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Found 3,905 results

  1. Hi! I had VSG on March 12th. Lost ten lbs before surgery and was 331 on surgery day. I had trouble getting anywhere close to 600 calories until recently (although I shoot for around 800-but have never been above 650). I watch carbs and eat exactly as I'm supposed to. However, I too stalled out. In fact, I lost lots of weight in the first two weeks, then slowed down and now have been going up and down for like three weeks! I'm only at 306 six full weeks out for a total of only 25 pounds lost since surgery. Please help! I did have to be hospitalized twice for dehydration..but am now getting sufficient liquids in. I also exercise for twenty minutes, twice a day every day.:thumbup:
  2. My surgeon wants me to lose 50% of my EBW in the first year. So my goal (according to the surgeon) is to lose 40 pounds before January 2011. I've lost 26 and it's only April! I think I can lose 14 pounds before January! I have something important to tell you. I'm 13 weeks post-op today, and have lost an average of exactly two pounds a week. This is fantastic pace, and I'm thrilled. However, it hasn't always felt thrilling up to this point. I have had several stalls. I think I stall every two weeks and the stall lasts for two weeks! In this beginning period, before true band restriction, we're really lucky if we lose anything at all. I am working my butt off at the gym and running on the road. I am trying my hardest to make good food choices every step of the way. Until this morning, I hadn't lost anything since March 26th. So, go easy on yourself -- I KNOW you want to lose, I KNOW! But before you get several fills, it won't much be the band at all that's doing the work. It's all you, baby! You can do this! And I really do like to look at the percentage of my EBW. I started at 197, my doctor wants me at 122 but I have this 117 down as a preliminary goal just so I can look at my EBW as a round 80. I've lost 32.5% of my EBW (and 34.6% of my surgeon's listing of my EBW) and I'm only three months out from surgery! WOW. When you look at it like that, it's astounding. I go for my third fill tomorrow, and I CANNOT WAIT! Plateaus on the scale are no fun. I'm going on record with that!
  3. Joolzabug

    One month out today

    I had never heard of the three-week stall, but I was so relieved to read about it....that is exactly what I am going through now....I love this board!
  4. ash

    One month out today

    When I hit the three week stall, concentrating on getting in all or more of my water really seemed to help. I was feeling funky and once I started getting in all the water, I felt much better and the scale started moving again. Congrats on your loss so far!
  5. Before my first fill? 16 pounds, if I recall correctly. I didn't stall--my loss has been pretty steady all along. (I really don't count staying the same weight for a few days as a "stall.") But I also only was on liquids for a couple of days; my doctor moves us to purees on Day Three. I kind of chuckled when I read your subject line. "Postop diet" describes what many of us do for months after surgery. I know I've been doing it since January! I just started feeling restriction with my third fill (2 weeks ago). And it's already relaxed enough that whatever weight I'm losing, at this point, is by sheer willpower. Please don't pin tons of hopes on your first fill. It does get the ball rolling toward restriction, but it usually does not give you a great sense of dramatic change.
  6. sawyer77

    I won't lose the weight..

    I think a little doubt is healthy and normal. I'm a very motivated and positive person, and I don't think there was anything wrong that I was unsure of my surgery success for a bit there. I'm the type of person that always wants to know "why?" and "how?," so when I hit little two-week stalls (this seems to be my pattern so far! Lose three pounds, stay the same for two weeks, lose three pounds, stay the same for two weeks, heh), I'm examining and analyzing. I'm going on record to say I believe it's okay to doubt, but don't let it own you. Get motivated, and learn from the doubt. Why do you doubt? That can answer a lot of deep lingering questions. I know for me it did. I doubted because I was in a no-good relationship the last 7 years. I knew it was time to cut that loose, and do it for ME! Don't allow the doubt to stick around. Don't let yourself down. You're MORE than worth it.
  7. Keys Pirate

    I am worried!

