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Found 1,237 results

  1. Not until my 4 week post op appointment. I did have a 2 week post op appointment as well but my team doesn't weigh people at that one as they feel that weight at 2 weeks out is meaningless and apt to make people either unfairly depressed (if they are still retaining fluid from surgery) or overly optimistic about how easy it is going to be to lose weight, if they happen to drop a lot of weight quickly, right before they are bound to hit the three week stall!
  2. Bufflehead

    Scale Hasn't Budged!

    "Three week stall" -- completely normal, use the little search box in the upper right corner. Virtually everyone experiences it and it does not reflect how well you are following your program. Your body just needs a little break to catch up after trauma. Stay off the scale for a few weeks, keep following your program -- the weight loss will kick back in eventually, but you really can't dictate when, sadly.
  3. So I thought I'd run it all down. I might add some pictures tomorrow when I take them for my records. 10 days before Surgery two months ago I weighed 346 lbs. Everything made me out of breath. I wasn't exercising nor dieting. In fact had probably spent the last few months leading up to this going to as many restaurants/fast food places as I could, getting my favorites for one last time. Started the full liquid 10 days before surgery lost about 12lbs and on July 24th, 2017 I was SLEEVED. *insert "Law and Order" chung-chung sound here* It took a week after that to feel only a mild pain from the incisions, probably 2 weeks after for the pain to be gone entirely. I was on clear liquids for the whole first week after surgery. Walking helped, shuffling around the house in my slippers. I didn't have any gas pains and I'd say my best friend, or the best thing I bought after surgery (at the advice of some angel on the forum) was a stomach support stretchy velcro thingy. It kept me feeling like my guts weren't falling out...gave me stomach support when it was weak. Noticed the pounds coming off at a steady, very steady, 2lbs per day. That is, until the three week stall which is REAL y'all. Went through the entire month of August on Full Liquid diet. Consisted on two protein shakes and a bowl of soup and of course lots of water. Didn't really do a whole lot of exercising all that much, but that has changed since my last Surgeon's appointment when he said I could go to pureed for a week, then solid foods. I've been walking about 2 miles a day and increasing daily and it's making the pounds move. I have 6 - 8 months to maximize this loss and I am going to do it. I'm already addicted to walking everyday and loving it immensely. I don't get out of breath easily at all anymore and I'm pushing myself gently to the point that I actually feel like JOGGING!!! Cut to today. I am at 290. That is a loss of 56 lbs and I definitely can feel it. This is only two months in. Problems: After Surgery and a little recovery I had a hard time figuring out what to do with my life in my leisure time. Everything had always revolved around food and eating and or drinking with friends. Checking out new Restaurants, going to favorite restaurants, drinking at local watering hole - these all had to be requestioned and rethought. I had to figure out what to do to occupy my time better. i think i have since worked it out. I still go to my neighborhood watering hole, but I have that - water and I pay for some of my friends drinks that way I am contributing to the financial necessities of the establishment and not just taking up space. I have bought a pop up camper from 1970 and I am in love with it and spend at least one pretty day a week tinkering with it and getting ready for a big camping trip at the end of the month. Eating in general has slowly become a Non-Pleasure. I use solid food as medicine now. if I am hungry it takes soooooo verrrrrrrrryyyyy littttttlllllee before I just have to stop. it's just a necessity and definitely not a desire. My pleasure sensors or joy sensations when it comes to food have all but burned and fizzled out. Is that really a PROBLEM? I don't know. It CERTAINLY is confusing. I NEVER know what will work or not in my stomach right now. It's a virtual guessing game. Almost. I say almost because I know there are "guides" and recommendations, but the reality of having to look everything up before you attempt to have a meal is ridiculous. The mood swings, the toxins stored in your fat releasing itself into your system as the fat dissipates causing the mood swings and the bursts of hormones/testosterone are a roller coaster ride and not always a fun one. Sometimes they are not fun at all. The loss of the feeling of "completion" with eating. The loss of the "full and content" feeling has been weird to me...it's just, you're done and your stomach might feel queasy or your stomach might just feel fine, but you're just done and that's it. I don't know, again, if that's a real problem but it's just...different. The way my torso, specifically my stomach and man boobs are going to take the longest to lose fat certainly can make the rest of your body look weird in the mean time. Good Stuff: Inches and Pounds, Inches and Pounds! Dropping from a 3xl shirt to now just a 2xl shirt is a wonderful feeling. I have only bought one new pair of pants because I went out of town on an overnight trip and forgot my friggin' clothes so I had to buy some. The jeans I bought were 6 inches below what I had been buying. 6 inches is a lot in jeans. They start looking like regular jeans instead of flared bell bottoms because your goddamned waist is so huge that it continues down the pant leg. I've been tracking the inches lost and that will be measured for the second time post surgery tomorrow. Noticing the fast changes in my body mass. Other people noticing the changes. Looking down when I'm sitting and seeing my lap instead of my stomach? more energy better sleep already 56lbs off your frame makes Sex a wee bit easier and more fun. Skin looks great with so much water and non toxic food going through your system. Dry skin gone. Greasy skin and spots gone. Having a neck with tendons in it and clavicle bones look cool. Putting on a t-shirt and before you get it past your arms, you already know it's gonna fit perfectly. I know you know what I'm talking about. Everyday is a new and interesting day. I am certainly taking it one day at a time and each day I wake up excited about the possibility of walking and getting lesser and lesser. I'm really confused and still adjusting to what eating has become. I still enjoy an occasional dance with Mary Jane if I need to get out of my head, but was never a fan of alcohol that much anyway. I can't imagine what is beyond this....I haven't ever been "normal weight" since I was a child. I am willing to get there though. I guess overall I am happy that I chose to do this really , really weird thing to my body. And there you are....
  4. NovaLuna

