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  1. my sister and i went to tj to do the surgery with dr Cabrera at mi doctor...my sister needs to lose 60 lbs and i 40-50.... it went well....some gas pain and also pain at some of the surgery sites.... we both lost 10 pounds in the first 10 days then stalled for a week....today is 4 weeks after surgery and we both lost approx 15-16 pounds....i have not been drinking Protein drinks as they make me gag....my sister did for a few days only....instead i drank chicken broth buttermilk, kefir coconut Water and ate some eggsalad....cannot get more than 3-4 cups of water down a day....its difficult especially now that its cold....i should drink tea with a bit of agave nectar to sweeten....but havent done that either....i started with puree within a week after surgery and tried some soft foods thereafter....i go by what feels ok....i have had some heartburn....but i find if i dont eat late and dont lie down soon after eating i dont get the heartburn..... my biggest issue is the weight loss....i know 15 pounds a month is not bad but i truly thought i would lose more...maybe about 20 the first month.....my sister is also disappointed....we both lose .5 of a pound every other or third day....we stall often for a few days or a week.....so in three weeks we lost 5 and 6 pounds.....thats way too little....hopefully it will pick up....i will try to drink more and exercise more.....
  2. Lots Of Hope

    the dreaded stall

    Ok guys, I just complained about this three weeks ago! Mine lasted three weeks. STINKING STALL! But like everybody told me, it will pass! My did finally and yours will too. I promise. I did up my carbs with peanut butter, but it could have been just the time too. It's part of the initiation into the sleeve and loser club I guess. Positive affirmations.......it will break!
  3. newbie_2025


    I am just curious.... Is there anyone in this forum in which the RNY surgery didn't work for them. Meaning not much weight or any weight was lost. I am entering my third on Tuesday and I hit a stall on week two. I haven't lost any weight for a week now even though I have amped my activity levels. Walking more and being more active . Met with nutritionist this past week over concerns of not losing and she told me it was normal. However I am still worried that this might not work because I have been keeping up with protein and water intake as instructed and have been doing moderate exercise and not one pound has been lost. So far I have only lost 17 pounds in three weeks.
  4. HopeThruFaith

    Any Of You Girls...

    I ONLY lose after it goes away. That means I have a three week stall EVERY month and then lose 10-15 lbs that last week of the month. It's weird but my nutritionist said it wasnt uncommon.
  5. Blue Crystal

    Why do I feel guilty?

    I’m six weeks post-op and had the three week stall as well. Mine lasted for about a week. Also, I wasn’t given any specific goals by my surgeon and dietician except for liquids and protein. But, they did specify to eat 5-6 small meals per day.
  6. My three month update Still tired of the stalls.. I have lost 51 lbs since surgery and 68 lbs from a week before surgery. I started this process on November 9 last year and have lost 101 lbs since
  7. sach1

    Why do I feel guilty?

