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Found 3,900 results

  1. jeanniereenie

    Fruit Snacks and Crackers?!

    could be a stall, but crackers and fruit snacks are a no go on my list and im on stage three, 6 weeks out....did you dr give you an eating plan?
  2. seaforest

    December 2018 Sleevers!

    Yeah, I'm in a stall myself at the moment. I admit to torturing myself by visiting the scale every morning. But, I log all my food, I'm exercising every day, and following all the directions I've been given. I'm sure one of these days, I'll get a nice surprise when I get on the scale. But 12 lbs in three weeks was good. Four weeks on Wednesday and no regrets!
  3. Increase your calories. I was at a stall for over three weeks. I am 6 weeks out now. Increased calories and am losing now ... You are in starvation mode.
  4. ShoppGirl

    Weight loss stall

    Stall as definitely par for the course and the above mentioned three week stall is probably your culprit. If you are eating according to plan or as you say 7-800 calories there is no way you are not in calorie deficit so you will lose. Most people after stalls lose a few pounds real quick so it almost balances out. For now try to stay off the scale if it is messing with your head but just stick to your plan and the stall will lift.
  5. Three weeks is a milestone where almost every single WLS candidate goes through a stall. I think other ones occur, but not sure that they are as predictable as the three week stall is. Sweetie, you have lost 18 lbs. in nineteen days. Please tell me, how much should you have lost? What is an amount in those nineteen days since your surgery that you would be "happy" with? More food for thought: You can't rush perfection. If you do, you'll have severe skin left over anyways from it, so avoid that if you can! Anyways, it took you years to put it on, how long do you think it's gonna take to get it off? Slap me if you must, but... think about what I said pls. Oh and btw, you will have an influx of emotions in this journey whenever you lose quickly. Your body is making hormones for you at your largest and doesn't quite 'catch up' with the amount you lose so quickly. It takes time to recalculate. So best thing I can tell you is this ... be patient as you can... work the program (i.e. dr's orders - Protein, Water, exercise, regular BM schedule, sleep as well as logging your food) .... and best of luck to you, always. xx
  6. My stall started at 2 wks post op and has been lasting three weeks now.
  7. I was sleeved on the. 10th and down 14 pounds. I am approaching the three week stall :/
  8. I'm still pre-op so have no first hand knowledge, but I have read tons of posts from sleevers who talk about a week three stall. The advice I keep seeing is stick to your plan. Sounds solid to me. Good luck!
  9. graftmw

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    I go through plateaus every three weeks, then lose for three weeks and plateau again. It will start coming off! I stalled on my workouts in March since I work in public accounting and my audits all issue in March, but starting this week I am back working out. Anyone still having shortness of breath during intense exercise? I'm fine swimming, spinning, jogging, etc but if I am at a pace greater than a jog I get wheezy with a tight throat. I am sure it is surgery related still as I am only 5 months out. Keep up the good work everyone! Down from 322 (310 pre surgery) to 252. My goal is 230-240.
  10. Inner Surfer Girl

    Am I losing enough weight post-op?

    It's not a race. None of us lose at a constant or steady rate. We all experience periodic stalls and slow downs. Almost everyone experiences a stall about three weeks after surgery. Just follow your program. Focus on getting in all of your Protein and fluids, take your Vitamins and supplements as directed, exercise when cleared, stay off the scale. And, Embrace the Stall http://BariatricPal.com/index.php?/topic/351046-Embrace-the-Stall
  11. ShoppGirl

    I'm struggling losing weight

    If you truly are logging and measuring everything precisely, and your intake is under 600 calories it is impossible for you not to lose weight. It has to be the three week stall. Sometimes it can last a little while. I know it’s hard but try to trust the process. The weight loss will start again soon.
  12. mdb

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    I had a small gain this week. I went from 266 to 266.7. I'm in the middle of week three so I think I've hit the stall everyone talks about. Now I know not to panic!
  13. Very good advice ideas.The main thing I do is write it ALL down. (fitday.com) I eat with protein first as the intended rule... I end up eating three cookies once in a while... then I write it down. I try to keep under maybe 1600 calories with an ideal target of 12-1400. Writing it all down forces me to remain conscious of what Im doing. I have had a history of eating what I want.... but WAY too much over time, and when the scales would stall, for a day or a week, I would bolt off the plan I was following. This had to change. With the sleeve, after working it for 11 months so far, I see that I am in it for the long run. If I don't lose weight for weeks or months, I know if I follow a semi healthy plan daily,within the intended calorie range, eventually, the scale reading will go down. And it always has. I think in the past, pre sleeve, I just jumped ship before my body had the chance to really lose the weight my actions would lead to in the long run. Slow weight loss is not bad. For plenty of reasons it is good. Embrace it. Enjoy the ride as much as you can. This is your life too... don't hold out enjoying your life until you lose the weight.
  14. aligator517