    Linda, definitely bump up the Protein and fluids. My saving grace with Protein shakes was the Syntrax nectar line. Light, fruity, only 8 ounces, no carbs and 30+ grams of protein. Most of the flavors are pretty darn tasty. Carry a bottle with you everywhere. I carry a "sport bottle" version of a Water bottle - 24 ounces and has a flip or screw top. I should invest in Crystal Light and/or Lipton as the little packets that mix into these bottles (I refill about 3/4 of the way with tap rather than clogging land fills) are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Plain water just doesn't do it for me. I'm able to get at least four of these in a day easy - about 100 oz! And finally, eat more!!! I know how very counter intuitive this is to us but really, you are definitely NOT going to overeat at this stage and probably not for a very, very long time, if ever! That said, I've also read here that some docs say not to worry too much about calorie intake so early in the game - it will come - as long as the protein and hydration is up to snuff. A huge help to me to a. make sure I'm eating enough (am!) and b. make sure I'm getting enough protein, keeping the carbs low, etc. is www.myfitnesspal.com. I think Tiffany recommended that site and it is a huge help to me, more than I thought it would be. I didn't start using it until I got to mushies, however. And finally, another common thread seems to be that a stall after two to three weeks post op is also very common. I was there, it lasted for a week and it sucked. There wasn't much I could do but wait. I added a bit more bike riding, however but I don't know if that is what broke the stall or if it was just par for the course. Haven't stalled since but have had some slow downs (pms?) Good luck, cut yourself some slack, you're going to be just fine!! Carol
  8. angel96049

    why am I hungry?

    I was hungry for the first few weeks too!! I was so upset and discouraged about it. Then all of a sudden my hunger has disappeared!! I started taking Nexium for my heartburn, and that might of had something to do with it (not sure). I also take B12, and that helps with metabolism among other things. I know how frustrating it can be, I stalled for over three weeks, but have now upped my workouts and started losing again. I know it's hard, but try not to get too discouraged, try upping your water intake, and workout regimen...that should help speed things along? Are you on any type of acid reducer? What vitamins are you taking? I hope things speed up for you soon. We all are so different, so you'll have to try different things in order to find out what really works for you!! I hope things start looking up for you soon...Stay positive!!!
  9. Keys Pirate

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    I finally feel comfortable posting here!! Down 38 pounds; surgery six weeks ago today. I lost 6 pounds pre-op. The list of NSV's in my life already is huge!! But that's another thread. I can't wait to be below 200 again - it's been so long - and I'm hoping to make my tax day a little better -that's my goal date for 200. Or should I say 199!! My loss has been a little odd lately; I only had one stall to speak of and that was at three weeks out and lasted for a week. Sucked. Then, things started moving along pretty well averaging about a minimum of 1/2 pound per day - 4.5 pounds per week. Perfectly satisfied with that and I could DEFINITELY tell when I went even one gram over 30g's of carbo's - no weight loss that day or a few ounces, maybe. Yes, I weigh every day. Just the way I am and it works for me. Some days - and I can usually feel it that morning when I wake up - I'll have dropped 2 pounds overnight. It makes no sense to me but I love it. Has been happening about once a week for the last three weeks and seems to be when my calories are between 800 and 900 but still with very low carbs. I cringe when my calories end up that high and am figuring out why (cheddar, very fatty, Bubba Burgers - even just the patty, lo carb and yummy but forget it) but my weight seems to keep dropping. Exercise... well, um yeah... need to work on that! I've never been constipated ever before in my life but am experiencing some of that. Gonna have to figure out a good way to get lo-carb fiber in. Any suggestions? I also want to thank everyone that replies to my posts. My internet connection here stinks so I can't always reply in the moment, so to speak. But know that I am sending good vibes and thanks your way. I also wish I could be more of a cheerleader for those of you hitting rough spots. Do know that my heart is with you and I am happy to share experiences via PM or e-mail. Just holler. xoxoxo Carol
  10. Stacy160