    Post op SADI weight loss stalled

    Considering the date... I'd say you've hit the three week stall. It's totally normal and happens to most. It doesn't always come on the third week post op, but it's usually within the first month. It skipped me, personally, but my first stall was at month 3 and it was three weeks long. It frustrated me to no end, but now, 14 months out, stalls are very common. Even so, every time I hit a stall I still want to throw my scale (I'm in one now as a matter of fact as March 29th was the last time I lost weight, but considering it was 3 pounds... I'm okay with the stall lol. I just hope it won't be as long as my last one... 27 days was way too long! 😬). Anyway, you'll pass the stall. Just continue to follow your diet, get your protein in, and your fluid, and it'll pass!
  5. catwoman7

    Super Bummed

    weight loss after revision is almost always slower than it is after a "virgin" surgery, and on top of that, you're starting off at a much lower weight than most of us, which also means slow weight loss. And...you're about three weeks out. Just in time for the infamous "three week stall" to boot.
  6. McButterpants

    Post-Op Week 3 - I Miss My Coffee!

    Thanks, RJ. It means a lot! You know I have great admiration for you and your journey's ups and downs. I hit a stall last week - I'm "only" down 1.8 pounds from last Thursday. And while I knew this was going to happen and I've preached to others that it's all part of the process, it really stinks. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude and trying to not let it get to me, but man, it's hard. My husband said, "I'm glad you only lost 1.8 pounds last week, you were losing too fast." I hadn't even discussed with him the three week stall. When I explained it to him he was like, "See that's what I'm talking about. Your body needs to figure out what's going on." My rational brain says that's true and I agree...it just hit my a spirit a little bit. But, I'm brushing myself off...I'm heading over to the gym in about 30 minutes (letting the car warm up - it's -15 degrees here today). I'm going to turn the music on loud and get in a good walk on the treadmill. Thanks again for your posting - I really do enjoy your perspective on things!!!! I hope you are well.
  7. I haven't had a three week stall. I am sure I will get a stall, it's just a matter of when. I am sure there are a myriad of causes and reasons, but the bottom line is really no one knows for certain. My surgeon even said that there are only theories, no for certain reasons.
  8. Angie1982

    Kansas city area sleevers?

    Nice to meet up guys! I was sleeved by Dr slayden in the st lukes group. And i agree......they really do prepare us well! I'm in that dreaded three weeks stall right now kinda frustrating
  9. Never had the three week stall. Mine started at 4.5 weeks. I'm sure this normal. My taste is very picky post op. But still am trying things out. Get in two Protein shakes and enough fluids a day. I go back to work in two days and know what food I will bring to get me through my long 12 hour days as a nurse. I don't think I'm getting enough protein. Any suggestions? Also what are the people who weren't active pre-op doing now? Please be honest about this question. I am finding it hard to get motivated. HW 202 SW197 Current weight 175. HELP
  10. VSGAnn2014

    I just want to cry

    What everyone else said above. I'm 3 1/2 weeks out and am currently enjoying my three week stall. Happily, I knew it was coming. Not sweating it at all. And I've lost post-op 9 pounds. So look how great you're doing. I'm not in a race with anyone.
  11. mnbsleeve

    NOT losing weight!