    It absolutely makes NO freaking sense to me... **MY RANT**

    So, I've been a "lurker" as someone put it for the past couple of months...going through pre-op approval (psychological testing in a certified mental institution and all), the joys of getting a surgery date, having my surgery moved up more than a month (to the point where I had the choice to start my two week pre-op diet 12 hours later or postpone-I picked the former option ) to the realities of surgery and being in the hospital (first time ever) to the more-painful-than-expected recovery, to the questions and questions and questions. And now, still so new (surgery was 9/7) to all of this, but finally feeling compelled to contribute and not just read along. I can honestly not even put into words how much gratitude I feel towards everyone on this app. This process is undoubtedly exciting, but it's also full of so so so many unknowns. It's been a comfort to have the ability to come here and see what others are going through, hear from those who have reached their goals, see the pride and support in the progress photos and have my own questions answered instead of needing to call my surgeon every.single.day. for the first week (excessive nausea-normal? My eyesight is strange-is this temporary? I have an indentation in my stomach-is this a sign of something bad? I can't get more than 4 oz of protein in one sitting-am I going to be ok? My pain is terrible-how long will it last? Etc etc etc) I've used this site for everything-answers to my questions (thanks so much for the Nioxin recommend ps!), educating myself on what I can expect (stalls, I'm ready for you!), sharing in successes (albeit silently) and also learning what NOT to do. Some of it may seem so obvious (eating macaroni three days out) but some are honest mistakes that help us learn from one another and become our best selves. Long story short, I appreciate every post on here for helping to make my experience better, and I look forward to eventually becoming one of those before/after success stories. -Allison Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. I am one month out yesterday and down 22 lbs post op and 45 total . Right now I'm averaging between 400-500 cal a day but I'm wondering if this should be higher. I'm getting in all my water and about 60 g of protein. I know every docs recommendations are different but I'm wondering what is working for each individual. My loss has slowed ALOT the last couple weeks and I realize thus is the dreaded three week stall but I want to be sure I'm not putting myself in mode
  16. tonicim

    Post op march sleevers

    Stalls are very normal. I stopped losing weight after my one week post op check... I was stalled for 2 weeks. Then It started moving again. I am 4 weeks out today. At one wee was down 14... nothing at two or three then from three to 4 I lost 6 so I am now at 20 down. It will come. Tour body is just adjusting and going into starvation mode. It will come around. Just stay on track
  17. teacupnosaucer


    I was frustrated at the time with all the work I had to do and waiting I had to do and hoops I had to jump through pre-op, but I feel very thankful for them now. Not saying I'm never ever gonna be frustrated by my perceived (lack of) progress but being mentally prepared for the journey has helped a lot so far. I didn't sweat my three week stall at all. I bet it helps for me to have had a five year journey of trying desperately to lose weight and working REALLY hard and only losing minimal amounts of weight even with a lot of concerted effort. Two pounds a week to me feels like a miracle!
  18. Weight loss mode. Just recovered from the three week stall, the scales finally moved down one today. Currently 255 Hope to be 242 by 9/19 Sent from my KFTT using the BariatricPal App
  19. Sunnyer

    August surgery buddies!

    I can see how frustrating that is, but then again you've already lost almost 80 pounds which is a LOT. So, your body is probably adjusting to that massive weight loss before you can start losing again. I spent the last week of October, all of November and the first week of December in a stall, pretty much. I only lost 6 kilos (13 pounds) in those three months, most of it in December. I'm thinking January is going to be your month. It will be great starting the new year with renewed weight loss!
  20. sallyomalley67

    February sleevers

    Well. I officially hit the dreaded three week stall. Glad i knew it might happen. Not an issue. Im still down 28 lbs so woo hoo!!$
  21. I Am Enough!

    August surgery buddies!