    It'll work! The only way it couldn't work is if you don't let it (ie., sabotaging yourself). You won't do that--if and when you do get hunger, you'll know that it'll be real hunger and that a very small amount of healthy food will take care of it. The question was posed on OH a few days ago about post-surgical hunger. Some people have it, some don't... I think those who are surprised by it are the ones like me, who rarely felt true hunger before surgery because we were ALWAYS eating something, without being hungry, just because it sounded good, or smelled good, or whatever. I think if you're one of those people who always really felt hungry before surgery and no amount of eating would calm it, then what little hunger you might feel afterward will probably feel like nothing. I know some people feel it often and others never do, but I also think that our perception of the sensation of hunger is very relative to how much we felt true hunger before surgery. If you get it, be happy about the fact that it's because you're NOT stuffing yourself...you're feeling like a regular thin person feels!! And eating even less than they do to satisfy it! As far as the head hunger goes, I've only had it once in 5 1/2 weeks, and that was last night. I actually felt guilty for having a slice of bread with a little Peanut Butter and sugar-free maple syrup on it... can you believe that? Six weeks ago I'd have had enough dinner for two or three people, then followed it with brownies, or ice cream, or at least a large bowl of Cereal LOL.... anyway, not everyone deals with the head hunger so don't worry about that ahead of time. Prepare yourself for it and have a plan in place as to how to deal with it... find something else to do, have popsicles on hand, remind yourself that you're not eating like a thin person... you'll deal with it! I'm rambling and don't even remember what your original question was LOL... OH YEAH! I know you feel like a failure after years of trying, but guess what..... SO DID THE REST OF US. NONE of us had this surgery because we gained ten pesky pounds over the winter. All those people you see losing 100, 150, 200+ pounds after this surgery? They ALL started out in the same place you are, and they ALL worried about failing at this too!! It's not gonna happen. I know it's so hard to believe, and after a 20-lb loss since surgery I still have trouble really believing that I'll get there too, but I will, and so will you. Just follow the rules, know and expect that there will be stalls in your weight loss (maybe beginning early out) and that they're completely normal, and keep plugging away at it. Be excited, you're gonna love this!!
  11. I am about three weeks out and on the mushie stage with two protein shakes a day and one mushie. I was doing about 300 calories a day and felt light-headed and weak so I upped it to around 600. The problem is that my weight loss slowed and this morning I showed a gain of .2 lb. Is this the dreaded three week stall or I am messing up? My fat intake was a kind of high yesterday and I didn't exercise. Advice is really appreciated. TIA, Pennie
  12. Good Afternoon everyone. Congrats to those who are still seeing losses whether its .5 pounds or 3 pounds or anything thing else for that matter... I was stalled for about three weeks so I went in for a fill on Tuesday... Boy, what a difference .5 can make... I did discover this morning that if I have a shake too soon after getting up (one hour) that it will come right back up... I only had 2 or 3 tiny sips but ugh... That was not fun... I'm gonna stick to my 2 hour rule.. That means i can enjoy it on my 30 minute drive to work... SO I got on the scale last night and after a full day of food and beverage, it was down to the number that is usually reserved for first thing in the morning! WHoop WHoop Hooray! I'm hoping to see it like that when I am fully clothed and shoed by Monday when I weigh in "officially" for the Easter Challenge... That will mean I am no longer fluctuating into the 190's at any point in any state of dress or undress at any time of the day or night... I hate how that was happening at night... Bah! For those who are stalled, keep your chin up... I know it can be discouraging but it passes and you are back on the road to success eventually... btrieger: You are correct about experiencing things rather than just going on other peoples words... I had to expereince it all myself to understand what it really felt like and to learn how to deal with it....
  13. Leigha, YOU are the only one who does this... Bwahahahaha... Okay... "Hi, my names is jennifer and I am a scale Whore"..... It was stalled for about three weeks until this last fill and It's already moving in less than a week... Here's my mini goal for the next 7 days... I want the scale to weight exactly the same as last week, only this time, fully dressed with my Sketchers shoes and coat on, (which weighs about 4 pounds total for everything)... hehe... Then I will be happy becasue that will mean no more bouncing up into the 190's when I have something different on or slightly heavy like these damn 1.5 pounds each shoes... I want to scale to be in the 180s or less no matter what I am wearing or doing... NO MORE 190s for anything..... Okay.... SO thats my mini goal.... And I will be getting on and off the scale several times a day/night with various things on and off testing it out.....
  14. Hey ya, Unfortunately the stall is still here. I was in Chicago for the last three days, and it was hard getting my protein and water in, but calories remained low, and the scale still has not moved. I have decided to hide the scale, and will not measure for the next two weeks. It is really not very encouraging.