    I agree. Whenever I'm busy with chores or outside I'm absolutely fine and can keep going on. But as soon as I'm free all I can do is think about food. I think its more the head than the body. How much have you lost in three weeks? I'm on the famous 3 weeks stall right now.. can't see anything going down on the scale. Hope it gets over soon though. Sent from my SM-N960F using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. This article might help Hitting a plateau or weight loss “stall” is common for just about everyone. While it’s certainly frustrating, it’s important to understand this is just temporary. The good news is weight loss plateaus usually happen after you have lost a significant amount of weight—so congratulations! During your post-op weight loss, the body will eventually need a ‘time out” to stabilize itself and adjust to your lower nutrition intake, smaller size and increased calorie burn due to exercise. It can happen at any time in your weight loss journey, but is particularly common 3-6 months afterbariatric surgery. Generally, stalls can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, even though you’re staying on track. Expect from one to three plateaus in the first year following weight loss surgery. WHY DO WEIGHT LOSS STALLS HAPPEN? You can blame your body’s metabolism— When you lose weight rapidly, you are losing lean body mass (muscle) and fat. Muscle plays a big part in the burning of calories by keeping your metabolic rate high, so you want to hold onto muscle and strive to build more! (This is one of the reasons we ask you to take in so much protein). A weight-loss plateau usually occurs when your metabolism slows down. Now that you’re thinner, the activities you’re performing may not be resulting in as much caloric burning. An increased metabolic rate is not the only reason for keeping muscle. You want to keep muscle so you can use them to exercise and burn even more calories. Weak muscles make exercise more difficult, so build muscle with strength training and cardio workouts. EIGHT TIPS TO OVERCOME BARIATRIC WEIGHT LOSS PLATEAUS AND BOOST METABOLISM 1. Increase the intensity of your exercise. 2. Weigh yourself less often. 3. Keep food journaling to ensure there are no negative nutrition issues creeping in. 4. Eat all that protein to help retain muscle, even in shake form. 6. Drink 64 ounces every day. 7. Sleep eight hours nightly and keep a set schedule, even on weekends. 8. Talk to your bariatric team during the plateau for an added level of support and guidance. KEEP IN MIND… If you are weight training, consider that muscle weighs more than fat; while you are building muscle, you are still losing inches (girth) even though if it isn’t reflected in pounds lost. USE YOUR SUPPORT NETWORK Remember there are several layers of people supporting you during your road back to good health: Your doctor Bariatric dietitians and nutritionists Family Friends Colleagues Live and online support groups. (They understand more than anyone!) If a plateau lasts more than a few weeks and you haven't contacted your bariatric surgeon yet, make an appointment for an ASAP visit to rule out any issues. Meanwhile, stay positive and celebrate how far you have come in a short time. This is a very brief traffic jam on your highway to success.
  9. I wished I had packed a robe, I was missing a tie on my hospital gown so my husband had to hold it closed for me. I used the chapstick, gas-x strips & slippers I brought. At some time through the process you are going to freak out or just be done with the whole thing. About two weeks out I got really grumpy with my husband and just started bawling when he came to give me my shot (some surgeons prescribe anti-coagulant shots.) I was tired of the whole after care process and just wanted to be normal. After surgery Water may taste sweet to you & it may make you nauseous, it faded after 2-3 weeks but it is really tough to get water in when your main source tastes nasty. For me the whole process doesn't feel real, I had an easy recovery & am losing weight pretty quickly. I wish I knew that I would be able to drink normally. When you are in post op liquid phase you may be able to drink more than 4oz if so it will freak you out and get you worrying. Just make sure to measure what you drink and keep to your timetable. If you one of the lucky folks you also won't feel restriction during this phase but when you move to more solid food you will. Also the dreaded three week stall is real. The worst part of the stall is the mental games it plays with you, all your previous diet fears & emotions come bubbling up and you just can't help it. It will break as long as you follow your program. Almost every surgeon has their own plan and post-op instructions, I am following my surgeons instructions and tucking things I am learning from my online support group that follows my guidelines. Even though you feel fine one month after surgery, be careful a this is when you can really hurt yourself (your internal stitches have not dissolved yet and if you do something wrong you will feel "pinching". It is not pleasant.
  10. Start weight: 227 Weight today: 198, at last weigh in. What are you eating and how much: I eat most foods, I do not eat fruits yet. I still eat a lot of soft foods, my sleeve likes them better right now. I eat chicken, cheese, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, eggs, a lot of Soups, Beans, and soft cooked veggies. I do not eat meat yet like steak, roast or pork. Daily workout: my husband and I walk in the evening, I get up in the morning and do some light exercise with resistance bands. I have not joined a gym. I prefer to exercise as home. I am going shopping this weekend for a workout DVD. How hungry are you: I would not say that I get truly hungry, I know when I need to eat (I try to focus on eating every 3 hours). I get head hunger when I see commercials but I know that I do not need that type of food now. How do you feel physically: I finally feel like I am back to normal, energy wise. I do not need to nap every day now. I can make it through a full day at work and feel good. I can walk farther than I could even two or three weeks ago. How are you emotionally: I had a sad week a couple of weeks ago but that has passed and most days I feel great. Some days things get on my nerves very quickly, not really sure why. Are you glad you chose the sleeve: YES....there have been tough days but I know that with my sleeve, I will lose weight, get off my medications, be healthier, and I will not be morbidly obese again. I will be able to enjoy life for the rest of my life. This surgery experience has been harder than I imagined. Not the actual surgery, but the days and weeks that followed. I still have hard days, when my sleeve does not like to have real food in it. I have never had nausea or vomiting but I do have issues some days with foods, I still prefer soft foods. The weight has not melted off, as I had hoped it would. It is slow and there are stalls, lots of them. I still struggle to get in all my Protein and Water. I am not sorry though, not at all. I know that my sleeve will eventually get me to my goal weight and I will use it to help me maintain that weight for the rest of my life.
  11. BuriedBombshell

    Where is my March Sleeves?

    Sleeved 3/29, down 13 since surgery, 28 total. I hope I'm not in the three week stall. This is the first day my weight stayed the same in a while. If so, I'll just stop weighing for a while.
  12. Proud2BMe

    Weight loss Pause

    Every stall is different. Some just last days. Others weeks. However, you need to realize there may be times you go a month or longer before you start losing again. I've known a couple of sleevers who went three months on a stall before. There's a few tricks you can try to see if you can break the stall but you really need to increase your calories, Protein and Water intake.
  13. Hi all! So, I'm curious. Is the three week stall a real thing, or am I just doing something wrong? I just hit week four today, and the scale hasn't moved more than a pound (up and down) since last Tuesday. I'm kind of concerned, and wondering if other people have experienced this too.
  14. ShoppGirl

    Weight loss stall

    Stall as definitely par for the course and the above mentioned three week stall is probably your culprit. If you are eating according to plan or as you say 7-800 calories there is no way you are not in calorie deficit so you will lose. Most people after stalls lose a few pounds real quick so it almost balances out. For now try to stay off the scale if it is messing with your head but just stick to your plan and the stall will lift.
  15. AussieLady

    The great thread killer......