    Hang in there NewKat! Lots of us go through this. I have two to three weeks stalls regularly! Especially in the begining! But then there's a big drop. Sometimes they are little drops, several in a row. I've been stuck for four weeks as well. Recently I've been "stuck" right at onederland's door! :-) I know it's super frustrating but it seems from everything I've read here and what I have experienced myself that this is pretty normal and part of the process. Don't despair. I focus on my nutrition, fluids and exercise. Somehow the clothes keep getting bigger and I'm looking better. So as hard as it is, don't freak about the scale. I'm sure others here will post more. Hang in there!!!! Sending good thoughts your way!
  12. Me! The "three week stall". My scale didn't move for 7 days! Extremely frustrating. My doctor said its normal! He every cleared me to go to the gym at my 1 month appointment. Follow my journey at jenvsg.blogspot.com Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. Bufflehead

    Tape measure moves, scale not so much

    I see you have 70+ posts here, so you've probably seen people talking about the three week stall, correct? It is real! Don't stress out. Keep following your plan and the weight will start dropping again. I know it is frustrating and freaky but it is also completely normal. Hang in there.
  14. catwoman7

    3 week stall Gastric Sleeve

    I saved you some time and did a search on this site for the "three week stall" (I think you're just experiencing this a little early, as some do. Mine was weeks 2 &3). 17,501 posts on this as of today. This happens to almost all of us and we see at least a couple of posts a week on this. Bariatric clinics REALLY need to mention this phenomenon to their patients because it's almost certainly going to happen, and everyone freaks out about it (unless they're aware of it beforehand). Here are the 17,501 posts: https://www.bariatricpal.com/search/?q=three week stall re: the four lbs - as long as you're gradually trending down - and you will have occasional stalls along the way where you won't lose for 1-3 weeks - you're good. There's not much you can do about your rate of weight loss other than follow your surgeon's plan. Other things that factor into this - like genetics - you don't have much (if any) control over, but you DO have control over how closely you stick to the plan. If you're committed, the weight WILL come off, whether fast or slow. I was behind the curve the entire journey, yet I lost all of my excess weight.
  15. Hop_Scotch

    Scared to stop losing going into puréed stage??

    I hate to be the bearer of what you may consider to be bad news, but a large percentage of those who have weight loss surgery experience a stall or stalls. The first stall can typically happen within the first few weeks, google 'three week stall weight loss surgery' and you will find a lot of info about it. A couple of things to remember you won't be alone in experiencing a stall, most of us have been through it and it not an out of the ordinary event even when eating low calories. If you adhere to your post op guidelines you will get through the stall, it may be a week or two (or even longer) but eventually scale weight will catch up with your body changes. Remember you want to lose fat not just weight. Scale weight doesn't always reflect fat loss. Get out the tape measure, start capturing body measurements. Also look to non scale goals and measures to capture your success in fat loss, health and fitness improvements. How far you can walk or swim, improvements in blood tests for cholesterol, fatty liver etc. Improvements in blood pressure etc etc, clothing sizes reducing and so forth.
  16. Look up the Three Week Stall. Mine lated for almost 4 weeks starting at 2 1/2 weeks. Its a frustrating Bit@h! But it is common. I am in a two week stall right now, but know I will come through the other end sooner or later. This is a long race, not a short one. I started measuring during my three week stall, and enjoyed those numbers getting smaller when the scale did its little up and down dance.
  17. I have two questions that are admittedly silly. Background: Had a RNY on 12/20/19. SW was 205, CW is 185, stalled for 2 weeks at 185. (I'm female, 46 yo). 1. How much protein should I be eating daily? I've asked my NUT this question, and she says I should be "doing my best" to get in protein, but that they don't give out goal numbers. How am I supposed to know what the number I should be reaching, if they won't tell me? I then asked my surgeon, and he advised me to speak with my NUT. This seems ridiculously silly, so I'll ask you all: How much protein should I be eating daily? I exercise moderately 3x/week and have a sedentary job, if that helps at all. 2. When I visited with my surgeon for my four-week checkup, he said, "You've lost pretty much all the weight you're going to lose due to the RNY. Everything you lose from this point on will have to be through exercise." OK, that sounded really strange to me. I was four weeks out at the time. RNY is a tool, which I'm working, but just because I started with a relatively low weight, it doesn't mean that there's no weight loss, right? Because that's just crazy. I track calories religiously, and I'm averaging 500 cals per day, about 50 grams of protein. I'll lose some weight just because the calorie deficit, I would think. I'll be honest, I wouldn't even be checking with everyone, but I've been in the three-week stall for two solid weeks now, it is making me a bit crazy. I'm ok with a stall, I'm not ok with this being the end of weight loss. In writing this out, I think I feel better about getting medical advice from random people on the Interwebs, instead of my surgeon's office. Sigh.
  18. ellemarie

    how long is the 3 week stall?

