bit. It was more the physical exhaustion of the extreme diet and rapid weight loss that I remember. I also had brain fog from low iron. Walking: I walked a lot, even in the early stages and it was hard because of my tachycardia. It probably took me four months to be able to walk 2 miles. Before surgery I was walking 5-6 miles a day with no issue and would walk 12 miles on the weekend for pre op weight loss. So yeah, it gets the better of you but it doesn't last. I'm now over a year post op and can walk a long time. I do find that I dehydrate much easier so I need to both make sure I'm very hydrated AND bring water with me if I'm going on walks longer than 4 miles. Don't let any of this scare you. It's so worth it. Once you're healed you'll be amazed at what you're capable of. Best of luck and enjoy the journey.
  7. Lipman

    May 2023 surgeries

    Hey all, back from my 2+ week vacation and wanted to give an update: First, you look awesome Lindsay! Second, the update (2 weeks traveling around Germany and Italy): Protein was VERY hard to hit. The "on the go" protein mixes that I brought got real tiresome real quick. I wasn't able to do them everyday. Thankfully, I got approved to have protein bars the day before I left, so I made use of those pretty heavily. Water was also VERY hard to hit. I wasn't keeping exact track, but based on the color of my urine, I wasn't doing great. I was also sweating a substantial amount too, so I needed even more water. The 30m no-drink after eating restriction was a killer. We would stop for some food, I would grab a nice cold bottled water, then have to wait 30m for it to warm up to 80 degrees before I could drink it (I never realized how spoiled I was with cold water) Exercise was easy. Nothing specific, but we averaged 15000 steps a day so I counted that There was a significant amount of cheating: I would usually order a meat based meal, but then try a bunch of different pastas from my family (tiny bites, but 3 or 4 different ones usually). I also occasionally had a bite or two of bread, and ate a piece or two of pizza. I drank wine...quite a bit. We had a couple of wine tastings booked, but I would also do wine before dinner with all my family. I had a grand total of 3 bites of gelato (which I am pretty proud of). The kids got gelato pretty much every night, and I only stole 3 bites as I wanted to try the flavors (coconut, stratiacello, and milk???) In addition to wine, I did have a glass+ of champagne (so double dip of alcohol and carbonation) I had unapproved meats. I didn't always have good options for meat, so there was a couple of nights I shared steak with somebody, or had some other non-approved meat. That being said, I only ever had one stomach issue on the whole trip. I ordered a plate of various meats (ribs, bacon, sausage). I am not sure what the problem was, if I ate too fast, didn't chew enough, or it was too fatty, but I had a pretty quick reaction and didn't feel good at all. There was pain in my stomach area for about 15 minutes. After getting up, walking around, and burping a WHOLE lot, the pain passed. Overall, I was very happy with how it all went. While I have a decent list of cheats above, other than the wine, I really only had a bite or two of non approved stuff each meal. My stomach felt great 98% of the time, and....I lost 9 pounds!!!
  8. Arabesque

    Plateau for too long

    I agree with everyone. Do not reduce your calories. Everyone is supposed to slowly increase their calories as they progress until they reach a point of maintenance. I also suggest you get back in contact with your surgeon & dietician. Personally I think it’s terrible your surgeon or a colleague who does their follow-ups hasn’t seen you since month 3. (I saw my surgeon regularly to begin monthly then two monthly. From 6 months & my goal I had three monthly appointments with his colleague in their rooms. At three years I started 6 monthly appointments.) The other consideration is you may be at your body’s set point. Your goal weight is one you chose not what your body chose. Remember not everyone gets to their goal weight. The average weight loss for sleeve or bypass is about 65% of the weight they are to lose to put them in a healthier weight range. You have already exceeded the average which is fantastic. Also could you update your profile with details of your surgery weight, etc. It helps those of us who respond get a better idea of your situation & offer more appropriate advice & suggestions.
  9. Has any women had crazy cravings while menstruating?? I’m 5 weeks out RNY I was 4 days late & cramps are way worse than they were pre-surgery. Heavier flow also. My cravings are going crazy & restriction has not really been kicking in which is strange af.
  10. I had something similar after my bypass from having the iv in for 3 days. It was a very painful solid bump right under the skin where the iv was. It was about an inch long so not huge. I asked my dr and he said it was clot and that it would go away on its own but to use warm compresses on it to help it feel better and heal faster. It took several weeks for it to go away but it did eventually fade. I don't know if that's what you have though so I can't tell you if you should worry about your spot or not. I hope it gets better for you soon!
  11. £€@h