    The three week stall lasts 3 weeks. You haven't lost anything in the last 45 minutes because you haven't had a poop. Vodka and Redbull is fine as long as the bull isn't too big and you'll know if you stretched your sleeve if you can still fit in another KFC Family Feast.
  16. gotime0810


    You are not doing anything wrong. The three week stall is extremely normal. There are many, many discussions about it throughout the forum. I had a stall at one week post-op that lasted for 10 days. Next thing I knew it broke and I lost 11 pounds in the following 2 weeks. Every so often your body has to take a break and recovery from the quick weight loss and then it will start up again. This might be the first but it won't be the last. During a stall try to look for non-scale victories. I noticed that my body shrank a bit during my stall. Keep working the plan your surgeon has given you and things will work. In the general surgery section there is a food forum for recipes broken down by the stage you are in. Check those out for some savory protein options and ideas. I would also suggest to weigh once a week. The daily fluctuations are going to drive you mad. Hang in there. You are doing great. It's kind of like Dory in Finding Nemo - "Just keep swimming". You are going to get there!
  17. Neversaynever

    How are the May sleevers doing?

    Just thought I would check in with my surgery pals! How we all doing? My life has changed so much with this surgery, the non scale victories are too many to mention but life is great! Currently losing around 7 to 8lbs a month and very happy with that. No stalls so far except a slight one at week three but only for a few days, fingers crossed it continues
  18. Hop_Scotch

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    Many have eperienced this. Its a stall, they can initially appear anywhere from week one up to who knows. Most of the initial stalls are experienced between week two up to about week six and can last anyway up to a week to three weeks or so. Keep following your post op plan, and the scales will reflect your efforts again soon. By the way it would be helpful if you filled in our profile...Surgery type, surgery date weight, current weight, height etc - it provide context to questions etc.
  19. ocean_ophelia

    The Basics Boot Camp

    Thanks for answering, Diva! This really helped me understand the plan. I've been following it for two days and have lost three pounds, breaking my stall! My menu yesterday was (if you could check and let me know if I could improve): 70 oz of water (I'm 8 weeks out so it's still hard to get in a ton of fluid) breakfast: Protein shake ready-made (Premier from Costco) snack: low-fat cheesestick lunch: 3 oz of tuna with a little mustard, steamed spinach dinner: hardboiled egg "salad" made with a little mustard and low-fat mayo, steamed broccoli snack: sugar-free popsicle
  20. catwoman7


    My "three-week stall" lasted two weeks. There's a woman on another forum I'm on who had one last 3.5 weeks - so yes, it can happen. As long as you're following your program, the stall will break soon...
  21. As others have told you: you go at your own pace. i can give you my stats though. my highest? 330lbs at surgery:294 lbs. my weight now 8 months post op: 204lbs. that’s just over 11 pounds a month…. However I can tell you that there were many stalls where I lost barely anything, then I dropped a ton very quickly. for example: three weeks ago I was at 224 and I was holding steady at that same weight for several weeks before that. I figured I was just too close to my goal weight so it would take even more time and I would need to buckle down and really work at it. Imagine my surprise to find that I weigh myself a week later and it was 214….. then another week later and it’s 204…. now I am rethinking my goal. My goal was originally 195lbs (I’m 6 ft 2”) and that number is at the top of my “healthy bmi” scale. I’m now thinking I can go lower because I’m so close to goal right now and I still have fatty areas. 🤷🏼‍♀️ but that seems to be my “normal” where I would hold steady for a long period then drop a ton of weight over the course of a week or two…. Then hold steady for several weeks and drop again…
  22. Arabesque


    Aah, the three week stall. Though it can happen earlier or later than that. Yes, it is common - extremely common. I liked to think of it it as my body taking a breath to catch up with all the changes. You will start to lose again, maybe in a week, maybe two or three & you’ll experience it again. Some people will say to increase your calories or activity levels. Others will say just keep on your path. I kept on my path & the loss started again (the first time after a week, the second after almost three weeks). Congrats on your surgery & weight loss so far.
  23. I have a sip or three of liquids when I eat - Not always, but sometimes. I cannot stand being thirsty. I certainly don't chug. It's hard because since I eat so slowly, one meal blends into another. I also have a few sips of club soda mixed with fruit juice on occasion. It hasn't stalled me at all so far. I got the 3 week stall, but that is a Water retaining, glycogen issue. I have been losing about .7 pounds a day.
  24. My scale comes with an app called FitIndex that I really like. It also has a fancy smart tape measure that I bought so I can measure myself for the times when weight loss stalls. I am about a month out and lost 9 lbs on my pre-op diet and 35 lbs. in the first month post-op. I'm currently in the dreaded three-week stall, just continuing what I need to do and I know it'll resume eventually.
  25. catwoman7


    three week stall. if you to do a search on it on this site, you'll find over 17,000 posts on it (and no, I am NOT kidding). It happens to almost all of us. Just stick to your plan and stay off the scale for a few days - and know that your weight loss WILL start up again. It always does...

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