  15. Yes, I agree. I don't weigh myself every day: once a week on average. And before my period, not even that as I always retain water. I had a definite stall of nearly three weeks just a couple of weeks ago (three months post surgery) but now I've lost four pounds in just a week. You need to set yourself up to succeed, not to fail!
  16. pattygreen

    Hypocrisy of Republicans/Conservatives

    First . . . we must tear down self-imposed obstacles to economic growth and wealth creation. The prospect of a barrage of tax increases, new government regulation, and costly government mandates have had a paralyzing impact on our job creators. As the CEO of a steelmaker recently told the Wall Street Journal “I am not going to do anything until these things – health care, climate legislation – go away or are resolved. Therefore Congress and the Administration should stop the deluge of detrimental rules and regulations. Since taking office, the administration has put on the table over 100 detrimental regulations each with an impact of $100 million or more on the economy. The President should issue an executive order mitigating the impact of any proposed rule that would adversely affect jobs, the economy and small businesses. Second . . . we should agree to block any federal tax increases until unemployment drops below 5 percent. That includes any new taxes to pay for more spending or any automatic tax increases embedded in federal law. Americans of all political stripes can agree that the government should never raise taxes during periods of high unemployment. The revenues higher taxes will generate are better off in the pockets of families and small businesses. Third . . . we need to restore confidence in America’s economic future. Record deficits and debts – coupled with runaway spending – have shaken confidence in our economic future. Many believe that the only solutions will be higher taxes or inflating the dollar, which promise lasting pain for small businesses and working families. One Simple solution is to freeze domestic discretionary spending at last year’s level without raising taxes. This would save U.S. taxpayers $53 billion immediately, but more importantly it would send a signal that we are committed to lowering the deficit. Fourth . . . we should reform the unemployment system to help people out of work find jobs. Federal unemployment recipients who are likely to exhaust benefits should be required to participate in education, training or enhanced job searches. A similar program in Ohio resulted in the return on investment of 5 to 1 in terms of savings compared to program costs. In Georgia, there’s another example of how states are experimenting and paving the way. An innovative program places unemployment insurance recipients in part time jobs with the UI as their benefit. At the end of a six-week trial period, the employer makes a decision about whether to hire them. The initiative has resulted in quicker returns to work and less unemployment payments. Why not bring this kind of creative, outside-the-box thinking to Washington? Furthermore, declining, negative balances in unemployment trust funds will force states to implement payroll tax increases on employers this year. These will average almost $250 per worker per year through 2012. The federal government could help ease the burden on employers by immediately suspending the Federal unemployment tax. This would save employers $56 per worker per year. And the $7 billion a year “cost” of this tax suspension could be offset through a reduction of improper government payments, which according to the Administration’s own count totaled $98 billion last fiscal year. That’s an increase of $26 billion over the previous year Fifth . . . we need to approve three promising free trade agreements with Colombia, South Korea and Panama that have stalled under the new administration. Recently the President stated that increasing U.S. exports by just 1% would create over 250,000 jobs. Sure enough, the independent International Trade Commission estimates that the three deals would boost U.S. exports by over 1 percent. We urge President Obama and Congress to stand on the side of job creation and quickly approve these agreements. Sixth . . . we must take action to reduce regulatory and tax barriers that inhibit domestic job creation. Federal regulations and tax law often make it easier for large companies to create jobs overseas instead of here at home. Efforts should be taken to ensure the most favorable environment possible for domestic job creation. For example we should act immediately to remove unnecessary obstacles to domestic energy production. Tapping more heavily into oil, natural gas, shale, nuclear and renewable sources will lower costs, create jobs and reduce our reliance on foreign oil. We can also provide an incentive for companies to repatriate earnings back to the United States. Currently any profits a U.S. based company earns abroad are taxed at the 35% corporate tax rate when those earnings are brought back into the U.S. As a result companies often keep their earnings stranded in subsidiaries overseas. In 2004, Congress allowed companies a limited time to repatriate foreign profits and pay a reduced tax rate of 5.25%. The policy resulted in more than $350 billion dollars of profits being returned to the U.S. and a windfall to the Treasury of about $18 billion in tax revenue. Providing another limited window for repatriation of foreign earnings would help U.S. companies retain domestic workers and weather the current economic downturn. Finally, we must deal swiftly and honestly with the looming commercial real estate collapse. Congress should move to give bank regulators incentives to deal responsibly with banks and their borrowers. Forcing liquidation of performing loans makes no sense. If regulators assume a prudent posture towards risk the badly wounded credit markets could then begin the process of repair. In addition, reducing the over-extended depreciation standard – currently a whopping 39 and ½ years to 20 years or less - would provide a lift to property values and bring some common sense to the tax code. These are Seven Simple Solutions that don’t involve massive new government spending, new bureaucracies, or more debt. They are based on time-honored principles proven to create jobs and ultimately economic prosperity in America. Eric Cantor (R-VA)
  17. I had my surgery on January 14th, and lost 14 pounds. Now I have been having the infamous three week stall since last week Wednesday, and have been floating between 177.5 and 178.9. I read a lot about the stall, but this is really getting old. No amount of reading can prepare you for feeling like crap that you had your surgery to lose less than 15 pounds, and I can't help but feel like I am the ONLY ONE that this surgery will not work for. Did you have a stall? How long was it? What did you do to break it- if anything? And in the meantime, how did you survive those days? p.s. my Water and Protein intake has been decent for the most part- 64 oz, and 70 grams of protein.
  18. ValJean