    Curious About Post-Op Days

    I’m almost a month out of surgery and I had little pain. The hardest thing for me has been not chugging liquids. I know I want water, but a sip here and there doesn’t quite quench my thirst. Nor do I have time to sip every two mins! This week I went for a two mile walk in the hills and realized my energy is way off. I had to stop and have a sip every five mins it seemed.
  12. Hello! Do any of you have any delicious recipes you'd like to share for the upcoming holiday? I'm supposed to bring a dish or a side or a dessert to a big get together and looking for bariatric friendly recipes! I'm post op and at 6 weeks, my plan allows me to try anything now. Thanks all!
  13. I had issues with dairy for a few weeks after surgery. It's a lot better now in smaller doses. I've had ricotta, cheese, and yogurt just fine. I'm not a fan of milk right now. I'm not sure why, it just doesn't appeal to me. So maybe try dairy again in a few weeks to a month and see how you do.
  14. hills&valleys


    Regrets? What you are feeling is not unique so you are in good company. The first few weeks can be difficult but WLS veterans almost unanimously say their only regret is not doing this years ago. WLS is a lifestyle change that takes discipline and dedication but it gets easier, especially when you start seeing and FEELING the results of your efforts. You got this and your Bariatric Pals are here to support and cheering you on!
  15. Midwest Grateful


    I am so sorry, @Layla1222. That's so hard. I don't know if this is an option, but I'm in the program at Cleveland Clinic's Bariatric & Metabolic Center. My surgeon is well known and respected. If you're looking for another opinion, I would highly recommend. I have some serious health issues, which is why I chose this program. My surgery is in a few weeks, but so far I'm incredibly impressed with the specialists. I wish you all the best, and I'm praying for you now... Don't hesitate to reach out. 💟
  16. I lost tons of volume in my face post surgery. So I had more sculptra treatments. It has been used since the 1990s for AIDS patients for face fat volume loss. It helps me a lot and I'm in my 60s. The results aren't overnight, it takes 6 weeks at a time for your body to make the collagen so one has to be patient. I once had Radiesse but sculptra looks more natural since it is my own collagen instead of the filler. I used to only have to get 1 vial a year to top it off but now I will have to have maybe 2 or 3 vials a year since I lost so much face volume this time around. It can get expensive. It's like $800 a vial.
  17. First of all let me say thank you. This is my second time around I had gastric sleeve in 2012 which was very successful I lost over 200 pounds and have kept most of it off. Because of GERD and severe reflux issues, I had an hitial hernia repair and revision from gastric sleeve to bypass. I am little over one week out and I am struggling. I have to be readmitted to the hospital for blockage in my small intestine because of swelling. I just don’t remember the first surgery being this hard. I am in phase two which is puréed foods and I am regretting my decision please help. Does it get easier I feel so restricte!!
  18. Fred in Pa

    Discouraged after Surgery

    2-5 lbs per week is normal…so you are very normal and doing well!
  19. lol. i've been here for what seems like forever and that's the first time i read that! Love it. i kinda like the idea now that i've been in a "stall" for 4 yrs lololzzzzz
  20. I was mainly looking for another option to mix with my coffee as I don’t tend to drink protein shakes alone anymore. I get my morning coffee with my jumpstart of protein to start the day. I didn’t do this until 30 days post-op because I couldn’t have caffeine and decaf was awful lol. So I find vanilla is little easier to mix. (Though I have also tried the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Chike protein coffee and it wasn’t so bad). I am not opposed to other protein shake chocolate options if I wanted to blend it up even with ice for a treat, but I had gotten sick of chocolate ones for awhile since that flavor was and is the only one I can find in Costco. I was drinking 2 a day pre-op and nearly everyday for a couple weeks post-op. I do drink the Protein 2O protein waters. I don’t drink them as often now since I can make my protein goals mostly with my morning proffee and foods, but I will still throw them in on days I fall short. I agree it’s a nice way to mix it up without adding more heavy milky liquid.
  21. Synlee