    Howdy! I've been so busy enjoying this new freedom called get up and MOVE! I have joined a fun dance group called Body Groove and it is a fantastic way of getting up and get moving with low impact. It's an app you can download on your TV and dance along. Overall I have been able to resume normal eating, but the raw food are still kinda iffy. I think I'll wait awhile before introducing salads. I need to stay focused on protein and hydration. With my morning protein drink (coffee replacement) and adding liquid protein to my water, I haven't had any issues with meeting my protein requirements. I find more than anything is that I'm tired. I was successfully able to give blood and my iron count was 13.5 so I know my nutrients and supplements are absorbing. I go for my 3 month checkup soon and they'll be analyzing my blood labs a bit closer. Constipation is a real issue. even though I take a Dulcolax chew about once a week, I think I'm gonna have to up it to every other day. Suppositories work real well, but I hate when it has had to get that far. I also started drinking a green smoothie most days to get in my trace minerals in wheat grass powder, veggies, and adaptogens from mushrooms. Anyone else try Ka'Chava? I really like it My weight stalled around 207/208 for about three weeks but I dropped a considerable amount of inches. So far I am staying within the healthy weight loss bracket. I'm anxious to post my Onederland scale picture soon!!
  22. Bufflehead

    Week 4 and concerned

    This is so normal that I didn't even have to open your post to know what it said. Anything titled remotely close to "week 4 and concerned" is going to say something like "I lost a lot of weight in the first couple of weeks and haven't lost anything since. What am I doing wrong?" Seriously, do a search on this forum for "three week stall" or "week 3 stall" and you'll see multiple posts about it almost every single day. The best thing you can do is stay off the scale for a few weeks and keep following your plan. As the others have said, your weight loss will start up again and everything will be fine, but jumping on the scale frequently won't make it happen any faster! Rest easy in knowing that you are perfectly normal and doing everything right
  23. Hello all - I know several of us are hitting our 1 month mark this week. Mine is today. The body is an incredible thing, truly. It's a healing machine quite frankly. At one and two weeks out: -you wonder what you have done to yourself and you are pretty sure you will never feel quite normal again -you can't imagine yourself ever sleeping anywhere but the living room recliner -the thought of driving or going back to work seems like an unrealistic commitment you made Way Back Before Surgery -you can get in so little Water and Protein that it dawns on you that THESE are the weeks that will cause hair loss several months from now -you learn what "sliming" is (ewwww) -MyFitnessPal tells you repeatedly: "You are getting too few calories. If every day were like today, you would be DEAD in 5 weeks." At three weeks out: -you feel better but not really there yet -you need extra naps on the weekend -getting in your water and protein can be done with the effort of a full time job -you have a strange painful stitch in your side that you've resigned yourself to bravely live with the rest of your life -you accidentally sleep all night with the heating pad on your largest incision site on its highest setting -you walk 20 minutes on the treadmill and then come onto this site and disbelievingly post, "WHEN did they say I should start exercising????" -your body decides you must be on a grueling episode of Survivor and goes into starvation mode yielding the world's most devastating weight loss stall prompting you to decide that you are a failure and did this all for NOTHING At four weeks out: -you sleep in your own bed in whatever position you want -the fire-hazardous heating pad gets put away -you walk 2+ miles at lunch and think maybe you could have done more -you have enough energy to really start cleaning the house again and get totally aggravated at hubby and kids for how little they managed to do for the past month -you randomly feel happy, mad, silly, sad as hormones and emotions take their toll -you have to pack up the first set of clothes which are now too big -you feel healthy....dare I say...normal? Yep, the first month is kind of amazing.
  24. Okay guys...I've been lurking the last few days. Can I just start off by saying that counting calories SUX! There...now that I've said that, I feel better. I started with my "recommitt" last Monday, did pretty good for three days, then relaxed because I just can't find the time to write everything down or log on to fitday. So...to make a really long story short...my weight has stalled this week and I didn't commit to ANY of my weekly goals like I intended to. I did walk one day, but have found excuses for all the other days. So...how do I stop this vicious cycle? I'm going to pick myself up and start over today. I'm not sure that I can actually commit to logging my foods and then really carry through with it all week, but I'm going to commit to making slow and clear decisions before I eat this week. Don't eat unless I'm truely hungry (which I seem to do all the time), and don't drink anything with calories, other than Protein shakes, and don't drink with my meals!!!! I go in today for my first fill since my port revision surgery, so I'm praying for restriction! I hope everyone is off to a good start this week! We can do this...I know we can!
  25. AussieLady

    The great thread killer......

    The three week stall lasts 3 weeks. You haven't lost anything in the last 45 minutes because you haven't had a poop. Vodka and Redbull is fine as long as the bull isn't too big and you'll know if you stretched your sleeve if you can still fit in another KFC Family Feast.

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