    57 in Chicago

    Dr. Elly is my doctor now, too. I was banded by Dr. Galvani, but he left the practice recently. So far, I think Dr. Elly is great. I've had some ups and downs. Was too tight for awhile, and having some pain/vomiting problems, so I got a complete unfill a month ago, was unfilled for three weeks, went back last week for a fill, and am not feeling much restriction so I'm going back on Friday for a little more. My first two months were definitely a challenge, especially before I got some restriction--definitely felt hunger--but I was so excited about having the band, the excitement kept me on track until I got to a good restriction level. Up until November I was losing really steadily, 10 lbs a month. Have been stalled at my current weight since then, pretty much. Trying not to get discouraged--hoping to break through this plateau soon! I really think Day One's aftercare is pretty good--Lauren, the nutritionist, is really nice and helpful, as is the rest of the staff there. Hopefully I'll see you at the next support group meeting (Feb 16th, I think?). In the meantime, feel free to send me a private message if you ever want to chat or have questions. Best, Val
  19. shadst8


    I would get one, I had become a little obsessed weighing two or three times a day--my second week post-op I had stalled. I tried to get my hubby to hide it and he just smiled and said, "In one month alone, you have lost thirty pounds--stay off the scale and feel good about that." I said he is right, so I have not weighed in days. Once a week will be good enough!
  20. rachel, you are doing so good with your weight loss. we all loose at different rates. that is what i have had to take in to account. have you measured your bady yet? find a friend to help you do that and then in two or three weeks do it again. i promise you will be amazed. we are shrinking in different stages and it may not move that devil of a scale. the scale is the devil!!!! keep your head up and hang in there. if i didn't have this tool helping me with the weight loss i can guarantee i wouldve already been gaining the weight back by now cause i would've been eating everything in sight. especailly since i stalled out a few weeks ago. girl keep your head up and let me know if there is anything i can help you with. lol
  21. Hi! I'm sorry for your frustration. I had just a few days without a loss recently, and I was bummed. I have to admit that I think Tiffykins is dead on with regard to the carb count. I am between three and four weeks out, and I track everything I put in my mouth. I average around 700-800 calories daily, 25-38 carbs, and 65-85 Protein. I feel like I eat all day, but I have not had any true carbs, like crackers, bread, etc (other than grits one morning). I'm getting all my protein from food now (greek yogurt, string cheese, deli meat, lean chili, refried Beans, ricotta, chicken salad, etc). That said, if I have a Protein Drink it's generally a very high protein content. I use the Premier Protein drinks from costco, and one drink is 11 ounces, 3 carbs, and 30 grams of protein! Another one that is high in protein is GNC's Amplify--20 grams per 4 ounces of liquid, 4 carbs. I think if you find a more balanced protein drink and keep your carbs a little lower you will break that dreaded stall! Some of us are just more carb-sensitive than others. Good luck!
  22. twobluecats