    May 2023 surgeries

    Hello, any insight , help or advise needed.. it has been 1 month and half since i had my GS and its been a severe struggle.. multi trips to the ER, I was put back in the hospital for over a week recently, and now back in hospital and possible a transfer to a long term care facility.. I have not been able to eat or drink since my surgery May 8th.. anything that i do put in my mouth and swallow returns violently. I have had a PICC line with TPN in for 2.5 weeks, this is the only this keeping me alive right now, I don't want this to be my life.. has anyone out experienced anything similar to this? if so pls give me some advise . they have don all kinds of scans, xrays and scopes looking for cause, but all looks normal.
  22. Tomo

    Question about (very) small regain

    I usually have a +/-3 lb range unless I eat pickles lol. I love pickles but whenever I eat them, I always gain 5lbs temporarily. Not sure why because I do eat other salty foods but pickles really do the Water gain job on me. I looked it up a week or so ago, and it said that the average typical and normal weight fluctuation in a adult is 4 to 6 lbs a day. Unfortunately for me, I have to be hyper vigilant because of my history, so if I hit 3 or 4 lbs over my normal stable weight, and if it doesn't drop in a day or two, I cut calories for a few days just in case.
  23. My pharmacist said he’d have them in by the end of the week so we’ll see. 🤞🏻 A friend swears by the cream you rub on your thigh so I thought I’d ask my doctor about that if the shortage gets worse. Hadn’t heard about the vaginal cream as no one I know uses it. Thank you for the tip. Good to know about a couple of options.
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Can I start taking Ibuprofen again ?

    When I had my sleeve done, I was told nothing but Tylenol for the first 8 weeks, then after that, only as needed and not everyday. Now that I'm about to have my revision from sleeve to bypass, I was told never again. Only Tylenol from here on out. No Ibuprofen, no Aspirin, nothing.
  25. Melissa89

    Regretting this surgery Help.

    Hi there, I was sleeved June 19 and I had this!! I had 2 ER visits and was re admitted to hospital. I referred myself to a gastroenterologist in the end. That is what you need. My pain was only at night too! Here is my long story and I hope it helps you. Please know I am feeling better now. You’ve had complications but there is hope. Here is what I posted last night in another thread. Hi everyone! I was sleeved on 19/6 (Australian date format lol). My experience was no smooth sailing and I developed severe complications despite seeing the best surgeon at the best hospital. I’ve felt really scared, alone and isolated so I am delighted to find this forum. my weight was only 92 pre op and I guess I was considered a healthy young woman. 5 days post op I developed a severe burning pain deep inside my stomach. After numerous emergency visits and tests, it was determine I did not have a gastric leak. I had to be re admitted to hospital to manage the most severe pain of my life, for another 5 days and they still didn’t know what was wrong. Long story short, I had to self refer myself to a gastroenterologist who immediately knew what was wrong. I had developed bile reflux from my bowel into my freshly cut stomach which was causing the searing pain, severe inflammatory gastritis of my stomach lining, which then caused pancreatitis and severe spasms of my actual stomach. Because of all of this I could not even get Water down and my throat was burning and mouth dried up from bile damage. He put me on a bunch of new intense meds and nearly 6 weeks post op now I am starting to feel normal. It’s been a really scary rough ride and emotional and I haven’t known if I’ve made the right decision. I can eat about 1/4 cup soft foods now which I am grateful for. Anyway I wanted to share my story in case you ever come across someone with these symptoms and doctors don’t believe them / don’t know what is wrong.

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