    At week three I had a three week stall. Then last week (week 12) I started another stall so far nothing is dropping. . My daughter and I did basically the same she is in the same stall as I am, her first one lasted 2 1/2 weeks and this one started a few days before mine. We both gained two lbs, we don' t like it but know it is temporary.
  19. I had the three week stall as well, it lasted for about a month for me. I would take a look at maybe upping your protein intake if you can. I had the same issue on getting protein in when I was first sleeved. My doctor said not to worry about it it would come in time, he said to concentrate on my water intake. I would also look at how much sodium you are taking in, because a lot of sodium makes you retain water and most soups are generally high in sodium. I would look at using my fitness pal to log your food most every kind of food is in the database and it will keep track of how much protein, carbs and sodium you are taking in and you configure it to keep track of other things as well. I would not look at the scale every day, because it can drive you crazy. Hang in there the weigh will come off.
  20. TerriDoodle

    First Fill 8th May

    A three week stall, especially at your low BMI, is not unusual. Just be patient. I remember being stalled for two months (on a different diet a few years ago)...then suddenly in one week I lost 6#!! After you get your fill you probably won't be able to eat bagels and breads anymore....I've heard a lot of people have problems with that.
  21. blizair09

    Early stall? Is this common?

    Search "three week stall." You appear to be right in the middle of it. My advice is to stick to your plan, make meeting your protein and water goals your full-time job, and stay off of the scale for a while. Good luck!
  22. MissCastro1

    How Many Stalls?

    I know I read somewhere there are certain stalls that almost everyone hits (like the three week one) so I hope someone posts that info again. I'd love to see it. I'm six weeks post op. I hit my three week stall, which lasted just over a week. last week I lost 7 lbs, now I'm stalling again. I hope this is not an every-other-week thing!
  23. I am between 600 to 800 calories. I was thinking this was too low! Haha I was sleeved 4/23 and have lost 38lbs. I was thinking I was a slow looser. I went through a three week stall.
  24. Renee, How close are you to TOM? Lots of ladies notice a couple of pound increase just before because we are retaining Water, then most see a loss immediately afterwards. That three week stall is a booger, isn't it!? I was so worried about mine, but just kept doing the water, doing the Protein, and then I had a big drop, 4 or 5 pounds, IIRC. I hit another one at the end of my 2nd month/beginning of the 3rd month, so I upped my walking and gained a pound. My regular doc told me that I wouldn't lose until I backed off the walking for a few days. I rolled my eyes when he told me that muscle weighs more than fat, but he's right. And, during that second stall, I lost inches in a hurry! That's when I dropped the second pants size, so always check your measurements when you stall on the scale. Also, always look for those NSV's (non scale victories). I've had tons of them lately and I make sure to keep my eyes open for them. Something as simple as being able to slide into a booth in a restaurant will thrill me, although I might not say anything to my dining companions. I was thrilled to be able to buy a belt...and then it was too big the first time I wore it! I had to adjust my car seat because I not longer need to sit way to one side so that the seat belt latch doesn't dig into my tush. Those are all somewhat silly, but they are the things that make me go YEAH! Good luck to you all!
  25. VSGAnn2014

    Calorie Intake & Stalls

    Rozzie ... chill, my dear. You're just experiencing the dreaded three-week stall. Happens to almost everyone. It will start moving again VERY soon. FYI, for those who love to compare, yesterday was my three-month surgiversary. I'm 5'5" (or 5'4", depending on whose ruler you believe) and 68 years old. Here are my stats: I lost 19 pounds pre-op (11 on my own and 8 on the surgeon's two-week pre-op diet). Post-op I've lost: Month 1 = 10.4 Month 2 = 11.8 Month 3 = 8.8 ... for a total of 51 pounds. I'm very, very happy.

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