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    I'll chime in even though I'm bummed. I am holding at 270--13 pounds down since surgery three weeks ago today. But, I should start my period this week, so I'm hoping I will see a loss later this week. Bad timing to have my three weeks (the dreaded stall period) hit around my cycle! HA! I'm exercising again, but only about 20 minutes on the elliptical. I will increase to 30 minutes by the end of the week and add a few free weight exercises for the arms. My eating is on track, or at least what I think is on track. I'm right around 750 calories and 65-75 grams of Protein. My carbs hover around 30-50--never more, and I'm not eating carb-y things intentionally at all. I'm currently getting about 65 ounces of Fluid a day. Gonna try to bump that this week too. It's just hard when I have to work around meals! Have a great week, everyone!
  23. Oh! I know the answer to this one! First of all, you're so busy kicking yourself in the tushie that you can't focus on anything else. If you truly need a good tushie kicking, let me help you out: Knock it off! You are not a disaster! You're simply stalled, and what you need is a good jump start. If self loathing burned calories, you would be a size two by now. Crawl up out of that pity puddle, take all that energy you are wasting and put it to more productive use! Yes, you CAN do this! It sounds to me like you are exactly where I was several years ago. I was a young mother with two preschoolers and one in first grade. My husband worked out of town and we only had one car. Very rural area, and we just moved there so I knew nobody. I felt very closed in, like I needed air. So I got some. You don't need a cabinet full of videos. You need a stroller and a pair of walking shoes. Girl -- that three year old of yours is THE best piece of exercise equipment you can have! I would rent him from you if I could, LOL. Put that little cherub in the stroller and get outside and ... BREATHE. Notice the clouds. Stop and admire a garden. Meet a neighbor. Think of ways that you'll greet your husband when he gets home. Think happy and you'll be happy. And the thing is -- you don't have to walk fast. You don't have to walk far. Just walk. I did this every day. Pushed the stroller to a nearby convenience store just for something to do, and bought a newspaper every day. Maybe a mile, round trip. I wasn't dieting. I wasn't even conciously exercising. I was just trying to escape my own depression. Within two months, I had dropped from a size 18 to a size 12. I am so not kidding you. I had been wearing leggings and didn't even notice. When I went to put jeans on, I was like ... hang on, where did I leave my tushie and when did I grow a waistline?? You have a minimum of 13 weeks before your hero returns from war. This is SO doable! Stop kicking yourself in the tush and get out there and walk, walk, walk. You can do this!! One mile a day, minimum. More if it feels good. Won't take any time at all, and it will be WONDERFUL for both you and the baby. So go on, lace up those tennis shoes and just do it -- I dare you! In fact, I double dare you. :smile2:
  24. mountain_lover

    Bariatric Surgeon Dr. John Husted Somerset, Ky

    Hello kteacher, I was doing just fine until Dec.23. I woke up with some chest pains that continued throughout that day and I could not get to sleep. I called 911 at 3:30AM on Dec.24 and had to go to the ER. I was concerned about my heart or a blood clot in my lungs. They took some blood tests and one (D-DIMAR) came back positive so they had to do a CT skan. My heart test all came back OK and there was NO blood clot in my lungs. But they did find a large Hematoma on my spleen. I had to stay in the hospital until christmas day about noon. They said it could be causing the pain in my chest area. The spleen could have been bumped and bruised during surgery, but I am going to be ok as far as I know. It will be absorbed by the body. The only time it usually causes problems is when it is infected or if it bursts inside the body. The doctor said that it doesn't appear to be infected. I had plans to leave on christmas day, to go out of state to visit family for Christmas. I ask the surgeon if it was OK to travel and he said it would be OK. So I went to visit Family and I just now arrived back home from the visit. Other than that, I am doing Ok. I am on my three week stall or either things got messed up from me being in the hospital. Dr. Husted told me that I would only have 1 incision instead of 5. I found out that I was the 2nd patient that he had performed the one incision surgery on. You must have been his first one because you had surgery on 11/20 and I had surgery on Dec.2. I am so thankful that I only had one that had to heal. I do not regret having had the sleeve done. I am hoping that after this stall, I will get back to losing so I will be on my way to my goal weight. I hope that you had a Merry Christmas and that you are doing ok from your surgery. I only have lost 16 pounds since Dec.2. I am going to go back to the Y soon so that it will help to burn some calories. I went to the support group on Dec.14 and I hope I get to go in Jan. I hope to meet you at one of the support group meetings. I will be posting more in a few days after I rest up from my trip. Thank you for your reply and have a nice day!!
  25. twobluecats

    Why we have "Evil" Stalls

    I just entered week three, so I feel like I'm floating down the river of doom waiting for the scale to stall and laugh at me. I lost 16 pounds during my two-week preop diet, so I'm interested to see what happens next. So far, just over 12 pounds down since surgery 13 days ago. But, I started mushies yesterday, so who knows. Interesting info, though and food for thought while we wait out stalls!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
